
douglascm 1/2/2020

Traffic Assignment Package

trafficr is a package for static traffic assignment R code. Currently, the program can solve the static traffic assignment problem using user equilibrium (UE) for the city network in urban traffic assignment. The solution is achieved using the Frank-Wolfe algorithm. Package is based on dodgr package for all-or-nothing assignment, route and time data.

How to run traffic assignment

Following steps explain the setup and how to run the procedures and extract flows and maps.

1. Install the R package with:


Package devtools is required for the installation, install with install.packages('devtools')

2. Data Preparation :

Import into the current environment all three required datasets:

demand <- fread("path to file")
- Required columns:
    - orig: origin id (integer)
    - dest: destination id (integer)
#>    orig dest demand
#> 1:    0    1    100
#> 2:    0    2    100
#> 3:    0    3    500
#> 4:    0    4    200
#> 5:    0    5    300
#> 6:    0    6    500
network <- st_read("path to file")
- Required columns:
    - id_link: link id (integer)
    - ffs_fw: forward free flow speed in km/h (numeric)
    - ffs_bw: backward free flow speed in km/h (numeric)
    - cap_fw: forward link capacity in veh/h (numeric)
    - cap_bw: backward link capacity in veh/h (numeric)
- Optional columns:
    - addv_fw: forward additional cost (numeric)
    - addv_bw: backward additional cost (numeric)
    - wg_fw: forward cost weight (numeric)
    - wg_bw: backward cost weight (numeric)
    - alpha: alpha BPR function parameter (numeric)
    - beta: beta BPR function parameter (numeric)
    - cost: actual network cost, used instead of geometric distance and speed (numeric)
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 12 fields
#> geometry type:  LINESTRING
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: 5 ymin: 32 xmax: 32 ymax: 51
#> epsg (SRID):    4326
#> proj4string:    +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
#>   id_link ffs_fw ffs_bw cap_fw cap_bw addv_fw addv_bw wg_fw wg_bw alpha
#> 1       1     60     60  25900  25900       0       0     1     1  0.15
#> 2       2     60     60  23403  23403       0       0     1     1  0.15
#> 3       3     60     60   4958   4958       0       0     1     1  0.15
#> 4       4     60     60  17111  17111       0       0     1     1  0.15
#> 5       5     60     60  23403  23403       0       0     1     1  0.15
#> 6       6     60     60  17783  17783       0       0     1     1  0.15
#>   beta cost                  geometry
#> 1    4    6  LINESTRING (5 51, 32 51)
#> 2    4    4   LINESTRING (5 51, 5 44)
#> 3    4    5 LINESTRING (32 51, 32 44)
#> 4    4    4  LINESTRING (5 44, 13 44)
#> 5    4    4   LINESTRING (5 44, 5 32)
#> 6    4    2 LINESTRING (13 44, 22 44)
zones <- st_read("path to file")
- Required columns:
    - id_zone: link id (integer)
    - longitude: Longitude in WGS84 (numeric)
    - latitude: Latitude in WGS84 (numeric)
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
#> geometry type:  POINT
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: 5 ymin: 44 xmax: 32 ymax: 51
#> epsg (SRID):    4326
#> proj4string:    +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
#>   id_zone  x  y      geometry
#> 1       0  5 51  POINT (5 51)
#> 2       1 32 51 POINT (32 51)
#> 3       2  5 44  POINT (5 44)
#> 4       3 13 44 POINT (13 44)
#> 5       4 22 44 POINT (22 44)
#> 6       5 32 44 POINT (32 44)

3. Running the code :

Use the following methods to perform operations:

configure_graph() Tranforms network data from source network and zones and outputs a list with 2 elemens, 1 being the graph and 2 being the transformed zones:


configure_demand() Tranforms demand data from source origin and destination to match origin and destination from graph/zone objects:


solve_ue() Solve the traffic flow assignment model (user equilibrium) by Frank-Wolfe algorithm (all the necessary data must be properly input into the model in advance).


Next is an example of the structure to run the entire code, with additional functions that are documented inside R:

flist <- configure_graph(sioux_network,sioux_zones,use_cost_col=TRUE)
#> zone data.frame created, graph completed without errors...

graph <- flist[[1]]
zones <- flist[[2]]
demand <- configure_demand(sioux_demand,zones)

graph <- solve_ue(graph,demand,col = 'demand')
#> Number of iterations: 39
#> Time elapsed: 1.53s
times <- get_times(graph,demand)
paths <- get_paths(graph,demand)

network <- graph_to_sf(graph,sioux_network)
plot_flowmap(network,show_labels = T)
#> tmap mode set to plotting
#> Linking to GEOS 3.6.1, GDAL 2.2.3, PROJ 4.9.3


Feel free to send an email to if you have questions or concerns.

Future releases

Future releases will have an implementation of other traffic assignment algorithms such as Gradient Projection, Origin-based assignment, and Algorithm B.

douglascm/trafficr documentation built on March 13, 2020, 11:44 a.m.