
# Gambles, a S4 class

setClass(Class = "Gambles",
	representation = representation
		gambles = "vector"
	# check for input consistency when creating new Gambles objects using "new" constructor
	validity = function(object)
		# run the Gambles inspector

		for (index in 1: length(gambles))
			my_gamble <- gambles[index]
			# make sure probabilities of all outcomes sum to <= 1	
			probability_sum = sum(sapply(my_gamble@outcomes, get_probability))

			if (probability_sum < 0 | probability_sum > 1)
				stop(paste("sum of probabilities: ", probability_sum, " is outside valid range [0, 1].\n"));

		return (TRUE)

# show gambles

setMethod(f = "show",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object)

		df <- data.frame(row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)		
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))

			for (m in 1:get_number_of_outcomes(object@gambles[[n]]))
				a_gamble <- object@gambles[[n]]				
				an_outcome <- a_gamble@outcomes[[m]]
				gamble_id <- get_gamble_id(object@gambles[[n]])
				outcome_id <- get_outcome_id(an_outcome)
				objective_consequence <- format(get_objective_consequence(an_outcome), digits=16, scientific=FALSE)
				probability_string <- get_probability_string(an_outcome)
				df <-rbind(df, data.frame("gid"=gamble_id, "oid"=outcome_id, "oc"=objective_consequence, "pr"=probability_string))					
		print (df)

# create a gambles container

create_gambles <- function()

	new(Class = "Gambles")

create_gambles_v3 <- function(gamble_ids, outcome_ids, objective_consequences, probability_strings)

	# perform validity checks on the input
	# firstly the gamble_ids and all other vectors must be the same length
	gamble_ids_length <- length(gamble_ids)
	outcome_ids_length <- length(outcome_ids)	
	objective_consequences_length <- length(objective_consequences)
	probability_strings_length <- length(probability_strings)

	if (gamble_ids_length != outcome_ids_length)
		stop(paste("gamble_ids_length has length: ", gamble_ids_length, " and outcome_ids has length: ", outcome_ids_length, "\n"));			
	if (gamble_ids_length != objective_consequences_length)
		stop(paste("gamble_ids_length has length: ", gamble_ids_length, " and objective_consequences has length: ", objective_consequences_length, "\n"));			
	if (gamble_ids_length != probability_strings_length)
		stop(paste("gamble_ids_length has length: ", gamble_ids_length, " and probability_strings has length: ", probability_strings_length, "\n"));			

	# create a gamble with no outcomes, but perform further checks on probability sums...
	object <- new(Class = "Gambles")
	outc_gambles <- c()
	prob_string_gambles <- c()
	obj_cons_gambles <- c()
	old_gamble_id <- 1
	for (n in 1:length(gamble_ids))
		gamble_id <- gamble_ids[n]
		outcome_id <- outcome_ids[n]		
		if (n == 1)
			old_gamble_id <- gamble_id
		# create a new gamble
		if (gamble_id != old_gamble_id)

			# the probabilities for each gamble id the in probabilitys must sum to 1
			probabilitys <- unlist(lapply(prob_string_gambles, function(prob_string_gambles) eval(parse(text=prob_string_gambles))))			
			probability_sum <- sum(probabilitys)
			if (probability_sum < 0 | probability_sum > 1)
				stop(paste("gamble id: ", old_gamble_id, " sum of probabilities: ", probability_sum, " is outside valid range [0, 1].\n"));
			my_gamble <- create_gamble_v3(old_gamble_id, outc_gambles, obj_cons_gambles, prob_string_gambles)
			object@gambles <- append(object@gambles, my_gamble)
			set_gamble_id(object@gambles[[length(object@gambles)]]) <- old_gamble_id
			old_gamble_id <- gamble_id
			outc_gambles <- c()
			prob_string_gambles <- c()
			obj_cons_gambles <- c()

			outcome_id <- outcome_ids[n]			
			probability_string <- probability_strings[n]
			objective_consequence <- objective_consequences[n]			
			outc_gambles <- append(outc_gambles, outcome_id)	
			prob_string_gambles <- append(prob_string_gambles, probability_string)
			obj_cons_gambles <- append(obj_cons_gambles, objective_consequence)
			if (n == length(gamble_ids))
				# the probabilities for each gamble id the in probabilitys must sum to 1	
				probabilitys <- unlist(lapply(prob_string_gambles, function(prob_string_gambles) eval(parse(text=prob_string_gambles))))			
				probability_sum <- sum(probabilitys)				

				if (probability_sum < 0 | probability_sum > 1)
					stop(paste("sum of probabilities: ", probability_sum, " is outside valid range [0, 1].\n"));
				my_gamble <- create_gamble_v3(gamble_id, outc_gambles, obj_cons_gambles, prob_string_gambles)
				object@gambles <- append(object@gambles, my_gamble)
				set_gamble_id(object@gambles[[length(object@gambles)]]) <- old_gamble_id	

			outcome_id <- outcome_ids[n]			
			probability_string <- probability_strings[n]
			objective_consequence <- objective_consequences[n]			
			outc_gambles <- append(outc_gambles, outcome_id)
			prob_string_gambles <- append(prob_string_gambles, probability_string)
			obj_cons_gambles <- append(obj_cons_gambles, objective_consequence)

			if (n == length(gamble_ids))
				# the probabilities for each gamble id the in probabilitys must sum to 1			
				probabilitys <- unlist(lapply(prob_string_gambles, function(prob_string_gambles) eval(parse(text=prob_string_gambles))))			
				probability_sum <- sum(probabilitys)
				if (probability_sum < 0 | probability_sum > 1)
					stop(paste("gamble_id: ", gamble_id, " sum of probabilities: ", probability_sum, " is outside valid range [0, 1].\n"));
				my_gamble <- create_gamble_v3(gamble_id, outc_gambles, obj_cons_gambles, prob_string_gambles)
				object@gambles <- append(object@gambles, my_gamble)
				set_gamble_id(object@gambles[[length(object@gambles)]]) <- old_gamble_id	

	return (object)	

# read gambles from external text file

# declare a custom function
setGeneric(name = "read_multiple_gambles_data_file",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "read_multiple_gambles_data_file",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, input_file, gamble_id_header, outcome_id_header, objective_consequence_header, probability_header, DELIMITER)

		#read in outcomes from external file
		my_data_frame <- data.frame(read.table(file = input_file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = DELIMITER))

		objective_consequences <- c()
		gamble_ids <- c()
		outcome_ids <- c()
		for (n in 1:nrow(my_data_frame))
			gamble_id <- eval(parse(text = my_data_frame[n, gamble_id_header]))
			outcome_id <- eval(parse(text = my_data_frame[n, outcome_id_header]))			
			probability_string <- as.character(format(my_data_frame[n, probability_header], digits = 16, scientific=FALSE))
			objective_consequence <- my_data_frame[n, objective_consequence_header]

			my_outcome <- create_outcome(outcome_id = outcome_id, position = n, objective_consequence = objective_consequence, probability_string = probability_string, rank = 0, decision_weight = 0.0, subjective_value = 0.0, w = 0.0)
			if ((gamble_id %in% gamble_ids) == FALSE)
				gamble_ids <- append(gamble_ids, gamble_id)
				my_gamble <- create_gamble()
				set_gamble_id(my_gamble) <- gamble_id
				my_gamble@outcomes <- append(my_gamble@outcomes, my_outcome)
				object@gambles <- append(object@gambles, my_gamble)
				a_gamble <- object@gambles[[gamble_id]]
				a_gamble@outcomes <- append(a_gamble@outcomes, my_outcome)
				object@gambles[gamble_id] <- a_gamble
		return (object)

# support functions

# get number of gambles

# declare a custom function to return the number of gambles
setGeneric(name = "get_number_of_gambles",
	def = function(object, ...)

# provide implementation of custom function to return the number of gambles
setMethod(f = "get_number_of_gambles",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object)
		return (length(object@gambles))

# get gamble ids

# declare a custom function to get_gamble_ids
setGeneric(name = "get_gamble_ids",
	def = function(object, ...)

# provide implementation of custom function to get_gamble_ids
setMethod(f = "get_gamble_ids",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object)
		gamble_ids <- c()
		for (i in 1:length(object@gambles))
			gamble_id <- get_gamble_id(object@gambles[[i]])
			gamble_ids <- c(gamble_ids, gamble_id)
		return (gamble_ids)

# get total number of gamble outcomes (useful for drawing gamble diagrams)

# declare a custom function to return the total number of outcomes across all gambles
setGeneric(name = "get_total_number_of_gamble_outcomes",
	def = function(object, ...)

# provide implementation of custom function to return the total number of outcomes across all gambles
setMethod(f = "get_total_number_of_gamble_outcomes",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object)
		total_number_of_gamble_outcomes <- 0
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			total_number_of_gamble_outcomes <- total_number_of_gamble_outcomes + get_number_of_outcomes(object@gambles[[n]])
		return (total_number_of_gamble_outcomes)

# get number of outcomes for a specified gamble

# declare a custom function to return the number of outcomes for specified gamble index 
setGeneric(name = "get_number_of_gamble_outcomes",
	def = function(object, ...)

# provide implementation of custom function to return the number of outcomes for specified gamble index
setMethod(f = "get_number_of_gamble_outcomes",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, index)
		number_of_outcomes <- get_number_of_outcomes(object@gambles[[index]])
		return (number_of_outcomes)

# get gambles vector

# declare a custom function to return the gambles vector 
setGeneric(name = "get_gambles",
	def = function(object, ...)

# provide implementation of custom function to return the gambles vector 
setMethod(f = "get_gambles",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object)
		return (object@gambles)

# get a gamble object via specified gamble index

# declare a custom function to return a gamble specified by an index 
setGeneric(name = "get_gamble",
	def = function(object, ...)

# provide implementation of custom function to return a gamble specified by an index 
setMethod(f = "get_gamble",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, index)
		return (object@gambles[[index]])

# add gamble

setGeneric(name = "add_gamble",
	def = function(.Object, value)

setMethod(f = "add_gamble",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(.Object, value)
		gamble_ids <- c()
		if (length(.Object@gambles) > 1)
			gamble_ids <- get_gamble_ids(.Object)
		new_gamble_id <- get_gamble_id(value)
		if (new_gamble_id %in% gamble_ids)
			cat("Gamble id: ",  new_gamble_id, " already exists.\n")
			nameObject <- deparse(substitute(.Object))	
			.Object@gambles <- append(.Object@gambles, value)
			return (invisible())			

# delete gambles

setGeneric(name = "delete_gambles",
	def = function(.Object, value)

setMethod(f = "delete_gambles",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(.Object, value)
		nameObject <- deparse(substitute(.Object))	

		keep_gambless <- c()
		for (n in 1:length(.Object@gambles))
			if ((get_gamble_id(.Object@gambles[[n]]) %in% value) == FALSE)
				keep_gambless <- c(keep_gambless, .Object@gambles[[n]])
		.Object@gambles <- keep_gambless
		return (invisible())

# set_gs_probabilities

# declare a custom function to set_gs_probabilities	
setGeneric(name = "set_gs_probabilities<-",
	def = function(object, gamble_id, value)

setReplaceMethod(f = "set_gs_probabilities",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, gamble_id, value)
		probability_sum = sum(as.numeric(value))
		if (probability_sum < 0 | probability_sum > 1)
			cat(paste("sum of probabilities: ", probability_sum, " is outside valid range [0, 1].\n"));

			for (index in 1:length(object@gambles))
				if (get_gamble_id(object@gambles[[index]]) == gamble_id)
					set_g_probabilities(object@gambles[[index]]) <- value				
		return (object)

# set_gs_objective_consequence

# declare a custom function to set_gs_objective_consequence	
setGeneric(name = "set_gs_objective_consequence<-",
	def = function(object, gamble_id, outcome_id, value)

setReplaceMethod(f = "set_gs_objective_consequence",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, gamble_id, outcome_id, value)
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			if (get_gamble_id(object@gambles[[n]]) == gamble_id)
				set_g_objective_consequence(object@gambles[[n]], outcome_id) <- value		
		return (object)

# computational functions for comparing theories

# ev related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_expected_value",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_expected_value",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			ev <- compute_expected_value(object@gambles[[n]])
			df <- data.frame(get_gamble_id(object@gambles[[n]]), format(ev, digits=digits, scientific=FALSE))
			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev")		

		return (summary_df)


# eu related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_expected_utility",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_expected_utility",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, utility, digits)

		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df <- compute_expected_utility_for_gamble(object@gambles[[n]], utility, digits)
			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "eu", "ce", "rp")	
		return (summary_df)

# pt related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_pt",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_pt",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, prob_weight_for_positive_outcomes, prob_weight_for_negative_outcomes, utility, digits)
		results_list <- list()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df_list <- compute_prospect(object@gambles[[n]], prob_weight_for_positive_outcomes, prob_weight_for_negative_outcomes, utility, digits)
			results_list[[n]] <- df_list
		return (results_list)

# rdu related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_rdu",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_rdu",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, prob_weight, utility, digits)

		results_list <- list()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))

			df_list <- compute_rdu_value_for_gamble(object@gambles[[n]], prob_weight, utility, digits)
			results_list[[n]] <- df_list

		return (results_list)

# ram related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_ram",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_ram",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, branch_weight_list, prob_weight, utility, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			number_of_outcomes <- get_number_of_outcomes(object@gambles[[n]])
			for (m in 1:length(branch_weight_list))
				if (length(branch_weight_list[[m]]) == number_of_outcomes)
					branch_weights <- branch_weight_list[[m]]
					df <- compute_ram_model(object@gambles[[n]], branch_weights, prob_weight, utility, digits)
					summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "ramu", "ce", "rp")		
		return (summary_df)


# tax related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_tax",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_tax",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, prob_weight, utility, delta, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df <- compute_tax_model(object@gambles[[n]], prob_weight, utility, delta, digits)

			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "tax", "ce", "rp")		

		return (summary_df)

# swu related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_swu",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_swu",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, prob_weight, utility, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df <- compute_swu(object@gambles[[n]], prob_weight, utility, digits)

			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "swu", "ce", "rp")		

		return (summary_df)

# swau related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_swau",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_swau",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, prob_weight, utility, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df <- compute_swau(object@gambles[[n]], prob_weight, utility, digits)

			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "swau", "ce", "rp")		

		return (summary_df)

# PRT related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_prt",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_prt",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, utility, gamma, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df <- compute_prt(object@gambles[[n]], utility, gamma, digits)

			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "prtu", "ce", "rp")		

		return (summary_df)

# gdu related functions

# declare a custom function to compare gambles
setGeneric(name = "compare_gambles_under_gdu",
	def = function(object, ...)

setMethod(f = "compare_gambles_under_gdu",
	signature = "Gambles",
	definition = function(object, prob_weight, utility, digits)
		summary_df <- data.frame()
		for (n in 1:length(object@gambles))
			df <- compute_gdu(object@gambles[[n]], prob_weight, utility, digits)

			summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df)
		colnames(summary_df) <- c("gid", "ev", "gdu", "ce", "rp")		

		return (summary_df)
gary-au/pt documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:41 p.m.