
Defines functions gl.pcoa

Documented in gl.pcoa

#'@name gl.pcoa
#'@title Ordination applied to genotypes in a genlight object (PCA), in an fd
#'object, or to a distance matrix (PCoA)
#' This function takes the genotypes for individuals and undertakes a Pearson
#' Principal Component analysis (PCA) on SNP or Tag P/A (SilicoDArT) data; it
#' undertakes a Gower Principal Coordinate analysis (PCoA) if supplied with a
#' distance matrix. Technically, any distance matrix can be represented in an
#' ordinated space using PCoA.
#' @param x Name of the genlight object or fd object containing the SNP data, or
#'  a distance matrix of type dist [required].
#' @param nfactors Number of axes to retain in the output of factor scores
#' [default 5].
#' @param correction Method applied to correct for negative eigenvalues, either
#'  'lingoes' or 'cailliez' [Default NULL].
#' @param mono.rm If TRUE, remove monomorphic loci [default TRUE].
#' @param parallel TRUE if parallel processing is required (does fail under
#' Windows) [default FALSE].
#' @param n.cores Number of cores to use if parallel processing is requested
#' [default 16].
#' @param plot.out If TRUE, a diagnostic plot is displayed showing a scree plot
#' for the "informative" axes and a histogram of eigenvalues of the remaining 
#' "noise" axes [Default TRUE].
#' @param plot_theme Theme for the plot. See Details for options
#'  [default theme_dartR()].
#' @param plot_colors List of two color names for the borders and fill of the
#'  plot [default two_colors].
#' @param save2tmp If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session
#' temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].
#' @param verbose verbose= 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#' progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report
#' [default 2 or as specified using gl.set.verbosity].
#' @details
#'The function is essentially a wrapper for glPca {adegenet} or pcoa \{ape\}
#'with default settings apart from those specified as parameters in this
#'\strong{ Sources of stress in the visual representation }
#' While, technically, any distance matrix can be represented in an ordinated
#' space, the representation will not typically be exact.There are three major
#' sources of stress in a reduced-representation of distances or dissimilarities
#' among entities using PCA or PCoA. By far the greatest source comes from the
#' decision to select only the top two or three axes from the ordinated set of
#' axes derived from the PCA or PCoA. The representation of the entities such a
#' heavily reduced space will not faithfully represent the distances in the
#' input distance matrix simply because of the loss of information in deeper
#' informative dimensions. For this reason, it is not sensible to be too
#' precious about managing the other two sources of stress in the visual
#' representation.
#' The measure of distance between entities in a PCA is the Pearson Correlation
#' Coefficient, essentially a standardized Euclidean distance. This is both a
#' metric distance and a Euclidean distance. In PCoA, the second source of
#' stress is the choice of distance measure or dissimilarity measure. While any
#' distance or dissimilarity matrix can be represented in an ordinated space,
#' the distances between entities can be faithfully represented in that space
#' (that is, without stress) only if the distances are metric. Furthermore, for
#' distances between entities to be faithfully represented in a rigid Cartesian
#' space, the distance measure needs to be Euclidean. If this is not the case,
#' the distances between the entities in the ordinated visualized space will not
#' exactly represent the distances in the input matrix (stress will be non-zero).
#' This source of stress will be evident as negative eigenvalues in the deeper
#'  dimensions.
#' A third source of stress arises from having a sparse dataset, one with
#' missing values. This affects both PCA and PCoA. If the original data matrix
#' is not fully populated, that is, if there are missing values, then even a
#' Euclidean distance matrix will not necessarily be 'positive definite'. It
#' follows that some of the eigenvalues may be negative, even though the
#' distance metric is Euclidean. This issue is exacerbated when the number of
#' loci greatly exceeds the number of individuals, as is typically the case when
#' working with SNP data. The impact of missing values can be minimized by
#' stringently filtering on Call Rate, albeit with loss of data. An alternative
#' is given in a paper 'Honey, I shrunk the sample covariance matrix' and more
#' recently by Ledoit and Wolf (2018), but their approach has not been
#'  implemented here.
#' The good news is that, unless the sum of the negative eigenvalues, arising
#' from a non-Euclidean distance measure or from missing values, approaches
#' those of the final PCA or PCoA axes to be displayed, the distortion is
#' probably of no practical consequence and certainly not comparable to the
#' stress arising from selecting only two or three final dimensions out of
#' several informative dimensions for the visual representation.
#'\strong{ Function's output }
#' Two diagnostic plots are produced. The first is a Scree Plot, showing the
#' percentage variation explained by each of the PCA or PCoA axes, for those
#' axes that explain more than the original variables (loci) on average. That
#' is, only informative axes are displayed. The scree plot informs the number of
#' dimensions to be retained in the visual summaries. As a rule of thumb, axes
#' with more than 10% of variation explained should be included.
#' The second graph shows the distribution of eigenvalues for the remaining
#' uninformative (noise) axes, including those with negative eigenvalues.
#' Action is recommended (verbose >= 2) if the negative eigenvalues are
#' dominant, their sum approaching in magnitude the eigenvalues for axes
#' selected for the final visual solution.
#' Output is a glPca object conforming to adegenet::glPca but with only the
#' following retained.
#'\item  $call - The call that generated the PCA/PCoA
#'\item  $eig - Eigenvalues -- All eigenvalues (positive, null, negative).
#'\item  $scores - Scores (coefficients) for each individual
#'\item  $loadings - Loadings of each SNP for each principal component
#'    }
#' Plots and table were saved to the temporal directory (tempdir) and can be
#' accessed with the function \code{\link{gl.print.reports}} and listed with
#' the function \code{\link{gl.list.reports}}. Note that they can be accessed
#' only in the current R session because tempdir is cleared each time that the R
#' session is closed.
#'  Examples of other themes that can be used can be consulted in \itemize{
#'  \item \url{https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/ggtheme.html} and \item
#'  \url{https://yutannihilation.github.io/allYourFigureAreBelongToUs/ggthemes/}
#'  }
#' PCA was developed by Pearson (1901) and Hotelling (1933), whilst the best
#' modern reference is Jolliffe (2002). PCoA was developed by Gower (1966) while
#' the best modern reference is Legendre & Legendre (1998).
#'@return An object of class pcoa containing the eigenvalues and factor scores
#'@author Author(s): Arthur Georges. Custodian: Arthur Georges (Post to
#' \dontrun{
#' gl <- possums.gl
#' # PCA (using SNP genlight object)
#' pca <- gl.pcoa(possums.gl[1:50,],verbose=2)
#' gl.pcoa.plot(pca,gl)
#' gs <- testset.gs
#' levels(pop(gs))<-c(rep('Coast',5),rep('Cooper',3),rep('Coast',5),
#' rep('MDB',8),rep('Coast',6),'Em.subglobosa','Em.victoriae')
#' # PCA (using SilicoDArT genlight object)
#' pca <- gl.pcoa(gs)
#' gl.pcoa.plot(pca,gs)
#' # Collapsing pops to OTUs using Fixed Difference Analysis (using fd object)
#' fd <- gl.fixed.diff(testset.gl)
#' fd <- gl.collapse(fd)
#' pca <- gl.pcoa(fd)
#' gl.pcoa.plot(pca,fd$gl)
#' # Using a distance matrix
#' D <- gl.dist.ind(testset.gs, method='jaccard')
#' pcoa <- gl.pcoa(D,correction="cailliez")
#' gl.pcoa.plot(pcoa,gs)
#' }
#'\item Cailliez, F. (1983) The analytical solution of the additive constant
#'problem. Psychometrika, 48, 305-308.
#'\item Gower, J. C. (1966) Some distance properties of latent root and vector
#'methods used in multivariate analysis. Biometrika, 53, 325-338.
#'\item Hotelling, H., 1933. Analysis of a complex of statistical variables into
#' Principal Components. Journal of Educational Psychology 24:417-441, 498-520.
#'\item Jolliffe, I. (2002) Principal Component Analysis. 2nd Edition, Springer,
#' New York.
#'\item Ledoit, O. and Wolf, M. (2018). Analytical nonlinear shrinkage of
#'large-dimensional covariance matrices. University of Zurich, Department of
#'Economics, Working Paper No. 264, Revised version. Available at SSRN:
#'https://ssrn.com/abstract=3047302 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3047302
#'\item Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. (1998). Numerical Ecology, Volume 24, 2nd
#'Edition. Elsevier Science, NY.
#'\item Lingoes, J. C. (1971) Some boundary conditions for a monotone analysis
#'of symmetric matrices. Psychometrika, 36, 195-203.
#'\item Pearson, K. (1901). On lines and planes of closest fit to systems of
#'points in space. Philosophical Magazine. Series 6, vol. 2, no. 11, pp.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gl.pcoa.plot}}
#' @family data exploration functions
#' @importFrom ape pcoa
#' @export

gl.pcoa <- function(x,
                    nfactors = 5,
                    correction = NULL,
                    mono.rm = TRUE,
                    parallel = FALSE,
                    n.cores = 16,
                    plot.out = TRUE,
                    plot_theme = theme_dartR(),
                    plot_colors = two_colors,
                    save2tmp = FALSE,
                    verbose = NULL) {
    verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
    funname <- match.call()[[1]]
    utils.flag.start(func = funname,
                     build = "Josh",
                     verbosity = verbose)
    datatype <-
                             accept = c("SNP", "SilicoDArT", "dist", "fd"),
                             verbose = verbose)
    if (datatype == "SNP" | datatype == "SilicoDArT") {
        x <- gl.filter.allna(x, verbose = 0)
    if (datatype == "fd") {
        datatype <- utils.check.datatype(x$gl, verbose = verbose)
        x <- x$gl
        x <- gl.filter.allna(x, verbose = 0)
    if (mono.rm == TRUE &
        (datatype == "SNP" | datatype == "SilicoDArT")) {
        x <- gl.filter.monomorphs(x, verbose = 0)
    if((datatype == "SNP" | datatype == "SilicoDArT")){
        if (nInd(x) < 2) {
                "Fatal Error: Only one individual or no individuals present in the dataset\n"
        if (nLoc(x) < nInd(x)) {
        if(verbose >=2){cat(
                "  Warning: Number of loci is less than the number of individuals to be represented\n"
    if (is.null(correction)) {
        correction <- "none"
    } else {
        correction <- tolower(correction)
        if (correction != "lingoes" &&
            correction != "cailliez") {
            if (verbose >= 2) {
                        "  Warning: Correction if specified needs to be lingoes or cailliez, set to the default 'None'\n"
            correction <- "none"
    # DO THE JOB
    if (datatype == "dist")
        D <- x
        # Calculate the pcoa
        if (verbose >= 2) {
            if (correction == "none") {
                        "  Performing a PCoA, individuals as entities, no correction applied\n"
                title <-
                    "PCoA on Distance Matrix (no correction)\nScree Plot (informative axes only)"
            } else {
                        "  Performing a PCoA, individuals as entities,",
                        "correction for stress (-ive eigenvalues) applied\n"
                title <-
                        "PCoA on Distance Matrix(",
                        ")\nScree Plot (informative axes only)"
        pco <-
            ape::pcoa(D, correction = correction, rn = labels(D))
        # Extract relevant variables
        if (correction == "none") {
            eig.raw <- pco$values$Eigenvalues
        } else {
            eig.raw <- pco$values$Corr_eig
        # Identify the number of axes with explanatory value greater than the original variables on average
        eig.raw.pos <- eig.raw[eig.raw >= 0]
        eig.raw.pos.pc <- eig.raw.pos * 100 / sum(eig.raw.pos)
        eig.top <- eig.raw.pos[eig.raw.pos > mean(eig.raw.pos)]
        eig.top.pc <- round(eig.top * 100 / sum(eig.raw.pos), 1)
        eig.raw.noise <- eig.raw[eig.raw <= mean(eig.raw)]
        if (any(eig.raw < 0)) {
            if (verbose >= 2) {
                problem <- (-sum(eig.raw[eig.raw < 0]) / mean(eig.raw[1:3])) * 100
                        "  Warning: Some eigenvalues negative -- sum to",
                        round(problem, 2),
                        "% of the mean eigenvalue for PCoA axes 1-3\n"
                        "    Tolerable negative eigenvalues should sum to much less than the eigenvalues of displayed PCoA axes (say, less than 20%)\n"
                if (problem > 20) {
                            "    If the stress (negative eigenvalues) is considered a problem, and you might reasonably choose to ignore it, you have the following options:\n"
                            "    (a) Apply more stringent filtering on Call Rate before generating the distance matrix; or\n"
                            "    (b) Select an alternate distance measure, preferably a metric distance or better still, a Euclidean distance, if you have not already; or\n"
                            "    (c) Apply a transformation (correction) to eliminate the negative eigenvalues. If this was already done, try another correction; or\n"
                            "    (d) Interpret the visual representation of the ordination with caution, seeking corroborating evidence.\n"
        # Provide a summary
        if (verbose >= 3) {
            if (correction == "lingoes" | correction == "cailliez") {
                cat(" Correction",
                    "applied to remove negative eigenvalues\n")
                        "  Uncorrected ordination yielded",
                        "informative dimensions from",
                        nInd(x) - 1,
                        "original dimensions\n"
            } else {
                        "  Ordination yielded",
                        "informative dimensions from",
                        "original dimensions\n"
                "    PCoA Axis 1 explains",
                round(eig.raw.pos.pc[1], 1),
                "% of the total variance\n"
                    "    PCoA Axis 1 and 2 combined explain",
                    round(eig.raw.pos.pc[1] + eig.raw.pos.pc[2], 1),
                    "% of the total variance\n"
                "    PCoA Axis 1-3 combined explain",
                    eig.raw.pos.pc[1] + eig.raw.pos.pc[2] + eig.raw.pos.pc[3],
                "% of the total variance\n"
        # Construct a universal output file
        p.object <- list()
        p.object$scores <- pco$vectors[, 1:nfactors]
        p.object$eig <- pco$values$Eigenvalues
        p.object$loadings <- pco$vectors.cor[, 1:nfactors]
        p.object$call <- match.call()
    }  ######## END DISTANCE DATA
    ######## SNP or P/A DATA, PCA
    if (datatype == "SNP" || datatype == "SilicoDArT")
        if (datatype == "SNP") {
            if (verbose >= 2) {cat(
                        "  Performing a PCA, individuals as entities, loci as attributes, SNP genotype as state\n"
                title <-
                    "PCA on SNP Genotypes\nScree Plot (informative axes only)"
            if (datatype == "SilicoDArT") {
                if (verbose >= 2) {cat(
                        "  Performing a PCA, individuals as entities, loci as attributes, Tag P/A as state\n"
                title <-
                    "PCA on Tag P/A Data\nScree Plot (informative axes only)"
        pca <-
                  nf = nfactors,
                  parallel = parallel,
                  n.cores = n.cores)
        # Identify the number of axes with explanatory value greater than the original variables on average
        eig.raw <- pca$eig
        eig.raw.pos <- eig.raw[eig.raw >= 0]
        eig.raw.pos.pc <- eig.raw.pos * 100 / sum(eig.raw.pos)
        eig.top <- eig.raw.pos[eig.raw.pos >= mean(eig.raw.pos)]
        eig.top.pc <- round(eig.top * 100 / sum(eig.raw.pos), 1)
        eig.raw.noise <- eig.raw[eig.raw <= mean(eig.raw)]
        if (any(eig.raw < 0)) {
            if (verbose >= 2) {
                problem <- (-sum(eig.raw[eig.raw < 0]) / mean(eig.raw[1:3])) * 100
                        "  Warning: Some eigenvalues negative -- sum to",
                        round(problem, 2),
                        "% of the mean eigenvalue for PCA axes 1-3\n"
                        "    Tolerable negative eigenvalues should sum to much less than the eigenvalues of displayed PCA axes (say, less than 20%)\n"
                if (problem > 20) {
                            "    If the stress (negative eigenvalues) is considered a problem, and you might reasonably choose to ignore it, you have the following options:\n"
                            "    (a) Apply more stringent filtering on Call Rate and repeat the PCA; or\n"
                            "    (b) Undertake a PCoA with an appropriate distance measure and a transformation (correction) to eliminate the negative eigenvalues; or\n"
                            "    (c) Interperate the visual representation of the ordination with caution, seeking corroborating evidence.\n"
        e <- pca$eig[pca$eig > sum(pca$eig / length(pca$eig))]
        e <- round(e * 100 / sum(pca$eig), 1)
        if (verbose >= 3) {
                    "  Ordination yielded",
                    "informative dimensions from",
                    nInd(x) - 1,
                    "original dimensions\n"
            cat(paste("    PCA Axis 1 explains", e[1], "% of the total variance\n"))
                "    PCA Axis 1 and 2 combined explain",
                e[1] + e[2],
                "% of the total variance\n"
                    "    PCA Axis 1-3 combined explain",
                    e[1] + e[2] + e[3],
                    "% of the total variance\n"
        # Construct a universal output file
        p.object <- list()
        p.object$scores <- pca$scores
        p.object$eig <- pca$eig
        p.object$loadings <- pca$loadings
        p.object$call <- match.call()
    }  #### END SNP ANALYSIS
    # Plot Scree plot avoid no visible binding probl
    eigenvalue <- percent <- NULL
    df <-
        data.frame(eigenvalue = seq(1:length(eig.top.pc)), percent = eig.top.pc)
    if (datatype == "SNP") {
        xlab <- paste("PCA Axis")
    } else {
        xlab <- paste("PCoA Axis")
    ylab <- paste("Percentage Contribution")
    p1 <-
        ggplot(df, aes(x = eigenvalue, y = percent)) + 
      geom_line(color = plot_colors[2]) + 
      geom_point(color = plot_colors[1], size = 4) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 10, color = "blue") + 
      plot_theme + xlab(xlab) + 
      ylab(ylab) + 
    if (any(eig.raw < 0)) {
        main <- "Noise Axes -- Warning: some eigenvalues < 0"
    } else {
        main <- "Noise Axes -- all eigenvalues positive"
    p2 <-
        ggplot(as.data.frame(eig.raw.noise), aes(x = eig.raw.noise)) + 
      geom_histogram(bins = 50, color = plot_colors[1], fill = plot_colors[2]) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "blue") +
      plot_theme + 
      xlab("Eigenvalue") + 
      ylab("Count") + 
    # printing outputs
    p3 <- (p1 / p2)
    if (verbose >= 1) {
    if (save2tmp) {
        # creating temp file names
        temp_plot <- tempfile(pattern = "Plot_")
        match_call <-
                   collapse = "_")
        # saving to tempdir
        saveRDS(list(match_call, p3), file = temp_plot)
        if (verbose >= 2) {
            cat(report("  Saving ggplot(s) to the session tempfile\n"))
                    "  NOTE: Retrieve output files from tempdir using gl.list.reports() and gl.print.reports()\n"
    if (verbose > 0) {
        cat(report("Completed:", funname, "\n"))
    class(p.object) <- "glPca"
green-striped-gecko/dartR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 10:14 a.m.