
alpha_miner_base <- function(eventlog) {

transitions <- activity_labels(eventlog) %>% as.character()

eventlog %>%
    start_activities(level = "activity") %>%
    pull(1) %>%
    as.character() -> start_transitions

eventlog %>%
    end_activities(level = "activity") %>%
    pull(1) %>%
    as.character()  -> end_transitions

eventlog %>%
    precedence_matrix %>%
    filter(antecedent != "Start",consequent != "End") %>%
    mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) -> pmatrix

pmatrix %>%
    rename(temp = antecedent,
           antecedent = consequent) %>%
    rename(consequent = temp) %>%
    rename(n_mirror = n) -> pmatrix_mirror

pmatrix %>%
    full_join(pmatrix_mirror, by = c("antecedent","consequent")) %>%
    mutate(n = ifelse(is.na(n), 0, n),
           n_mirror = ifelse(is.na(n_mirror), 0, n_mirror)) %>%
    mutate(type = case_when(n > 0 & n_mirror == 0 ~"forward",
                            n == 0 & n_mirror > 0 ~ "backward",
                            n > 0 & n_mirror > 0 ~ "parallel")) %>%
    select(-n, -n_mirror) %>%
    spread(consequent, type, fill = "no") %>%
    gather(consequent, type, -antecedent) %>%
    mutate(from_id = dense_rank(antecedent), to_id = dense_rank(consequent))  -> footprint

    footprint %>%
        filter(antecedent == consequent) %>%
        filter(type != "parallel") %>%
        select(antecedent, consequent) %>%
        gather(key, activity, antecedent, consequent) %>%
        pull(activity) %>%
        unique() -> non_selfloops_transitions

    footprint %>%
        filter(type == "forward") %>%
        filter(antecedent %in% non_selfloops_transitions) %>%
        filter(consequent %in% non_selfloops_transitions) %>%
        mutate(antecedent = map(antecedent, c)) %>%
        mutate(consequent = map(consequent, c)) %>%
        mutate(pair_id = 1:n()) -> input_pairs

create_new_pairs <- function(input_pairs) {

    input_pairs %>%
        rename(ante_a = antecedent, con_a = consequent) %>%
        rename(pair_id_a = pair_id) %>%
        select(ante_a, con_a, pair_id_a) -> pairs_a

    input_pairs %>%
        rename(ante_b = antecedent, con_b = consequent) %>%
        rename(pair_id_b = pair_id) %>%
        select(ante_b, con_b, pair_id_b) -> pairs_b

    merge(pairs_a, pairs_b) %>%
        tbl_df() %>%
        rowwise() %>%
        mutate(ante_equal_length = length(ante_a) == length(ante_b)) %>%
        mutate(con_equal_length = length(con_a) == length(con_b)) %>%
        filter(ante_equal_length, con_equal_length) %>%
        mutate(ante_equal = (length(ante_a) == length(ante_b)) & all(ante_a == ante_b)) %>%
        mutate(con_equal = (length(con_a) == length(con_b)) & all(con_a == con_b)) %>%
        mutate(ante_pref_equal = all(ante_a[-length(ante_a)] == ante_b[-length(ante_b)])) %>%
        mutate(con_pref_equal = all(con_a[-length(con_a)] == con_b[-length(con_b)])) %>%
        filter(pair_id_b < pair_id_a) -> all_combinations

    all_combinations %>%
        filter((con_equal & ante_pref_equal) | (ante_equal & con_pref_equal)) -> temp

    if(nrow(temp) > 0) {
        temp %>%
            mutate(new_a = ifelse(con_equal, sort(setdiff(ante_b, ante_a)), sort(setdiff(con_b, con_a)))) %>%
            mutate(new_b = ifelse(con_equal, sort(setdiff(ante_a, ante_b)), sort(setdiff(con_a, con_b)))) %>%
            left_join(footprint, by = c("new_a" = "antecedent","new_b" = "consequent")) %>%
            filter(type == "no") %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            mutate(n_ante = map2(ante_a,ante_b, ~sort(unique(c(.x, .y))))) %>%
            mutate(n_con = map2(con_a, con_b,  ~sort(unique(c(.x, .y))))) -> new_pairs
    } else {
        data_frame() -> new_pairs


prune_pairs <- function(input_pairs, new_pairs) {

    new_pairs %>%
        select(pair_id_a, pair_id_b) %>%
        gather(key, pair_id) %>%
        select(-key) %>%
        unique() -> remove_pairs

    input_pairs %>%
        filter(!(pair_id %in% remove_pairs$pair_id)) -> final_pairs


output <- list_along(1:n_activities(eventlog)-1)
i <- 1

while(nrow(input_pairs) > 0) {
    create_new_pairs(input_pairs) -> new_pairs

    if(nrow(new_pairs) > 0) {

        input_pairs %>%
            prune_pairs(new_pairs) -> final_pairs

        new_pairs %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            transmute(antecedent = n_ante,
                      consequent = n_con) %>%
            mutate(pair_id = seq_len(n())) -> input_pairs
    } else {
        input_pairs -> final_pairs
        input_pairs <- data.frame()

    output[[i]] <- final_pairs
    i <- i + 1


output %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
    select(antecedent, consequent) %>%
    rowwise %>%
    mutate(ante_col = paste(antecedent, collapse = ",")) %>%
    mutate(cons_col = paste(consequent, collapse = ",")) %>%
    mutate(descr = paste0(ante_col, "_", cons_col)) %>%
    mutate(place = str_c("p_", descr)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(flows = map2(antecedent, consequent,  ~crossing(a = .x, c = .y))) %>%
    select(place, flows) %>%
    unnest(flows) -> temp

    temp %>%
        select(from = a, to = place) %>%
        unique() %>%
    temp %>%
        select(from = place, to = c) %>%
        unique() %>%
    data_frame(from = "p_i", to = start_transitions),
    data_frame(from = end_transitions, to = "p_o")
) -> flows

    places = c(temp %>%
                   pull(place) %>%
                   unique() %>%
    transitions = activity_labels(eventlog) %>% as.character,
    flows = flows,
    marking = "p_i"
) -> PN


gertjanssenswillen/discoveR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 3:17 a.m.