
Defines functions e_url e_from e_key e_subject e_footer mailgun e_emails

Documented in e_emails mailgun

e_url <- function() {
  glue::glue("{base_url}/messages", base_url = Sys.getenv("MAILGUN_URL", "X"))

e_from <- function() {
  Sys.getenv("MAILGUN_FROM", "X")

e_key <- function() {
  Sys.getenv("MAILGUN_APIKEY", "X")

e_subject <- function(subject, is_final = TRUE) {
  today <- lubridate::wday(lubridate::today(), week_start = 1)

  if (!config$is_production) {
    subject <- glue::glue("TEST: {subject}")
  if (config$is_production & !is_final) {
    subject <- glue::glue("PRELIMINARY: {subject}")

e_footer <- function() {
  DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! This email address is not checked by anyone!
  To add or remove people to/from this notification list, send their details to richard.white@fhi.no

#' mailgun
#' @param subject a
#' @param html a
#' @param to a
#' @param bcc a
#' @param attachments a
#' @param inlines a
#' @param include_footer a
#' @param is_final Is this a final or preliminary email?
#' @param cleanup_outlook Do we need to clean up problems with outlook?
#' @param ... a
#' @export
mailgun <- function(
                    html = " ",
                    to = NULL,
                    bcc = NULL,
                    attachments = NULL,
                    inlines = NULL,
                    include_footer = T,
                    is_final = TRUE,
                    cleanup_outlook = TRUE,
                    ...) {
  if (is.null(to) & !is.null(bcc)) to <- "dashboardsfhi@gmail.com"

  html <- stringr::str_remove(html, "<html>")
  html <- stringr::str_remove(html, "</html>")

  if (cleanup_outlook) {
    new_head <- glue::glue("
     /* Stop Outlook resizing small text. */
     * {{
         -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;

     /* Stop Outlook from adding extra spacing to tables. */
     table, td {{
         mso-table-lspace: 0pt !important;
         mso-table-rspace: 0pt !important;

     /* Use a better rendering method when resizing images in Outlook IE. */
     img {{

   /* Prevent Windows 10 Mail from underlining links. Styles for underlined links should be inline. */
     a {{
         text-decoration: none;
  <body style='!important; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;'>

    new_end <- glue::glue("

    html <- stringr::str_replace_all(html, "<table [^>]*>", "<table>")
    html <- stringr::str_replace_all(html, "<table>", '<table role="presentation" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">')
  } else {
    new_head <- "<html>"
    new_end <- glue::glue("
  if (include_footer) {
    html <- glue::glue(html, e_footer())
  html <- paste0(new_head, html, new_end)

  if (!is.null(to)) to <- glue::glue_collapse(to, sep = ",")
  if (!is.null(bcc)) bcc <- glue::glue_collapse(bcc, sep = ",")

  body <- list(
    from = e_from(),
    subject = e_subject(subject, is_final = is_final),
    html = html,
    to = to,
    bcc = bcc,

  if (!is.null(attachments)) {
    att <- vector("list", length = length(attachments))
    for (i in seq_along(attachments)) {
      att[[i]] <- httr::upload_file(attachments[i])
    names(att) <- rep("attachment", length(att))
    body <- c(body, att)

  if (!is.null(inlines)) {
    inl <- vector("list", length = length(inlines))
    for (i in seq_along(inlines)) {
      inl[[i]] <- httr::upload_file(inlines[i])
    names(inl) <- rep("inline", length(inl))
    body <- c(body, inl)

  if (is.null(bcc)) body <- body[names(body) != "bcc"]

    url = e_url(),
    httr::authenticate("api", e_key()),
    encode = "multipart",
    body = body

#' e_emails
#' @param project a
#' @param is_final Is final or preliminary email?
#' @export
e_emails <- function(project, is_final = TRUE) {
  if (config$is_production & is_final) {
    email_loc <- "/etc/gmailr/emails.xlsx"
  } else {
    email_loc <- "/etc/gmailr/emails_test.xlsx"

  emails <- readxl::read_excel(email_loc)
  emails <- stats::na.omit(emails[[project]])

folkehelseinstituttet/fd documentation built on March 3, 2020, 12:23 p.m.