
simdat = list()

boxmat = list()
boxmat$lon = unique(coordinates(rasbox)[,1])
boxmat$lat = sort(unique(coordinates(rasbox)[,2]))
boxmat$box = t(as.matrix(flip(rasbox, 2)))

runtime = Sys.time()

for(i in 1:length(sp)){
    msp = getsp(as.numeric(sp[[i]]), bath = bath)
    msp = as.numeric(i)
  uvmult = 30/seaslen

  # object will be the simulated track
  temp = NULL

  for(seas in simorder){   # winter, spring, summer, fall

    # browser()
      sstdf = data.frame(expand.grid(sstmat$lon, sstmat$lat), sst = as.vector(sstmat$data[,,seas]))

    for(j in 1:seaslen) {

      xidx = which.min((msp[1] - boxmat$lon)^2)
      yidx = which.min((msp[2] - boxmat$lat)^2)
      tbox = boxmat$box[xidx, yidx]

      if(is.na(tbox) & j == 1){
          msp = getsp(i, bath = bath)
          msp = as.numeric(i)
        xidx = which.min((msp[1] - boxmat$lon)^2)
        yidx = which.min((msp[2] - boxmat$lat)^2)
        tbox = boxmat$box[xidx, yidx]

      if(is.na(tbox) & j > 1){
        msp = temp[j-1, ]
        xidx = which.min((msp[1] - boxmat$lon)^2)
        yidx = which.min((msp[2] - boxmat$lat)^2)
        tbox = boxmat$box[xidx, yidx]

      parbox = as.numeric(attributes(par_array)$dimnames[[1]])
      pbidx = which(parbox==tbox)

      u = c(par_array[pbidx, seas, 1])*uvmult
      v = c(par_array[pbidx, seas, 2])*uvmult
      D = c(par_array[pbidx, seas, 3])#*uvmult
      usd = c(par_array[pbidx, seas, 4])
      vsd = c(par_array[pbidx, seas, 5])
      Dsd = c(par_array[pbidx, seas, 6])

      u = c(u, usd)
      v = c(v, vsd)
      D = c(D, Dsd)

      Dorig = D
      uorig = u
      vorig = v

      ulim = c(-50, 50)*uvmult
      vlim = c(-50, 50)*uvmult
      Dlim = c(0, 5000)#*uvmult

      t1 = SatTagSim::simm.kf(2, u, v, D, msp, ulim, vlim, Dlim)[2,]


          while((get.sst.mask.val(t1[1], t1[2], sstmat, seas)) < sstol){
              tsamp = find.next.sst(t1[1], t1[2], sstdf, sstol, expand = 5*ii)
              t1 = as.numeric(tsamp)
              ii = ii+1
      # }

        while(.get.bath(t1[1], t1[2], bath)>0){
          t1 = simm.kf(2, u, v, D, msp, ulim, vlim, Dlim)[2,]
      temp = rbind(temp,  cbind(t(t1), seas))
      msp = ifelse(is.na(t1), msp, t1)


  tsim = as.data.frame(temp)
  names(tsim) = c('lon,','lat','Month')
  # lines(tsim[,1:2])
  simdat[[i]] = tsim

runtime = Sys.time()-runtime


# plot(rasbox)
plot(box11, add=F, border = 'salmon', xlim = c(-120, -0), ylim = c(0, 50))
image(seq(-100, 45, length = 145), seq(-50, 80, length = 130), rot90(as.array(rasbox)[,,1], 3), col = terrain.colors(12), add=T)
abline(v = seq(-100, 40, by = 5), h = seq(-30, 80, by = 5), lty = 3, col = 'grey90')
plot(map , add=T)
plot(box11, add=T, border = 'salmon')

month.colors = data.frame(Month = as.numeric(month.colors[,1]), color = as.character(month.colors[,2]))
# names(month.colors) = c('Month', 'color')

simdat = lapply(simdat, function(x) merge(x, month.colors, by = 'Month')[,c('lon,','lat','Month', 'color')])

# lapply(simdat, function(x) lines(x[,1], x[,2], col = as.character(x$color), typ ='o', pch = 19, cex = .4))
lapply(simdat, function(x) lines(x[,1], x[,2], col = hsv(.75, .9, .9, alpha = .12)))

# Possibly change functions for speed... does not work yet

mydist = function(p1, p2){

  deg2rad <- function(deg) return(deg * pi/180)
  rad2deg <- function(rad) return(rad/pi * 180)
  myzinv <- function(x) deg2rad(x) * 6371/1.852
  myz <- function(x) rad2deg(x * 1.852/6371)

  p1 = myzinv(p1)
  p2 = myzinv(p2)

  a2 = (p2[1]-p1[1])^2
  b2 = (p2[2]-p1[2])^2
  c = sqrt(a2+b2)

find.next.sst <- function(lon, lat, sstdf, sstol, expand = 10) {
  # sstdf = data.frame(expand.grid(sstmat$lon, sstmat$lat), sst = as.vector(sstmat$data[,,8]))
  # which(sstdf[,3]>= sstol)
  names(sstdf) = c('lon','lat','sst')

  xlim = c(lon-expand, lon+expand)
  ylim = c(lat-expand, lat+expand)
  xidx  = sstdf$lon>=xlim[1]&sstdf$lon<=xlim[2]
  yidx  = sstdf$lat>=ylim[1]&sstdf$lat<=ylim[2]
  xyidx = which((xidx+yidx)==2)
  pt = c(lon, lat)
  sstdf_sub = sstdf[xyidx, ]
  gidx = which(sstdf_sub[, 3]>= sstol)
  if(length(gidx) > 0){
    # geosphere::distGeo(pt, sstdf_sub[gidx,1:2])
    idxmin = which.min(mydist(pt, sstdf_sub[gidx,1:2]))
    c(lon, lat)

which.min(mydist(msp, as.data.frame(coordinates(rasbox))))
galuardi/SatTagSim documentation built on Nov. 15, 2020, 6:28 a.m.