
#' Get the haplotype probs nearest to the given chr and position.
#' @param chr character indicating the chromosome to use. This must match one of the names of genoprobs and map.
#' @param pos numeric value in Mb indicating the position on the chromosome.
#' @param genoprobs qtl2-style list of genoprobs containing 3-dimensional arrays of allele probs, one for each chromosome. Samples in rows, 8 founders in columns, markers in slices.
#' @param map qtl2-style list containing numeric vectors of marker positions in Mb.
#' @return n x 8 numeric matrix.
#' @examples
#' ap = get_allele_probs(chr = "1", pos = 5.0, genoprobs = genoprobs, map = map)
#' @export
get_allele_probs = function(chr, pos, genoprobs, map) {

  if(is.null(pos) || chr == "") {
    stop("Chr argument must contain a valid chromsome ID.")

  if(is.null(pos) || pos == "") {
    stop("Pos argument must contain a valid chromsome position.")

  if(!is.numeric(pos)) {
    stop("Pos argument must be a numeric value in Mb.")

  if(is.null(genoprobs)) {
    stop("Genoprobs argument must contain a qtl2-style genoprobs object.")

  if(is.null(map)) {
    stop("Map argument must contain a qtl2-style map object.")

  # Get the map data for the current chromosome.
  chr.map = map[[chr]]
  if(is.null(chr.map)) {
    stop(paste("Chr", chr, "not found in map."))

  # Get the index of the marker closest to the position.
  wh = which.min(abs(chr.map - pos))

  # Get the genoprobs on the chromosome at the closest marker.
  gp = genoprobs[[chr]][,,wh]


} # get_allele_probs()
dmgatti/qtl2med documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:55 p.m.