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This package is specifically for the research design discussed in the paper Between-litter variation in developmental studies of hormones and behavior: inflated false positives and diminished power.

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Note. Many research areas—for example, natural variation in maternal care and prenatal stress—categorize entire litters based on maternal behavior or experimental condition. For example, litter mates from High-LG/Prenatal Stress and Low-LG/Prenatal Control dams are coded the same way. When groups are compared (0 vs. 1), unaccounted for between-litter variation (i.e., dependent measures) violates the statistical assumption of independence. Use of a t-test would be incorrect for this research design. This package provides methods to address this issue.

Williams, D., Carlsson, R., & Bürkner, P.-C. (2017, June 10). Between-litter variation in developmental studies of hormones and behavior: inflated false positives and diminished power. Retrieved from link to paper (pre-print)


LitterEffects: Tutorial SEE HERE

donaldRwilliams/litterEffects documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:42 p.m.