
qpcr_nlme_formula <- function(response, cycle, gene, trtformula, brep, well, data, newdata, cutoff, nGQ=5, verbose=TRUE){
  # function argument checks
  if (!("data.frame" %in% class(data))) stop("data is not of class data.frame")
  dnames <- names(data)
  if (!(response %in% dnames)) stop(paste("response=", response, "is not a variable in the dataframe!"))
  if (!(cycle %in% dnames)) stop(paste("cycle=", cycle, "is not a variable in the dataframe!"))
  if (!(gene %in% dnames)) stop(paste("gene=", gene, "is not a variable in the dataframe!"))
  if (!(brep %in% dnames)) stop(paste("brep=", brep, "is not a variable in the dataframe!"))
  if (!(well %in% dnames)) stop(paste("well=", well, "is not a variable in the dataframe!"))
  if (!is.factor(data[,gene])) stop(paste(gene, "is not a factor!"))
  if (length(levels(data[,gene])) < 2) stop(paste(gene, "has less than 2 levels!"))
  # working dataset
  dat <- data.frame(response=data[,response], cycle=data[,cycle],gene=data[,gene],brep=data[,brep],well=data[,well])
  ng <- length(levels(dat$gene))
  X <- model.matrix(trtformula, data=data)
  if (attr(X, "assign")[1] == 0) X <- X[,-1,drop=FALSE]
  dat$X <- X
  Xp <- model.matrix(trtformula, data=newdata)
  # starting values
  if (verbose) cat("Searching for starting values ... ")
  dfm <- drm(response ~ cycle, curveid=dat$gene, data=dat, fct=LL.5(), separate=TRUE)
  cf <- matrix(coefficients(dfm), ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
  cf0 <- rbind(cf[,c(1,2,4,5)], matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=ncol(X)*ng))
  start <- c(as.vector(cf0), mean(cf[,3]))
  if (verbose) cat("done\n")
  # nonlinear mixed model
  if (verbose) cat("Parameter estimation ... ")
  fm <- nlme(response ~ llogistic5(cycle, b, c, d, e, f),
           fixed = list(b + c + e + f ~ gene-1 + gene:X, d ~ 1),
           random = list(brep=pdDiag(d + e + b ~ gene-1), well=pdDiag(d + e + b ~ 1)), 
           start=start, data=dat, control=nlmeControl(maxIter = 500), method='ML')
  if (verbose) cat("done\n")
  fix <- fixef(fm)
  vc <- VarCorr(fm)
  vcf <- vcov(fm)

  ### marginal ct calculation  
  if (verbose) cat("Calculating marginal c(t) ... ")
  rsd <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(vc))

  # extract variance-components
  oew <- length(rsd)-2
  obw <- length(rsd)-1
  oe <- ((length(rsd)/2) + 1 + ng + 1:ng)
  ob <- ((length(rsd)/2) + 1 + 2*ng + 1:ng)

  # compute Gaussian-Quadrature nodes and weights (package statmod)
  oute <- lapply(oe, function(i) gauss.quad.prob(nGQ,dist="normal",mu=0,sigma=rsd[i]))  
  outb <- lapply(ob, function(i) gauss.quad.prob(nGQ,dist="normal",mu=0,sigma=rsd[i]))
  outew <- gauss.quad.prob(nGQ,dist="normal",mu=0,sigma=rsd[oew])
  outbw <- gauss.quad.prob(nGQ,dist="normal",mu=0,sigma=rsd[obw])

  # extract fixed effects
  fixm <- matrix(fix[-length(fix)], ncol=4)
  fb <- fixm[,1]
  fc <- fixm[,2]
  fd <- fix[length(fix)]
  fe <- fixm[,3]
  ff <- fixm[,4]

  if (cutoff < max(fc) | cutoff > fd) stop(paste("cutoff=", cutoff, "is outside the limits [", round(max(fc),2), ";", round(fd,2), "]."))

  # marginal c(t) function
  invreg <- function(cutoff, fb, fc, fe, ff, fd, outb, oute, outbw, outew, ng, Xp){
    yopt <- function(x, fx, cutoff, outb, oute, outbw, outew){
      sapply(x, function(x) (sum(outb$weights*sapply(outb$nodes, function(bn)
          sum(outbw$weights*sapply(outbw$nodes, function(bw)
          sum(oute$weights*sapply(oute$nodes, function(en)
                                      fx[1] + bw + bn,
                                      fx[3] + en + outew$nodes,
                                      fx[4])))))))) - cutoff))
    fbm <- matrix(fb, ncol=ng, byrow=TRUE)
    fcm <- matrix(fc, ncol=ng, byrow=TRUE)
    fem <- matrix(fe, ncol=ng, byrow=TRUE)
    ffm <- matrix(ff, ncol=ng, byrow=TRUE)
    fmat <- lapply(1:ng, function(j) rbind(fbm[,j], fcm[,j], fem[,j], ffm[,j]))
    cts <- sapply(1:ng, function(j){
      sapply(1:nrow(Xp), function(i){
        fv <- as.vector(fmat[[j]] %*% Xp[i,])
        uniroot(yopt, interval=c(-cutoff,fd),
                fx=c(fv, fd),
                outb=outb[[j]], oute=oute[[j]], outbw=outbw, outew=outew)$root

  # c(t) estimation and gradient calculation  
  est <- numericDeriv(quote(invreg(cutoff, fb, fc, fe, ff, fd, outb, oute, outbw, outew, ng, Xp)), c("fb","fc","fe","ff","fd"))
  # Delta-method for variance estimation
  vce <- attr(est,"gradient") %*% vcf %*% t(attr(est,"gradient"))
  std <- sqrt(diag(vce))

  ctest <- cbind("estimate"=est, "std.err"=std)
  rownames(ctest) <- paste(rep(unique(dat$gene), each=nrow(Xp)), rownames(Xp), sep = " | ")
  if (verbose) cat("done\n")
  out <- list() 
  out$data <- dat
  out$nlme <- fm
  out$ct <- ctest
  out$vcov <- vce
  out$gradient <- attr(est, "gradient")
  class(out) <- "nlmect"
daniel-gerhard/qpcrnlme documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:39 p.m.