
The goal of cheese is to facilitiate appreciation of the culinary culture of cheesemaking through data analysis of the largest collection of cheeses from


You can install the development version of cheese from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")
#> Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
#> Downloading GitHub repo dmi3kno/cheese@master


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

#> # A tibble: 1,830 x 21
#>    name  title description href  alternative_spe~ aroma calcium_content
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>       <chr> <chr>            <chr> <chr>          
#>  1 Abba~ Abba~ "Abbaye de~ http~ <NA>             lano~ <NA>           
#>  2 Abba~ Abba~ "This chee~ http~ <NA>             arom~ <NA>           
#>  3 Abba~ Abba~ "The Abbay~ http~ <NA>             barn~ <NA>           
#>  4 Abba~ Abba~ Being dire~ http~ <NA>             <NA>  <NA>           
#>  5 Abba~ Abba~ The Abbaye~ http~ <NA>             flor~ <NA>           
#>  6 Abbo~ Abbo~ Abbot's Go~ http~ <NA>             arom~ <NA>           
#>  7 Aber~ Aber~ Abertam is~ http~ <NA>             <NA>  <NA>           
#>  8 Abon~ Abon~ "Tomme d'A~ http~ Tomme d'Abondan~ nutty <NA>           
#>  9 Acap~ Acap~ "Acapella ~ http~ <NA>             fres~ <NA>           
#> 10 Acca~ Acca~ Accasciato~ http~ <NA>             arom~ <NA>           
#> # ... with 1,820 more rows, and 14 more variables: colour <chr>,
#> #   country_of_origin <chr>, family <chr>, fat_content <chr>,
#> #   fat_content_in_dry_matter_ <chr>, flavour <chr>, made_from <chr>,
#> #   producers <chr>, region <chr>, rind <chr>, synonyms <chr>,
#> #   texture <chr>, type <chr>, vegetarian <chr>

Note that because it is a data package, it is documented with devtools::document() and not with roxygen2::roxygenize()

dmi3kno/cheese documentation built on Aug. 5, 2019, 9:51 p.m.