
Conditional Inference after Likelihood-based Selection

The package contains functions to calculate limits and conduct inference in a selective manner for linear models after likelihood- or test-based model selection.

Please see for more details.

Example: Combining AIC search and significance hunting

# install and load package

# use the cpus data
# Fit initial model
cpus$perf <- log10(cpus$perf)
cpus$cach <- as.factor(cpus$cach)
mod <- lm(perf ~ .-name, data = cpus)

# use the stepAIC function to find the best model in a backward 
# stepwise search
cpus.lm <- stepAIC(mod, trace = FALSE, direction = "backward", steps = 3)
# check model selection

# recalculate all visited models in the first step
allvisited <- lapply(attr(mod$terms, "term.labels"), 
                     function(x) update(mod, as.formula(paste0("perf ~ .-", x))))
# combine the visited models and the final model                     
lom1 <- c(allvisited, list(mod))

# perform F-test at level 
alpha = 0.001
# and check for non-significant variables
coefTable <- anova(cpus.lm)
drop <- rownames(coefTable)[alpha < coefTable[-nrow(coefTable),5]]

# drop non-significant variable
cpus.lm2 <- update(cpus.lm, as.formula(paste0(".~.-",drop)))

# create list of models, which are examined during the significance search
lom2 <- list(cpus.lm, cpus.lm2)

# now compute selective inference, which adjust for the AIC-based search as
# well as significance hunting
selinf( # supply all lists of visited models, where the best model in the 
        # first list is interpreted as the final model
       lom2, # list given by signficance hunting
       lom1, # list given by AIC-based search
       response = cpus$perf,
       what = c("Ftest", "aic"), # specify what type of selection was done 
                                 # for each supplied list
       sd = summary(cpus.lm2)$sigma

Example: Combining models visited during stepwise AIC search

# install and load package

# use the cpus data
# Fit initial model
cpus$perf <- log10(cpus$perf)
cpus$cach <- as.factor(cpus$cach)
cpus$name <- NULL
currentmod <- lm(perf ~ 1, data = cpus)

# make a stepwise AIC-based forward search
# for all variables in the pool of possible covariates
varsInPool <- colnames(cpus)[-7]

# since the stepAIC function does not provide the models
# fitted in each step, we have to do the search 'manually'
improvement <- TRUE
listOfModelComps <- list() 

# do the forward stepwise AIC search...
while(improvement & length(varsInPool)>0){

  # compute all other models
  allOtherMods <- lapply(varsInPool, function(thisvar) update(currentmod, 
                                                              as.formula(paste0(". ~ . + ", 

  # store all models that were examined in this step  
  listOfModels <- append(allOtherMods, list(currentmod))
  # save this list for later
  listOfModelComps <- append(listOfModelComps, list(listOfModels))

  # check the AIC of all models
  aics <- sapply(listOfModels, AIC)
  # what is the best model?
  (wmaic <- which.min(aics))
  # is there any improvement?
  if(wmaic == length(listOfModels)) improvement <- FALSE
  # redefine the current (best) model
  currentmod <- listOfModels[[wmaic]]
  # and update the variables available
  varsInPool <- varsInPool[-wmaic]


# variables left, which did not improve the model
# the final model call

# get the test vector from the current model
vTs <- extract_testvec(limo = currentmod)

# extract list of model components in each step when comparisons
# are done based on the AIC
listOfComps <- lapply(listOfModelComps, function(lom) 
  extract_components(listOfModels = lom, response = cpus$perf, what = "aic"))

# calculate the truncation limits for each of the comparisons in each iteration
listOfLimits <- lapply(listOfComps, function(lom) 
  calculate_limits(comps = lom, vTs = vTs))

# now compute selective inference, which adjust for the forward stepwise AIC search 
# by supplying the lists of limits
calculate_selinf(limitObject = listOfLimits,
                 y = cpus$perf, 
                 sd = sigma(currentmod))

# now do that with the function provided in the package

currentmod <- lm(perf ~ 1, data = cpus)

res <- forwardAIC_adjustedInference(yname = "perf",
                                    data = cpus,
                                    mod = currentmod,
                                    var = NULL)


davidruegamer/coinflibs documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:33 a.m.