
Defines functions gl.ibd

Documented in gl.ibd

#' Performs isolation by distance analysis
#' This function performs an isolation by distance analysis based on a Mantel
#' test and also produces an isolation by distance plot. If a genlight object
#' with coordinates is provided, then an Euclidean and genetic distance matrices
#' are calculated.'
#' @importFrom vegan mantel
#' @importFrom MASS kde2d
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics abline title points
#' @importFrom stats as.dist lm
#' @importFrom StAMPP stamppFst stamppNeisD
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @param x Genlight object. If provided a standard analysis on Fst/1-Fst and
#' log(distance) is performed [required].
#' @param distance Type of distance that is calculated and used for the
#' analysis. Can be either population based 'Fst' [\link[StAMPP]{stamppFst}],
#' 'D' [\link[StAMPP]{stamppNeisD}] or individual based 'propShared',
#'  [gl.propShared], 'euclidean' [gl.dist.ind, method='Euclidean']
#'  [default "Fst"].
#' @param coordinates Can be either 'latlon', 'xy' or a two column data.frame
#' with column names 'lat','lon', 'x', 'y'). Coordinates are provided via
#' \code{gl@other$latlon} ['latlon'] or via \code{gl@other$xy} ['xy']. If latlon
#' data will be projected to meters using Mercator system [google maps] or if
#' xy then distance is directly calculated on the coordinates.
#' @param Dgen Genetic distance matrix if no genlight object is provided
#' [default NULL].
#' @param Dgeo Euclidean distance matrix if no genlight object is provided
#' [default NULL].
#' @param Dgeo_trans Transformation to be used on the Euclidean distances. See
#' Dgen_trans [default "Dgeo"].
#' @param Dgen_trans You can provide a formula to transform the genetic
#' distance. The transformation can be applied as a formula using Dgen as the
#'  variable to be transformed. For example: \code{Dgen_trans = 'Dgen/(1-Dgen)'.
#'   Any valid R expression can be used here
#'    [default 'Dgen', which is the identity function.]}
#' @param permutations Number of permutations in the Mantel test [default 999].
#' @param plot.out Should an isolation by distance plot be returned
#' [default TRUE].
#' @param paircols Should pairwise dots colored by 'pop'ulation/'ind'ividual
#' pairs [default 'pop']. You can color pairwise individuals by pairwise
#'  population colors.
#' @param plot_theme Theme for the plot. See details for options
#' [default theme_dartR()].
#' @param save2tmp If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session
#' temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].
#' @param verbose Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#' progress log ; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report
#' [default 2 or as specified using gl.set.verbosity].
#' @details
#' Currently pairwise Fst and D between populations and
#' 1-propShared and Euclidean distance between individuals are
#' implemented. Coordinates are expected as lat long and converted to Google
#' Earth Mercator projection. If coordinates are already projected, provide them
#' at the x@other$xy slot.
#' You can provide also your own genetic and Euclidean distance matrices. The
#' function is based on the code provided by the adegenet tutorial
#' (\url{http://adegenet.r-forge.r-project.org/files/tutorial-basics.pdf}),
#' using the functions  \link[vegan]{mantel} (package vegan),
#' \link[StAMPP]{stamppFst}, \link[StAMPP]{stamppNeisD} (package StAMPP) and
#' gl.propShared or gl.dist.ind. For transformation you need to have the dismo
#' package installed. As a new feature you can plot pairwise relationship using
#' double colored points (paircols=TRUE). Pairwise relationship can be
#' visualised via populations or individuals, depending which distance is
#' calculated. Please note: Often a problem arises, if an individual based 
#' distance is calculated (e.g. propShared) and some individuals have identical
#'  coordinates as this results in distances of zero between those pairs of 
#'  individuals.
#' If the standard transformation [log(Dgeo)] is used, this results in an 
#' infinite value, because of trying to calculate'log(0)'. To avoid this, the 
#' easiest fix is to change the transformation from log(Dgeo) to log(Dgeo+1) or 
#' you could add some "noise" to the coordinates of the individuals (e.g. +- 1m,
#'  but be aware if you use lat lon then you rather want to add +0.00001 degrees
#'   or so).
#' @return Returns a list of the following components: Dgen (the genetic
#' distance matrix), Dgeo (the Euclidean distance matrix), Mantel (the
#' statistics of the Mantel test).
#' @export
#' @author Bernd Gruber (bugs? Post to 
#' \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr})
#' @seealso \link[vegan]{mantel}, \link[StAMPP]{stamppFst}
#' @references
#' Rousset, F. (1997). Genetic differentiation and estimation of gene flow from
#' F-statistics under isolation by distance. Genetics, 145(4), 1219-1228.
#' @examples
#'  \donttest{
#' #because of speed only the first 100 loci
#' ibd <- gl.ibd(bandicoot.gl[,1:100], Dgeo_trans='log(Dgeo)' ,
#' Dgen_trans='Dgen/(1-Dgen)')
#' #because of speed only the first 10 individuals)
#' ibd <- gl.ibd(bandicoot.gl[1:10,], distance='euclidean', paircols='pop', 
#' Dgeo_trans='Dgeo')
#' }
#' #only first 100 loci
#' ibd <- gl.ibd(bandicoot.gl[,1:100])

gl.ibd <- function(x = NULL,
                   distance = "Fst",
                   coordinates = "latlon",
                   Dgen = NULL,
                   Dgeo = NULL,
                   Dgeo_trans = "Dgeo",
                   Dgen_trans = "Dgen",
                   permutations = 999,
                   plot.out = TRUE,
                   paircols = NULL,
                   plot_theme = theme_dartR(),
                   save2tmp = FALSE,
                   verbose = NULL) {
  pkg <- "dismo"
  if (!(requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE))) {
      " needed for this function to work. Please install it.\n"
  } else {
        # TRAP COMMAND
        funname <- match.call()[[1]]
        verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
        if (!is.null(x)){
            dt <- utils.check.datatype(x, verbose = 0)
        # specific error checks
        if (!is.null(Dgen) & !is.null(Dgeo)) {
            if (verbose > 0)
                        "Analysis performed using provided genetic and Euclidean distance matrices. If a genlight object is provided, it is ignored.\n"
            ta <-"dgendgeo"
            # make sure both matrices are distance objects if provided via Dgen 
            # and Dgeo directly
            Dgen <- as.dist(Dgen)
            Dgeo <- as.dist(Dgeo)
        if (is(x, "genlight")) {
            if (verbose > 0)
                cat(report("Analysis performed on the genlight object.\n"))
            ta <-"genlight"
        # check coordinates (if no Dgen and Dgeo is provided)
        if (ta == "genlight") {
            coords <- NULL
            if (is(coordinates, "character")) {
                if (coordinates == "latlon") {
                    if (is.null(x@other$latlon))
                            "Cannot find coordinates in x@other$latlon.\n"
                    coords <-
                        dismo::Mercator(x@other$latlon[, c("lon", "lat")])
                    if (verbose > 0) {
                                "Coordinates transformed to Mercator (google) projection to calculate distances in meters.\n"
                    coordstring <-"x@other$latlon (Mercator transformed)"
                if (coordinates == "xy") {
                    if (is.null(x@other$xy))
                        stop(error("Cannot find coordinates in x@other$xy.\n"))
                    coords <- x@other$xy
                    coordstring <-"x@other$xy"
            if (is(coordinates, "data.frame")) {
                if (length(setdiff(colnames(coordinates), c("lat", "lon"))) == 0) {
                    coords <- dismo::Mercator(coordinates[, c("lon", "lat")])
                    coordstring <- "data.frame lat/lon (Mercator transformed)"
                if (length(setdiff(colnames(coordinates), c("x", "y"))) == 0) {
                    coords <- coordinates[, c("x", "y")]
                    coordstring <-"data.frame x/y"
                if (is.null(coords)){
                            "No valid coordinates provided. check the provided data.frame and its format.\n"
            if (is.null(coords)){
                stop(error("No valid coordinates provided!\n"))
            # make sure coordinates have the correct length
            if (nrow(coords) != nInd(x) & ta == "genlight"){
                    "Cannot find coordinates for each individual in slot @other$latlon.\n"
            typedis <-NULL
            if (distance == "Fst" | distance == "D") {
                typedis <-"pop"
            if (distance == "propShared" |
                distance == "euclidean") {
                typedis <-"ind"
            if (typedis == "pop" & nPop(x) < 2){
                        "You specified a population based distance, but there is either no population or only a single population specified within your genlight object. Check via table(pop(genlight)).\n"
            if (is.null(Dgeo) & typedis == "pop") {
                if (nPop(x) > 1) {
                    pop.xy <-
                        apply(coords, 2, function(a)
                            tapply(a, pop(x), mean, na.rm = TRUE))
                    Dgeo <- dist(pop.xy)
                } else {
                            "Less than 2 populations provided, therefore no pairwise distances can be calculated.\n"
            if (is.null(Dgeo) & typedis == "ind") {
                if (nInd(x) > 1) {
                    Dgeo <- dist(coords)
                } else {
                            "Less than 2 individuals provided, therefore no pairwise distances can be calculated.\n"
            # apply logarithm to distance
            if (is.null(Dgen) & distance == "Fst") {
                class(x)<- "genlight" #stampp issue
                Dgen <-
                    as.dist(StAMPP::stamppFst(x, nboots = 1))
            if (is.null(Dgen) & distance == "D") {
              class(x)<- "genlight" #stampp issue
                Dgen <-
                    as.dist(StAMPP::stamppNeisD(x, pop = TRUE))
            if (is.null(Dgen) & distance == "propShared") {
                Dgen <- as.dist(1 - gl.propShared(x))
            if (is.null(Dgen) & distance == "euclidean") {
                Dgen <- as.dist(dist(as.matrix(x)))
            ### order both matrices to be alphabetically as levels in genlight (ind or pop)
            if (is(x, "genlight")) {
                if (typedis == "pop") {
                    oo <- order(colnames(as.matrix(Dgen)))
                    Dgen <- as.dist(as.matrix(Dgen)[oo, oo])
                    oo <- order(colnames(as.matrix(Dgeo)))
                    Dgeo <- as.dist(as.matrix(Dgeo)[oo, oo])
        } else {
            # end of ta=='genlight' ta='dgendgeo
            coordstring <- "Dgeo provided."
            distance <- "Dgen provided"
            typedis <- "ind"
        # use tranformations
        Dgen <- eval(parse(text = Dgen_trans))
        Dgeo <- eval(parse(text = Dgeo_trans))
        if (sum(is.infinite(Dgeo)) > 0) {
                    "Most likely some pairwise individual distances were zero and the transformation created missing values [e.g. log(Dgeo)]. This affects the Mantel test and points are omitted from the plot. Consider adding a suitable tranformation e.g. an offset to your Dgeo transformation if using a log transformation [e.g. Dgeo_trans='log(Dgeo+1)'] or adding some 'noise' to the coordinates.\n"
        if (is.null(Dgeo))
                "Cannot calculate distance matrix or no distance matrix provided\n!"
        if (is.null(Dgen))
                    "Cannot calculate genetic distance matrix or no genetic distance matrix provided!\n"
        manteltest <-
            vegan::mantel(Dgen, Dgeo, na.rm = TRUE, permutations = permutations)
        lm_eqn <-
                     r = manteltest$statistic,
                     pp = manteltest$signif) {
                m <- lm(Dgen ~ Dgeo, df)
                eq <-
                        italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x) * "," ~ ~ italic(R) ^ 2 ~ "=" ~ r2 * "," ~ ~
                            italic(p) ~ "=" ~ pp,
                            a = format(unname(coef(m)[1]),
                                       digits = 2),
                            b = format(unname(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2),
                            r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3),
                            pp = format(pp, digits = 3)
        ####### Printing outputs, using package patchwork
        res <-
            data.frame(Dgen = as.numeric(Dgen), Dgeo = as.numeric(Dgeo))
        if (is.null(paircols)) {
            p3 <-
                ggplot(res, aes(x = Dgeo, y = Dgen)) + 
              geom_point() + 
              geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = TRUE) + 
              ylab(Dgen_trans) + 
              xlab(Dgeo_trans) +
                    label = lm_eqn(res),
                    x = Inf,
                    y = -Inf,
                    parse = TRUE,
                    hjust = 1.05,
                    vjust = 0) + 
        } else {
            Legend <- col2 <- NA  #ggplot bug
            cols <- which(lower.tri(as.matrix(Dgen)), arr.ind = TRUE)
            c1 <- cols[, 2]
            c2 <- cols[, 1]
            cn <- colnames(as.matrix(Dgen))
            # if someone wants to color pairwise individuals by pairwise colors
            if (typedis == "ind" & paircols == "pop") {
                if (is(x, "genlight")){
                    cn <- pop(x)
                    cn <- rownames(as.matrix(Dgen))
            res <-
                    Dgen = as.numeric(Dgen),
                    Dgeo = as.numeric(Dgeo),
                    Legend = cn[c1],
                    col2 = cn[c2]
            p3 <-
                ggplot(res) + 
              geom_smooth(aes(x = Dgeo, y = Dgen),method = "lm", se = TRUE) + 
              geom_point(aes(Dgeo, Dgen, col = Legend), size = 5) + 
              geom_point(aes(Dgeo, Dgen, col = col2), size = 2) + 
              geom_point(aes(Dgeo, Dgen),size = 2,shape = 1) + 
              guides(size = "none",color = guide_legend(title = "Populations")) + 
              ylab(Dgen_trans) + 
              annotate("text",label = lm_eqn(res), 
                       x = Inf,
                       y = -Inf, 
                       parse = TRUE,
                       hjust = 1.05,
                       vjust = 0) +
              xlab(Dgeo_trans) +
        if (plot.out) {
        if (verbose > 0) {
            cat(report("  Coordinates used from:", coordstring, "\n"))
            cat(report("  Transformation of Dgeo:", Dgeo_trans, "\n"))
            cat(report("  Genetic distance:", distance, "\n"))
            cat(report("  Tranformation of Dgen: ", Dgen_trans, "\n"))
        if (save2tmp & plot.out) {
            # creating temp file names
            match_call <-
                       collapse = "_")
            temp_plot <- tempfile(pattern = "Plot_")
            # saving to tempdir
            saveRDS(list(match_call, p3), file = temp_plot)
            if (verbose >= 2) {
                cat(report("  Saving the ggplot to session tempfile\n"))
        if (save2tmp) {
            temp_table <- tempfile(pattern = "Table_")
            saveRDS(list(match_call, manteltest), file = temp_table)
            if (verbose >= 2) {
                cat(report("  Saving the report to the session tempfile\n"))
        if (verbose >= 1) {
            cat(report("\nCompleted:", funname, "\n\n"))
        out <- list(Dgen = Dgen,
                    Dgeo = Dgeo,
                    mantel = manteltest)
green-striped-gecko/dartR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 10:14 a.m.