
Defines functions StationsInPoly get_stations_NWIS get_stations_WQP get_stations_AWQMS

Documented in get_stations_AWQMS get_stations_NWIS get_stations_WQP StationsInPoly

#' Get stations in Oregon from DEQ's Ambient Water Quality Monitoring System for status and trends analysis
#' Queries the ODEQ stations database to pull all available stations within a given shapefile.
#' @param polygon Shapefile of the area to query
#' @param stations.channel.name The name (in quotes) of your ODBC connection to the DEQLEAD-LIMS/Stations SQL repository. Defaults to "STATIONS".
#' @param exclude.tribal.lands Whether or not to exclude stations located on tribal lands. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A list of stations within a given shapefile.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_stations_AWQMS(polygon = "your-shapefile-here", exclude.tribal.lands = TRUE, stations.channel.name = "STATIONS")

get_stations_AWQMS <- function(polygon, exclude.tribal.lands = TRUE, stations.channel.name = "STATIONS") {

  # Get Stations within station database
  stations.channel <- RODBC::odbcConnect(stations.channel.name)

  print("Retrieving all available stations from AWQMS...")

  s.time <- Sys.time()
  stations <- RODBC::sqlQuery(stations.channel, "SELECT * FROM VWStationsFinal", na.strings = "NA", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  e.time <- Sys.time()
  print(paste("This query took approximately", difftime(e.time, s.time, units = "secs"), "seconds"))


  # Clip stations to input polygon
  print("Clipping stations to your shapefile...")
  stations <- dplyr::filter(stations,
                            MLocID %in% odeqstatusandtrends::StationsInPoly(stations, polygon, outside = FALSE,
                                                       id_col="MLocID", lat_col="Lat_DD",
                                                       lon_col="Long_DD", datum_col="Datum")$MLocID,
                            MonLocType %in% c("River/Stream", "Reservoir", "Lake",
                                              "River/Stream Perennial", "Other-Surface Water",
                                              "Estuary", "BEACH Program Site-Ocean", "Ocean", "Spring")



    print("Removing stations within tribal lands...")

    # tribal.lands <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = "//deqhq1/GISLIBRARY/Base_Data/Admin_Boundaries/Tribal_Res_and_trust/OR_tribal_res_and_trust.gdb",
    #                                layer = 'OR_tribal_res_and_trust', integer64="warn.loss", verbose = FALSE)

    tribal.lands <- sf::st_read(dsn = "//deqhq1/GISLIBRARY/Base_Data/Admin_Boundaries/Tribal_Res_and_trust/OR_tribal_res_and_trust.gdb",
                           layer = 'OR_tribal_res_and_trust',
                           # integer64="warn.loss",
                           quiet = T, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    stations <- dplyr::filter(stations, MLocID %in% StationsInPoly(stations, tribal.lands, outside = TRUE,
                                                                   id_col="MLocID", lat_col="Lat_DD",
                                                                   lon_col="Long_DD", datum_col="Datum")$MLocID)

    print("The following stations have missing AU IDs and were removed...")
    missing_au <<- stations[is.na(stations$AU_ID),]
    stations <- stations %>% dplyr::filter(!MLocID %in% missing_au$MLocID)
    print(missing_au[,c("OrgID", "MLocID", "MonLocType", "AU_ID", "Lat_DD", "Long_DD")])
    attr(stations, 'missing_AUs') <- missing_au

  if(any(stations$AU_ID == "99")){
    print("Removing Assessment Unit '99'...")
    stations <- stations %>% dplyr::filter(AU_ID != "99")


#' Get Water Quality Portal stations in Oregon for status and trends analysis
#' Queries the Water Quality Portal stations database to pull all available stations within a given shapefile, ignoring OREGONDEQ orgIDs.
#' @param polygon Shapefile of the area to query
#' @param start_date Date to begin query
#' @param end_date Date to end query
#' @param exclude.tribal.lands Whether or not to exclude stations located on tribal lands. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A list of stations within a given shapefile.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_stations_AWQMS(polygon = "your-shapefile-here", exclude.tribal.lands = TRUE, start_date, end_date)

#@param parameters A list of parameters with which to filter the query.

get_stations_WQP <- function(polygon, start_date, end_date, huc8, exclude.tribal.lands = TRUE) {

  # Get Stations within WQP database
  wqp_siteType = 'Estuary;Ocean;Stream;Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment'
  wqp_hucs <- paste(huc8, collapse = ";")
  wqp_enddate <- format(as.Date(end.date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%m-%d-%Y")

  s.time <- Sys.time()
  stations <- dataRetrieval::whatWQPsites(huc = wqp_hucs, providers = "STORET", startDateLo = "11-01-2018",
                                          startDateHi = wqp_enddate, siteType = wqp_siteType)
  e.time <- Sys.time()
  print(paste("This query took approximately", difftime(e.time, s.time, units = "secs"), "seconds"))

  if(nrow(stations) < 1 | is.na(stations[1,])){
    return(paste("There are no STORET stations available for these query parameters"))

  stations <- stations %>% dplyr::rename(OrgID = OrganizationIdentifier, MLocID = MonitoringLocationIdentifier,
                                         StationDes = MonitoringLocationName, Lat_DD = LatitudeMeasure, Long_DD = LongitudeMeasure,
                                         Datum = HorizontalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName)

  stations <- as.data.frame(stations)

  stations <- stations %>% dplyr::filter(!OrgID == "OREGONDEQ")

  if(nrow(stations) < 1 | is.na(stations[1,])){
    return(paste("There are no STORET stations available for these query parameters"))

  # Clip stations to input polygon
  print("Clipping stations to your shapefile...")
  stations <- dplyr::filter(stations, MLocID %in% StationsInPoly(stations, polygon, outside = FALSE,
                                                                 id_col="MLocID", lat_col="Lat_DD",
                                                                 lon_col="Long_DD", datum_col="Datum"))


    print("Removing stations within tribal lands...")

    tribal.lands <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = "//deqhq1/GISLIBRARY/Base_Data/Admin_Boundaries/Tribal_Res_and_trust/OR_tribal_res_and_trust.gdb",
                                   layer = 'OR_tribal_res_and_trust', integer64="warn.loss", verbose = FALSE)

    stations <- dplyr::filter(stations, MLocID %in% StationsInPoly(stations, tribal.lands, outside = TRUE,
                                                                   id_col="MLocID", lat_col="Lat_DD",
                                                                   lon_col="Long_DD", datum_col="Datum"))


#' Get USGS stations in Oregon for status and trends analysis
#' Queries the NWIS portal to pull all available USGS stations within a given shapefile.
#' @param polygon Shapefile of the area to query
#' @param exclude.tribal.lands Whether or not to exclude stations located on tribal lands. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A list of stations within a given shapefile.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_stations_NWIS(polygon = "your-shapefile-here", exclude.tribal.lands = TRUE)

get_stations_NWIS <- function(polygon, exclude.tribal.lands = TRUE) {

  # Get Stations within NWIS database
  print("Retrieving USGS station information for all of Oregon...")

  s.time <- Sys.time()
  stations <- dataRetrieval::readNWISdata(stateCd = "OR",
                                          siteType=c("ES", "LK", "SP", "ST", "ST-CA", "ST-DCH", "ST-TS", "WE"))
  e.time <- Sys.time()
  print(paste("This query took approximately", difftime(e.time, s.time, units = "secs"), "seconds"))

  # Clip stations to input polygon
  print("Clipping stations to your shapefile...")
  stations <- dplyr::filter(stations, site_no %in% StationsInPoly(stations=stations, polygon=polygon, outside = FALSE,
                                                                  id_col="site_no", lat_col="dec_lat_va",
                                                                  lon_col="dec_long_va", datum_col="dec_coord_datum_cd"))


    print("Removing staions within tribal lands...")

    tribal.lands <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = "//deqhq1/GISLIBRARY/Base_Data/Admin_Boundaries/Tribal_Res_and_trust/OR_tribal_res_and_trust.gdb",
                                   layer = 'OR_tribal_res_and_trust', integer64="warn.loss", verbose = FALSE)

    stations <- dplyr::filter(stations, site_no %in% StationsInPoly(stations, tribal.lands, outside = TRUE,
                                                                    id_col="site_no", lat_col="dec_lat_va",
                                                                    lon_col="dec_long_va", datum_col="dec_coord_datum_cd"))


#' Clip stations to a polygon
#' Returns the stations located within a given shapefile, or outside if outside=TRUE.
#' @param stations Dataframe of stations with latitude, longitude, and source datum.
#' @param polygon Shapefile of the area to query
#' @param outside Set to true if you want stations located outside of the polygon instead. Default is FALSE.
#' @param id_col Quoted name of the station ID column
#' @param datum_col Quoted name of the datum column
#' @param lat_col Quoted name of the latitude column
#' @param lon_col Quoted name of the longitude column
#' @return A list of stations inside, or outside if outside=TRUE, of a given polygon.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' StationsInPoly(stations = "result-of-GetStations()", polygon = "your-shapefile-here", outside=FALSE,
#' id_col = "MLocID", datum_col = "Datum", lat_col = "Lat_DD", lon_col = "Lon_DD")

StationsInPoly <- function(stations, polygon, outside=FALSE, id_col, datum_col, lat_col, lon_col) {

  stations <- stations %>% dplyr::filter(Long_DD < -115,
                                  Long_DD > -125,
                                  Lat_DD > 41,
                                  Long_DD < 47)
  # make a spatial object
  df.shp <- stations[,c(id_col, datum_col, lat_col, lon_col)]
  # sp::coordinates(df.shp) <- c(lon_col, lat_col)

  # Datums to search for
  # NAD83 : EPSG:4269 <- This is assumed if it is not one of the other two
  # NAD27 : EPSG:4267
  # WGS84 : EPSG:4326

  # df.nad83 <- df.shp[!grepl("NAD27|4267|WGS84|4326",toupper(df.shp@data[,datum_col])), ]
  # df.nad27 <- df.shp[grepl("NAD27|4267",toupper(df.shp@data[,datum_col])), ]
  # df.wgs84 <- df.shp[grepl("WGS84|4326",toupper(df.shp@data[,datum_col])), ]

  # sp::proj4string(df.nad27) <- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4267")
  # sp::proj4string(df.nad83) <- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4269")
  # sp::proj4string(df.wgs84) <- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326")

  df.nad83 <- df.shp[!grepl("NAD27|4267|WGS84|4326", toupper(df.shp[,datum_col])), ]
  df.nad27 <- df.shp[grepl("NAD27|4267",toupper(df.shp[,datum_col])), ]
  df.wgs84 <- df.shp[grepl("WGS84|4326",toupper(df.shp[,datum_col])), ]

  df.nad83 <- sf::st_as_sf(df.nad83, coords = c(lon_col, lat_col))
  df.nad27 <- sf::st_as_sf(df.nad27, coords = c(lon_col, lat_col))
  df.wgs84 <- sf::st_as_sf(df.wgs84, coords = c(lon_col, lat_col))

  st_crs(df.nad83) <- 4269
  st_crs(df.nad27) <- 4267
  st_crs(df.wgs84) <- 4326

  # convert to NAD 83
  if (nrow(df.nad27)>0) {
    df.nad27.nad83 <- sf::st_transform(df.nad27, 4269)
    df.nad83 <- rbind(df.nad83, df.nad27.nad83)

  if (nrow(df.wgs84)>0) {
    df.wgs84.nad83 <- sf::st_transform(df.wgs84, 4269)
    df.nad83 <- rbind(df.nad83, df.wgs84.nad83)

  poly.nad83 <- sf::st_transform(polygon, 4269)

  if(outside) {
    # stations outside polygon
    # stations.out <- unique(df.nad83[!df.nad83@data[,id_col] %in% unique(df.nad83[poly.nad83,]@data[,id_col]),]@data[,id_col])
    stations.out <- df.nad83 %>% dplyr::filter(!MLocID %in% st_filter(df.nad83, poly.nad83)$MLocID)
  } else {
    # stations.in <- unique(df.nad83[poly.nad83,]@data[,id_col])
    stations.in <- st_filter(df.nad83, poly.nad83)
donco/odeqstatusandtrends documentation built on April 20, 2024, 12:46 a.m.