
Defines functions disconnect sqlite_connect build_connection initdb_sqlite initdb_postgres initdb schema_from_env getenv

Documented in build_connection disconnect getenv schema_from_env sqlite_connect

#' Returns the enviroment for GrafoDB
#' Returns the value of environment variable `GRAFODB_ENV`
#' @name getenv
#' @returns the value of the GRAFODB_ENV, if not specified, defaults
#'    to `prod`
#' @export

getenv <- function() {
  ln <- "GrafoDB.db.getenv"
  xx <- Sys.getenv("GRAFODB_ENV", "prod")
  rutils::.debug("enviroment setting: %s", xx, name = ln)

#' Ritorna il nome del file contenente lo schema dei dati in base all' `env`
#' `env` ottenuto con `getenv` e' la variabile d'ambiente GRAFODB_ENV, di
#' default settata a `prod`. Negli ambienti di produzione e' necessario
#' cambiarla
#' a `test` e modificare accordingly la configurazione
#' @name schema_from_env
#' @param env ambiente di riferimento (di default e' `getenv`)
#' @return percorso al file contenente lo schema dei dati
#' @note attualmente esistono solo due schemi, per SQLite (tipicamente `test`)
#'       e PostgreSQL (`prod`)

schema_from_env <- function(env = getenv()) {
  ln <- "GrafoDB.db.schema_from_env"

  driver <- if (env == "prod" || env == "collaudo") "PostgreSQL" else "SQLite"

  schema_file_name <- paste0("schema-", driver, ".sql")
  rutils::.debug("Schema file name: %s", schema_file_name, name = ln)
  file <- file.path(system.file(package = "GrafoDB"), "sql", schema_file_name)
    if (!file.exists(file)) {
    rutils::.error("Schema file doesn't exists: %s", file, name = ln)
    stop("Schema file doesn't exists: ", file)
  rutils::.debug("Schema filename full path: %s", file, name = ln)

initdb <- function(con, env=getenv()) {
  if (env == "test") {
    initdb_sqlite(con, env = env)
  } else {
    initdb_postgres(env = env)

initdb_postgres <- function(env = getenv()) {
  file <- schema_from_env(env = env)
  dbname <- if (env != "prod") {
  } else {
    # let the PGDBNAME set this.
  system(paste0("psql ", dbname, " < ", file))

initdb_sqlite <- function(con, env=getenv()) {
  ln <- "GrafoDB.db.initdb_sqlite"
  rutils::.debug("Current env is '%s'", env, name = ln)
  file <- schema_from_env(env = env)
  sql <- paste(readLines(file), collapse = "\n")

  statements <- stringr::str_split(sql, ";")[[1]]

    for (stm in statements) {
      stm <- stringr::str_trim(as.character(stm))
      if (nchar(stm) > 0) {
        rutils::.trace("%s", stm, name = ln)
        DBI::dbExecute(con, stm)
  }, error = function(cond) {

#' Factory di connessioni al database
#' @name build_connection
#' @note Funzione interna
#' @param env environment label
#' @rdname build_connection-internal

build_connection <- function(env = getenv()) {
  ln <- "GrafoDB.build_connection"
  con <- if (env == "test") {
    con <- getOption("GrafoDB_connection", NULL)
    if (is.null(con)) {
      con <- sqlite_connect()
      initdb(con, env = env)
      options(GrafoDB_connection = con)
    } else {
  } else if (env == "prod") {
  } else {
    rutils::.error("Unknown env: %s", env, name = ln)
    rutils::.error("set GRAFODB_ENV variable to the correct value (prod/test)",
      name = ln)
    stop("Unknown env: ", env)


#' builds a SQLite connection
#' @name sqlite_connect
#' @return a connection to SQLite
#' @note this is used for testing, the connection is to an in memory instance

sqlite_connect <- function() {
  if (! requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Please install RSQLite: install.packages('RSQLite')")
  DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname = ":memory:")

#' proxy the dbDisconnect based on `getenv` value
#' if `env` is `test`, is a no-op.
#' Otherwise delegates the call to `DBI::dbDisconnect`
#' @name disconnect
#' @param con connection to disconnect
#' @param env environment to check against

disconnect <- function(con, env = getenv()) {
  if (env != "test") DBI::dbDisconnect(con)
giupo/GrafoDB documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 9:43 a.m.