
#' Likelihood ratio of genotype
#' Computes the likelihodd ratio of a genotype using the formula 
#' \eqn{\Lambda = 2*log(L(\theta_A|x)/L(\theta|x)} where \eqn{L(\theta|x)} is the likelihood 
#' udner the assumption that the sample is contaminated (DNA of two randomly sampled 
#' individuals is present), and \eqn{L(\theta_0|x)} is the likelihood under the assumption 
#' that the sample is not contaminated (DNA of only one individual is represented).
#' @param like_h A vector of likelihoods of the genotype at each loci undert the assumption
#' that the sample is not contaminated. More than one individual can be included in lh.
#' For example, if there are L loci sampled, then the first L elements of lh are 
#' likelihoods of loci of individual 1 and the next L elements of lh are likelihoods 
#' of loci of individual 2.
#' @param like_hc Same as above but under the assumption that the sample is contaminated.
#' @param af A vector of the allele frequencies for loci giving the frequency of the 1
#' allele in a population.
#' @return Returns a list of one named component:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{rat}{Vector with number of elements equal to number of individuals sampled.
#'  Each element is the likelihood ratio of an individual's genotype.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # call it after likelihood function to get likelihood ratios
#' # generates ratio for 5 individuals
#' af = c(SNP1 = .1, SNP2 = .2)
#' like <- likelihood(af, c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2))
#' lratio(like$clean, like$contam,af)
#' # call after calculating ratios for simulated genotypes
#' # gets likelihood ratio for non-contaminated and contaminated genotypes
#' af <- runif(6,0,1)
#' Ran <- random_gene(5,af)
#' L <- likelihood(af,Ran$rclean)
#' LC <- likelihood(af, Ran$rcontam)
#' ratio <- lratio(L$clean, L$contam,af)
#' ratio_c <- lratio(LC$clean, LC$contam,af)
#' ratio
#' ratio_c
lratio <- function(like_h, like_hc,af) {
  nc <- length(af) # nc is number of loci
  lh <- matrix(like_h, nrow=nc) # makes the likehoods into a matrix in case they are input as vectors
  lhc <- matrix(like_hc, nrow=nc) # does same as above for contaminated likelihoods
  lc <- apply(lhc,2,prod) # multplies all elements in the columns, corresponds with individual likelihood
  lnc <- apply(lh,2,prod) # does same as above but for contaminated individuals
  rat <- 2*log(lc/lnc) # calculates test statistic = likelihood ratio
  list(ratio = rat) # output ratio as list
eriqande/SNPcontam documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:44 a.m.