
Defines functions aux_organisecubefiles

Documented in aux_organisecubefiles

#' Convert Omnirecs/Digos Datacube files to mseed or sac files and organise in directory structure.
#' This function converts Omnirecs/Digos Datacube files to hourly mseed or 
#' sac files and organises these in a coherent directory structure, by year, 
#' Julian day, (station, hour and channel). It depends on the cubetools or   
#' gipptools software package (see details). 
#' The function converts seismic data from the cube file format to either 
#' mseed (cf. \code{read_mseed}) or sac (cf. \code{read_sac}) and cuts the 
#' daily cube files to hourly files. These hourly files are organised in a 
#' coherent directory structure which is organised by year and Julian day. 
#' In each Julian day directory the hourly files are placed and named after 
#' the following scheme: 
#' The function requires that the software cubetools 
#' (\code{http://www.omnirecs.de/documents.html}) or gipptools 
#' (\code{http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/section/geophysical-deep-sounding/infrastructure/geophysical-instrument-pool-potsdam-gipp/software/gipptools/}) 
#' are installed. \cr Specifying an input directory 
#' (\code{input_dir}) is mandatory. This input directory must only contain the 
#' subdirectories with the cube files to process, each set of cube files must 
#' be located in a separate subdirectory and these subdiretories must 
#' have the same name as specified by the logger IDs (\code{logger_ID}). An 
#' appropriate structure would be something like: \cr 
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item input
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item A1A
#'       \enumerate{
#'         \item file1.A1A
#'         \item file2.A1A
#'       }
#'     \item A1B
#'       \enumerate{
#'         \item file1.A1B
#'         \item file2.A1B
#'       }
#'    }
#' }
#' With one of the latest updates of either R or Java the cache size for 
#' converting cube files to mseed files has been reduced. 
#' Thus, in several cases the conversion 
#' stops due to buffer overruns. This effect has been particularly observed 
#' when trying to convert more than about 20 consecutive days of cube files
#' at once. In such a case, it is appropriate to set the function argument
#' mseed_manual to \code{TRUE}. This will stop the function just at the point
#' where the function would call the GIPPtools function cube2mseed. The user 
#' will see a confirmation command line in the R console, which asks 
#' to first copy all manually converted mseed files to the directory 
#' \code{mseed_raw} before confirming to continue with the R function. To 
#' convert all cube files to mseed files it is advised to open a terminal and 
#' run the function \code{GIPPtools/bin/cube2mseed} with the following 
#' parameters: \code{GIPPtools/bin/cube2mseed --verbose --output-dir=./mseed_raw/ ./input_dir/}
#' without further adjustments, except for the fringe sample option, as 
#' specified in \code{aux_organisecubefiles}. Please also see the documentation 
#' of the cube2mseed program from the gipptools for further information.
#' Alternatively, increasing the heap space of the Java Runtime Environment, 
#' required for converting the cube files, can solve the above mentioned 
#' issue. To increase the heap space, use the argument \code{heapspace}. By 
#' default, this argument is set to 4096. 
#' @param stationfile \code{Character} value, file name of the station info 
#' file, with extension. See \code{aux_stationinfofile}.
#' @param input_dir \code{Character} value, path to directory where all cube 
#' files to be processed are stored. Each set of files from one logger must be 
#' stored in a separate sub-directory named after the cube ID.
#' @param output_dir \code{Character} value, path to directory where output 
#' data is written to.
#' @param format \code{Character} value, output file format. One out of 
#' \code{"mseed"} and \code{"sac"}. Default is \code{"sac"}.
#' @param channel_name \code{Character} value, output file extension. One out 
#' of \code{"bh"} and \code{"p"}. Default is \code{"bh"}.
#' @param cpu \code{Numeric} value, fraction of CPUs to use for parallel 
#' processing. If omitted, one CPU is used.
#' @param fringe \code{Character} value, option to handle data outside the 
#' GPS-tagged time span. One out of \code{"skip"}, \code{"nominal"} or 
#' \code{"constant"}. Default is \code{"constant"}.
#' @param verbose \code{Logical} value, option to enable extended screen 
#' output of cubetools operations. Default is \code{FALSE}. This option 
#' might not work with Windows operating systems.
#' @param gipptools \code{Character} value, path to gipptools or cubetools 
#' directory. 
#' @param heapspace \code{Numeric} value, heap space assigned to the Java 
#' Runtime Environment, e.g., \code{4096}. Should be increased if the cube 
#' to mseed conversion fails (announced if \code{verbose = TRUE}). Please 
#' note that this argument fails on Windows machines, and also in other 
#' operating systems, it should only be used if the function returns an
#' error caused by Java running out of memory.
#' @param mseed_manual \code{Logical} value, option to convert mseed files 
#' manually. See details. Default is \code{FALSE}, i.e., the function converts 
#' cube files to mseed files using the GIPP tools.
#' @param mseed_keep \code{Logical} value, option to keep mseed files instead 
#' of deleting them. Default is \code{FALSE}. 
#' @return A set of hourly seismic files written to disk.
#' @author Michael Dietze
#' @keywords eseis
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## basic example with minimum effort
#' aux_organisecubefiles(stationfile = "output/stationinfo.txt", 
#'                       input_dir = "input", 
#'                       gipptools = "software/gipptools-2015.225/")
#' }
#' @export aux_organisecubefiles
aux_organisecubefiles <- function(
  format = "sac",
  channel_name = "bh",
  fringe = "constant",
  verbose = FALSE,
  mseed_manual = FALSE,
  mseed_keep = FALSE
  ## Part 1 - checks, tests, adjustments --------------------------------------
  ## check/set station info file validity
  if(missing(stationfile) == TRUE) {
    stop("No station info file provided!")
  } else if(file.exists(stationfile) == FALSE) {
    stop("Station info file does not exist!")
  } else {
    station_test <- try(read.table(file = stationfile, 
                                   header = TRUE, 
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    if(class(station_test)[1] == "try-error") {
      stop("Station info file cannot be read!")
    } else {
      if(sum(names(station_test) == "logger_ID") < 1) {
        stop("Station info file invalid, at least logger_ID is missing!")
  ## check/set input directory
  if(missing(input_dir) == TRUE) {
    stop("No input directory provided!")
  } else if(dir.exists(input_dir) == FALSE) {
    stop("Input directory does not exist!")
  ## check/set output directory
  if(missing(output_dir) == TRUE) {
    output_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "output")
    print(paste("Output will be written to", output_dir))
  ## check if output directory exists and, if necessary create it
  if(dir.exists(paths = output_dir) == FALSE) {
    dir.create(path = output_dir)
    print("Output directory did not exist, created.")
  ## check/set fraction of CPUs to use
  if(missing(cpu) == TRUE) {
    cpu <- NA
  ## check/set fraction of CPUs to use
  if(missing(heapspace) == TRUE) {
    heapspace <- NA
  ## check/set validity of software directory
  if(missing(gipptools) == TRUE) {
    stop("Path to gipptools missing!")
  } else if(dir.exists(gipptools) == FALSE) {
    stop("Path to gipptools is wrong!")
  ## read station info data
  stations <- read.table(file = stationfile, 
                         header = TRUE)
  ## create list of logger directories to process
  list_logger <- list.files(path = input_dir, 
                            full.names = TRUE)
  ## compare cube_ID with cube directories
  for(i in 1:nrow(stations)) {
    if(sum(stations$logger_ID[i] == list.files(path = input_dir)) < 1) {
      stop(paste("[aux_organisecubefiles]: ", 
                 stations$ID[i], " (", 
                 stations$logger_ID[i], ") ",
                 "not found in input directory!", sep = ""))
  ## create temporary output directories
  if(dir.exists(paths = paste(output_dir, 
                              sep = "")) == FALSE) {
    dir.create(path = paste(output_dir, 
                            sep = ""), 
               showWarnings = FALSE)
  if(dir.exists(paths = paste(output_dir, 
                              sep = "")) == FALSE) {
    dir.create(path = paste(output_dir, 
                            sep = ""), 
               showWarnings = FALSE)
  ## identify files to process
  files <- unlist(x = lapply(X = list_logger, 
                             FUN = list.files, 
                             full.names = TRUE))
  ## detect and adjust number of cores to use
  cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  if(is.na(cpu) == FALSE) {
    n_cpu <- floor(cores * cpu)
    cores <- ifelse(cores < n_cpu, cores, n_cpu)
  } else {
    cores <- 1
  ## initiate cluster
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("mc.cores", cores))
  ## convert mseed files or use manually converted files
  if(mseed_manual == TRUE) {
    print(paste("Copy all mseed files to 'mseed_raw' and press any key",
                "to continue (or 'q' to quit).", 
                sep = " "))
    go_on <- scan(what = "character",
                  n = 1,
                  quiet = TRUE)
    if(length(go_on) == 0) {
      go_on <- "go_on"
    if(go_on == "q") {
      stop("Manual function abort.")
  } else {
    ## convert cube to mseed files
      cl = cl, 
      X = list_logger, 
      fun = function(X, gipptools, output_dir, heapspace, verbose, fringe) {
        if(is.na(heapspace) == TRUE) {
          system(command = paste(gipptools, "/bin/cube2mseed", 
                                 ifelse(test = verbose == TRUE, 
                                        yes = " --verbose", 
                                        no = ""),
                                 " --fringe-samples=",
                                 toupper(x = fringe),
                                 " --output-dir=",
                                 "/mseed_raw ",
                                 sep = ""), 
                 show.output.on.console = verbose)
        } else {
          system(command = paste("java -Xmx", 
                                 "m; ",
                                 "export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx", 
                                 "m; ",
                                 gipptools, "/bin/cube2mseed", 
                                 ifelse(test = verbose == TRUE, 
                                        yes = " --verbose", 
                                        no = ""),
                                 " --fringe-samples=",
                                 toupper(x = fringe),
                                 " --output-dir=",
                                 "/mseed_raw ",
                                 sep = ""), 
                 show.output.on.console = verbose)
      gipptools = gipptools,
      output_dir = output_dir, 
      heapspace = heapspace,
      verbose = verbose,
      fringe = fringe))
  ## create list of generated mseed files
  files_mseed_raw <- list.files(path = paste(output_dir, 
                                             sep = ""))
  ## create hourly from daily mseed files 
    cl = cl, 
    X = files_mseed_raw, 
    fun = function(X, gipptools, output_dir) {
      system(command = paste(gipptools, "/bin/mseedcut", 
                             " --file-length=HOUR --force-overwrite",
                             " --output-dir=",
                             "/mseed_hour ",
                             sep = ""))                                                       
    gipptools = gipptools,
    output_dir = output_dir))
  ## remove daily files
  files_mseed_raw_full <- list.files(path = paste(output_dir, 
                                                  sep = ""), 
                                     full.names = TRUE)
  invisible(unlink(files_mseed_raw_full, recursive = TRUE))
                              sep = ""), 
                       recursive = TRUE)))
  ## create hourly mseed file lists
  files_mseed_hour <- list.files(path = paste(output_dir,
                                              sep = ""))
  ## import and export all mseed files as sac files
    cl = cl, 
    X = files_mseed_hour, 
    fun = function(X, 
                   gipptools) {
      ## read mseed file
      x <- eseis::read_mseed(file = paste(output_dir, 
                                          sep = ""),
                             eseis = FALSE,
                             signal = TRUE, 
                             time = TRUE, 
                             meta = TRUE, 
                             header = FALSE)
      ## extract file information
      stat_info <- substr(x = x$meta$station, start = 3, stop = 5)
      comp_info <- x$meta$component
      date_info <- x$meta$starttime
      ## re-assign station information
      stat_info <- as.character(stations[grepl(x = stations$logger_ID, 
                                               pattern = stat_info),1])
      ## optionally change component names
      if(channel_name == "bh") {
        comp_info[comp_info == "p0"] <- "BHZ"
        comp_info[comp_info == "p1"] <- "BHN"
        comp_info[comp_info == "p2"] <- "BHE"
      ## extract date elements
      JD_info <- format(date_info, "%j")
      year_info <- format(date_info, "%y")
      hour_info <- format(date_info, "%H")
      min_info <- format(date_info, "%M")
      sec_info <- format(date_info, "%S")
      ## build file name
      name_output <- paste(stat_info, 
                           sep = ".")
      if(format == "sac") {
        ## write sac file
        eseis::write_sac(data = x$signal, 
                         time = x$time, 
                         file = paste(output_dir,
                                      sep = ""), 
                         component = comp_info, 
                         unit = 1,
                         station = stat_info, 
                         location = c(x$meta$latitude, 
                         network = x$meta$network, 
                         dt = x$meta$dt)
      } else if(format == "mseed") {
        ## edit and resave mseed file
        system(command = paste(gipptools, "/bin/mseed2mseed", 
                               " --set-station=",
                               " --set-channel=",
                               " /",
                                     sep = ""),
                               " > ",
                                     sep = ""),
                               sep = ""))
    output_dir = output_dir,
    stations = stations,
    channel_name = channel_name,
    format = format,
    gipptools = gipptools))
  ## remove old mseed files
  if(mseed_keep == FALSE) {
    invisible(unlink(paste(output_dir, "/mseed_hour", 
                                sep = "/"), 
                     recursive = TRUE))
    ## make new file list
    files_new <- list.files(path = paste(output_dir, 
                                         sep = ""))
  } else {
    ## make new file list
    files_new <- list.files(path = paste(output_dir, 
                                         sep = ""))
    ## remove original mseed files from new file list
    files_new <- files_new[!(files_new %in% files_mseed_hour)]
  ## extract date information from hourly files
  files_year <- unlist(lapply(X = files_new, FUN = function(X) {
    strsplit(x = X, split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
  files_JD <- unlist(lapply(X = files_new, FUN = function(X) {
    strsplit(x = X, split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][3]
  ## extract year of the files, this only works for data after the year 2000
  year <- as.character(paste("20", files_year, sep = ""))
  ## extract Julian day of the files and add leading zeros
  JD <- as.character(files_JD)
  JD[nchar(JD) == 1] <- paste("00", JD[nchar(JD) == 1], sep = "")
  JD[nchar(JD) == 2] <- paste("0", JD[nchar(JD) == 2], sep = "")
  ## merge year and JD
  year_JD <- paste(year, JD, sep = "/")

  ## loop through all files
  for(i in 1:length(year_JD)) {
    ## optionally create directories based on year and Julian day
    if(dir.exists(paths = paste(output_dir, 
                                sep = "/")) == FALSE) {
      dir.create(path = paste(output_dir, 
                              sep = "/"), 
                 showWarnings = FALSE, 
                 recursive = TRUE)
    ## move file to directory
    file.copy(from = paste(output_dir, 
                           sep = "/"), 
              to = paste(output_dir, 
                         sep = "/"))
    ## delete original file
                      sep = "/"), 
           recursive = TRUE)
  ## remove temporary directory
  if(mseed_keep == FALSE) {
                               sep = ""), 
                         recursive = TRUE)))
  ## stop cluster
  parallel::stopCluster(cl = cl)
coffeemuggler/eseis documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 9:57 p.m.