Man pages for dppalomar/portfolioBacktest
Automated Backtesting of Portfolios over Multiple Datasets

add_performanceAdd a new performance measure to backtests
backtestBoxPlotCreate boxplot from backtest results
backtestChartCumReturnChart of the cumulative returns or wealth for a single...
backtestChartDrawdownChart of the drawdown for a single backtest
backtestChartSharpeRatioChart of the rolling Sharpe ratio over time for a single...
backtestChartStackedBarChart of the weight allocation over time for a portfolio over...
backtestLeaderboardLeaderboard of portfolios from the backtest results
backtestSelectorSelector of portfolio backtest results
backtestSummarySummary of portfolio backtest
backtestTableTable with portfolio backtest results
dataset10Ten datasets obtained by resampling the S&P 500
financialDataResampleGenerate random resamples from financial data
genRandomFunsGenerate multiple versions of a function with randomly chosen...
listPortfoliosWithFailuresList portfolios with failures
plotPerformanceVsParamsPlot performance of portfolio function vs choice of...
portfolioBacktestBacktest multiple portfolios over multiple datasets of stock...
portfolioBacktest-packageportfolioBacktest: Automated Backtesting of Portfolios over...
SP500_symbolsStock symbols of the S&P 500 constituents
stockDataDownloadDownload stock data from the Internet
stockDataResampleGenerate random resamples from financial data
summaryBarPlotCreate barplot from backtest summary
summaryTableCreate table from backtest summary
dppalomar/portfolioBacktest documentation built on April 27, 2022, 3:27 a.m.