
Defines functions netmetaranks_B

### create ranking metrics from netmeta results for beneficial outcomes

netmetaranks_B <- function(nma, nsim) {

      rte <- nma$TE.random   ## relative treatment effects (already in logOR)
      rte.v <- t(rte)[lower.tri(rte)] ## save relative treatment effects in a vector

      ## simulates relative treatment effects from multinormal distribution
      nma.mvnorm <- rmvnorm(nsim, rte.v, nma$Cov.random)  ## 1000 simulation of the relative treatment effects from multivariate normal

# ### calculate probabilities that a treatment is better than the other for each comparison
  # p.rte=c()
  # for (i in 1:ncol(nma.mvnorm)) {
  #   p.rte[i] <- sum(nma.mvnorm[,i]>0)/nrow(nma.mvnorm)
  # }
  # names(p.rte) <- names(rte.v)

### calculate probabilities that a treatment ranks at a particular position
      ## first rearrange all relative treatment effects into matrices for all simulations
      nma.mvnorm.m <- array(NA,c(nrow(rte),ncol(rte),nrow(nma.mvnorm)),dimnames = list(rownames(rte), colnames(rte), 1:nsim))
      for (i in 1:nrow(nma.mvnorm)) {
        nma.mvnorm.m[,,i][lower.tri(nma.mvnorm.m[,,i])] <- nma.mvnorm[i,]
        nma.mvnorm.m[,,i] <- t(nma.mvnorm.m[,,i])
        nma.mvnorm.m[,,i][lower.tri(nma.mvnorm.m[,,i])] <- -nma.mvnorm[i,]
      ## then calculate the treatment ranking in each simulation (matrix) - do this by counting the signs
      rankings <- matrix(NA, nrow(nma.mvnorm), ncol(rte), dimnames = list(1:nrow(nma.mvnorm), colnames(rte)))
      for (i in 1:nsim) {
        rankings[i,] <- (nma$n + 1) - rank(rowSums(nma.mvnorm.m[,,i] > 0, na.rm = T))
      ## then calculate the probabilities for each treatment to rank at a particular position and store them in matrix p.rank
      p.rank=matrix(,nrow(rte),ncol(rte),dimnames = list(rownames(rte), 1:nma$n))
      for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(p.rank)) {
          p.rank[i,j] <- sum(rankings[,i]==j)/nsim
      #apply(p.rank, 1, sum) ## check probabilities add to 1
### plot rankograms
  # par(mfrow=c(3,3), las=1)
  # for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank)) {
  #   plot(p.rank[i,], type = "l", main = rownames(p.rank)[i], ylab = "", xlab = "Ranks", ylim = c(0,0.8))
  #   axis(1, at=seq(1,nma$n))
  # }

    ### probability of being the best
      p.rank_1st <- c()
      for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank)) {
      #create vector of rankings based on prob of being the best
      p1st_rankings=(nrow(p.rank) + 1) - rank(p.rank_1st)

    ### calculate SUCRAs
      # first calculate cumulative probabilities
      p.rank.cum=matrix(,nrow(p.rank),ncol(p.rank),dimnames = list(rownames(p.rank), 1:nma$n))
      for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank)) {
        p.rank.cum[i,] <- cumsum(p.rank[i,])
      # then calculate SUCRA for each treatment
      SUCRA <- vector(, length = nrow(p.rank))
      names(SUCRA) <- rownames(p.rank)
      for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank.cum)) {
        SUCRA[i] <- round(sum(p.rank.cum[i,-length(p.rank.cum[i,])])/(nrow(p.rank.cum)-1), digits = 3)
      #create vector of rankings based on SUCRA
      SUCRA_ranks=(nrow(p.rank) + 1) - rank(SUCRA)

  # ## plot SUCRAs
  # par(mfrow=c(3,3), las=1)
  # for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank)) {
  #   plot(p.rank.cum[i,], type = "l", main = rownames(p.rank)[i], ylab = "Cumulative probability", xlab = "Ranks", ylim = c(0,1))
  #   axis(1, at=seq(1,nma1$n))
  #   text(5, 0.2, paste0(SUCRA[i]*100, "%"))
  # }
  # cbind(SUCRA, netrank(nma1)$Pscore.random) ## check it is the same as p-score from netrank

    ### calculate mean rank
      mean.rank <- colMeans(rankings)
      #mean.rank.S <- nma$n - (nma$n - 1)*SUCRA ## check mean ranks are transformation of SUCRAs
      #cbind(mean.rank, mean.rank.S)

    ### calculate median rank
      med.rank<- structure(rep(NA, length=nma$n), names = colnames(rankings))
      for (i in 1:nrow(p.rank)) {
        med.rank[i] <- median(rankings[,i])

      ##calculate vector of rankings based on P-score
      Pscore_ranks=(nrow(p.rank) + 1) - rank(netrank(nma, small.values = "bad")$Pscore.random)

      ## view all ranking metrics together
      return(round(cbind("pBV"=p.rank_1st, "pBV ranks"=p1st_rankings, SUCRA, SUCRA_ranks, "P-score"=netrank(nma, small.values = "bad")$Pscore.random,
                   Pscore_ranks, "Mean rank"=mean.rank, "Median rank"=med.rank, "TE"=rte[,1], "TE ranks"=(nma$n + 1) - rank(rte[,1])), digits = 3))

esm-ispm-unibe-ch/rankingagreement documentation built on July 7, 2020, 2:18 p.m.