poridge - Principal co-Ordinate RIDGE regression

An R package for principal coordinate ridge regression fitted by 'gam' (using mgcv). When the principal coordinates are defined by a relevant distance among functional predictors, this is a form of nonparametric scalar-on-function regression. Reiss et al. (2016) describe the approach and apply it to dynamic time warping distances among functional predictors.


The package can be installed via the devtools package directly from github using the following code:


Example usage

An example (toy) analysis is shown in the package vignette.

Future development

The functions in poridge are available via the refund package's development branch. These methods will be available in the next CRAN release (c. July 2016).


Reiss, P. T., Miller, D. L., Wu, P.-S., and Wen-Yu Hua, W.-Y. Penalized nonparametric scalar-on-function regression via principal coordinates. Under revision. Preprint.

dill/poridge documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:30 a.m.