
# the allowed expressions to let the user run
examples <- c(
  'delay(500, toggle("btn"))',
  'onclick("btn", alert(date()))',
  'toggle(selector = "a")',
  'toggle("btn", TRUE, "slide", 2)',
  'toggle(id = "btn", condition = (sample(2, 1) == 1))',
  'toggle(id = "btn", anim = TRUE, time = 1, animType = "slide")',
  'html("btn", "What a nice button")',
  'html("btn", paste("The time is", date()))',
  'addClass("btn", "green")',
  'removeClass("btn", "green")',
  'toggleClass("btn", "green")'

# to make sure the user doesn't try to send his own expression to run,
# assign each expression to an integer value so that the integer is what
# Shiny will report rather than an actual R expression
examplesNamed <- seq_along(examples)
names(examplesNamed) <- examples

# show some help text explaining each function
helpText <- list(
  "toggle"      = "will alternate between showing and hiding the button below",
  "delay"       = "will run the given R expression after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed",
  "hide"        = "will hide the button below",
  "show"        = "will make the button below visible",
  "reset"       = "will reset an input widget (in this case - the select box) to its original value",
  "alert"       = "will show a message to the user",
  "onclick"     = "will run the given R expression when the button is clicked",
  "toggleState" = "will alternate between enabling and disabling the button below",
  "disable"     = "will disable the button below from being clicked",
  "enable"      = "will allow the button below to be clicked",
  "html"        = "will change the HTML contents of an element",
  "addClass"    = "will add a CSS class to an element",
  "removeClass" = "will remove a CSS class from an element",
  "toggleClass" = "will alternate between adding and removing a class from an element"
helpTextMap <-
    vapply(examples, function(x) strsplit(x, "\\(")[[1]][1],
           character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE),
daattali/shinyjs documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 3:08 p.m.