
Review of RcppCNPy: Read-Write Support for NumPy Files in R

Reviewer questions

Conflict of interest

General checks

Yes, it is also available from CRAN with install.packages('rcppcnpy')

Yes, except it is GNU 2, not GNU 3 or later. Also, should GNU statement be at the top of each script?


README does not list installation instructions, easy fix library(rcppcnpy) did not work for me It seems library('RcppCNPy') command is case sensitive.

N/A? I did not see any performance claims in README, I found performance claims in


Target audience could be better stated in README and vignette

I'm not sure if the authors would also like to include the list of Python dependencies since Python example code is given in the README

Functionality is better stated in vignette. README does not contain exhaustive list of functionality

Tests were performed, but I did not find a .md or README if that is required by this journal

Community guidelines for contributions could be better reported

Software paper

Paper PDF: 10.21105.joss.00055.pdf

Author names present in but did not compile to pdf

References do not have a DOI in pdf

Recommendations to editor

While the software works well and quickly, some additional documentation is required by JOSS for publication.

Recommendations to author

This reviewer would like to see reading and writing capability of .npz in the future. npyLoad of integer arrays produces incorrect values when not given the flag "integer." Multidimensional arrays should also be easily loadable. I was impressed that arrays of sizes (24,) , (1,24), and (24,1) all loaded correctly in R with the existing functionality.

Recommendations to JOSS

Reviewers should be left with the choice to be anonymous

eddelbuettel/rcppcnpy documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 6:34 p.m.