
Defines functions perCapitaRates

Documented in perCapitaRates

#' Instantaneous \emph{per-Capita} Rates of Origination and Extinction from the Fossil Record
#' Calculates and plots per-capita origination and extinction rates from
#' sequential discrete-time taxon ranges, following Foote (2000).
#' @details
#' This function calculates the per-capita rates of taxonomic origination
#' and extinction from paleontological range data, as described by Foote 
#' (2000). These values are the instantaneous rate of either type of event
#' occurring per lineage time-units. Although Foote (2001) also presents a
#' number of alternative rates collected from the prior literature such as
#' the 'Van Valen' rate metrics, these are not implemented here, but could be
#' estimated using the matrix invisibly output by this function (See Foote,
#' 2000, for the relevant equations for calculating these).
#' The \code{timeList} object should be a list composed of two matrices, the first
#' matrix giving by-interval start and end times (in absolute time), the second
#' matrix giving the by-taxon first and last appearances in the intervals
#' defined in the first matrix, numbered as the rows. Absolute time should be
#' decreasing, while the intervals should be numbered so that the number
#' increases with time. Taxa alive in the modern should be either 
#' (a) listed in \code{isExtant} or 
#' (b) listed as last occurring in a time interval
#' that begins at time 0 and ends at time 0. 
#' See the documentation for the time-scaling 
#' function \code{\link{bin_timePaleoPhy}} and the simulation function 
#' \code{\link{binTimeData}} for more information on formatting.
#' Unlike some functions in \code{paleotree}, such as the diversity curve functions,
#' intervals must be both sequential and non-overlapping. The diversity curve
#' functions deal with such issues by assuming taxa occur from the base of the
#' interval they are first found in until the end of the last interval they
#' are occur in. This inflation of boundary crossers could badly bias estimates
#' of per-capita diversification rates.

#' @inheritParams DiversityCurves

#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, the per-capita origination and extinctions rates are 
#' plotted for each interval. Rates which cannot be calculated for an interval
#' will not be plotted, thus appearing as a gap in the plotted graph. The
#' author takes no responsibility for the aesthetics of this plot.

#' @param logRates If \code{TRUE}, rates plotted on log scale.

#' @param drop.extant Drops all extant taxa from a dataset before
#' calculating per-capita origination and extinction rates.

#' @param isExtant A vector of \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE} values, same length as the
#' number of taxa in the second matrix of \code{timeList}, where \code{TRUE} values indicate
#' taxa that are alive in the modern day (and thus are boundary crossers which
#' leave the most recent interval). By default, this argument is \code{NULL} and instead
#' which taxa are extant is inferred based on which taxa occur in an interval
#' with start and end times both equal to zero. See details.

#' @param jitter If \code{TRUE} (default) the extinction rate will be plotted slightly
#' ahead of the origination rate on the time axis, so the two can be differentiated.

#' @param legendPosition The position of a legend indicating which line is
#' origination rate and which is extinction rate on the resulting plot. This
#' is given as the possible positions for argument \code{x} of the function 
#'\code{\link{legend}}, and by default is \code{"topleft"}, which will be generally
#' useful if origination and extinction rates are initially low. If 
#' \code{legendPosition = NA}, then a legend will not be plotted.

#' @return This function will invisibly return a ten column matrix,
#' where the number of rows is equal to the number of intervals. The
#' first two columns are interval start and end times and the third
#' column is interval length. The fourth through eighth column is the
#' four fundamental classes of taxa from Foote (2001):
#' \code{Nbt}, \code{NbL}, \code{NFt}, \code{NFL} and their sum, \code{N}.
#' The final two columns are the per-capita rates estimated for
#' each interval in units per lineage time-units;
#' the ninth column is the origination rate (\code{pRate}) and the tenth
#' column is the extinction rate (\code{qRate}).

#' @seealso \code{\link{DiversityCurves}}, \code{\link{SamplingConv}}

#' @references
#' Foote, M. 2000 Origination and extinction components of taxonomic diversity:
#' general problems. Pp. 74--102. In D. H. Erwin, and S. L. Wing, eds. Deep
#' Time: Paleobiology's Perspective. The Paleontological Society, Lawrence,
#' Kansas.

#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #with the retiolinae dataset
#' data(retiolitinae)
#' perCapitaRates(retioRanges)
#' # Simulate some fossil ranges with simFossilRecord
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, q = 0.1, nruns = 1, nTotalTaxa = c(80,100), nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' #simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges()
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5)
#' #Now let's use binTimeData() to bin in intervals of 5 time units
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,int.length = 5)
#' #and get the per-capita rates
#' perCapitaRates(rangesDisc)
#' #on a log scale
#' perCapitaRates(rangesDisc,logRates = TRUE)
#' #get mean and median per-capita rates
#' res <- perCapitaRates(rangesDisc,plot = FALSE)
#' apply(res[,c("pRate","qRate")],2,mean,na.rm = TRUE)
#' apply(res[,c("pRate","qRate")],2,median,na.rm = TRUE)
#' ##############################
#' #with modern taxa
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, 
#'     q = 0.1, 
#'     nruns = 1,
#'     nExtant = c(10,50)
#'     )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' #simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges()
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5,,modern.samp.prob = 1)
#' #Now let's use binTimeData() to bin in intervals of 5 time units
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,int.length = 5)
#' #and now get per-capita rates
#' perCapitaRates(rangesDisc)
#' }

#' @export
perCapitaRates <- function(
		plot = TRUE,
		logRates = FALSE,
		drop.extant = FALSE,
		isExtant = NULL,
		jitter = TRUE,
		legendPosition = "topleft"
	# this function estimates per-capita rates 
    # for binned intervals from discrete interval range data
		# based on Foote, 2000
	# input is a list with (1) interval times matrix and (2) species FOs and LOs
	# time interval starts and ends can be pre-input as a 2 column matrix
		# HOWEVER this could be pretty misleading!
		# standing richness may never be high as the apparent richness of some bins
	# if there is a single interval that is start = 0 and end = 0,
    # it is dropped and all appearances in this interval are either
		# (a) melded onto the next most recent interval
		# (b) dropped if drop.extant = TRUE
	# output is a matrix of int-start, int-end, p, q
	# example
		# timeList <- rangesDisc;int.times = NULL;
      # plot = TRUE;plotLogRates = FALSE;timelims = NULL
			# drop.extant = FALSE;isExtant = NULL;split.int = TRUE
			timeList[[1]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[1]])
			stop("timeList[[1]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
			timeList[[2]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[2]])
			stop("timeList[[2]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
  #the intervals the DATA is given in
  intMat <- timeList[[1]]	
	timeData <- timeList[[2]]
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),,drop = FALSE]
	  stop("Weird NAs in Data??")
	  stop("timeList[[1]] not in intervals in time relative to modern")
	  stop("Some dates in timeList[[1]] <0 ?")
	  stop("timeList[[2]] not in intervals numbered from first to last (1 to infinity)")
	  "Some dates in timeList[[2]] <0 ?")
	#get rid of modern intervals
	modInt <- which(intMat[,1] == 0)
			timeData <- timeData[!(timeData[,2] == modInt),]
			if(is.null(isExtant)){isExtant <- timeData[,2] == modInt}
			altMod <- which(!intMat[,1] == 0 & intMat[,2] == 0)
			timeData[timeData[,1] == modInt,1] <- altMod
			timeData[timeData[,2] == modInt,2] <- altMod
		intMat <- intMat[-modInt,]
	if(is.null(isExtant)){isExtant <- rep(FALSE,nrow(timeData))}	
	# make sure data is absolutely sequential and overlapping
	isSequential_1 <- all(apply(intMat,2,function(x) identical(x,rev(sort(x)))))
	isNonRep <- all(apply(intMat,2,function(x) identical(length(x),length(unique(x)))))
	isSequential_2 <- all(sapply(2:nrow(intMat),function(x) intMat[x,1] == intMat[x-1,2]))
	if(!(isSequential_1 & isSequential_2 & isNonRep)){
		  stop("Sorry, intervals need to be sequential, ordered and non-overlapping.")
	#now get int length to modify rates with
	intlen <- (-apply(intMat,1,diff))
	#modify timeData if there are any extant taxa
	if(any(isExtant)){timeData[isExtant,2] <- nrow(intMat)+1}
	#get the four values
	Nbt <- sapply(1:nrow(intMat), function(x) 
	                              sum(timeData[,1]<x & timeData[,2]>x)
	NbL <- sapply(1:nrow(intMat), function(x) 
	                              sum(timeData[,1]<x & timeData[,2] == x)
	NFt <- sapply(1:nrow(intMat), function(x) 
	                              sum(timeData[,1] == x & timeData[,2]>x)
	NFL <- sapply(1:nrow(intMat), function(x) 
	                              sum(timeData[,1] == x & timeData[,2] == x)
	N <- Nbt+NbL+NFt+NFL	#total diversity
	#now calculate rates
	pRate <- ifelse(Nbt == 0,NA,-log(Nbt/(Nbt+NFt))/intlen)
	qRate <- ifelse(Nbt == 0,NA,-log(Nbt/(Nbt+NbL))/intlen)
		int.start <- intMat[,1];int.end <- intMat[,2]
		times1 <- c(int.start,(int.end+((int.start-int.end)/100)))
		#add a jigger so rates don't overlap
		jigger <- min(diff(times1))/10
		p1 <- c(pRate,pRate)[order(times1)]
		q1 <- c(qRate,qRate)[order(times1)]
		times1 <- sort(times1)
			p1[!(p1>0)] <- NA
			q1[!(q1>0)] <- NA
			ylims <- c(
			           min(c(p1,q1),na.rm = TRUE),
			           (max(c(p1,q1),na.rm = TRUE))*1.5
			     times1, p1,
			     type = "l", log = "y", 
			     col = 4, lwd = 2, lty = 5,
				   xlim = c(max(times1),max(0,min(times1))),
				   ylim = ylims,
				   xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				   ylab = "Instantaneous Per-Capita Rate (per Ltu)"
			ylims <- c(
			           min(c(p1,q1),na.rm = TRUE),
			           (max(c(p1,q1),na.rm = TRUE))*1.2
			     times1, p1, 
			     type = "l", col = 4, lwd = 2, lty = 5,
			     xlim = c(max(times1), max(0,min(times1))),
			     ylim = ylims,
				   xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				   ylab = "Instantaneous Per-Capita Rate (per Ltu)"
			lines(times1+jigger,q1,col = 2,lwd = 2,lty = 2)
			lines(times1,q1,col = 2,lwd = 2,lty = 2)
		         x = legendPosition,
		         legend = c("Origination","Extinction"),
		         lty = c(5,2),
		         lwd = 2,
		         col = c(4,2)
	res <- cbind(
	  intMat, intlen, 
	  Nbt, NbL, NFt, NFL,
	  N, pRate, qRate
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.