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This is an R package for fitting gaussian mixture models with shared components across multiple 1-dimensional data sets.

Example shared component mixture model


# install.packages("devtools")


For examples of how to use the function please see the compiled vignette.

There are also vignettes containing full mathematical descriptions of the model and the update equations both for the expectation maximiseation and variational bayes algorithms.

Directory Organisation

The R/ directory contains source code of the functions to fit the models and plot resulting components.

The man/ directory contains the manual pages for the functions, compiled by roxygen.

The vignettes/ directory contains uncompiled Rmarkdown with examples of use and the equations underlying the model. (Links to compiled versions above)

The tests/ directory contains the unit tests which are carried out by the testthat R package.

Contributions of any size or form are welcome!

daniel-wells/comixr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:39 p.m.