elvesR: personalized R functions

Dealing with genomic data required tools and fortunately they are becoming more and more available. However specificity of a given model system requires personalized tools. For example knowing in each gene a given position falls in crutial to make decisions. The best way of knowing that is to use, as an exemple genome browser such UCSC Genome Browser or NCBI webpage. This simple task can be time-consuming and hard if internet conexion are not available.

In this R package I created functions to run the most frequent task done during my PhD at Luis' lab (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência). They include analysing qPCR data (in duplicates or triplicates), simulating Wolbachia bottleneck in a single fly, converting phred quality score to error probability, converting linking positions to Wolbachia gene and finaly plotting points and median bar (equavalent to those of GraphPad).

ehelegam/elvesR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:15 a.m.