
Defines functions get_mfc_data compute_infusion_summary infusion_summary process_cal_infusion

## this is our entry point from opencpu
#'@import plyr xtable
process_cal_infusion <- function(data, params, ...) {
    message('Starting infusion summary job')
    if(missing(params)) {
        params <- list()
    if(!length(params$settings)) {
        stop("No settings were received.")
    if(!length(data$event_tags)) {
        stop("No event tags dataset was received.")
  if(!length(data$calrq$Time)) {
    stop("No data sent, check tags and period!")
    ## verify that we have a Infusion Study 
    if(!any(grepl("Infusion Study", data$event_tags$tags))) {
    stop("Use the event tag editor to tag a 'Infusion Study' event.")
  ## workaround bug in event tag data where sub-second accuracy is
  ## given
  event_tags  <- data$event_tags
  data$event_tags$start_time <- ifelse(nchar(event_tags$start_time) == 24,
                                       paste0(substr(event_tags$start_time, 1, 19), "Z") ,
  data$event_tags$end_time <- ifelse(nchar(event_tags$end_time) == 24,
                                     paste0(substr(event_tags$end_time, 1, 19), "Z") ,
  params$type <- "infusion"
  message('haldane calc')
    ret <- data %>% apply_null_offset(params) %>%
        apply_slope_offset(params) %>%
    ## Organize each visit into a list
    visits <- c(tags = c())
    visitIndex <- which(event_tags$tags %in% "Infusion Study")
    for (i in 1:length(visitIndex)) {
      if (i == length(visitIndex)) {
        visits[i] <- list(tags = event_tags$tags[visitIndex[i]:length(event_tags$tags)])
      else {
        visits[i] <- list(tags = event_tags$tags[visitIndex[i]:visitIndex[i+1]-1])
    # For each visit
    for (i in 1:length(visits)) {
      ret_sub <- c()
      ret$haldane$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(ret$haldane$timestamp, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
      # Find first and last data within visit
      if (i == length(visits)) {
        startTime <- as.POSIXct(event_tags$start_time[visitIndex[i]], format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        endTime <- as.POSIXct(event_tags$end_time[visitIndex[i]], format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
      else {
        startTime <- as.POSIXct(event_tags$start_time[visitIndex[i]], format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        endTime <- as.POSIXct(event_tags$end_time[visitIndex[i]], format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
      event_tags$start_time_formatted <- as.POSIXct(event_tags$start_time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
      event_tags$end_time_formatted <- as.POSIXct(event_tags$end_time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
      # Get data within visit
      message('Subset calc')
      ret_sub$haldane <- subset(ret$haldane, (ret$haldane$timestamp >= startTime & ret$haldane$timestamp <= endTime))
      ret_sub$event_tags <- subset(event_tags, (event_tags$start_time_formatted >= startTime & event_tags$end_time_formatted <= endTime))
      message('Post Subset')
      # Run infusion summary and merge each visit result
      if (i == 1) {
        infusion <- ret_sub %>% infusion_summary(params)
      else {
        infusion <- rbind(infusion, ret_sub %>% infusion_summary(params))
    # infusion <- ret %>% infusion_summary(params)

    ## add metadata to infusion data.frame for return data, how are we
    ## going to do this in general?
    infusion$pt <- unique(data$calrq$pt)[1]
    infusion$id <- sapply(1:nrow(infusion)*0,uuid::UUIDgenerate)
      # system(paste0("uuid", " -v4", " -n", nrow(infusion)), intern = TRUE)
    infusion$timestamp <- format(as.POSIXct(infusion$start_time), format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

    ret$haldane$pt <- unique(data$calrq$pt)[1]
    ret$haldane$id <- sapply(1:nrow(ret$haldane)*0,uuid::UUIDgenerate)
      # system(paste0("uuid", " -v4", " -n", nrow(ret$haldane)),
      #                       intern = TRUE)
    ret$haldane$timestamp <- format(ret$haldane$Time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

    rep_data <- list(infusion = infusion, haldane = ret$haldane,
                     event_tags = event_tags)

    base64_rep <- infusion_report(rep_data, params, ...)
    # Save processing time
    tm <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    infusion$Processed <- strftime(tm , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
    ret$haldane$Processed <- strftime(tm , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")

    ## try only saving cols we need
    keep <- c("Time", "Processed", "recalc_vo2", "recalc_vco2",
              "recalc_ee", "recalc_rq", "nulled_outflow_o2",
              "nulled_outflow_co2", "nulled_inflow_o2",
              "nulled_inflow_co2", "do2", "dco2", "inflow_rate",
              "outflow_rate", "id", "pt", "timestamp")

    datasets <- list(infusion = infusion, haldane = ret$haldane[keep])
    files    <- list(infusion = jsonlite::unbox(base64_rep))
    list(datasets = datasets, files = files)

infusion_summary <- function(data, params, ...) {
    calrq <- data$haldane
    calrq <- calrq[order(calrq$Time) , ]

    settings <- params$settings

    ## event_tags data comes in as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
    event_tags  <- data$event_tags
    ## workaround bug in event tag data where sub-second accuracy is
    ## given
    event_tags$start_time <- ifelse(nchar(event_tags$start_time) == 24,
                                    paste0(substr(event_tags$start_time, 1, 19), "Z") ,

    event_tags$end_time <- ifelse(nchar(event_tags$end_time) == 24,
                                    paste0(substr(event_tags$end_time, 1, 19), "Z") ,
    event_tags <- event_tags[order(event_tags$start_time), ]
    tag_table <- pilr.utils.r::apply_event_tags(calrq$Time, event_tags)
    tag_labels <- pilr.utils.r::list_event_tags(event_tags)

    ## add in the Valid data tag, and subset appropriately
    if(any(event_tags$tags == "Invalid Data")) {
        tag_table$TT_ValidData <- !tag_table$TT_InvalidData
        calrq <- pilr.utils.r::subset_event_tags("ValidData", calrq, tag_table)
        tag_table <- subset(tag_table, TT_ValidData == TRUE)

                ## now we can remove both valid and invalid cols
        tag_table <-
            tag_table[!names(tag_table) %in%
                      c("TT_ValidData", grep("TT_InvalidData", names(tag_table), value = TRUE))]

    if(length(tag_labels) > 0) {
        tag_summary <- pilr.utils.r::fapply_event_tags(calrq, tag_table,

    ret <- do.call(rbind, tag_summary)

    ## remove Null row 
    subset(ret, tag_label != "Null")

compute_infusion_summary <- function(data, tag_label, settings, ...) {
    vo2_exp <- 3.941
    vco2_exp <- 1.104

    if(!grepl("ShortCircuit", tag_label)) {
        VO2_meas <- mean(data$recalc_vo2) * 1000
        VCO2_meas <- mean(data$recalc_vco2) * 1000
        EE_meas <- mean(data$recalc_ee) * 1000
        RQ_meas <- mean(data$recalc_rq)
        VO2_exp <- mean(data$VO2_exp)
        VCO2_exp <- mean(data$VCO2_exp)
    } else {
        VO2_meas <- mean(data$recalc_vo2_0vol) * 1000
        VCO2_meas <- mean(data$recalc_vco2_0vol) * 1000
        EE_meas <- mean(data$recalc_ee_0vol) * 1000
        RQ_meas <- mean(data$recalc_rq_0vol)
        VO2_exp <- mean(VO2_exp)
        VCO2_exp <- mean(VCO2_exp)
    EE_exp <- (vo2_exp * VO2_exp + vco2_exp * VCO2_exp)
    RQ_exp <- VCO2_exp / VO2_exp
    VO2_err <- (VO2_meas - VO2_exp) / VO2_exp * 100
    VCO2_err <- (VCO2_meas - VCO2_exp) / VCO2_exp * 100
    EE_err <- (EE_meas - EE_exp) / EE_exp * 100
    RQ_err <- (RQ_meas - RQ_exp) / RQ_exp * 100

    null_offset_o2 <- round(data$null_offset_O2[1], 2)
    null_offset_co2 <- round(data$null_offset_CO2[1], 2)

    round_data <- lapply(data.frame(vco2_meas = VCO2_meas,
                                    vo2_meas = VO2_meas,
                                    ee_meas = EE_meas,
                                    rq_meas = RQ_meas,
                                    vco2_exp = VCO2_exp,
                                    vo2_exp = VO2_exp,
                                    ee_exp = EE_exp,
                                    rq_exp = RQ_exp,
                                    vco2_err = VCO2_err,
                                    vo2_err = VO2_err,
                                    ee_err = EE_err,
                                    rq_err = RQ_err,
                                    null_offset_o2, null_offset_co2),
                         round, 4)

    ## what time variable do we use?
    round_data$start_time <- as.character(min(data$Time))
    round_data$end_time   <- as.character(max(data$Time))
    round_data$tag_label   <- gsub("TT_", "", tag_label)


get_mfc_data <- function(data, mfc_CO2, mfc_N2) {
    CO2 <- data[[paste("MFCFlow", substr(strsplit(mfc_CO2, " ")[[1]][2], 1, 1), sep = "_")]]
    N2 <- data[[paste("MFCFlow", substr(strsplit(mfc_N2, " ")[[1]][2], 1 , 1), sep = "_")]]

    data.frame(CO2 = as.numeric(as.character(CO2)),
               N2 = as.numeric(as.character(N2)))
eruud/test.calorimeter.r documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 9:19 a.m.