
Defines functions tol.other.none tol.char.none tol.char.trim tol.char.case tol.char.both tol.factor.labels tol.factor.levels tol.factor.none tol.num.pct tol.num.absolute tol.NA

Documented in tol.char.both tol.char.case tol.char.none tol.char.trim tol.factor.labels tol.factor.levels tol.factor.none tol.NA tol.num.absolute tol.num.pct tol.other.none

#' \code{comparedf} tolerances
#' Internal functions defining tolerances for the \code{\link{comparedf.control}} function.
#'   To create your own tolerance definitions, see the vignette.
#' @param x,y vectors of the appropriate lengths and types.
#' @param tol A numeric tolerance
#' @param idx A logical vector of appropriate length.
#' @return A logical vector of length equal to that of \code{x} and \code{y}, where \code{TRUE} denotes a
#'   difference between \code{x} and \code{y}, and \code{FALSE} denotes no difference between \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @details
#' \code{tol.NA} takes as differences between two vectors any elements which are NA in one but not the other,
#'   or which are non-NA in both and \code{TRUE} in \code{idx}. It is useful for handling NAs in custom tolerance functions.
#' @author Ethan Heinzen
#' @seealso \code{\link{comparedf.control}}, \code{\link{comparedf}}
#' @name comparedf.tolerances

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.NA <- function(x, y, idx)
  (is.na(x) & !is.na(y)) | (is.na(y) & !is.na(x)) | (!is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & idx)

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.num.absolute <- function(x, y, tol)
  both.inf <- is.infinite(x) & is.infinite(y)
  tol.NA(x, y, (both.inf & x != y) | (!both.inf & abs(x - y) > tol))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.num.percent <- tol.num.pct <- function(x, y, tol)
  both.inf <- is.infinite(x) & is.infinite(y)
  tol.NA(x, y, (x == 0 & y != 0) | (both.inf & x != y) | (!both.inf & x != 0 & abs((x - y)/x) > tol))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.num.pct <- tol.num.percent

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.factor.none <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, (as.character(x) != as.character(y)) | (as.numeric(x) != as.numeric(y)))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.factor.levels <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, as.numeric(x) != as.numeric(y))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.factor.labels <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, as.character(x) != as.character(y))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.char.both <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, tolower(trimws(x)) != tolower(trimws(y)))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.char.case <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, tolower(x) != tolower(y))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.char.trim <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, trimws(x) != trimws(y))

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.char.none <- function(x, y)
  tol.NA(x, y, x != y)

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.date.absolute <- tol.num.absolute

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.logical.none <- tol.char.none

#' @rdname comparedf.tolerances
#' @export
tol.other.none <- function(x, y)
  unlist(Map(Negate(identical), x, y))
eheinzen/arsenal documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 10:59 a.m.