Contributing to the ensr package

Style Guide

For the most part we follow the Style Guide by Hadley Wickham. Please just try to be consistent with the style you see.

Package Structure

There is a Makefile at the package root which controls the build process. If you are working in RStudio, the ensr.Rproj file will set up the project to use the Makefile.


The vignette-spinners directory contains .R and .Rmd files. The .R file can be edited. The .Rmd files should not be edited manually. The .R files are spun to .Rmd via knitr::spin.

The time required to fit the models in the examples vignette will surpass the allowed time for vignette building on CRAN. As such, the vignette .Rmd files are rendered to .html and the R.rsp::asis vignette engine will be used to allow for static vignettes in the package itself.

Data Sets

The example data sets are documented in vignette-spinners/ensr-datasets.R. This allows the .R script to be sourced to build the .rda files in the data directory.

ensr Examples

The vignette-spinners/ensr-example.R script builds the examples vignette.

dewittpe/ensr documentation built on March 6, 2020, 5:24 p.m.