
Defines functions clean_exported_momo_data

Documented in clean_exported_momo_data

#' CleanExportedMOMOData
#' @param data a
#' @param s a
#' @param folder_results a
#' @import data.table
#' @export
clean_exported_momo_data <- function(
                                     folder_results = fd::path("results")) {
  id <- NULL
  wk <- NULL
  wk2 <- NULL
  randomNoise <- NULL
  nbc <- NULL
  nb <- NULL
  UPIc <- NULL

  data <- data[!is.na(Pnb), c("GROUP", "wk", "wk2", "YoDi", "WoDi", "Pnb", "nb", "nbc", "UPIb2", "UPIb4", "UPIc", "LPIc", "UCIc", "LCIc", "zscore"), with = F]

  minCorrectedWeek <- min(data[nbc != nb]$wk)

  # prediction interval
  data[is.na(UPIc) | UPIc < nbc, UPIc := nbc]
  data[is.na(LPIc) | LPIc > nbc, LPIc := nbc]

  # making them slightly wider to hide the real information
  # data[wk >= minCorrectedWeek & UPIc == 0, UPIc := 1]
  # data[wk >= minCorrectedWeek & !is.na(UPIc), UPIc := UPIc + 3]
  # data[wk >= minCorrectedWeek & !is.na(LPIc), LPIc := LPIc - 3]
  data[LPIc < 0, LPIc := 0]

  # prediction interval cant be below the real value!
  data[is.na(LPIc) | LPIc < nb, LPIc := nb]

  # remove prediction intervals before correction
  data[wk < minCorrectedWeek, UPIc := nbc]
  data[wk < minCorrectedWeek, LPIc := nbc]

  data[, excess := nbc - Pnb]

  setnames(data, "wk2", "yrwk")
  setnames(data, "GROUP", "age")
  data[, location_code := s[["location_code"]]]

  data[location_code == "norway", location_code := "norge"]

  # creating pretty thesholds
  data[, ymax := max(nbc, UPIb4)]
  data[, ymin := min(nbc, UPIb4)]
  data[, thresholdp_0 := Pnb - abs(UPIb2 - Pnb)]
  data[, thresholdp_1 := UPIb2]
  data[, thresholdp_2 := UPIb4]
  data[, excessp := pmax(nbc - thresholdp_1, 0)]
  data[, status := "normal"]
  data[nbc > thresholdp_1, status := "medium"]
  data[nbc > thresholdp_2, status := "high"]
  data[fhidata::days, on = "yrwk", date := sun]

folkehelseinstituttet/dashboards_normomo documentation built on March 20, 2020, 4:16 p.m.