
#' scorecard: GGCM scorecard model
#' performance update and report production.
#' The scorecard package is intended to support periodic automated
#' analysis of trading model performance.  It can, however, be
#' used manually.
#' @section Setup:
#' The package design hinges on two input files: a \strong{scorecard}
#' file and a \strong{transaction} file.  The scorecard file is a YAML
#' specification for the scorecard layout: its rows identify
#' individual trading models, which in turn point to model
#' configuration files also in YAML format.  The transaction
#' file is a Bivio account history export file in XML format.
#' @section Design:
#' The package uses a workflow assumption that employs a
#' data hand-off by way of a workspace archive file.  One
#' function gathers the update information and stores the
#' results in the workspace archive.  Downstream functions
#' read the workspace archive to produce graphics or reports,
#' but do not write to the workspace.
#' @section Operation:
#' Although the package contains many functions, there are
#' two key functions for interaction in the workflow.
#' \code{sorecard_update()} performs the data gathering,
#' analysis, and generation of the workspace archive.
#' \code{scorecard_produce()} performs the generation of
#' several PNG graphics files, presenting the results of
#' the update and analysis.
#' @docType package
#' @name scorecard
greatgray/scorecard documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:34 a.m.