
Defines functions getdataout getIN IdentifyAllDatasets IdentifyInOutDoc DeleteOldDatasets IdentifyDatasets LatestRawID DeleteLatestDoneFile CreateLatestDoneFile findLastWeek CleanData CleanDataByFylke roundUpNice selectAgeGroups

Documented in CleanData CleanDataByFylke CreateLatestDoneFile DeleteLatestDoneFile DeleteOldDatasets findLastWeek getdataout getIN IdentifyAllDatasets IdentifyDatasets IdentifyInOutDoc LatestRawID roundUpNice selectAgeGroups

#' getdataout
#' @param d a
#' @param S a
#' @export getdataout
getdataout <- function(d, S) {
  if (S == "mage") {
    out <- d$gastro
  } else if (S == "luft") {
    out <- d$respiratory

#' Title
#' @param In a
#' @param S a
#' @export getIN
getIN <- function(In, S) {
  if (S == "mage") {
    out <- In$mage
  } else if (S == "luft") {
    out <- In$luft
#' IdentifyAllDatasets
#' @param raw a
#' @param clean a
#' @import data.table
#' @import fhi
#' @export IdentifyAllDatasets
IdentifyAllDatasets <- function(raw = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), "^partially_formatted_"),
                                clean = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_clean"), "done_")) {
  # variables used in data.table functions in this function
  id <- isRaw <- isClean <- NULL
  # end

  raw <- data.table(raw)
  clean <- data.table(clean)

  raw[, id := gsub(".txt", "", gsub("partially_formatted_", "", raw))]
  raw[, isRaw := TRUE]
  clean[, id := gsub(".txt", "", gsub("done_", "", clean))]
  clean[, isClean := TRUE]
  res <- merge(raw, clean, by = "id", all = TRUE)
  setorder(res, id)


#' IdentifyInOutDoc
#' @param raw a
#' @param fylke a
#' @param indoc a
#' @import data.table
#' @export IdentifyInOutDoc
IdentifyInOutDoc <- function(raw = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), "^partially_formatted_"),
                             fylke = fread(system.file("extdata", "fylke.csv", package = "sykdomspulspdf")),
                             indoc = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), "in_")) {
  # variables used in data.table functions in this function
  type <- V1 <- id <- NULL

  fylke <- data.table(unique(fylke$Fylkename))

  fylke[, type := "default"]

  indoc <- data.table(indoc)
  indoc[, type := gsub(".odt", "", gsub("in_", "", gsub("_mage", "", gsub("_luft", "", indoc))))]

  indoc$mage <- ifelse(grepl("mage", indoc$indoc, ignore.case = T), indoc$indoc, "in_default_mage.odt")
  indoc$luft <- ifelse(grepl("luft", indoc$indoc, ignore.case = T), indoc$indoc, "in_default_luft.odt")
  indoc[, V1 := type]
  indoc <- indoc[type != "default"]

  indoc$indoc <- indoc$type <- NULL

  res <- merge(fylke, indoc, by = "V1", all = TRUE)

  res$mage[is.na(res$mage)] <- "in_default_mage.odt"
  res$luft[is.na(res$luft)] <- "in_default_luft.odt"
  res <- res[, id := as.Date(gsub("_", "-", LatestRawID()))]


#' DeleteOldDatasets
#' @param raw a
#' @param dat_in a
#' @param clean a
#' @import data.table
#' @export DeleteOldDatasets
DeleteOldDatasets <- function(raw = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), "^partially_formatted_"),
                              dat_in = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), "in_default"),
                              clean = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_clean"), "done_")) {
  res <- IdentifyAllDatasets(raw = raw, clean = clean)
  if (nrow(res) > 0) {
    res <- res[-nrow(res)]
  for (i in 1:nrow(res)) {
    unlink(file.path(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), res[i]$raw))
    unlink(file.path(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_clean"), sprintf("*%s*", res[i]$id)))

#' IdentifyDatasets
#' @param raw a
#' @param clean a
#' @import data.table
#' @export IdentifyDatasets
IdentifyDatasets <- function(raw = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_raw"), "^partially_formatted_"),
                             clean = list.files(fhi::DashboardFolder("data_clean"), "done_")) {
  res <- IdentifyAllDatasets(raw = raw, clean = clean)
  if (nrow(res) > 0) res <- res[nrow(res)]


#' LatestRawID
#' @import data.table
#' @export LatestRawID
LatestRawID <- function() {
  f <- IdentifyDatasets()


#' DeleteLatestDoneFile
#' @param file a
#' @import data.table
#' @export DeleteLatestDoneFile
DeleteLatestDoneFile <- function(file = fhi::DashboardFolder("data_clean", paste0("done_", LatestRawID(), ".txt"))) {
  try(unlink(file), TRUE)
  # try(unlink(paste0("data_clean/done_",LatestRawID(),".txt")),TRUE)


#' CreateLatestDoneFile
#' @param file a
#' @export CreateLatestDoneFile
CreateLatestDoneFile <- function(file = fhi::DashboardFolder("data_clean", paste0("done_", LatestRawID(), ".txt"))) {
  try(file.create(file), TRUE)

#' findLastWeek
#' @param date a
#' @param data a
#' @export findLastWeek
findLastWeek <- function(date, data) {
  # lastweek <- as.Date(date)
  lastweek <- 53
  rows <- dim(data)[1]
  for (l in lastweek:1) {
    if (!is.na(data[rows - 1, l]) && !is.na(data[rows, l])) {
      if (data[rows - 1, l] / data[rows, l] < 1.3) {
        myweek <- l


#' CleanData
#' @param d a
#' @import data.table
#' @export CleanData
CleanData <- function(d) {
  # variables used in data.table functions in this function
  date <- NULL
  municip <- NULL
  # end
  if (!"IDate" %in% class(d$date)) {
    d[, date := data.table::as.IDate(date)]

  d[, Fylke := as.numeric(substr(d$municip, 8, 9))]
  d[, year := format.Date(date, "%G")]
  d <- d[year %in% c("2019", "2018", "2017", "2016", "2015", "2014", "2013", "2012")]
  d[, month := format.Date(date, "%m")]
  d[, week := format.Date(date, "%V")]

  d[, newage := NA]
  d$newage[d$age == "0-4"] <- 1
  d$newage[d$age == "5-14"] <- 2
  d$newage[d$age == "15-19"] <- 2
  d$newage[d$age == "20-29"] <- 3
  d$newage[d$age == "30-64"] <- 3
  d$newage[d$age == "65+"] <- 4



#' CleanDataByFylke
#' @param d a
#' @param FylkeData a
#' @param myfylke a
#' @import data.table
#' @export CleanDataByFylke
CleanDataByFylke <- function(d, FylkeData, myfylke) {
  # variables used in data.table functions in this function
  date <- NULL
  municip <- NULL
  # end
  if (!"IDate" %in% class(d$date)) {
    d[, date := data.table::as.IDate(date)]

  d[, Fylke := as.numeric(substr(d$municip, 8, 9))]

  d <- merge(d, FylkeData, by = "Fylke")
  d <- d[Fylkename %in% myfylke]
  d[, year := format.Date(date, "%G")]
  d <- d[year %in% c("2019", "2018", "2017", "2016", "2015", "2014", "2013", "2012")]
  d[, month := format.Date(date, "%m")]
  d[, week := format.Date(date, "%V")]

  d[, newage := NA]
  d$newage[d$age == "0-4"] <- 1
  d$newage[d$age == "5-14"] <- 2
  d$newage[d$age == "15-19"] <- 2
  d$newage[d$age == "20-29"] <- 3
  d$newage[d$age == "30-64"] <- 3
  d$newage[d$age == "65+"] <- 4



#' roundUpNice
#' @param x a
#' @param nice a
#' @export roundUpNice
roundUpNice <- function(x, nice = c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10)) {
  if (length(x) != 1) stop("'x' must be of length 1")
  10^floor(log10(x)) * nice[[which(x <= 10^floor(log10(x)) * nice)[[1]]]]

#' selectAgeGroups
#' @param d a
#' @param ageG a
#' @param S a
#' @export selectAgeGroups
selectAgeGroups <- function(d, ageG, S) {
  d <- d[newage == ageG, ]
  d1 <- tapply(getdataout(d, S), d[, c("year", "week")], sum) ## get all gastro consultations
  # d2<- tapply(d$consult, d[, c("year","week")], sum) ## get total consultations
  # if (type=="gastro") { return(d1)}
  # else if (type=="all") { return(d2)}
folkehelseinstituttet/dashboards_sykdomspulspdf documentation built on Sept. 21, 2019, 4:28 p.m.