knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


Currently, barcodetrackR is available at Github and can be downloaded using the devtools package.

devtools::install_github("DunbarLabNIH/barcodetrackR", force = TRUE)


The R package and functions were created by Diego A. Espinoza, Ryland D. Mortlock, Samson J. Koelle, and others at Cynthia Dunbar's laboratory at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes of Health. Issues should be addressed to

Loading data

Loading required packages

The barcodetrackR package operates on SummarizedExperiment objects from the Bioconductor repository. It stores associated colData for each sample in this object as well as any metadata. We load the barcodetrackR and SummarizedExperiment packages here for our analyses, as well as the magrittr package in order to improve legibility of code through using the pipe %>% operator.


Creating objects with create_SE

For this vignette, we will load publically available data from the following papers (these sample datasets are included in the R package):

system.file("sample_data/WuC_etal/monkey_ZJ31.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> wu_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/WuC_etal/monkey_ZJ31_metadata.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() -> wu_metadata

wu_SE <- create_SE(your_data = wu_dataframe,
                   meta_data = wu_metadata,
                   threshold = 0.0001)

system.file("sample_data/KoelleSJ_etal/ZH33_reads.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> koelle_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/KoelleSJ_etal/ZH33_metadata.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() -> koelle_metadata

# Fix a typo in Koelle dataset
koelle_metadata["ZH33_14m_T","months"]  <- 14

koelle_SE <- create_SE(your_data = koelle_dataframe,
                       meta_data = koelle_metadata,
                       threshold = 0.0001)

system.file("sample_data/BelderbosME_etal/count_matrix_mouse_C21.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> belderbos_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/BelderbosME_etal/metadata_mouse_C21.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() %>%
  set_rownames(value = .$SAMPLENAME) -> belderbos_metadata

belderbos_metadata$celltype <- factor(belderbos_metadata$celltype, levels = c("T", "B", "G", "bulk"))
belderbos_metadata$weeks <- factor(belderbos_metadata$weeks, levels = c("9", "14", "20", "22", "sac"))
belderbos_metadata$organ <- factor(belderbos_metadata$organ, levels = unique(belderbos_metadata$organ))

belderbos_SE <- create_SE(your_data = belderbos_dataframe,
                          meta_data = belderbos_metadata,
                          threshold = 0)

# Make Belderbos celltype label consistent with other datasets
colData(belderbos_SE)$celltype <- gsub("G","Gr",colData(belderbos_SE)$celltype)
colData(belderbos_SE)$SAMPLENAME <- gsub("G","Gr",colData(belderbos_SE)$SAMPLENAME)
colnames(belderbos_SE) <- gsub("G","Gr",colnames(belderbos_SE))

system.file("sample_data/SixE_etal/WAS5_reads.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> six_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/SixE_etal/WAS5_metadata.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() -> six_metadata

six_SE <- create_SE(your_data = six_dataframe,
                    meta_data = six_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.0001)

system.file("sample_data/EspinozaDA_etal/zl34_count_matrix.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> esp_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/EspinozaDA_etal/zl34_metadata.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() -> esp_metadata

esp_SE <- create_SE(your_data = esp_dataframe,
                    meta_data = esp_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.0001)

system.file("sample_data/ElderA_etal/L4951_count_matrix.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> eld_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/ElderA_etal/L4951_metadata.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() -> eld_metadata

eld_SE <- create_SE(your_data = eld_dataframe,
                    meta_data = eld_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.0001)

system.file("sample_data/ClarkeEL_etal/tcr_reads_p00007.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim(row.names = 1) -> clarke_dataframe

system.file("sample_data/ClarkeEL_etal/tcr_metadata_p00007.txt", package = "barcodetrackR") %>%
  read.delim() -> clarke_metadata

clarke_SE <- create_SE(your_data = clarke_dataframe,
                       meta_data = clarke_metadata,
                       threshold = 0)

# Fix error in sample names of clarke SE
clarke_SE@colData@rownames <- clarke_metadata$SAMPLENAME

# Change nmonths to months to make it consistent with naming convention of other datasets
colData(clarke_SE)$months <- colData(clarke_SE)$nmonths

Set results directory

results_dir <- "/Users/mortlockrd/Desktop/barcodetrackR manuscript/figures_v10"

Fig S1: Influence of normalization and thresholding

p1 <- stat_hist(belderbos_SE[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Belderbos et al B cells 22wk timepoint")

p2 <- stat_hist(belderbos_SE[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(belderbos_SE)))

belderbos_SE2 <- create_SE(your_data = belderbos_dataframe,
                          meta_data = belderbos_metadata,
                          threshold = 0.0001)

p3 <- stat_hist(belderbos_SE2[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Threshold of 0.01%")

p4 <- stat_hist(belderbos_SE2[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(belderbos_SE2)))

belderbos_SE3 <- create_SE(your_data = belderbos_dataframe,
                          meta_data = belderbos_metadata,
                          threshold = 0.001)

p5 <- stat_hist(belderbos_SE3[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Threshold of 0.1%")

p6 <- stat_hist(belderbos_SE3[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(belderbos_SE3)))

six_SE <- create_SE(your_data = six_dataframe,
                    meta_data = six_metadata,
                    threshold = 0)

p7 <- stat_hist(six_SE[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Six et al Monocytes 13m timepoint")

p8 <- stat_hist(six_SE[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(six_SE)))

six_SE2 <- create_SE(your_data = six_dataframe,
                    meta_data = six_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.0001)

p9 <- stat_hist(six_SE2[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Threshold of 0.01%")

p10 <- stat_hist(six_SE2[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(six_SE2)))

six_SE3 <- create_SE(your_data = six_dataframe,
                    meta_data = six_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.001)

p11 <- stat_hist(six_SE3[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Threshold of 0.1%")

p12 <- stat_hist(six_SE3[,5],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(six_SE3)))

eld_SE <- create_SE(your_data = eld_dataframe,
                    meta_data = eld_metadata,
                    threshold = 0)

p13 <- stat_hist(eld_SE[,1],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Elder et al Mouse AE3 spleen")

p14 <- stat_hist(eld_SE[,1],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(eld_SE)))

eld_SE2 <- create_SE(your_data = eld_dataframe,
                    meta_data = eld_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.0001)

p15 <- stat_hist(eld_SE2[,1],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Threshold of 0.01%")

p16 <- stat_hist(eld_SE2[,1],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(eld_SE2)))

eld_SE3 <- create_SE(your_data = eld_dataframe,
                    meta_data = eld_metadata,
                    threshold = 0.001)

p17 <- stat_hist(eld_SE3[,1],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "proportions",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = "Threshold of 0.1%")

p18 <- stat_hist(eld_SE3[,1],
                data_choice = "assay stats",
                assay_choice = "logs",
                y_log_axis = TRUE,
                n_bins = 20,
                your_title = paste0("Number of unique barcodes: ",nrow(eld_SE3)))

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_S1.pdf"), width = 24, height = 12)
                   ncol = 6, nrow = 3,
                   labels = c("a","","b","","c","",
                              "g","","h","","i",""), align = "h", axis = "b")

Figure 2: Global Clonal Distribution

fig2_text_size <- 8

six_cor_plot_sample_selection <- colData(six_SE) %>% %>% dplyr::mutate(celltype = factor(celltype, levels = c("T", "B", "Gr", "Mo", "NK"))) %>% dplyr::arrange(celltype, months) %>% dplyr::pull(SAMPLENAME)

six_cor_plot_simple_names <- c("m13_T","m36_T","m43_T","m55_T",

six_cor_plot <- cor_plot(six_SE[,six_cor_plot_sample_selection],
                         method_corr = "pearson",
                         plot_type = "color",
                         label_size = fig2_text_size,
                         plot_labels = six_cor_plot_simple_names)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width=ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))

bel_cor_plot_sample_selection <- colData(belderbos_SE) %>% %>%
  dplyr::filter(weeks == "sac") %>%
  dplyr::arrange(organ, celltype) %>%

bel_cor_plot <- cor_plot(belderbos_SE[,bel_cor_plot_sample_selection],
                         method_corr = "pearson",
                         plot_type = "color",
                         label_size = fig2_text_size,
                         plot_labels = gsub("sac_","",colData(belderbos_SE[,bel_cor_plot_sample_selection])$SAMPLENAME))+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width=ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))

eld_cor_plot_sample_selection <- colData(eld_SE) %>% %>% dplyr::filter(mouse %in% c("AE12", "AE32", "AE88", "AE89", "AE90")) %>% dplyr::pull(SAMPLENAME)
eld_cor_plot_labels <- colData(eld_SE) %>% %>% dplyr::filter(mouse %in% c("AE12", "AE32", "AE88", "AE89", "AE90")) %>% dplyr::pull(short_name)

eld_cor_plot <- cor_plot(eld_SE[,eld_cor_plot_sample_selection],
                         method_corr = "pearson",
                         plot_type = "color",
                         label_size = fig2_text_size,
                         plot_labels = eld_cor_plot_labels)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width=ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))

six_mds <- mds_plot(six_SE,
                    group_by = "celltype",
                    method_dist = "bray",
                    assay = "proportions",
                    point_size = 2,
                    text_size = fig2_text_size)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))+
  ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = months), size = fig2_text_size*0.4, show.legend = FALSE)+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1.5,0,1,0), "lines")) 

bel_mds <- mds_plot(belderbos_SE[,bel_cor_plot_sample_selection],
                    group_by = "organ",
                    method_dist = "bray",
                    assay = "proportions",
                    point_size = 2,
                    text_size = fig2_text_size)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))+
  ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = celltype), size = fig2_text_size*0.4, show.legend = FALSE)+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1.5,0,1,0), "lines")) 

# Shorten organ namee
colData(eld_SE)$organ <- gsub("part ","",colData(eld_SE)$organ)

# Make metadata with mouse name and pri/sec/ter label
colData(eld_SE)$animal <- gsub("spleen |spleen 1 |spleen 2 |spleen 3 |meninges |L femur |R femur |L tibia |R tibia ",

eld_mds <- mds_plot(eld_SE[,eld_cor_plot_sample_selection],
                    group_by = "animal",
                    method_dist = "bray",
                    assay = "proportions",
                    point_size = 2,
                    text_size = fig2_text_size)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))+
  ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = organ), size = fig2_text_size*0.4, show.legend = FALSE, max.overlaps = Inf)+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1.5,0,1,0), "lines")) 

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_2.pdf"), width = 8.5, height = 11)
cowplot::plot_grid(six_cor_plot, six_mds,
                   bel_cor_plot, bel_mds,
                   eld_cor_plot, eld_mds,
                   ncol = 2, nrow = 3,
                   labels = letters[1:6], align = "h", axis = "b")

Figure S2: Global Clonal Distribution Hierarchically Clustered by Correlation Similarity

fig2_text_size <- 8

six_dist_plot_sample_selection <- colData(six_SE) %>% %>% dplyr::mutate(celltype = factor(celltype, levels = c("T", "B", "Gr", "Mo", "NK"))) %>% dplyr::arrange(celltype, months) %>% dplyr::pull(SAMPLENAME)

six_dist_plot_simple_names <- c("m13_T","m36_T","m43_T","m55_T",

six_dist_plot <- dist_plot(six_SE[,six_dist_plot_sample_selection],
                         dist_method = "correlation",
                         plot_type = "color",
                         label_size = fig2_text_size,
                         plot_labels = six_dist_plot_simple_names,
                         cluster_tree = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width=ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))

bel_dist_plot_sample_selection <- colData(belderbos_SE) %>% %>%
  dplyr::filter(weeks == "sac") %>%
  dplyr::arrange(organ, celltype) %>%

bel_dist_plot <- dist_plot(belderbos_SE[,bel_dist_plot_sample_selection],
                         dist_method = "correlation",
                         plot_type = "color",
                         label_size = fig2_text_size,
                         plot_labels = gsub("sac_","",colData(belderbos_SE[,bel_cor_plot_sample_selection])$SAMPLENAME),
                         cluster_tree = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width=ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))

eld_dist_plot_sample_selection <- colData(eld_SE) %>% %>% dplyr::filter(mouse %in% c("AE12", "AE32", "AE88", "AE89", "AE90")) %>% dplyr::pull(SAMPLENAME)
eld_dist_plot_labels <- colData(eld_SE) %>% %>% dplyr::filter(mouse %in% c("AE12", "AE32", "AE88", "AE89", "AE90")) %>% dplyr::pull(short_name)

eld_dist_plot <- dist_plot(eld_SE[,eld_dist_plot_sample_selection],
                         dist_method = "correlation",
                         plot_type = "color",
                         label_size = fig2_text_size,
                         plot_labels = eld_dist_plot_labels,
                         cluster_tree = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width=ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_S2.pdf"), width = 10, height = 6)
cowplot::plot_grid(six_dist_plot, bel_dist_plot, eld_dist_plot, 
                   ncol = 2, nrow = 2,
                   labels = letters[1:3], align = "h", axis = "b")

Figure 3: Clone number and diversity

fig3_ptsz <- 1.5
fig3_txsz <- 8

six_cc <- clonal_count(six_SE,
                       plot_over = "months",
                       group_by = "celltype",
                       cumulative = FALSE,
                       point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                       line_size = 1,
                       text_size = fig3_txsz,
                       keep_numeric = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

six_cd <- clonal_diversity(six_SE,
                           plot_over = "months",
                           group_by = "celltype",
                           index_type = "shannon",
                           point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                           line_size = 1,
                           text_size = fig3_txsz,
                           keep_numeric = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))

bel_cc <- clonal_count(belderbos_SE[,c(1:6, 13:16)],
                       plot_over = "weeks",
                       group_by = "celltype",
                       cumulative = FALSE,
                       point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                       line_size = 1,
                       text_size = fig3_txsz)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

bel_cd <- clonal_diversity(belderbos_SE[,c(1:6, 13:16)],
                           plot_over = "weeks",
                           group_by = "celltype",
                           index_type = "shannon",
                           point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                           line_size = 1,
                           text_size = fig3_txsz)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))

# Make espinoza cell type naming consistent with Six
colData(esp_SE)$celltype <- gsub("Mono","Mo",colData(esp_SE)$celltype)

# Name metadata days not day
colnames(colData(esp_SE))[2] <- "days"

esp_cc <- clonal_count(esp_SE[,colData(esp_SE)$celltype != "EOS"],
                       plot_over = "days",
                       plot_over_display_choices = c("32","119","187","266","309","365","393","494","553"),
                       group_by = "celltype",
                       cumulative = FALSE,
                       point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                       line_size = 1,
                       text_size = fig3_txsz,
                       keep_numeric = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

esp_cd <- clonal_diversity(esp_SE[,colData(esp_SE)$celltype != "EOS"],
                           plot_over = "days",
                           plot_over_display_choices = c("32","119","187","266","309","365","393","494","553"),
                           group_by = "celltype",
                           index_type = "shannon",
                           point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                           line_size = 1,
                           text_size = fig3_txsz,
                           keep_numeric = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1.5,0,0,0), "lines")) # Will be reflected in all of them

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_3.pdf"), width = 7.5, height = 8)
cowplot::plot_grid(six_cc, six_cd, 
                   bel_cc, bel_cd, 
                   esp_cc, esp_cd,
                   ncol = 2, nrow = 3, align = "h",
                   rel_widths = c(0.86,1),
                   labels = letters[1:6])

Figure S3: Cumulative clone number

six_cumc <- clonal_count(six_SE,
                       plot_over = "months",
                       group_by = "celltype",
                       cumulative = TRUE,
                       point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                       line_size = 1,
                       text_size = fig3_txsz,
                       keep_numeric = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))

bel_cumc <- clonal_count(belderbos_SE[,c(1:6, 13:16)],
                       plot_over = "weeks",
                       group_by = "celltype",
                       cumulative = TRUE,
                       point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                       line_size = 1,
                       text_size = fig3_txsz)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))

esp_cumc <- clonal_count(esp_SE[,colData(esp_SE)$celltype != "EOS"],
                       plot_over = "days",
                       plot_over_display_choices = c("32","119","187","266","309","365","393","494","553"),
                       group_by = "celltype",
                       cumulative = TRUE,
                       point_size = fig3_ptsz,
                       line_size = 1,
                       text_size = fig3_txsz,
                       keep_numeric = TRUE)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(0.25, "cm"))+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1.5,0,0,0), "lines")) # Will be reflected in all of them

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_S3.pdf"), width = 12, height = 3)
cowplot::plot_grid(six_cumc,bel_cumc, esp_cumc,
                   ncol = 3, nrow = 1, align = "h",
                   labels = letters[1:3])

Figure 4: Tracking individual clones

fig3_txsz <- 8

wu_CD16_NK_order <- c("ZJ31_3m_NK_CD56n_CD16p", "ZJ31_4m_NK_CD56n_CD16p",
                      "ZJ31_6m_NK_CD56n_CD16p", "ZJ31_8.5m_NK_CD56n_CD16p",
                      "ZJ31_9.5m_NK_CD56n_CD16p", "ZJ31_12m_NK_CD56n_CD16p",
                      "ZJ31_17.5m_NK_CD56n_CD16p", "ZJ31_20m_NK_CD56n_CD16p")

wu_hm_bh <- barcode_binary_heatmap(your_SE = wu_SE[,wu_CD16_NK_order],
                                   label_size = fig3_txsz,
                                   plot_labels = c("3m NK 16", "4m NK 16", "6m NK 16",
                                                   "8.5m NK 16", "9.5m NK 16", "12m NK 16",
                                                   "17.5m NK 16", "20m NK 16"),
                                   your_title = " ")
wu_hm_tc <- barcode_ggheatmap(your_SE = wu_SE[,wu_CD16_NK_order],
                              n_clones = 10,
                              cellnote_assay = "stars",
                              cellnote_size = 4,
                              label_size = fig3_txsz,
                              plot_labels = c("3m NK 16", "4m NK 16", "6m NK 16",
                                              "8.5m NK 16", "9.5m NK 16", "12m NK 16",
                                              "17.5m NK 16", "20m NK 16"),
                              your_title = " ")
wu_hm_st <- barcode_ggheatmap_stat(your_SE = wu_SE[,wu_CD16_NK_order],
                                   sample_size = rep(40000,length(wu_CD16_NK_order)),
                                   stat_test = "chi-squared",
                                   stat_option = "subsequent",
                                   p_threshold = 0.05,
                                   p_adjust = "bonferroni",
                                   n_clones = 10,
                                   cellnote_assay = "stars",
                                   cellnote_size = 4,
                                   label_size = fig3_txsz,
                                   plot_labels = c("3m NK 16", "4m NK 16", "6m NK 16",
                                                   "8.5m NK 16", "9.5m NK 16", "12m NK 16",
                                                   "17.5m NK 16", "20m NK 16"),
                                   your_title = " ")

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_4.pdf"), width = 12, height = 5)
cowplot::plot_grid(wu_hm_bh, wu_hm_tc, wu_hm_st, ncol = 3, labels = letters[1:3])

Figure 5: Clonal bias comparing Gr and T

fig5_txsz <- 8

# Ridge plots
six_ridge <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Gr",
                        bias_2 = "T",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = fig5_txsz)

ko_ridge <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = koelle_SE,
                       split_bias_on = "celltype",
                       bias_1 = "Gr",
                       bias_2 = "T",
                       split_bias_over = "months",
                       bias_over = c(4.5,21,30,38),
                       weighted = TRUE,
                       add_dots = TRUE,
                       text_size = fig5_txsz)

# Circos plots
# Make koelle naming consistent with six
colData(koelle_SE)$celltype <- gsub("Mono",  "Mo", colData(koelle_SE)$celltype)

# When saving circos plots to variables, I have to use this hacky way of doing it :/
ko_circos_selection <- c("ZH33_38m_Gr_Ficoll","ZH33_38m_T","ZH33_38m_Mono")
ko_circos <- function() chord_diagram(koelle_SE[,ko_circos_selection],
                                    weighted = TRUE,
                                    plot_label = "celltype",
                                    text_size = fig5_txsz)
six_circos_selection <- c("m55_GRANULOCYTES","m55_TCELLS","m55_MONOCYTES")
six_circos <- function() chord_diagram(six_SE[,six_circos_selection],
                                     weighted = TRUE,
                                     plot_label = "celltype",
                                     text_size = fig5_txsz)

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_5.pdf"), width = 8, height = 8)
cowplot::plot_grid(six_ridge, six_circos, ko_ridge, ko_circos,
                   ncol = 2, nrow = 2, # align = "h",
                   labels = letters[1:4])

Figure S4: Further Clonal Bias from Six et al

figS4_txsz <- 8

# Ridge plots
six_ridge2 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Gr",
                        bias_2 = "Mo",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge3 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Gr",
                        bias_2 = "B",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge4 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Gr",
                        bias_2 = "NK",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge5 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Mo",
                        bias_2 = "T",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge6 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Mo",
                        bias_2 = "B",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge7 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "Mo",
                        bias_2 = "NK",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge8 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "T",
                        bias_2 = "B",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge9 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "T",
                        bias_2 = "NK",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_ridge10 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = six_SE,
                        split_bias_on = "celltype",
                        bias_1 = "B",
                        bias_2 = "NK",
                        split_bias_over = "months",
                        weighted = TRUE,
                        add_dots = TRUE,
                        text_size = figS4_txsz)

# Chord diagrams
six_circos_selection2 <- c("m55_GRANULOCYTES","m55_BCELLS","m55_MONOCYTES")
six_circos2 <- function() chord_diagram(six_SE[,six_circos_selection2],
                                     weighted = TRUE,
                                     plot_label = "celltype",
                                     text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_circos_selection3 <- c("m55_GRANULOCYTES","m55_NKCELLS","m55_MONOCYTES")
six_circos3 <- function() chord_diagram(six_SE[,six_circos_selection3],
                                     weighted = TRUE,
                                     plot_label = "celltype",
                                     text_size = figS4_txsz)

six_circos_selection4 <- c("m55_TCELLS","m55_BCELLS","m55_NKCELLS")
six_circos4 <- function() chord_diagram(six_SE[,six_circos_selection4],
                                     weighted = TRUE,
                                     plot_label = "celltype",
                                     text_size = figS4_txsz)

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_S4.pdf"), width = 11, height = 8)
cowplot::plot_grid(six_ridge2, six_ridge3, six_ridge4, six_circos2,
                   six_ridge5, six_ridge6, six_ridge7, six_circos3,
                   six_ridge8, six_ridge9, six_ridge10, six_circos4,
                   ncol = 4, nrow = 3, align = "h",
                   labels = letters[1:12])

Figure S5: Further Clonal Bias from Koelle et al

figS5_txsz <- 8

# Ridge plots
ko_ridge2 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = koelle_SE,
                       split_bias_on = "celltype",
                       bias_1 = "Gr",
                       bias_2 = "Mo",
                       split_bias_over = "months",
                       bias_over = c(4.5,21,30,38),
                       weighted = TRUE,
                       add_dots = TRUE,
                       text_size = figS5_txsz)

ko_ridge3 <- bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = koelle_SE,
                       split_bias_on = "celltype",
                       bias_1 = "Mo",
                       bias_2 = "T",
                       split_bias_over = "months",
                       bias_over = c(4.5,21,30,38),
                       weighted = TRUE,
                       add_dots = TRUE,
                       text_size = figS5_txsz)

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_S5.pdf"), width = 8, height = 4)
cowplot::plot_grid(ko_ridge2, ko_ridge3,
                   ncol = 2, nrow = 1, align = "h",
                   labels = letters[1:2])

Figure S6: Clone number and diversity of Clarke et al TCR data

figS6_text_size <- 6 

clarke_cc <- clonal_count(clarke_SE,
                              plot_over = "months",
                              group_by = "SAMPLENAME",
                              cumulative = FALSE,
                              point_size = 2,
                              line_size = 1,
                              text_size = figS6_text_size)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

clarke_cd <- clonal_diversity(clarke_SE,
                              plot_over = "months",
                              group_by = "SAMPLENAME",
                              index_type = "shannon",
                              point_size = 2,
                              line_size = 1,
                              text_size = figS6_text_size)+
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1.5,0,0,0), "lines")) # Will be reflected in all of them

pdf(file = file.path(results_dir, "Figure_S6.pdf"), width = 7, height = 8/3)
cowplot::plot_grid(clarke_cc, clarke_cd,
                   ncol = 2, nrow = 1, align = "h",
                   labels = letters[1:2])

dunbarlabNIH/barcodetrackR documentation built on April 26, 2021, 6:20 p.m.