blocks.area: area: Over 11 million Census Bureau 2010 block-level values

blocks.areaR Documentation

area: Over 11 million Census Bureau 2010 block-level values


These data sets provide population count, size of block (area in square meters), latitude and longitude of internal point, whether the block is urban, for each US block, based on Census Bureau Census 2010 data, each of these fields as a single data file (RData), all sorted in the same order, enabling quick combination into a data.frame. All States/DC are compiled into a single data.frame.


A vector with 11078297 elements (Census 2010 blocks). If all the related datasets are compiled as a blocks data.frame, they provide the following:

  • [1] "fips" (numeric - can be converted to character with leading zeroes via lead.zeroes(blocks$fips, 15)

  • [2] "pop" (integer) - Population count in Census 2010

  • [3] "urban" (logical)

  • [4] "lat" (numeric) - decimal degrees

  • [5] "lon" (numeric) - decimal degrees

  • [6] "area" (numeric) - SQUARE METERS


This will work: blocks <- get.blocks() or this: data(blocks.area)


2010 Census from Census Bureau obtained 2014/2015 compiled from multiple Census files of State-level population, area, internal point, or urban code. Slightly modified to store FIPS as numeric field, pop as integer, and urban as logical, to save RAM.

See Also

See get.blocks in UScensus2010blocks to assemble this and other fields into a blocks data.frame. See the UScensus2010 package and related datasets, some of which are on CRAN and others only here: but note that package provides spatial data in a single file per State, while this package provides non-spatial data (just lat/lon) that can quickly be assembled into a single large data.frame.

ejanalysis/UScensus2010blocks documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:10 a.m.