
# #' Compile A File With Perl and Ocaml, Converting To .Tex
# #'
# #' This is the meaty function. It takes a filename, appends ".gram", then runs
# #' compile-grammar.pl over it. compile-grammar.pl MUST be in the same directory.
# #' Because I'm lazy. Then it'll run OCaml to execute the code and convert to
# #' .tex. I hope to convert this functionality completely to R to avoid this
# #' messy use of system commands.
# #'
# #' @param filename The name of the file, do not include the .gram extension.
# #' @param n The number of times you want to generate the grammar and OCaml from
# #'   scratch.
# #' @param exec This is an error switch. Set to FALSE to see your system
# #'   commands, if they are failing.
# #'
# #' @return Either this function is set to exec=TRUE and returns nothing, but
# #'   writes a whole bunch of files, or is set to FALSE and returns the command
# #'   strings to be executed later.
# #' @export
# createStory <- function(filename, n=1, exec=TRUE, outfileExt=".tex"){
#   response <- ""
#   if(!substr(filename, nchar(filename)-4, nchar(filename))==".gram", startkey="top"){
#     filename <- paste(filename, ".gram", sep="")
#   }
#   myResponseList <- ""
#   for(i in 1:n){
#     ## build stories
#     builtGrammar <- readGrammar(filename)
#     myResponseList <- c(myResponseList, parseGrammar(builtGrammar, startKey))
#     ## write to file
#     if(exec==TRUE){
#       myResponseList <- c(myResponseList, paste(gsub(".gram", "", filename),
#                                                 "-", i, outfileExt, sep=""))
#     } else{
#       response <- c(response, perlcommand, ocamlcommand)
#     }
#   }
#   if(exec==FALSE){
#     return(response)
#   } else{
#     cleanDocs(outfileExt)
#     unlink(gsub(".gram", ".ml", filename))
#     return(myResponseList[-1])
#   }
# }
ecology-rocks/grammaR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:58 p.m.