### Setup
# library(sp)
# library(lme4)
# library(lattice)  # some lme4 plotting functions
# library(boot)     # bootstrapping
# library(tidyr)
library(plyr)       # data manipulation
library(dplyr)      # data manipulation
library(ggplot2)    # plotting
library(gridExtra)  # plotting
library(GGally)     # ggpairs
library(knitr)      # kable()
# library(INLA)
# library(nnet)
# library(car)
# library(MASS)
# library(rpf)      # ordinal.gamma() association maasure

opts_chunk$set(echo       = FALSE,
               message    = FALSE,
               warning    = FALSE,
               comment    = NA,
               fig.dpi    = 96,
               fig.width  = 6,
               fig.height = 5,
               fig.caption= FALSE,
               cache      = FALSE)

## ggplot2 options
## Applies an square-root transform to CD (creating variables CDT)
## Buils object mdat in long format (with variables: Year; Variable; Value)
## Open with:
# file.show(file=system.file('vignettes/cleanup.R',
#                            package = 'RisingAshes'))
bidat <- 
    variable %in% c('CD', 'CL')
  ) %>%
  droplevels %>%
  spread(variable, value)

Exploratory results for the paper

tdat <- 
    variable %in% c('CD', 'CL', 'BC'),
    Year %in% c('2012', '2013')
  ) %>%
  spread(variable, value) %>% 
    CD = as.ordered(CD),
    BC = cut(BC, c(0, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 150), ordered = TRUE),
    CLbin = factor(CL > 0, labels = c('0', '>0'))) %>%
  filter(!is.na(CL), !is.na(CD)) %>% 

levels(tdat$BC)[c(1, 6)] <- c('<= 30', '> 90')
levels(tdat$BC) <- gsub("\\(", "]", levels(tdat$BC))

BCdat <- 
  tdat %>% 
  group_by(BC, Year) %>% 
    NCL = sum(CL > 0),
    TCL = n()
  ) %>% 
    PT = NCL/TCL,
    PT.se = sqrt(PT*(1-PT)/TCL)

p.bc <- 
  ggplot(BCdat, aes(BC, PT, fill = Year)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge', show.legend = FALSE) +
    aes(ymin = PT - 1.96*PT.se, ymax = PT + 1.96*PT.se),
    width = 0.2,
    position = position_dodge(.9)) +
  scale_fill_grey(start = 0.4) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 1.04)) +
  xlab('Basal Circumference (cm)') + 
  ylab('% of trees with CL') +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = rel(0.6)),
        axis.title = element_text(size = rel(0.8)))

CDdat <- 
  tdat %>% 
  group_by(CD, Year) %>% 
    NCL = sum(CL > 0),
    TCL = n()
  ) %>% 
    PT = NCL/TCL,
    PT.se = sqrt(PT*(1-PT)/TCL))

p.cd <- 
  ggplot(CDdat, aes(CD, PT, fill = Year)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = PT - 1.96*PT.se, ymax = PT + 1.96*PT.se),
                width = 0.2,
                position = position_dodge(.9)) +
  #   geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = PT - 2*PT.se, ymax = PT + 2*PT.se),
  #                 position = position_dodge(.9)) +
  scale_fill_grey(start = 0.4) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 1.04)) +
  xlab('Crown Dieback (CD) categories') + 
  ylab('') +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = rel(0.6)),
        axis.title = element_text(size = rel(0.8)))

grid.arrange(p.bc, p.cd, ncol = 2, widths = 3:4)

Tests of independence

Basic $\chi^2$ tests of independence between the proportion of trees with CL and the Basal Circumference (BC) or with the Crown Dieback (CD) category, by year.

table(tdat[, c('CLbin', 'BC', 'Year')])

## Chi-sqared tests of independence by year
summary(table(tdat[tdat$Year == '2012', c('CLbin', 'BC')]))
summary(table(tdat[tdat$Year == '2013', c('CLbin', 'BC')]))

table(tdat[, c('CLbin', 'CD', 'Year')])

## Chi-sqared tests of independence by year
summary(table(tdat[tdat$Year == '2012', c('CLbin', 'CD')]))
summary(table(tdat[tdat$Year == '2013', c('CLbin', 'CD')]))

The basic $\chi^2$ tests of independence suggest a moderate to strong relationship between CL prevalence and both Basal Circumference and CD intensity for both years.

Tests of ranked correlation

Since the categories are not really independent but ordered, a test of association is more appropriate.

with(filter(BCdat, Year == '2012'), cor.test(PT, as.numeric(BC), method = 'spearman'))
with(filter(BCdat, Year == '2013'), cor.test(PT, as.numeric(BC), method = 'spearman'))

with(filter(CDdat, Year == '2012'), cor.test(PT, as.numeric(CD), method = 'spearman'))
with(filter(CDdat, Year == '2013'), cor.test(PT, as.numeric(CD), method = 'spearman'))

Also, there is a clear Spearman correlation between those variables for both years.

Phenotypic correlation

In the following figure, we plot the corresponding phenotypic values for both symptoms for the years 2012 and 2013, where there are overlapping measurements. Not being a bi-normal sample, the Spearman and Kendall methods (based in ranks) are more suitable

ggplot(filter(bidat, Year %in% c('2012', '2013')), aes(CD, CL)) +
  geom_violin(aes(group = round_any(CD, .01)), fill = 'grey80', adjust = 2)

# ggplot(bidat %>% filter(Year %in% c('2012', '2013')), aes(CD, CL)) +
#   geom_abline(int = 0, sl = 1, col = 'darkgray') +
# #   geom_jitter(aes(shape = Year)) +
#   geom_jitter(aes(col = Year), size = 1) +
#   theme_bw() +
#   theme(text=element_text(size=10)) +
#   scale_colour_grey()
# #   +scale_shape(solid = FALSE)

cormet <- function(x, y) 
  with(bidat[bidat$Year %in% y, ],
       cor(CD, CL,
           use = 'pairwise',
           method = tolower(x)))

cortmet <- function(x, y)
  formatC(with(bidat[bidat$Year %in% y, ],
               cor.test(CD, CL,
                        use = 'pairwise',
                        alternative = 'greater',
                        method = tolower(x)))$p.value,
          format = 'e',
          digits = 1)

# cortmet('pearson')
# cortmet('spearman')
# cortmet('kendall')
# p-values < numerical precision: but warnings about ties!!

cortab <- transform(data.frame(Method = c('Pearson', 'Spearman', 'Kendall')),
                    Year = c('2012', rep('', 2), '2013', rep('', 2)),
                    'Sample correlation' = c(sapply(Method, cormet, '2012'),
                                             sapply(Method, cormet, '2013')),
                    'p-value' = c(sapply(Method, cortmet, '2012'),
                                  sapply(Method, cortmet, '2013')))

cortab.pooled <- transform(data.frame(Method = c('Pearson', 'Spearman', 'Kendall')),
                           'Sample correlation' = sapply(Method, cormet, c('2012', '2013')),
                           'p-value' = sapply(Method, cortmet, c('2012', '2013')))

kable(cortab, digits = 2)
kable(cortab.pooled, digits = 2)
ml <- list(
  CD = RisingAshes:::stmodels_CD,
  CL = RisingAshes:::mst_CL)

## compute the pedigree once more
n.fam <- nlevels(dat$FAM)
ped <- with(
  dat[, c('Seq', 'FAM')],
    self = c(Seq, max(Seq) + 1:n.fam),
    mum  = c(max(Seq) + as.numeric(FAM), rep(0, n.fam)),
    dad  = 0))
ped$mum[is.na(ped$mum)] <- 0
Ainv <- compute_Ainverse(ped)

BV.dat <- data.frame(
  Seq = Ainv$map[, 1],
  BV_TCD = ml$CD$wif$res$summary.random$recode$mean,
  BV_CL.bin = ml$CL$summary.random$recode.bin$mean,
  BV_CL.cont = ml$CL$summary.random$recode.cont$mean,
  type = c(rep('Founder', 23), rep('Progeny', 788)))

plotdat <- 
  bidat %>%
  filter(Year %in% c('2012', '2013')) %>%
  dplyr::select(Seq, Year, CL) %>%
  droplevels %>%
  spread(Year, CL) %>%
  inner_join(BV.dat, by = 'Seq') %>%
    Infection = factor(
      (`2012` > 0) + 2*(`2013` > 0),
      labels = c('Not infec.',
                 'Only 2012',
                 'Only 2013',

Genetic correlation

  BV.dat %>% filter(type == 'Progeny'),
  columns = 2:4,
  columnLabels = c('TCD', 'CL Binomial', 'CL Gamma')
) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 10)
cordat <- BV.dat %>% 
  filter(type == 'Progeny') %>% 

cor.test(~ BV_TCD + BV_CL.bin,
         data = cordat, alternative = 'greater')
cor.test(~ BV_TCD + BV_CL.cont,
         data = cordat, alternative = 'less')
cor.test(~ BV_CL.bin + BV_CL.cont,
         data = cordat, alternative = 'less')

famuvie/2016_RisingAshes documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:02 a.m.