
Defines functions fit.lgcp

Documented in fit.lgcp

#' Function to fit a  spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox process model  with an intercept and covariates (optional)
#' @return A \code{inla} result object
#' @param mesh a ``mesh'' object i.e. delauney triangulation of the domain, an
#' object returned by \link{make.mesh}.
#' @param mesh.pars a named vertor of mesh parameters, must contain
#' \code{cutoff} length at which to cut off triangle edge lengths,
#' \code{min} triangle edge length inside region,
#' and \code{max} triangle edge length outside region.
#' @param locs a matrix of observation locations, where each row corresponds to the observation. 
#' @param response a vector of response variable, each corresponds to the spatial locations
#' in \code{locs}.
#' @param temp a numeric vector specifying a temporal index for each observation (starting at 1.....T).
#' @param covariates a named data.frame of covariates 
#' @param prior.rho prior for the temporal correlation coefficient, by default a \code{pcprior} is used with \code{param=c(0,0.9)}.
#' @param prior.range pc prior for the range of the latent field (rnage0,Prange) (i.e., P(range < range0) = Prange NOTE should be changed to reflect range of the domain by default this is 400m 
#' @param prior.sigma pc prior for the sd of the latent field (sigma0,Psigma) by default c(1,0.05) i.e., prob sigma > 1 = 0.05 
#' @param verbose Logical if \code{TRUE} model fit is output to screen.
#' @param control.inla a list to control model fitting (as per inla)
#' @param control.fixed a list as per inla by default sets prior for precision intercept
#' @param ... other arguments taken by inla
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix diag

#' @export

fit.lgcp <- function(mesh = NULL, mesh.pars = NULL, locs=NULL, temp = NULL, covariates = NULL,
                     prior.rho = list(theta = list(prior='pccor1', param = c(0, 0.9))),
                     prior.range = c(400,0.5) ,
                     prior.sigma = c(1,0.05),
                     verbose = FALSE,
                     control.inla = list(strategy='gaussian',int.strategy = 'eb'),
                     control.fixed = list(prec.intercept = 0.001), return.attributes = FALSE,ns = NULL,
    if(!is.null(covariates) & is.null(mesh)){
        stop("covariates must be supplied at the mesh nodes, thus, please supply mesh")
            warning("crude mesh constructed, highly recommended user supplies own triangulation")
            mesh <- make.mesh(locs = locs)
            warning("highly recommended user checks triangulation")
            mesh <- make.mesh(loc = locs, mesh.pars = mesh.pars)
        mesh <- mesh
        result <-
            fit.lgcp.ns(mesh = mesh,
                        locs = locs,
                        control.inla = control.inla,
                        verbose = verbose,
                        ns = ns)}else{
                                    spde <- inla.spde2.pcmatern(mesh = mesh, prior.range = prior.range, prior.sigma = prior.sigma)
                                    ## number of observations
                                    n <- nrow(locs)
                                    ## number of mesh nodes
                                    nv <- mesh$n
                                        k <- (mesh.t <- inla.mesh.1d(temp))$n
                                        Ast <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh, loc=locs, n.group=length(mesh.t$n),group=temp, group.mesh=mesh.t)
                                        field <- inla.spde.make.index('field',n.spde = spde$n.spde, group = temp, n.group = k)
                                        st.volume <- diag(kronecker(Diagonal(n=k),spde$param.inla$M0))
                                        expected <- c(st.volume, rep(0, n))
                                        A.pp <- rBind(Diagonal(n=k *nv), Ast)
                                        ctr.g <- list(model='ar1',param = prior.rho)
                                        y.pp <- rep(0:1, c(k * nv, n))
                                    } else {
                                        Ast <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh, loc = locs)
                                        field  <- 1:nv
                                        st.volume <- diag(spde$param.inla$M0)
                                        expected <- c(st.volume, rep(0, n))
                                        A.pp <- rBind(Diagonal(n=nv), Ast)
                                        y.pp <- rep(0:1, c(nv, n))
                                        m <- make.covs(covariates)
                                        cov.effects <- m[[1]]
                                        cov.form <- m[[2]]
                                        stack <- inla.stack(data=list(y=y.pp, e=expected),
                                                            effects=list(field = field, b0 = rep(1,length(y.pp)),cov.effects = cov.effects))
                                            formula <- paste("y", "~  0  + b0 +", cov.form ,
                                                             " + f(field, model = spde, group = field.group, control.group = ctr.g)")
                                            formula <- paste("y", "~  0 + b0 +", cov.form," + f(field, model=spde)")
                                            stack <- inla.stack(data=list(y=y.pp, e=expected),
                                                                effects=list(field = field, b0 = rep(1,(k*nv)+n)))
                                            formula <- y ~ 0 + b0 + f(field, model = spde, group = field.group, control.group = ctr.g)
                                            stack <- inla.stack(data=list(y=y.pp, e=expected),
                                                                effects=list(field = field, b0 = rep(1,nv+n)))
                                            formula <- y ~ 0  + b0 + f(field, model=spde)
                                    ##call to inla
                                    result <- inla(as.formula(formula), family = "poisson",
                                                   control.predictor=list(A = inla.stack.A(stack),compute = TRUE),
                                                   control.inla = control.inla,
                                                   control.fixed = control.fixed,
                                                   verbose = verbose,
                                    if(return.attributes) attributes(result)$mesh <- as.list(mesh)}
cmjt/lgcpSPDE documentation built on July 25, 2019, 3:05 p.m.