Replication package

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Description of the replicate functionality:


The function takes main parts of replication object as an arguments and returns the replication class object. (see create_replication.R for code).

The function takes 6 main arguments arguments (defaults are given in parentheses if specified):

description_list =
    study_name = "Fake Study",
    study_authors = c("Georgiy Syunyaev", "Someone Else"),
    study_affiliations = c("Columbia University",
                           "Some Other University"),
    rep_authors = c("Georgiy Syunyaev"),
    study_abstract =
      paste0("The aim of this study is to test the create_replication() functionality. ",
             "This is the first attempt at creatreplication class of objects in [R] ",
             "for systematic storage and access to study replication materials.")
data_list = list(data_admin = data_admin, data_individual = data_individual)

There are also 2 additional arguments:


The function takes replication object and either returns miscellaneous description of the object, or if additional arguments are specified, then only summary of parts of object are returned. (see summary.R for code).

The function takes the following arguments:


devtools::install_github("gerasy1987/replication", quiet = TRUE)


load(file = "example/replication_data.Rdata")

Use of create_replication()

  x <-
    data_list =
      list(data_admin = data_admin,
           data_individual = data_individual),
    packages =
      c("plyr", "dplyr", "broom", "Hmisc",
        "lfe", "multiwayvcov", "lmtest",
        "wakefield", "magrittr"),
    project_path = "example/",
    function_script_path = "replication_functions.R",
    replication_script_path = "replication_script.R",
    description_list =
      list(study_name = "Fake Study",
           study_authors = c("Georgiy Syunyaev", "Someone Else"),
           study_affiliations = c("Columbia University",
                                  "Some Other University"),
           rep_authors = c("Georgiy Syunyaev"),
           study_abstract = 
             paste0("The aim of this study is to test the create_replication() functionality. ",
                    "This is the first attempt at creatreplication class of objects in [R] ",
                    "for systematic storage and access to study replication materials.")),
    quietly = TRUE,
    checks = TRUE
## Miscellany:
## This is a replication of the Fake Study. The original study is conducted by Georgiy Syunyaev from Columbia University and Someone Else from Some Other University. The replication is conducted by Georgiy Syunyaev.
## Abstract:
## The aim of this study is to test the create_replication() functionality. This is the first attempt at creatreplication class of objects in [R] for systematic storage and access to study replication materials.
## Technical:
## There are 2 datasets provided: data_admin (50 obs. of 11 variables), data_individual (1000 obs. of 12 variables). There are 7 custom functions provided: analyses, absorb, fround, mgsub, pfround, set_seed, wtd_mean. There are 2 table replications provided: table_1, table_2. There are 9 [R] packages required for the replication: plyr, dplyr, broom, Hmisc, lfe, multiwayvcov, lmtest, wakefield, magrittr. 
## [[1]]
## [1] "plyr"         "dplyr"        "broom"        "Hmisc"       
## [5] "lfe"          "multiwayvcov" "lmtest"       "wakefield"   
## [9] "magrittr"    
## [[2]]
## [[2]]$data_admin
## # A tibble: 50 × 11
##    village_id   age school_grade   income        iq   height treat
## *       <int> <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
## 1           1 39.95       84.600 44699.83 101.58325 187.5443     0
## 2           2 38.65       85.365 29935.60  97.68520 186.0175     0
## 3           3 35.55       84.065 34020.71  95.80900 178.7253     0
## 4           4 44.20       82.430 36115.11 106.63790 169.8621     0
## 5           5 43.70       83.355 33057.74 105.18525 166.9320     0
## 6           6 43.90       85.885 57083.52  92.49965 172.3317     0
## 7           7 38.50       77.200 44961.11 108.90850 188.9587     0
## 8           8 42.15       76.865 35599.71  99.64625 166.1701     1
## 9           9 40.85       86.345 47641.29  96.48255 176.1206     1
## 10         10 42.05       84.830 42481.76 101.54255 177.4276     0
## # ... with 40 more rows, and 4 more variables: turnout <dbl>, urban <int>,
## #   rural <int>, population <int>
## [[2]]$data_individual
## # A tibble: 1,000 × 12
##     vote   age ethnicity  male female school_grade   income      iq
##    <int> <int>    <fctr> <int>  <int>        <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1      0    63     black     0      1         66.8  44418.0  93.631
## 2      1    57     white     1      0         91.3  49502.5 115.324
## 3      0    22     black     1      0        100.0  27007.4  95.583
## 4      0    51  hispanic     1      0         75.5 105206.0  78.870
## 5      0    59     white     0      1        100.0  33244.2  97.390
## 6      1    41     white     0      1         87.7   1452.1  44.597
## 7      0    45     black     0      1        100.0  41811.7 102.020
## 8      1    39     black     1      0         84.9  26964.4  79.785
## 9      0    37     white     0      1         98.3  22710.5 110.571
## 10     0    62     white     0      1         82.8   9470.8 104.752
## # ... with 990 more rows, and 4 more variables: height <dbl>, treat <int>,
## #   village_id <int>, ind_id <int>
## [[3]]
## [[3]]$analyses
## [1] "analyses <- function(DV, treat, covs = NULL, heterogenous = NULL, subset = NULL, FE = NULL, cluster = NULL, IPW = NULL, data, model = \"lm\", status = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) {\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(plyr)))\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(dplyr)))\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(broom)))\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(Hmisc)))\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(lfe)))\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(multiwayvcov)))\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(lmtest)))\n    if (!is.null(FE) & model != \"lm\") \n        stop(\"Function does not support FE for other than OLS models\")\n    frame_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(DV, \"~\", paste(c(treat, covs, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), collapse = \" + \")))\n    if (is.null(heterogenous)) {\n        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, covs), collapse = \" + \")\n    }\n    else {\n        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, paste0(treat, \":\", heterogenous), heterogenous, covs), collapse = \" + \")\n    }\n    main_formula <- paste(DV, \"~\", main_formula)\n    FE_formula <- ifelse(is.null(FE), 0, paste(FE, collapse = \"+\"))\n    cluster_formula <- ifelse(is.null(cluster), 0, paste(cluster, collapse = \"+\"))\n    fit_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(main_formula, \"|\", FE_formula, \"|\", 0, \"|\", cluster_formula))\n    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = data, .dots = subset)\n    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = frame_df, .dots = paste(paste0(\"!\", c(treat, DV, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), \")\"), collapse = \" & \"))\n    frame_df <- stats::model.frame(frame_formula, data = frame_df)\n    if (length(FE) > 1) \n        frame_df[, FE] <- (plyr::colwise(as.factor))(frame_df[, FE])\n    if (length(FE) == 1) \n        frame_df[, FE] <- as.factor(frame_df[, FE])\n    if (model == \"lm\") {\n        if (is.null(IPW)) {\n            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df)\n        }\n        else {\n            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]))\n        }\n    }\n    else if (model == \"logit\") {\n        if (is.null(IPW)) {\n            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, family = binomial(link = \"logit\")))\n        }\n        else {\n            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]), family = binomial(link = \"logit\")))\n        }\n        if (!is.null(cluster)) {\n            fit <- lmtest::coeftest(x = fit, vcov = multiwayvcov::cluster.vcov(model = fit, cluster = frame_df[, cluster]))\n        }\n    }\n    col_names <- c(\"term\", \"estimate\", \"std.error\", \"p.value\")\n    if (!is.null(FE)) {\n        icpt <- unname(plyr::name_rows(lfe::getfe(fit, ef = function(gamma, addnames) absorb(gamma = gamma, addnames = addnames, .FE = frame_df[, FE]), se = T, bN = 1000, cluster = TRUE)))\n        icpt <- cbind(icpt[c(5, 1, 4)], pval = 2 * stats::pt(unlist(icpt[1])/unlist(icpt[4]), df = suppressWarnings(broom::glance(fit)[, \"df\"]), lower.tail = FALSE))\n        colnames(icpt) <- col_names\n        estout <- rbind(icpt, suppressWarnings(broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]))\n    }\n    else {\n        estout <- broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]\n        estout[1, 1] <- \"intercept\"\n    }\n    out <- dplyr::mutate(estout, printout = paste0(fround(estimate, digits = 3), \" [\", fround(std.error, digits = 3), \"]\"), estimate = round(estimate, digits = 3), std.error = round(std.error, digits = 3), p.value = round(p.value, digits = 3))\n    out <- dplyr::select(.data = out, term, estimate, std.error, printout, p.value)\n    list(estimates = out, stat = c(adj.r.squared = ifelse(model == \"lm\", fround(broom::glance(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), NA), n_obs = fround(nrow(frame_df), digits = 0)), model_spec = c(HETEROGENOUS = ifelse(!is.null(heterogenous), paste(heterogenous, collapse = \" \"), NA), FE = ifelse(!is.null(FE), paste(FE, collapse = \" \"), \"no\"), CLUSTER = ifelse(!is.null(cluster), paste(cluster, collapse = \" \"), \"no\"), IPW = ifelse(!is.null(IPW), paste(IPW, collapse = \" \"), \"no\")), model_status = c(R = status[1], \n        S = status[2], P = status[3]))\n}"
## [[3]]$absorb
## [1] "absorb <- function(gamma, addnames, .FE) {\n    ws <- table(.FE, useNA = \"no\")\n    icpt <- wtd_mean(gamma, weights = ws)\n    result <- c(icpt)\n    if (addnames) {\n        names(result) <- \"intercept\"\n        attr(result, \"extra\") <- list(fe = factor(\"icpt\"), obs = factor(length(.FE)))\n    }\n    result\n}"
## [[3]]$fround
## [1] "fround <- function(x, digits) {\n    format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits)\n}"
## [[3]]$mgsub
## [1] "mgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {\n    if (length(pattern) != length(replacement)) {\n        stop(\"pattern and replacement do not have the same length.\")\n    }\n    result <- x\n    for (i in 1:length(pattern)) {\n        result <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], result, ...)\n    }\n    result\n}"
## [[3]]$pfround
## [1] "pfround <- function(x, digits) {\n    print(fround(x, digits), quote = FALSE)\n}"
## [[3]]$set_seed
## [1] "set_seed <- function(.seed = 12345, .parallel = FALSE) {\n    suppressMessages(stopifnot(require(mosaic)))\n    if (.parallel) \n        mosaic::set.rseed(seed = .seed)\n    else set.seed(seed = .seed)\n}"
## [[3]]$wtd_mean
## [1] "wtd_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, normwt = \"ignored\", na.rm = TRUE) {\n    if (!length(weights)) \n        return(mean(x, na.rm = na.rm))\n    if (na.rm) {\n        s <- ! + weights)\n        x <- x[s]\n        weights <- weights[s]\n    }\n    return(sum(weights * x)/sum(weights))\n}"
## [[4]]
## [[4]]$table_1
## [1] "mapply(FUN = analyses, MoreArgs = list(DV = \"school_grade\", treat = \"treat\", FE = \"ethnicity\", data = data_individual), covs = list(column_1 = c(\"male\", \"income\"), column_1_rep = c(\"male\", \"income\"), column_2 = NULL, column_2_rep = NULL), heterogenous = list(NULL, \"iq\", NULL, \"iq\"), subset = list(\"iq >= 50\", NULL, \"iq >= 50\", NULL), status = list(c(F, T, T), c(T, T, F), c(F, T, T), c(T, F, F)), USE.NAMES = TRUE)"
## [[4]]$table_2
## [1] "mapply(FUN = analyses, MoreArgs = list(DV = \"turnout\", treat = \"treat\", FE = \"urban\", data = data_admin), covs = list(column_1 = c(\"age\", \"school_grade\"), column_1_rep = c(\"age\", \"school_grade\"), column_2 = c(\"height\", \"income\"), column_3 = c(\"age\", \"school_grade\", \"height\", \"income\"), column_3_rep = c(\"age\", \"school_grade\", \"height\", \"income\")), heterogenous = list(NULL, \"iq\", NULL, NULL, \"iq\"), subset = list(\"iq >= 50\", NULL, \"iq >= 50\", \"iq >= 50\", NULL), status = list(c(F, T, T), c(T, T, F), \n    c(T, T, T), c(F, T, T), c(T, F, F)), USE.NAMES = TRUE)"

Use of summary.replication()

  1. Genearal summary
This is a replication of the Fake Study. The original study is conducted by Georgiy Syunyaev from Columbia University and Someone Else from Some Other University. The replication is conducted by Georgiy Syunyaev.

The aim of this study is to test the create_replication() functionality. This is the first attempt at creatreplication class of objects in [R] for systematic storage and access to study replication materials.

There are 2 datasets provided: data_admin (50 obs. of 11 variables), data_individual (1000 obs. of 12 variables). There are 7 custom functions provided: analyses, absorb, fround, mgsub, pfround, set_seed, wtd_mean. There are 2 table replications provided: table_1, table_2. There are 9 [R] packages required for the replication: plyr, dplyr, broom, Hmisc, lfe, multiwayvcov, lmtest, wakefield, magrittr.
  1. Table summary
summary(x, table = "table_1", published = TRUE, registered = FALSE)
Results for table_1

Published :


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept   85.013     1.013 85.013 [1.013]   0.000
2     treat   -1.080     0.922 -1.080 [0.922]   0.242
3      male   -0.298     0.924 -0.298 [0.924]   0.747
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.902

adj.r.squared = -0.003, n_obs = 997, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = ethnicity, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept   84.937     0.659 84.937 [0.659]   0.000
2     treat   -1.076     0.921 -1.076 [0.921]   0.243

adj.r.squared = -0.001, n_obs = 997, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = ethnicity, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no
summary(x, table = "table_2", published = TRUE, registered = TRUE)
Results for table_2

Published :


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept   -0.368     0.852 -0.368 [0.852]   1.332
2        treat    0.072     0.058  0.072 [0.058]   0.219
3          age   -0.004     0.009 -0.004 [0.009]   0.636
4 school_grade    0.012     0.010  0.012 [0.010]   0.231

adj.r.squared = -0.021, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept    0.711     0.666  0.711 [0.666]   0.292
2     treat    0.051     0.057  0.051 [0.057]   0.380
3    height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.890
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.543

adj.r.squared = -0.048, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept   -0.215     1.117 -0.215 [1.117]   1.151
2        treat    0.068     0.060  0.068 [0.060]   0.262
3          age   -0.004     0.009 -0.004 [0.009]   0.690
4 school_grade    0.012     0.010  0.012 [0.010]   0.268
5       height    0.000     0.004  0.000 [0.004]   0.946
6       income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.662

adj.r.squared = -0.063, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no

Registered :


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept    0.324     1.197  0.324 [1.197]   0.788
2        treat   -0.744     1.508 -0.744 [1.508]   0.624
3           iq   -0.006     0.009 -0.006 [0.009]   0.474
4          age   -0.003     0.009 -0.003 [0.009]   0.740
5 school_grade    0.011     0.010  0.011 [0.010]   0.300
6     treat:iq    0.008     0.015  0.008 [0.015]   0.594

adj.r.squared = -0.055, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = iq, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept    0.711     0.666  0.711 [0.666]   0.292
2     treat    0.051     0.057  0.051 [0.057]   0.380
3    height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.890
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.543

adj.r.squared = -0.048, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept    0.676     1.574  0.676 [1.574]   0.670
2        treat   -0.824     1.546 -0.824 [1.546]   0.597
3           iq   -0.007     0.009 -0.007 [0.009]   0.431
4          age   -0.002     0.009 -0.002 [0.009]   0.820
5 school_grade    0.010     0.011  0.010 [0.011]   0.362
6       height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.878
7       income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.592
8     treat:iq    0.009     0.015  0.009 [0.015]   0.571

adj.r.squared = -0.098, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = iq, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no
  1. Replication script
summary(x, script = TRUE)
## This is preamble code.
## Run it before the replication of your first table in the study.

ipak <- function (pkg, quietly = FALSE) 
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkg)) 
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    loaded_packages <- sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE, 
        warn.conflicts = !quietly)
    if (any(!loaded_packages)) 
        stop(paste0("The following packages required for replication failed to load: ", 
            paste0(names(pkg)[!loaded_packages], collapse = ", "), 
            ". This can cause failure to replicate the study."))
    if (all(loaded_packages) & !quietly) 
        cat(paste0("Succesfully installed and/or loaded all packages required for replication: ", 
            paste0(pkg, collapse = ", "), ".\n\n"))

ipak(c("plyr", "dplyr", "broom", "Hmisc", "lfe", "multiwayvcov", "lmtest", "wakefield", "magrittr"))

analyses <- function(DV, treat, covs = NULL, heterogenous = NULL, subset = NULL, FE = NULL, cluster = NULL, IPW = NULL, data, model = "lm", status = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) {
    if (!is.null(FE) & model != "lm") 
        stop("Function does not support FE for other than OLS models")
    frame_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(DV, "~", paste(c(treat, covs, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), collapse = " + ")))
    if (is.null(heterogenous)) {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, covs), collapse = " + ")
    else {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, paste0(treat, ":", heterogenous), heterogenous, covs), collapse = " + ")
    main_formula <- paste(DV, "~", main_formula)
    FE_formula <- ifelse(is.null(FE), 0, paste(FE, collapse = "+"))
    cluster_formula <- ifelse(is.null(cluster), 0, paste(cluster, collapse = "+"))
    fit_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(main_formula, "|", FE_formula, "|", 0, "|", cluster_formula))
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = data, .dots = subset)
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = frame_df, .dots = paste(paste0("!", c(treat, DV, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), ")"), collapse = " & "))
    frame_df <- stats::model.frame(frame_formula, data = frame_df)
    if (length(FE) > 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- (plyr::colwise(as.factor))(frame_df[, FE])
    if (length(FE) == 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- as.factor(frame_df[, FE])
    if (model == "lm") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df)
        else {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]))
    else if (model == "logit") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        else {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]), family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        if (!is.null(cluster)) {
            fit <- lmtest::coeftest(x = fit, vcov = multiwayvcov::cluster.vcov(model = fit, cluster = frame_df[, cluster]))
    col_names <- c("term", "estimate", "std.error", "p.value")
    if (!is.null(FE)) {
        icpt <- unname(plyr::name_rows(lfe::getfe(fit, ef = function(gamma, addnames) absorb(gamma = gamma, addnames = addnames, .FE = frame_df[, FE]), se = T, bN = 1000, cluster = TRUE)))
        icpt <- cbind(icpt[c(5, 1, 4)], pval = 2 * stats::pt(unlist(icpt[1])/unlist(icpt[4]), df = suppressWarnings(broom::glance(fit)[, "df"]), lower.tail = FALSE))
        colnames(icpt) <- col_names
        estout <- rbind(icpt, suppressWarnings(broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]))
    else {
        estout <- broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]
        estout[1, 1] <- "intercept"
    out <- dplyr::mutate(estout, printout = paste0(fround(estimate, digits = 3), " [", fround(std.error, digits = 3), "]"), estimate = round(estimate, digits = 3), std.error = round(std.error, digits = 3), p.value = round(p.value, digits = 3))
    out <- dplyr::select(.data = out, term, estimate, std.error, printout, p.value)
    list(estimates = out, stat = c(adj.r.squared = ifelse(model == "lm", fround(broom::glance(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), NA), n_obs = fround(nrow(frame_df), digits = 0)), model_spec = c(HETEROGENOUS = ifelse(!is.null(heterogenous), paste(heterogenous, collapse = " "), NA), FE = ifelse(!is.null(FE), paste(FE, collapse = " "), "no"), CLUSTER = ifelse(!is.null(cluster), paste(cluster, collapse = " "), "no"), IPW = ifelse(!is.null(IPW), paste(IPW, collapse = " "), "no")), model_status = c(R = status[1], 
        S = status[2], P = status[3]))

absorb <- function(gamma, addnames, .FE) {
    ws <- table(.FE, useNA = "no")
    icpt <- wtd_mean(gamma, weights = ws)
    result <- c(icpt)
    if (addnames) {
        names(result) <- "intercept"
        attr(result, "extra") <- list(fe = factor("icpt"), obs = factor(length(.FE)))

fround <- function(x, digits) {
    format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits)

mgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
    if (length(pattern) != length(replacement)) {
        stop("pattern and replacement do not have the same length.")
    result <- x
    for (i in 1:length(pattern)) {
        result <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], result, ...)

pfround <- function(x, digits) {
    print(fround(x, digits), quote = FALSE)

set_seed <- function(.seed = 12345, .parallel = FALSE) {
    if (.parallel) 
        mosaic::set.rseed(seed = .seed)
    else set.seed(seed = .seed)

wtd_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, normwt = "ignored", na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (!length(weights)) 
        return(mean(x, na.rm = na.rm))
    if (na.rm) {
        s <- ! + weights)
        x <- x[s]
        weights <- weights[s]
    return(sum(weights * x)/sum(weights))

data_admin <- x$data$data_admin

data_individual <- x$data$data_individual
summary(x, table = "table_1", script = TRUE)
## This is preamble code.
## Run it before the replication of your first table in the study.

ipak <- function (pkg, quietly = FALSE) 
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkg)) 
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    loaded_packages <- sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE, 
        warn.conflicts = !quietly)
    if (any(!loaded_packages)) 
        stop(paste0("The following packages required for replication failed to load: ", 
            paste0(names(pkg)[!loaded_packages], collapse = ", "), 
            ". This can cause failure to replicate the study."))
    if (all(loaded_packages) & !quietly) 
        cat(paste0("Succesfully installed and/or loaded all packages required for replication: ", 
            paste0(pkg, collapse = ", "), ".\n\n"))

ipak(c("plyr", "dplyr", "broom", "Hmisc", "lfe", "multiwayvcov", "lmtest", "wakefield", "magrittr"))

analyses <- function(DV, treat, covs = NULL, heterogenous = NULL, subset = NULL, FE = NULL, cluster = NULL, IPW = NULL, data, model = "lm", status = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) {
    if (!is.null(FE) & model != "lm") 
        stop("Function does not support FE for other than OLS models")
    frame_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(DV, "~", paste(c(treat, covs, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), collapse = " + ")))
    if (is.null(heterogenous)) {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, covs), collapse = " + ")
    else {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, paste0(treat, ":", heterogenous), heterogenous, covs), collapse = " + ")
    main_formula <- paste(DV, "~", main_formula)
    FE_formula <- ifelse(is.null(FE), 0, paste(FE, collapse = "+"))
    cluster_formula <- ifelse(is.null(cluster), 0, paste(cluster, collapse = "+"))
    fit_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(main_formula, "|", FE_formula, "|", 0, "|", cluster_formula))
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = data, .dots = subset)
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = frame_df, .dots = paste(paste0("!", c(treat, DV, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), ")"), collapse = " & "))
    frame_df <- stats::model.frame(frame_formula, data = frame_df)
    if (length(FE) > 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- (plyr::colwise(as.factor))(frame_df[, FE])
    if (length(FE) == 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- as.factor(frame_df[, FE])
    if (model == "lm") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df)
        else {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]))
    else if (model == "logit") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        else {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]), family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        if (!is.null(cluster)) {
            fit <- lmtest::coeftest(x = fit, vcov = multiwayvcov::cluster.vcov(model = fit, cluster = frame_df[, cluster]))
    col_names <- c("term", "estimate", "std.error", "p.value")
    if (!is.null(FE)) {
        icpt <- unname(plyr::name_rows(lfe::getfe(fit, ef = function(gamma, addnames) absorb(gamma = gamma, addnames = addnames, .FE = frame_df[, FE]), se = T, bN = 1000, cluster = TRUE)))
        icpt <- cbind(icpt[c(5, 1, 4)], pval = 2 * stats::pt(unlist(icpt[1])/unlist(icpt[4]), df = suppressWarnings(broom::glance(fit)[, "df"]), lower.tail = FALSE))
        colnames(icpt) <- col_names
        estout <- rbind(icpt, suppressWarnings(broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]))
    else {
        estout <- broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]
        estout[1, 1] <- "intercept"
    out <- dplyr::mutate(estout, printout = paste0(fround(estimate, digits = 3), " [", fround(std.error, digits = 3), "]"), estimate = round(estimate, digits = 3), std.error = round(std.error, digits = 3), p.value = round(p.value, digits = 3))
    out <- dplyr::select(.data = out, term, estimate, std.error, printout, p.value)
    list(estimates = out, stat = c(adj.r.squared = ifelse(model == "lm", fround(broom::glance(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), NA), n_obs = fround(nrow(frame_df), digits = 0)), model_spec = c(HETEROGENOUS = ifelse(!is.null(heterogenous), paste(heterogenous, collapse = " "), NA), FE = ifelse(!is.null(FE), paste(FE, collapse = " "), "no"), CLUSTER = ifelse(!is.null(cluster), paste(cluster, collapse = " "), "no"), IPW = ifelse(!is.null(IPW), paste(IPW, collapse = " "), "no")), model_status = c(R = status[1], 
        S = status[2], P = status[3]))

absorb <- function(gamma, addnames, .FE) {
    ws <- table(.FE, useNA = "no")
    icpt <- wtd_mean(gamma, weights = ws)
    result <- c(icpt)
    if (addnames) {
        names(result) <- "intercept"
        attr(result, "extra") <- list(fe = factor("icpt"), obs = factor(length(.FE)))

fround <- function(x, digits) {
    format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits)

mgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
    if (length(pattern) != length(replacement)) {
        stop("pattern and replacement do not have the same length.")
    result <- x
    for (i in 1:length(pattern)) {
        result <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], result, ...)

pfround <- function(x, digits) {
    print(fround(x, digits), quote = FALSE)

set_seed <- function(.seed = 12345, .parallel = FALSE) {
    if (.parallel) 
        mosaic::set.rseed(seed = .seed)
    else set.seed(seed = .seed)

wtd_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, normwt = "ignored", na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (!length(weights)) 
        return(mean(x, na.rm = na.rm))
    if (na.rm) {
        s <- ! + weights)
        x <- x[s]
        weights <- weights[s]
    return(sum(weights * x)/sum(weights))

data_admin <- x$data$data_admin

data_individual <- x$data$data_individual

## Below is the table replication code

table_1 <- mapply(FUN = analyses, MoreArgs = list(DV = "school_grade", treat = "treat", FE = "ethnicity", data = data_individual), covs = list(column_1 = c("male", "income"), column_1_rep = c("male", "income"), column_2 = NULL, column_2_rep = NULL), heterogenous = list(NULL, "iq", NULL, "iq"), subset = list("iq >= 50", NULL, "iq >= 50", NULL), status = list(c(F, T, T), c(T, T, F), c(F, T, T), c(T, F, F)), USE.NAMES = TRUE)


Showcase for pre-existing replication object

  1. Download the archive
  1. Summarize the archive
# Overall summary of the study
This is a replication of the Fake Study. The original study is conducted by Georgiy Syunyaev from Columbia University and Someone Else from Some Other University. The replication is conducted by Georgiy Syunyaev.

The aim of this study is to test the create_replication() functionality. This is the first attempt at creating replication class of objects in [R] for systematic storage and access to study replication materials.

There are 2 datasets provided: data_admin (50 obs. of 11 variables), data_individual (1000 obs. of 12 variables). There are 7 custom functions provided: analyses, absorb, fround, mgsub, pfround, set_seed, wtd_mean. There are 2 table replications provided: table_1, table_2. There are 9 [R] packages required for the replication: plyr, dplyr, broom, Hmisc, lfe, multiwayvcov, lmtest, wakefield, magrittr.
# Here are the published results for Table 1
summary(fake_study, table = "table_1", published = TRUE, registered = FALSE)
Results for table_1

Published :


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept   85.013     1.034 85.013 [1.034]   0.000
2     treat   -1.080     0.922 -1.080 [0.922]   0.242
3      male   -0.298     0.924 -0.298 [0.924]   0.747
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.902

adj.r.squared = -0.003, n_obs = 997, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = ethnicity, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept   84.937     0.652 84.937 [0.652]   0.000
2     treat   -1.076     0.921 -1.076 [0.921]   0.243

adj.r.squared = -0.001, n_obs = 997, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = ethnicity, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no
# Here are the results for Table 1 registered in PAP
summary(fake_study, table = "table_2", published = FALSE, registered = TRUE)
Results for table_2

Registered :


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept    0.324     1.226  0.324 [1.226]   0.793
2        treat   -0.744     1.508 -0.744 [1.508]   0.624
3           iq   -0.006     0.009 -0.006 [0.009]   0.474
4          age   -0.003     0.009 -0.003 [0.009]   0.740
5 school_grade    0.011     0.010  0.011 [0.010]   0.300
6     treat:iq    0.008     0.015  0.008 [0.015]   0.594

adj.r.squared = -0.055, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = iq, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept    0.711     0.641  0.711 [0.641]   0.274
2     treat    0.051     0.057  0.051 [0.057]   0.380
3    height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.890
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.543

adj.r.squared = -0.048, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept    0.676     1.517  0.676 [1.517]   0.658
2        treat   -0.824     1.546 -0.824 [1.546]   0.597
3           iq   -0.007     0.009 -0.007 [0.009]   0.431
4          age   -0.002     0.009 -0.002 [0.009]   0.820
5 school_grade    0.010     0.011  0.010 [0.011]   0.362
6       height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.878
7       income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.592
8     treat:iq    0.009     0.015  0.009 [0.015]   0.571

adj.r.squared = -0.098, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = iq, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no
# Here are both registered and published results for Table 1
summary(fake_study, table = "table_2", published = TRUE, registered = TRUE)
Results for table_2

Published :


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept   -0.368     0.904 -0.368 [0.904]   1.314
2        treat    0.072     0.058  0.072 [0.058]   0.219
3          age   -0.004     0.009 -0.004 [0.009]   0.636
4 school_grade    0.012     0.010  0.012 [0.010]   0.231

adj.r.squared = -0.021, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept    0.711     0.681  0.711 [0.681]   0.302
2     treat    0.051     0.057  0.051 [0.057]   0.380
3    height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.890
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.543

adj.r.squared = -0.048, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept   -0.215     1.116 -0.215 [1.116]   1.152
2        treat    0.068     0.060  0.068 [0.060]   0.262
3          age   -0.004     0.009 -0.004 [0.009]   0.690
4 school_grade    0.012     0.010  0.012 [0.010]   0.268
5       height    0.000     0.004  0.000 [0.004]   0.946
6       income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.662

adj.r.squared = -0.063, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no

Registered :


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept    0.324     1.289  0.324 [1.289]   0.803
2        treat   -0.744     1.508 -0.744 [1.508]   0.624
3           iq   -0.006     0.009 -0.006 [0.009]   0.474
4          age   -0.003     0.009 -0.003 [0.009]   0.740
5 school_grade    0.011     0.010  0.011 [0.010]   0.300
6     treat:iq    0.008     0.015  0.008 [0.015]   0.594

adj.r.squared = -0.055, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = iq, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


       term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1 intercept    0.711     0.681  0.711 [0.681]   0.302
2     treat    0.051     0.057  0.051 [0.057]   0.380
3    height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.890
4    income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.543

adj.r.squared = -0.048, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = NA, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no


          term estimate std.error       printout p.value
1    intercept    0.676     1.444  0.676 [1.444]   0.642
2        treat   -0.824     1.546 -0.824 [1.546]   0.597
3           iq   -0.007     0.009 -0.007 [0.009]   0.431
4          age   -0.002     0.009 -0.002 [0.009]   0.820
5 school_grade    0.010     0.011  0.010 [0.011]   0.362
6       height   -0.001     0.004 -0.001 [0.004]   0.878
7       income    0.000     0.000  0.000 [0.000]   0.592
8     treat:iq    0.009     0.015  0.009 [0.015]   0.571

adj.r.squared = -0.098, n_obs = 50, HETEROGENOUS = iq, FE = urban, CLUSTER = no, IPW = no
# Here is the preamble code you have to run to replicate any of the results in the study
summary(fake_study, script = TRUE)
## This is preamble code.
## Run it before the replication of your first table in the study.

ipak <- function (pkg, quietly = FALSE) 
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkg)) 
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    loaded_packages <- sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE, 
        warn.conflicts = !quietly)
    if (any(!loaded_packages)) 
        stop(paste0("The following packages required for replication failed to load: ", 
            paste0(names(pkg)[!loaded_packages], collapse = ", "), 
            ". This can cause failure to replicate the study."))
    if (all(loaded_packages) & !quietly) 
        cat(paste0("Succesfully installed and/or loaded all packages required for replication: ", 
            paste0(pkg, collapse = ", "), ".\n\n"))

ipak(c("plyr", "dplyr", "broom", "Hmisc", "lfe", "multiwayvcov", "lmtest", "wakefield", "magrittr"))

analyses <- function(DV, treat, covs = NULL, heterogenous = NULL, subset = NULL, FE = NULL, cluster = NULL, IPW = NULL, data, model = "lm", status = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) {
    if (!is.null(FE) & model != "lm") 
        stop("Function does not support FE for other than OLS models")
    frame_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(DV, "~", paste(c(treat, covs, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), collapse = " + ")))
    if (is.null(heterogenous)) {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, covs), collapse = " + ")
    else {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, paste0(treat, ":", heterogenous), heterogenous, covs), collapse = " + ")
    main_formula <- paste(DV, "~", main_formula)
    FE_formula <- ifelse(is.null(FE), 0, paste(FE, collapse = "+"))
    cluster_formula <- ifelse(is.null(cluster), 0, paste(cluster, collapse = "+"))
    fit_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(main_formula, "|", FE_formula, "|", 0, "|", cluster_formula))
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = data, .dots = subset)
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = frame_df, .dots = paste(paste0("!", c(treat, DV, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), ")"), collapse = " & "))
    frame_df <- stats::model.frame(frame_formula, data = frame_df)
    if (length(FE) > 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- (plyr::colwise(as.factor))(frame_df[, FE])
    if (length(FE) == 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- as.factor(frame_df[, FE])
    if (model == "lm") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df)
        else {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]))
    else if (model == "logit") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        else {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]), family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        if (!is.null(cluster)) {
            fit <- lmtest::coeftest(x = fit, vcov = multiwayvcov::cluster.vcov(model = fit, cluster = frame_df[, cluster]))
    col_names <- c("term", "estimate", "std.error", "p.value")
    if (!is.null(FE)) {
        icpt <- unname(plyr::name_rows(lfe::getfe(fit, ef = function(gamma, addnames) absorb(gamma = gamma, addnames = addnames, .FE = frame_df[, FE]), se = T, bN = 1000, cluster = TRUE)))
        icpt <- cbind(icpt[c(5, 1, 4)], pval = 2 * stats::pt(unlist(icpt[1])/unlist(icpt[4]), df = suppressWarnings(broom::glance(fit)[, "df"]), lower.tail = FALSE))
        colnames(icpt) <- col_names
        estout <- rbind(icpt, suppressWarnings(broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]))
    else {
        estout <- broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]
        estout[1, 1] <- "intercept"
    out <- dplyr::mutate(estout, printout = paste0(fround(estimate, digits = 3), " [", fround(std.error, digits = 3), "]"), estimate = round(estimate, digits = 3), std.error = round(std.error, digits = 3), p.value = round(p.value, digits = 3))
    out <- dplyr::select(.data = out, term, estimate, std.error, printout, p.value)
    list(estimates = out, stat = c(adj.r.squared = ifelse(model == "lm", fround(broom::glance(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), NA), n_obs = fround(nrow(frame_df), digits = 0)), model_spec = c(HETEROGENOUS = ifelse(!is.null(heterogenous), paste(heterogenous, collapse = " "), NA), FE = ifelse(!is.null(FE), paste(FE, collapse = " "), "no"), CLUSTER = ifelse(!is.null(cluster), paste(cluster, collapse = " "), "no"), IPW = ifelse(!is.null(IPW), paste(IPW, collapse = " "), "no")), model_status = c(R = status[1], 
        S = status[2], P = status[3]))

absorb <- function(gamma, addnames, .FE) {
    ws <- table(.FE, useNA = "no")
    icpt <- wtd_mean(gamma, weights = ws)
    result <- c(icpt)
    if (addnames) {
        names(result) <- "intercept"
        attr(result, "extra") <- list(fe = factor("icpt"), obs = factor(length(.FE)))

fround <- function(x, digits) {
    format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits)

mgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
    if (length(pattern) != length(replacement)) {
        stop("pattern and replacement do not have the same length.")
    result <- x
    for (i in 1:length(pattern)) {
        result <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], result, ...)

pfround <- function(x, digits) {
    print(fround(x, digits), quote = FALSE)

set_seed <- function(.seed = 12345, .parallel = FALSE) {
    if (.parallel) 
        mosaic::set.rseed(seed = .seed)
    else set.seed(seed = .seed)

wtd_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, normwt = "ignored", na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (!length(weights)) 
        return(mean(x, na.rm = na.rm))
    if (na.rm) {
        s <- ! + weights)
        x <- x[s]
        weights <- weights[s]
    return(sum(weights * x)/sum(weights))

data_admin <- fake_study$data$data_admin

data_individual <- fake_study$data$data_individual
# Here is the script which will reproduce Table 1
# if you have replication object in your R environment
# (which you have to have to run any of the above commands)
summary(fake_study, table = "table_1", script = TRUE)
## This is preamble code.
## Run it before the replication of your first table in the study.

ipak <- function (pkg, quietly = FALSE) 
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkg)) 
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    loaded_packages <- sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE, 
        warn.conflicts = !quietly)
    if (any(!loaded_packages)) 
        stop(paste0("The following packages required for replication failed to load: ", 
            paste0(names(pkg)[!loaded_packages], collapse = ", "), 
            ". This can cause failure to replicate the study."))
    if (all(loaded_packages) & !quietly) 
        cat(paste0("Succesfully installed and/or loaded all packages required for replication: ", 
            paste0(pkg, collapse = ", "), ".\n\n"))

ipak(c("plyr", "dplyr", "broom", "Hmisc", "lfe", "multiwayvcov", "lmtest", "wakefield", "magrittr"))

analyses <- function(DV, treat, covs = NULL, heterogenous = NULL, subset = NULL, FE = NULL, cluster = NULL, IPW = NULL, data, model = "lm", status = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) {
    if (!is.null(FE) & model != "lm") 
        stop("Function does not support FE for other than OLS models")
    frame_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(DV, "~", paste(c(treat, covs, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), collapse = " + ")))
    if (is.null(heterogenous)) {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, covs), collapse = " + ")
    else {
        main_formula <- paste(c(treat, paste0(treat, ":", heterogenous), heterogenous, covs), collapse = " + ")
    main_formula <- paste(DV, "~", main_formula)
    FE_formula <- ifelse(is.null(FE), 0, paste(FE, collapse = "+"))
    cluster_formula <- ifelse(is.null(cluster), 0, paste(cluster, collapse = "+"))
    fit_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(main_formula, "|", FE_formula, "|", 0, "|", cluster_formula))
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = data, .dots = subset)
    frame_df <- dplyr::filter_(.data = frame_df, .dots = paste(paste0("!", c(treat, DV, FE, cluster, IPW, heterogenous), ")"), collapse = " & "))
    frame_df <- stats::model.frame(frame_formula, data = frame_df)
    if (length(FE) > 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- (plyr::colwise(as.factor))(frame_df[, FE])
    if (length(FE) == 1) 
        frame_df[, FE] <- as.factor(frame_df[, FE])
    if (model == "lm") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df)
        else {
            fit <- lfe::felm(formula = fit_formula, data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]))
    else if (model == "logit") {
        if (is.null(IPW)) {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        else {
            fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::glm(formula = stats::as.formula(main_formula), data = frame_df, weights = unlist(frame_df[, IPW]), family = binomial(link = "logit")))
        if (!is.null(cluster)) {
            fit <- lmtest::coeftest(x = fit, vcov = multiwayvcov::cluster.vcov(model = fit, cluster = frame_df[, cluster]))
    col_names <- c("term", "estimate", "std.error", "p.value")
    if (!is.null(FE)) {
        icpt <- unname(plyr::name_rows(lfe::getfe(fit, ef = function(gamma, addnames) absorb(gamma = gamma, addnames = addnames, .FE = frame_df[, FE]), se = T, bN = 1000, cluster = TRUE)))
        icpt <- cbind(icpt[c(5, 1, 4)], pval = 2 * stats::pt(unlist(icpt[1])/unlist(icpt[4]), df = suppressWarnings(broom::glance(fit)[, "df"]), lower.tail = FALSE))
        colnames(icpt) <- col_names
        estout <- rbind(icpt, suppressWarnings(broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]))
    else {
        estout <- broom::tidy(fit)[, col_names]
        estout[1, 1] <- "intercept"
    out <- dplyr::mutate(estout, printout = paste0(fround(estimate, digits = 3), " [", fround(std.error, digits = 3), "]"), estimate = round(estimate, digits = 3), std.error = round(std.error, digits = 3), p.value = round(p.value, digits = 3))
    out <- dplyr::select(.data = out, term, estimate, std.error, printout, p.value)
    list(estimates = out, stat = c(adj.r.squared = ifelse(model == "lm", fround(broom::glance(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), NA), n_obs = fround(nrow(frame_df), digits = 0)), model_spec = c(HETEROGENOUS = ifelse(!is.null(heterogenous), paste(heterogenous, collapse = " "), NA), FE = ifelse(!is.null(FE), paste(FE, collapse = " "), "no"), CLUSTER = ifelse(!is.null(cluster), paste(cluster, collapse = " "), "no"), IPW = ifelse(!is.null(IPW), paste(IPW, collapse = " "), "no")), model_status = c(R = status[1], 
        S = status[2], P = status[3]))

absorb <- function(gamma, addnames, .FE) {
    ws <- table(.FE, useNA = "no")
    icpt <- wtd_mean(gamma, weights = ws)
    result <- c(icpt)
    if (addnames) {
        names(result) <- "intercept"
        attr(result, "extra") <- list(fe = factor("icpt"), obs = factor(length(.FE)))

fround <- function(x, digits) {
    format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits)

mgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
    if (length(pattern) != length(replacement)) {
        stop("pattern and replacement do not have the same length.")
    result <- x
    for (i in 1:length(pattern)) {
        result <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], result, ...)

pfround <- function(x, digits) {
    print(fround(x, digits), quote = FALSE)

set_seed <- function(.seed = 12345, .parallel = FALSE) {
    if (.parallel) 
        mosaic::set.rseed(seed = .seed)
    else set.seed(seed = .seed)

wtd_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, normwt = "ignored", na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (!length(weights)) 
        return(mean(x, na.rm = na.rm))
    if (na.rm) {
        s <- ! + weights)
        x <- x[s]
        weights <- weights[s]
    return(sum(weights * x)/sum(weights))

data_admin <- fake_study$data$data_admin

data_individual <- fake_study$data$data_individual

## Below is the table replication code

table_1 <- mapply(FUN = analyses, MoreArgs = list(DV = "school_grade", treat = "treat", FE = "ethnicity", data = data_individual), covs = list(column_1 = c("male", "income"), column_1_rep = c("male", "income"), column_2 = NULL, column_2_rep = NULL), heterogenous = list(NULL, "iq", NULL, "iq"), subset = list("iq >= 50", NULL, "iq >= 50", NULL), status = list(c(F, T, T), c(T, T, F), c(F, T, T), c(T, F, F)), USE.NAMES = TRUE)


gerasy1987/replication documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:10 a.m.