olsrr 0.5.2

This is a minor release to fix bugs from breaking changes in recipes package and other enhancements.


olsrr 0.5.1

This is a patch release to fix minor bugs and improve error messages.


olsrr now throws better error messages keeping in mind beginner and intermediate R users. It is a work in progress and should get better in future releases.

Bug Fixes

Variable selection procedures based on p values now handle categorical variables in the same way as the procedures based on AIC values.

olsrr 0.5.0

This is a minor release for bug fixes and API changes.

API Changes

We have made some changes to the API to make it more user friendly:

Bug Fixes

olsrr 0.4.0


Bug Fixes

A big thanks goes to (Dr. Kimberly Henry) for identifying bugs and other valuable feedback that helped improve the package.

olsrr 0.3.0

This is a minor release containing bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

olsrr 0.2.0

This is a minor release containing bug fixes and minor improvements.

Bug Fixes



There were errors in the description of the values returned by some functions. The documentation has been thoroughly revised and improved in this release.

olsrr 0.1.0

First release.

cmlopera/olsrr documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:34 a.m.