
Defines functions ppi.matchUniprot

Documented in ppi.matchUniprot

#'PPI: Match Protein Sequences to UniProt
#'This function matches the protein sequence indeces to those in UniProt if the protein sequences
#'used were different.
#'@param xlink_df data.frame() as created by ppi.combineData()
#'@param fasta_file FASTA file as read by seqinr::read.fasta(). Protein names must correspond to those in xlink_df.
#'@param protein_to_uniprot_id Can be either path to table or data.frame. Table containing three columns: ProteinName, UniProtID, and UniProtSeq (optional). When entered, will use these IDs instead of BLAST search.
#'@param fasta_directory Directory where the stored FASTA files are located. Defaults to NULL.
#'@param download_fasta If TRUE, will download the found UniProt FASTA files as .fasta files to your directory. Defaults to FALSE.
#'@param export_matches If TRUE, will export matches from BLAST (swissprot) search as a .csv file for later use. Defaults to FALSE.
#'@param remove_na If TRUE, will remove all NAs generated by non-matches in the xlink_df output. Defaults to FALSE.
#'@param time_out Integer indicating number of seconds bio3d::blast.pdb() will run before timeout. Defaults to NULL.
#'@param canonical If TRUE, will ignore the isoform number (if applicable). Defaults to FALSE.

ppi.matchUniprot <- function(xlink_df,fasta_file,protein_to_uniprot_id=NULL,
                             remove_na = FALSE, time_out = NULL,canonical=FALSE){
  if((!is.null(fasta_directory)) && endsWith(fasta_directory,'/')){
    fasta_directory <- paste0(fasta_directory,'/')
  if(typeof(protein_to_uniprot_id) == 'character'){
    protein_to_uniprot_id <- read.csv(protein_to_uniprot_id)
  fasta_file <- fasta_file[names(fasta_file) %in% unique(c(as.character(xlink_df$pro_name1),as.character(xlink_df$pro_name2)))]
  #have list of the matches for those don't match
  match_protein <- c()
  match_uniprot <- c()
  match_sequence <- c()
  #can turn into a list and save if needed as a csv file
    protein_to_uniprot_id <- protein_to_uniprot_id[protein_to_uniprot_id$ProteinName %in% names(fasta_file),]
    protein_to_uniprot_id <- protein_to_uniprot_id[match(names(fasta_file),protein_to_uniprot_id$ProteinName),]
    match_protein <- as.character(protein_to_uniprot_id$ProteinName)
    match_uniprot <- as.character(protein_to_uniprot_id$UniProtID)
    if('UniProtSeq' %in% colnames(protein_to_uniprot_id)){
      match_sequence <- as.character(protein_to_uniprot_id$UniProtSeq)
  } #end if(!is.null(protein_to_uniprot_id))
  #need to make sure the matches are checked so that every row isn't checked
  #move all of the FASTA stuff up here so that each one doesn't have to be checked multiple times?
  #may be better for error checking
  for(pep_pro in names(fasta_file)){
      if(pep_pro %in% match_protein){
        uniprot_fasta_seq <- match_sequence[match(pep_pro,match_protein)]
        #if within the while loop --> can break out of it here
      } else { #end if(pep_pro %in% match_protein){
        #if FALSE --> no match has been found so need to go through the menu loops cycle
        # if(!(pep_pro %in% names(fasta_file))){
        #   warning(paste('Protein name not found in FASTA file: ',pep_pro))
        #   next
        # }
        fasta_seq <- fasta_file[[pep_pro]]
        cat(paste('BLAST (swissprot) for sequence',pep_pro,'\n'))
        seq_info <- go_through_menu_loops(fasta_seq, database = 'swissprot', time_out = time_out)
          #if NULL --> no results have been found
          #what to do if this occurs?
          #add NA to both the match_uniprot and match_sequence?
        } else {#else if(is.null(seq_info)){
        uniprot_id <- seq_info$pdb_id
        uniprot_id2 <- gsub('\\.','-',uniprot_id)
        match_protein <- c(match_protein,pep_pro)
        match_uniprot <- c(match_uniprot,uniprot_id2)
        #read out the first line, then condense all of the rest of the lines and read as
        #just 1 sequence paste+collapse lines 2-end
        #create a separate function for this and enclose in a while loop
        #while is.na(uniprot_fasta_seq)
        #should turn this into a function to be used
        if(canonical == TRUE){
          uniprot_id2 <- strsplit(uniprot_id2,'-')[[1]][1]
        # uniprot_fasta <- strsplit(getURL(paste0('https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/',uniprot_id2,'.fasta')),'\n')[[1]]
        # if(TRUE %in% grepl('</html>',uniprot_fasta)){
        #   #if TRUE --> there is some kind of error in here because it's just a generic error page
        #   warning('Error page detected --> NA substituted')
        #   uniprot_fasta_seq <- NA
        # } else {
        #   cat(paste('Getting sequence from Uniprot:',uniprot_fasta[1],'\n'))
        #   uniprot_fasta_seq <- paste0(uniprot_fasta[2:length(uniprot_fasta)],collapse = '')
        # }
        #cat(paste('Getting sequence from Uniprot:',uniprot_id2,'\n'))
        uniprot_fasta_seq <- tryCatch(readLines(curl(paste0('https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/',uniprot_id2,'.fasta'))),
                                      error = function(err){
                                        cat('Error page detected --> NA substituted\n')
        #cat(paste('Getting sequence from Uniprot:',uniprot_fasta[1],'\n'))
        if(length(uniprot_fasta_seq) == 0){
          #if TRUE --> blank
          #go through loops again?
          #can put within a while loop
          warning(paste('Protein name not found on Uniprot: ',pep_pro))
          uniprot_fasta_seq <- NA
        } else {#end if(length(uniprot_fasta) == 0)
          uniprot_fasta_seq <- paste0(uniprot_fasta[2:length(uniprot_fasta)],collapse = '')
        } #end else to #end if(length(uniprot_fasta) == 0)
        #can have a while loop here so that if  uniprot_fasta_seq is NA
        #can try to go through the menu loops
        # while(is.na(uniprot_fasta_seq)){
        #   #can have option for re-running the sequence
        # }
        match_sequence <- c(match_sequence,uniprot_fasta_seq)
        #match_protein <- c(match_protein,pep_pro)
        if(download_fasta == TRUE){
        } #end if(download_fasta == TRUE){
      } #end else to if(pep_pro %in% match_protein){
    } else { #end if(is.null(protein_to_uniprot_id)){
      #if not NULL --> can just use the table that was inputted
      #uniprot_id <- as.character(protein_to_uniprot_id[protein_to_uniprot_id$protein_id == pep_pro,'uniprot_id'])
      #accept either uppercase "p" or lowercase "P"?
      if(!('UniProtSeq' %in% colnames(protein_to_uniprot_id))){
        uniprot_id <- as.character(protein_to_uniprot_id[protein_to_uniprot_id$ProteinName == pep_pro,'UniProtID'])
        #check if the FASTA file exists
        #should also check if there exists the third column that contains the sequence
        #should it be able to handle just 1 FASTA file that contains multiple sequences?
        uniprot_file <- paste0(fasta_directory,uniprot_id,'.fasta')
          #if TRUE --> file does exist, get for the analysis
          uniprot_fasta_seq <-paste0(toupper(seqinr::read.fasta(uniprot_file)[[1]]),collapse='')
        } else { #end if(file.exists(paste0(fasta_directory,uniprot_id,'.fasta'))){
          #if FALSE --> file does not exist, will need to fetch the fasta sequence from Uniprot
          # uniprot_fasta <- strsplit(getURL(paste0('https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/',uniprot_id,'.fasta')),'\n')[[1]]
          # if(TRUE %in% grepl('</html>',uniprot_fasta)){
          #   #if TRUE --> there is some kind of error in here because it's just a generic error page
          #   warning('Error page detected --> NA substituted')
          #   uniprot_fasta_seq <- NA
          # } else {
          #   cat(paste('Getting sequence from Uniprot:',uniprot_fasta[1],'\n'))
          #   uniprot_fasta_seq <- paste0(uniprot_fasta[2:length(uniprot_fasta)],collapse = '')
          # }
          #cat(paste('Getting sequence from Uniprot:',uniprot_id2,'\n'))
          uniprot_fasta_seq <- tryCatch(readLines(curl(paste0('https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/',uniprot_id,'.fasta'))),
                                        error = function(err){
                                          cat('Error page detected --> NA substituted (2)\n')
          match_sequence <- c(match_sequence,paste0(uniprot_fasta_seq[2:length(uniprot_fasta_seq)],collapse=''))
          if(download_fasta == TRUE && !is.na(uniprot_fasta_seq)){
          } #end if(download_fasta == TRUE){
        } #end else to if(file.exists(paste0(fasta_directory,uniprot_id,'.fasta'))){
      } #end if(!('UniProtSeq' %in% colnames(protein_to_uniprot_id))){
    } #end else to if(is.null(protein_to_uniprot_id)){
  } #end for(protein_name in names(fasta_file)){
  match_df <- (data.frame(ProteinName = match_protein,
                          UniProtID = match_uniprot,
                          UniProtSeq = match_sequence))
  # if(!is.null(protein_to_uniprot_id)){
  #   match_df <- protein_to_uniprot_id
  # }
  for(row_num in 1:nrow(xlink_df)){
    xlink_df_row <- xlink_df[row_num,]
    for(pep_num in 1:2){
      peppos_name <- paste('pro_pos',as.character(pep_num),sep='')
      peppos1 <- as.numeric(as.character(xlink_df_row[[peppos_name]]))
      pepstring_name <- paste('pep_seq',as.character(pep_num),sep='')
      pepstring <- as.character(xlink_df_row[[pepstring_name]])
      pep_pro_name <- paste('pro_name',as.character(pep_num),sep='')
      pep_pro <- as.character(xlink_df_row[[pep_pro_name]])
      link_name <- paste('pep_pos',as.character(pep_num),sep='')
      linkpos <- as.character(xlink_df_row[[link_name]])
      uniprot_fasta_seq <- as.character(match_df[match_df$ProteinName == pep_pro,'UniProtSeq'])
      #uniprot_fasta_seq <- toupper(paste(uniprot_fasta[[names(uniprot_fasta)]],collapse=''))
      pepstring_location <- NULL
        pepstring_location <- str_locate_all(uniprot_fasta_seq,pepstring)[[1]]
        if(length(pepstring_location) == 0){
          xlink_df[row_num,][[peppos_name]] <- NA
        } else { #end if(length(pepstring_location) == 0){
          pepstring_location_start <- pepstring_location[1]
          new_peppos1 <- pepstring_location_start + as.numeric(linkpos)-1
          if(!(new_peppos1 %in% levels(xlink_df[[peppos_name]]))){
            levels(xlink_df[[peppos_name]]) <- c(levels(xlink_df[[peppos_name]]),new_peppos1)
          xlink_df[row_num,][[peppos_name]] <- new_peppos1
        } #end else to if(length(pepstring_location) == 0){
        #should have an else here to the is.na --> since will give misleading results if not
      } else {#end if(!is.na(uniprot_fasta_seq)){
        #if TRUE --> uniprot_fasta_seq is NA
        xlink_df[row_num,][[peppos_name]] <- NA
      } #end else to (!is.na(uniprot_fasta_seq)){
    } #end for(pep_num in 1:2)
  } #end for(row_num in 1:nrow(xlink_df))
  #be able to customize the output file name?
  if(export_matches == TRUE){
    #export the matches as a table
  if(remove_na == TRUE){
    xlink_df <- na.omit(xlink_df)
} #end function renumber_xinet_from_uniprot_fasta()
egmg726/crisscrosslinker documentation built on Jan. 23, 2021, 1:50 a.m.