#' Simulate a self-reported network
#' This function allows the user to simulate a self-reported network, along with a 'true' network, and a network of resource flows.
#' The function first simulates the true network data using the simulate_sbm_plus_srm_network() function, and then simulate self-reports and observable resource flows over the true network.
#' This allows the user to investigate the effects of response biases, such as false positive rate, on network properties.
#' @param N_id Number of individuals.
#' @param B List of matrices that hold intercept and offset terms. Log-odds. The first matrix should be 1 x 1 with the value being the intercept term.
#' @param V Number of blocking variables in B.
#' @param groups Dataframe of the block IDs of each individual for each variable in B.
#' @param sr_mu Mean vector for sender and receivier random effects. In most cases, this should be c(0,0).
#' @param dr_mu Mean vector for dyadic random effects. In most cases, this should be c(0,0).
#' @param sr_sigma Standard deviation vector for sender and receivier random effects. The first element controls node-level variation in out-degree, the second in in-degree.
#' @param dr_sigma Standard deviation for dyadic random effects.
#' @param sr_rho Correlation of sender-receiver effects (i.e., generalized reciprocity).
#' @param dr_rho Correlation of dyad effects: (i.e., dyadic reciprocity).
#' @param individual_predictors An N_id by N_individual_parameters matrix of covariates.
#' @param dyadic_predictors An N_id by N_id by N_dyadic_parameters matrix of covariates.
#' @param individual_effects A 2 by N_individual_parameters matrix of slopes. The first row gives effects of focal characteristics (on out-degree).
#' The second row gives effects of target characteristics (on in-degree).
#' @param dyadic_effects An N_dyadic_parameters vector of slopes.
#' @param fpr_effects A 3 by N_predictors matrix of slopes. The first row controls the effects of covariates on layer 1 responses, and the second row layer 2 responses.
#' The third row controls the effects of covariates on false positive in the observation network.
#' @param rtt_effects A 3 by N_predictors matrix of slopes. The first row controls the effects of covariates on layer 1 responses, and the second row layer 2 responses.
#' The third row controls the effects of covariates on false positive in the observation network.
#' @param theta_effects An N_predictors vector of slopes controling the effects of covariates on name duplication from layer 1 to layer 2.
#' @param false_positive_rate The baseline false positive rate. This should be supplied as a 3 vector, with each element controlling the false positive rate for a single layer.
#' Support is on the unit interval. If covariates are centered, this can be loosly thought of as an average false positive rate.
#' @param recall_of_true_ties The baseline recall rate of true ties. This should be supplied as a 3 vector, with each element controlling the true tie recall rate for a single layer.
#' Support is on the unit interval. If covariates are centered, this can be loosly thought of as an average true tie recall rate.
#' @param theta_mean The baseline probability of name duplication from layer 1 to layer 2. Scalar.
#' Support is on the unit interval. If covariates are centered, this can be loosly thought of as an average true tie recall rate.
#' @param fpr_sigma Standard deviation 3-vector for false_positive_rate random effects. There should be one value for each layer.
#' @param rtt_sigma Standard deviation 3-vector for recall_of_true_ties random effects. There should be one value for each layer.
#' @param theta_sigma Standard deviation scalar for theta random effects.
#' @param N_responses Number of self-report layers. =1 for single-sampled, =2 for double-sampled.
#' @param N_periods Number of time-periods in which observed transfers are sampled.
#' @param flow_rate A vector of length N_periods, each element controls the probability that a true tie will result in a transfer in a given time period.
#' @param decay_curve A vector of length N_periods, each element controls the increment log-odds of recalling a true tie at time T, as a function of a transfer occuring in period t.
#' @return A list of data formatted for use in Stan models.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(igraph)
#' V = 1 # One blocking variable
#' G = 3 # Three categories in this variable
#' N_id = 100 # Number of people
#' clique = sample(1:3, N_id, replace=TRUE)
#' B = matrix(-8, nrow=G, ncol=G)
#' diag(B) = -4.5 # Block matrix
#' B[1,3] = -5.9
#' B[3,2] = -6.9
#' A = simulate_selfreport_network(N_id = N_id, B=list(B=B), V=V,
#' groups=data.frame(clique=factor(clique)),
#' individual_predictor=matrix(rnorm(N_id, 0, 1), nrow=N_id, ncol=1),
#' individual_effects=matrix(c(1.7, 0.3),ncol=1, nrow=2),
#' sr_sigma = c(1.4, 0.8), sr_rho = 0.5,
#' dr_sigma = 1.2, dr_rho = 0.8,
#' false_positive_rate = c(0.00, 0.00, 0.00),
#' recall_of_true_ties = c(0.7, 0.3, 0.99),
#' theta_mean = 0.0,
#' fpr_sigma = c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
#' rtt_sigma = c(0.5, 0.2, 0.0),
#' theta_sigma = 0.0,
#' N_responses = 2,
#' N_periods = 1,
#' flow_rate = rbeta(1, 3, 30),
#' decay_curve = rep(0,1)
#' )
#' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#' # True Network
#' Net = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A$true_network, mode = c("directed"))
#' V(Net)$color = c("turquoise4","gray13", "goldenrod3")[A$group_ids$clique]
#' plot(Net, edge.arrow.size =0.1, edge.curved = 0.3, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)
#' # Reported - out transfers
#' Net = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A$reporting_network[,,1], mode = c("directed"))
#' V(Net)$color = c("turquoise4","gray13", "goldenrod3")[A$group_ids$clique]
#' plot(Net, edge.arrow.size =0.1, edge.curved = 0.3, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)
#' # Reported - in transfers
#' Net = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A$reporting_network[,,2], mode = c("directed"))
#' V(Net)$color = c("turquoise4","gray13", "goldenrod3")[A$group_ids$clique]
#' plot(Net, edge.arrow.size =0.1, edge.curved = 0.3, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)
simulate_selfreport_network = function( N_id = 99, # Number of respondents
B = NULL, # Tie probabilities
V = 3, # Blocking variables
groups=NULL, # Group IDs
sr_mu = c(0,0), # Average sender (cell 1) and reciever (cell 2) effect log odds
sr_sigma = c(1,1), # Sender (cell 1) and reciever (cell 2) effect variances
sr_rho = 0.6, # Correlation of sender and reciever effects
dr_mu = 0, # Average i to j dyad effect (cell 1) and j to i dyad effect (cell 2) log odds
dr_sigma = 1, # Variance of dyad effects
dr_rho = 0.7, # Correlation of i to j dyad effect and j to i dyad effect
individual_predictors = NULL, # A matrix of covariates
dyadic_predictors = NULL, # An array of covariates
individual_effects = NULL, # The effects of predictors on sender effects (row 1) and receiver effects (row 2)
dyadic_effects = NULL, # The effects of predictors on dyadic ties
fpr_effects = NULL, # False positive rate of effect 1: ego->alter, alter->ego, goods from ego -> alter
rtt_effects = NULL, # Recall of true ties: ego->alter, alter->ego, goods from ego -> alter
theta_effects = NULL,
false_positive_rate = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.00),
recall_of_true_ties = c(0.8, 0.6, 0.99),
theta_mean = 0.125,
fpr_sigma = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.0),
rtt_sigma = c(0.5, 0.2, 0.0),
theta_sigma = 0.2,
N_responses = 2,
N_periods = 12,
flow_rate = rbeta(12, 3, 30),
decay_curve = rev(1.5*exp(-seq(1,4, length.out=12)))
# Reports of food transferred from i to j in layer 1 & from j to i in layer 2
statement_flows = array( NA , dim=c( N_id , N_id , N_responses ) )
# Food transferred from i to j in every period
goods_flows = array( NA , dim=c( N_id , N_id , N_periods ) )
# y_true is a true network of directed giving ties from ego to alter
G_net = simulate_sbm_plus_srm_network(N_id = N_id, B=B, V=V, groups=groups,
sr_mu = sr_mu, sr_sigma = sr_sigma, sr_rho = sr_rho,
dr_mu = dr_mu, dr_sigma = dr_sigma, dr_rho = dr_rho,
individual_predictors = individual_predictors,
dyadic_predictors = dyadic_predictors,
individual_effects = individual_effects,
dyadic_effects = dyadic_effects,
group_id = G_net$group_ids
y_true = G_net$network
# Link functions for individual-level parameters
theta = rtt_goods = fpr_goods = rtt_rev = fpr_rev = rtt = fpr = rep(NA, N_id)
for(i in 1:N_id){
ef_fpr = sum(fpr_effects[1,]*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_rtt = sum(rtt_effects[1,]*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_fpr_rev = sum(fpr_effects[2,]*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_rtt_rev = sum(rtt_effects[2,]*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_theta = sum(theta_effects*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_fpr_goods = sum(fpr_effects[3,]*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_rtt_goods = sum(rtt_effects[3,]*individual_predictors[i,])
ef_fpr = 0
ef_rtt = 0
ef_fpr_rev = 0
ef_rtt_rev = 0
ef_theta = 0
ef_fpr_goods = 0
ef_rtt_goods = 0
fpr[i] = rnorm(1, logit(false_positive_rate[1]) + ef_fpr , fpr_sigma[1])
rtt[i] = rnorm(1, logit(recall_of_true_ties[1]) + ef_rtt , rtt_sigma[1])
fpr_rev[i] = rnorm(1, logit(false_positive_rate[2]) + ef_fpr_rev , fpr_sigma[2])
rtt_rev[i] = rnorm(1, logit(recall_of_true_ties[2]) + ef_rtt_rev , rtt_sigma[2])
theta[i] = inv_logit(rnorm(1, logit(theta_mean) + ef_theta , theta_sigma[1]))
fpr_goods[i] = rnorm(1, logit(false_positive_rate[3]) + ef_fpr_goods , fpr_sigma[3])
rtt_goods[i] = rnorm(1, logit(recall_of_true_ties[3]) + ef_rtt_goods , rtt_sigma[3])
fpr_out = cbind(fpr, fpr_rev, fpr_goods)
rtt_out = cbind(rtt, rtt_rev, rtt_goods)
# Simulate flow of goods per time period
# independent random sample from each time period. Need to include a covariate about having food to share? Censoring? -1 no food to share, 1 food to share and shared, 0 food to share and not shared
for (g in 1:N_periods){
for ( i in 1:N_id ){
for ( j in 1:N_id ){
if(i != j){
goods_flows[i, j, g] = rbern(1, inv_logit(fpr_goods[i]))
} else{
goods_flows[i, j, g] = rbern(1, inv_logit(rtt_goods[i]))*rbern(1,flow_rate[g])
# Simulate statements about flows
for ( i in 1:N_id ){
for ( j in 1:N_id ){
if(i != j){
###### ego reporting on who ego gave food to
weighted_offset_ij = sum(decay_curve[which(goods_flows[i, j, ]==1)])
statement_flows[i, j, 1] = rbern(1,
inv_logit(fpr[i])*(1-y_true[i,j]) +
inv_logit(rtt[i] + weighted_offset_ij)*y_true[i,j])
# (Below) code these ties in reverse order since question is reversed. if accuracy is perfect, then statement_flows[j, i, 1] = statement_flows[j, i, 2]? make sure to check
if(N_responses == 2){
for ( i in 1:N_id ){
for ( j in 1:N_id ){
if(i != j){
###### ego reporting on who gave food to ego
weighted_offset_ji = sum(decay_curve[which(goods_flows[j, i, ]==1)])
statement_flows[i, j, 2] = rbern(1,
inv_logit(fpr_rev[i])*(1-y_true[j,i]) +
inv_logit(rtt_rev[i] + weighted_offset_ji)*y_true[j,i]
# Question contaminiation bias. That is a bias to over-represent reciprical relations, even when not true
if(statement_flows[i, j, 1]==1 & statement_flows[i, j, 2]==0)
statement_flows[i, j, 2] = rbern(1, theta[i])
for(i in 1:N_id){
for (g in 1:N_periods)
goods_flows[i,i,g] <- 0
statement_flows[i,i,1] <- 0
if(N_responses == 2)
statement_flows[i,i,2] <- 0
return(list(true_network=y_true, transfer_network=goods_flows, reporting_network=statement_flows, group_ids=group_id, N_id = N_id,
N_periods=N_periods, N_responses=N_responses, sr = G_net$sr, dr=G_net$dr,
fpr=fpr_out, rtt=rtt_out, theta=theta ))
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