knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


Let $X^1,\ldots, X^n$ be some categorical variables, and for each variable $X^i$ let $m^{i1},\ldots,m^{in_i}$ be its levels, and let $X^{i1},\ldots,X^{in_i}$ be the associated dummies. Let $w$ be an initial weight. We call adjustement a weight $w'$ such that :


$$w' = \underset{ \substack{\forall i,j~~\sum_{k=1}^Nx_kX_k^{ij}=v^{ij}\\sum_{k=1}^Nx_k=\sum_{k=1}^Nw_k\\forall k~~w_{\text{min}} \leq x_k \leq w_{\text{max}}}}{\arg\min}~\left\|x-w\right\|^2$$

NB: Any equality $\sum_{k=1}^Nx_kX_k^{ij}=v^{ij}$ can be replaced by an inequality.


The function adjustement allows to perform this optimisation.

Let's take a subest of esoph of 50 individuals : ```r set.seed(123) data <- esoph[sample(seq(nrow(esoph)),50), ] w_initial <- rep(nrow(esoph)/nrow(data), nrow(data))

Let's define somme margins:
margins <- list(
  list(var_name = "agegp",
       value = c("25-34" = 0.17, "35-44" = 0.17, "45-54" = 0.17, "55-64" = 0.17),
       min = c("65-74" = 0.17, "75+" = 0.12)
  list(var_name = "alcgp",
       value = c("0-39g/day" = 0.26), 
       min = c("40-79" = 0.3),
       max = c("80-119" = 0.2)

Let's perform the adjustement: ```r library(adjustment) adj <- adjustment(data = data, margins = margins, weight = w_initial, weight_min = 0.1, weight_max = 30) adj$IsError w <- adj$w

Let's verify:
data$w <- w
data %>%
  group_by(agegp) %>%
  summarise(n = sum(w)) %>%
  merge(data %>% summarise(n0 = sum(w))) %>%
  mutate(mean = n/n0)

data %>%
  group_by(alcgp) %>%
  summarise(n = sum(w)) %>%
  merge(data %>% summarise(n0 = sum(w))) %>%
  mutate(mean = n/n0)

hist(w, 10, col = "steelblue", xlab = "new weight",border="white")

dominiqueemmanuel/adjustement documentation built on May 15, 2019, 10:37 a.m.