
Defines functions pairwise

Documented in pairwise

#' Transform meta-analysis data from two arm-based formats into
#' contrast-based format
#' @description
#' This function transforms data that are given in wide or long
#' arm-based format (e.g. input format for WinBUGS) to a
#' contrast-based format that is needed, for example, as input to R function
#' \code{\link[netmeta]{netmeta}} from R package \bold{netmeta}. The function
#' can transform data with binary, continuous, or generic outcomes as well as
#' incidence rates from arm-based to contrast-based format.
#' @param treat A list or vector with treatment information for
#'   individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param event A list or vector with information on number of events
#'   for individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param n A list or vector with information on number of
#'   observations for individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param mean A list or vector with estimated means for individual
#'   treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param sd A list or vector with information on the standard
#'   deviation for individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param TE A list or vector with estimated treatment effects for
#'   individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param seTE A list or vector with standard errors of estimated
#'   treatment effect for individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param time A list or vector with information on person time at
#'   risk for individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param agent A list or vector with agent information for
#'   individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param dose A list or vector with dose information for
#'   individual treatment arms (see Details).
#' @param data An optional data frame containing the study
#'   information.
#' @param studlab A vector with study labels (optional).
#' @param incr A numerical value which is added to cell frequencies
#'   for studies with a zero cell count, see Details.
#' @param method A character string indicating which method is to be
#'   used to calculate treatment estimates. Either \code{"Inverse"}
#'   or \code{"Peto"} (only for binary outcome), can be abbreviated.
#' @param method.incr A character string indicating which continuity
#'   correction method should be used (\code{"only0"},
#'   \code{"if0all"}, or \code{"all"}), see \code{\link{metabin}}.
#' @param allstudies A logical indicating if studies with zero or all
#'   events in two treatment arms are to be included in the
#'   meta-analysis (applies only if \code{sm} is equal to \code{"RR"}
#'   or \code{"OR"}).
#' @param reference.group Reference treatment (first treatment is used
#'   if argument is missing).
#' @param sep.ag A character used as separator
#'   between agent in dose to create treatment labels.
#' @param keep.all.comparisons A logical indicating whether all
#'   pairwise comparisons or only comparisons with the study-specific
#'   reference group should be kept ('basic parameters').
#' @param varnames Character vector of length 2 with the variable names for the
#'   treatment estimate and its standard error; by default, "TE" and "seTE".
#' @param append Either a logical indicating whether variables from the dataset
#'   provided in argument \code{data} are appended to the dataset with
#'   pairwise comparisons or a character vector with variable names to append to
#'   the dataset.
#' @param allincr Deprecated argument (replaced by 'method.incr');
#'   see \code{\link{metabin}}.
#' @param addincr Deprecated argument (replaced by 'method.incr');
#'   see \code{\link{metabin}}.
#' @param warn A logical indicating whether warnings should be printed
#'   (e.g., if studies are excluded due to only providing a single
#'   treatment arm).
#' @param warn.deprecated A logical indicating whether warnings should
#'   be printed if deprecated arguments are used.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed-through to the functions
#'   to calculate effects.
#' @details
#' The pairwise function transforms data given in (wide or long)
#' arm-based format into the contrast-based format which consists of
#' \emph{pairwise} comparisons and is needed, for example, as input to the
#' \code{\link[netmeta]{netmeta}} function.
#' The pairwise function can transform data with binary outcomes
#' (using the \code{\link{metabin}} function from R package meta),
#' continuous outcomes (\code{\link{metacont}} function), incidence
#' rates (\code{\link{metainc}} function), and generic outcomes
#' (\code{\link{metagen}} function). Depending on the outcome, the
#' following arguments are mandatory:
#' \itemize{
#' \item treat, event, n (see \code{\link{metabin}});
#' \item treat, n, mean, sd (see \code{\link{metacont}});
#' \item treat, event, time (see \code{\link{metainc}});
#' \item treat, TE, seTE (see \code{\link{metagen}}).
#' }
#' Argument \code{treat} is mandatory to identify the individual
#' treatments. The other arguments contain outcome specific
#' data. These arguments must be either lists (wide arm-based format,
#' i.e., one row per study) or vectors (long arm-based format,
#' i.e., multiple rows per study) of the same length.
#' For the wide arm-based format, each list consists of as many
#' vectors of the same length as the multi-arm study with the largest
#' number of treatments. If a single multi-arm study has five arms,
#' five vectors have to be provided for each lists. Two-arm studies
#' have entries with \code{NA} for the third and subsequent
#' vectors. Each list entry is a vector with information for each
#' individual study; i.e., the length of this vector corresponds to
#' the total number of studies incorporated in the network
#' meta-analysis. Typically, list elements are part of a data frame
#' (argument \code{data}, optional); see Examples. An optional vector
#' with study labels can be provided which can be part of the data
#' frame.
#' In the long arm-based format, argument \code{studlab} is mandatory
#' to identify rows contributing to individual studies.
#' Additional arguments for meta-analysis functions can be provided
#' using argument '\dots'. The most important argument is \code{sm}
#' defining the summary measure. More information on this and other
#' arguments is given in the help pages of R functions
#' \code{\link{metabin}}, \code{\link{metacont}},
#' \code{\link{metainc}}, and \code{\link{metagen}}, respectively.
#' For standardised mean differences (argument \code{sm = "SMD"}),
#' equations (4) and (5) in Crippa & Orsini (2016) are used to
#' calculated SMDs and standard errors. These equations guarantee
#' consistent SMDs and standard errors for multi-arm studies. Note,
#' the summary measure is actually Cohen's d as Hedges' g is not
#' consistent in multi-arm studies.
#' For binary outcomes, 0.5 is added to all cell frequencies (odds
#' ratio) or only the number of events (risk ratio) for studies with a
#' zero cell count. For odds ratio and risk ratio, treatment estimates
#' and standard errors are only calculated for studies with zero or
#' all events in both groups if \code{allstudies} is \code{TRUE}. This
#' continuity correction is used both to calculate individual study
#' results with confidence limits and to conduct meta-analysis based
#' on the inverse variance method. For the risk difference, 0.5 is
#' only added to all cell frequencies to calculate the standard error.
#' For incidence rates, 0.5 is added to all cell frequencies for the
#' incidence rate ratio as summary measure. For the incidence risk
#' difference, 0.5 is only added to all cell frequencies to calculate
#' the standard error.
#' The value of pairwise is a data frame with as many rows as there
#' are pairwise comparisons. For each study with \emph{p} treatments,
#' \emph{p*(p-1) / 2} contrasts are generated. Each row contains the
#' treatment effect (\code{TE}), its standard error (\code{seTE}), the
#' treatments compared ((\code{treat1}), (\code{treat2})) and the
#' study label ((\code{studlab})). Further columns are added according
#' to type of data.
#' All variables from the original dataset are also part of the output
#' dataset if argument \code{append = TRUE}. If data are provided in the long
#' arm-based format, the value of a variable can differ between treatment arms;
#' for example, the mean age or percentage of women in the treatment arm. In
#' this situation, two variables instead of one variable will be included
#' in the output dataset. The values "1" and "2" are added to the
#' names for these variables, e.g. "mean.age1" and "mean.age2" for the
#' mean age.
#' In general, any variable names in the original dataset that are
#' identical to the main variable names (i.e., "TE", "seTE", ...) will
#' be renamed to variable names with ending ".orig".
#' A reduced dataset with basic comparisons (Rücker & Schwarzer,
#' 2014) can be generated using argument \code{keep.all.comparisons =
#' FALSE}. Furthermore, the reference group for the basic comparisons
#' can be specified with argument \code{reference.group}.
#' \subsection{Use in network meta-analysis}{
#' R function \code{\link[netmeta]{netmeta}} expects data in a
#' \bold{contrast-based format}, where each row corresponds to a
#' comparison of two treatments and contains a measure of the
#' treatment effect comparing two treatments with standard error,
#' labels for the two treatments and an optional study label.  In
#' contrast-based format, a three-arm study contributes three rows
#' with treatment comparison and corresponding standard error for
#' pairwise comparison \emph{A} vs \emph{B}, \emph{A} vs \emph{C}, and
#' \emph{B} vs \emph{C} whereas a four-arm study contributes six rows
#' / pairwise comparisons: \emph{A} vs \emph{B}, \emph{A} vs \emph{C},
#' \dots{}, \emph{C} vs \emph{D}.
#' Other programs for network meta-analysis in WinBUGS and Stata
#' require data in an \emph{arm-based} format, i.e. treatment estimate
#' for each treatment arm instead of a difference of two treatments. A
#' common \bold{(wide) arm-based format} consists of one data row per
#' study, containing treatment and other necessary information for all
#' study arms. For example, a four-arm study contributes one row with
#' four treatment estimates and corresponding standard errors for
#' treatments \emph{A}, \emph{B}, \emph{C}, and \emph{D}.  Another
#' possible arm-based format is a long format where each row
#' corresponds to a single study arm. Accordingly, in the \bold{long
#' arm-based format} a study contributes as many rows as treatments
#' considered in the study.
#' }
#' @note
#' This function must not be confused with \code{\link[netmeta]{netpairwise}}
#' which can be used to conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all
#' comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis.
#' @return
#' A data frame with the following columns:
#' \item{TE}{Treatment estimate comparing treatment 'treat1' and
#'   'treat2'.}
#' \item{seTE}{Standard error of treatment estimate.}
#' \item{studlab}{Study labels.}
#' \item{treat1}{First treatment in comparison.}
#' \item{treat2}{Second treatment in comparison.}
#' \item{event1}{Number of events for first treatment arm (for metabin
#'   and metainc).}
#' \item{event2}{Number of events for second treatment arm (for
#'   metabin and metainc).}
#' \item{n1}{Number of observations for first treatment arm (for
#'   metabin and metacont).}
#' \item{n2}{Number of observations for second treatment arm (for
#'   metabin and metacont).}
#' \item{mean1}{Estimated mean for first treatment arm (for
#'   metacont).}
#' \item{mean2}{Estimated mean for second treatment arm (for
#'   metacont).}
#' \item{sd1}{Standard deviation for first treatment arm (for
#'   metacont).}
#' \item{sd2}{Standard deviation for second treatment arm (for
#'   metacont).}
#' \item{TE1}{Estimated treatment effect for first treatment arm (for
#'   metagen).}
#' \item{TE2}{Estimated treatment effect for second treatment arm (for
#'   metagen).}
#' \item{seTE1}{Standard error of estimated treatment effect for first
#'   treatment arm (for metagen).}
#' \item{seTE2}{Standard error of estimated treatment effect for
#'   second treatment arm (for metagen).}
#' \item{time1}{Person time at risk for first treatment arm (for
#'   metainc).}
#' \item{time2}{Person time at risk for second treatment arm (for
#'   metainc).}
#' \item{agent1}{First agent in comparison.}
#' \item{agent2}{Second agent in comparison.}
#' \item{dose1}{Dose of first agent in comparison.}
#' \item{dose2}{Dose of second agent in comparison.}
#' All variables from the original dataset are also part of the output
#' dataset; see Details.
#' @author Gerta Rücker\email{gerta.ruecker@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}, Guido
#'   Schwarzer \email{guido.schwarzer@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{longarm}}, \code{\link{metabin}},
#'   \code{\link{metacont}}, \code{\link{metagen}},
#'   \code{\link{metainc}}, \code{\link[netmeta]{netmeta}},
#'   \code{\link[netmeta]{netgraph.netmeta}},
#' @references
#' Crippa A, Orsini N (2016):
#' Dose-response meta-analysis of differences in means.
#' \emph{BMC Medical Research Methodology},
#' \bold{16}:91.
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' p0 <- pairwise(studlab = study, treat = treatment,
#'   n = ni, mean = mi, sd = sdi, data = dat.senn2013,
#'   append = c("study", "comment"))
#' head(p0)
#' # Meta-analysis of studies comparing metformin to placebo
#' metagen(p0, subset = treat1 == "metformin" & treat2 == "placebo")
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example using continuous outcomes (internal call of function
#' # metacont)
#' #
#' data(Franchini2012, package = "netmeta")
#' # Transform data from arm-based format to contrast-based format
#' p1 <- pairwise(list(Treatment1, Treatment2, Treatment3),
#'   n = list(n1, n2, n3),
#'   mean = list(y1, y2, y3), sd = list(sd1, sd2, sd3),
#'   data = Franchini2012, studlab = Study)
#' p1
#' # Conduct network meta-analysis
#' library("netmeta")
#' #
#' net1 <- netmeta(p1)
#' net1
#' # Draw network graphs
#' #
#' netgraph(net1, points = TRUE, cex.points = 3, cex = 1.5,
#'   thickness = "se.common")
#' netgraph(net1, points = TRUE, cex.points = 3, cex = 1.5,
#'   plastic = TRUE, thickness = "se.common",
#'   iterate = TRUE)
#' netgraph(net1, points = TRUE, cex.points = 3, cex = 1.5,
#'   plastic = TRUE, thickness = "se.common",
#'   iterate = TRUE, start = "eigen")
#' # Example using generic outcomes (internal call of function
#' # metagen)
#' #
#' # Calculate standard error for means y1, y2, y3
#' Franchini2012$se1 <- with(Franchini2012, sqrt(sd1^2 / n1))
#' Franchini2012$se2 <- with(Franchini2012, sqrt(sd2^2 / n2))
#' Franchini2012$se3 <- with(Franchini2012, sqrt(sd3^2 / n3))
#' # Transform data from arm-based format to contrast-based format
#' # using means and standard errors (note, argument 'sm' has to be
#' # used to specify that argument 'TE' is a mean difference)
#' p2 <- pairwise(list(Treatment1, Treatment2, Treatment3),
#'   TE = list(y1, y2, y3), seTE = list(se1, se2, se3),
#'   n = list(n1, n2, n3),
#'   data = Franchini2012, studlab = Study,
#'   sm = "MD")
#' p2
#' # Compare pairwise objects p1 (based on continuous outcomes) and p2
#' # (based on generic outcomes)
#' #
#' all.equal(p1[, c("TE", "seTE", "studlab", "treat1", "treat2")],
#'   p2[, c("TE", "seTE", "studlab", "treat1", "treat2")])
#' # Same result as network meta-analysis based on continuous outcomes
#' # (object net1)
#' net2 <- netmeta(p2)
#' net2
#' # Example with binary data
#' #
#' data(smokingcessation)
#' # Transform data from arm-based format to contrast-based format
#' # (interal call of metabin function). Argument 'sm' has to be used
#' # for odds ratio as risk ratio (sm = "RR") is default of metabin
#' # function.
#' #
#' p3 <- pairwise(list(treat1, treat2, treat3),
#'   list(event1, event2, event3), list(n1, n2, n3),
#'   data = smokingcessation,
#'   sm = "OR")
#' p3
#' # Conduct network meta-analysis
#' #
#' net3 <- netmeta(p3)
#' net3
#' # Example with incidence rates
#' #
#' data(dietaryfat)
#' # Transform data from arm-based format to contrast-based format
#' #
#' p4 <- pairwise(list(treat1, treat2, treat3),
#'   list(d1, d2, d3), time = list(years1, years2, years3),
#'   studlab = ID,
#'   data = dietaryfat)
#' p4
#' # Conduct network meta-analysis using incidence rate ratios (sm =
#' # "IRR"). Note, the argument 'sm' is not necessary as this is the
#' # default in R function metainc called internally.
#' #
#' net4 <- netmeta(p4, sm = "IRR")
#' summary(net4)
#' # Example with long data format
#' #
#' data(Woods2010)
#' # Transform data from long arm-based format to contrast-based
#' # format Argument 'sm' has to be used for odds ratio as summary
#' # measure; by default the risk ratio is used in the metabin
#' # function called internally.
#' #
#' p5 <- pairwise(treatment, event = r, n = N,
#'   studlab = author, data = Woods2010, sm = "OR")
#' p5
#' # Conduct network meta-analysis
#' net5 <- netmeta(p5)
#' net5
#' }
#' @export pairwise

pairwise <- function(treat,
                     event, n, mean, sd, TE, seTE, time,
                     agent, dose,
                     data = NULL, studlab,
                     incr = gs("incr"),
                     method = "Inverse",
                     method.incr = gs("method.incr"),
                     allstudies = gs("allstudies"),
                     sep.ag = "*",
                     varnames = c("TE", "seTE"),
                     append = !is.null(data),
                     addincr = gs("addincr"),
                     allincr = gs("allincr"),
                     warn = FALSE, warn.deprecated = gs("warn.deprecated"),
                     ...) {
  ## (1) Check arguments
  missing.event <- missing(event)
  missing.n <- missing(n)
  missing.mean <- missing(mean)
  missing.sd <- missing(sd)
  missing.TE <- missing(TE)
  missing.seTE <- missing(seTE)
  missing.time <- missing(time)
  missing.agent <- missing(agent)
  missing.dose <- missing(dose)
  missing.studlab <- missing(studlab)
  missing.incr <- missing(incr)
  missing.method.incr <- missing(method.incr)
  missing.allstudies <- missing(allstudies)
  missing.allincr <- missing(allincr)
  missing.addincr <- missing(addincr)
  missing.append <- missing(append)
  missing.sep.ag <- missing(sep.ag)
  missing.reference.group <- missing(reference.group)
  missing.keep.all.comparisons <- missing(keep.all.comparisons)
  missing.varnames <- missing(varnames)
  method <- setchar(method, c("Inverse", "Peto"))
  chknumeric(incr, min = 0, length = 1)
  allincr <-
    deprecated2(method.incr, missing.method.incr, allincr, missing.allincr,
  addincr <-
    deprecated2(method.incr, missing.method.incr, addincr, missing.addincr,
  if (missing.method.incr) {
    method.incr <- gs("method.incr")
    if (is.logical(addincr) && addincr)
      method.incr <- "all"
    else if (is.logical(allincr) && allincr)
      method.incr <- "if0all"
  if (!is.character(append)) {
    chklogical(append, text = "or vector with variable names")
    append.logical <- append
  else {
    if (is.null(data))
      append.logical <- NULL
    else {
      append <- setchar(append, names(data),
                        pre = "a logical or a character vector with ")
      append.logical <- !is.null(append)
      append <- c(append, paste0(append, 1), paste0(append, 2))
  chkchar(varnames, length = 2)
  sm <- NULL
  args <- list(...)
  nam.args <- names(args)
  ## Auxiliary functions
  sumzero <- function(x)
    sum(x[!is.na(x)] == 0)
  anytrue <- function(x)
    any(x == TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
  ## (2) Read data
  nulldata <- is.null(data)
  sfsp <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
  mc <- match.call()
  if (nulldata)
    data <- sfsp
  ## Catch studlab, treat, agent, dose, event, n, mean, sd, time from data:
  treat <- catch("treat", mc, data, sfsp)
  if (is.data.frame(treat) & !is.null(attr(treat, "pairwise"))) {
    is.pairwise <- TRUE
    res.attr <- attributes(treat)
    res <- treat
    if (any(replaceNULL(res.attr$varnames, c("TE", "seTE")) !=
            c("TE", "seTE"))) {
      names(res)[names(res) == res.attr$varnames[1]] <- "TE"
      names(res)[names(res) == res.attr$varnames[2]] <- "seTE"
      if (missing.varnames)
        varnames <- res.attr$varnames
    if (missing.append) {
      append <- res.attr$append
      append.logical <- res.attr$append.logical
    if (missing.reference.group)
      if (!is.null(attributes(treat)$reference.group)) {
        reference.group <- attributes(treat)$reference.group
        missing.reference.group <- FALSE
    if (missing.keep.all.comparisons) {
      if (!is.null(attributes(treat)$keep.all.comparisons))
        keep.all.comparisons <- attributes(treat)$keep.all.comparisons
        keep.all.comparisons <- TRUE
    ignorePair(event, !missing.event)
    ignorePair(n, !missing.n)
    ignorePair(mean, !missing.mean)
    ignorePair(sd, !missing.sd)
    ignorePair(TE, !missing.TE)
    ignorePair(seTE, !missing.seTE)
    ignorePair(time, !missing.time)
    ignorePair(agent, !missing.agent)
    ignorePair(dose, !missing.dose)
    ignorePair(data, !nulldata)
    ignorePair(studlab, !missing.studlab)
    ignorePair(incr, !missing.incr)
    ignorePair(method.incr, !missing.method.incr)
    ignorePair(allincr, !missing.allincr)
    ignorePair(addincr, !missing.addincr)
    ignorePair(allstudies, !missing.allstudies)
    type <- attributes(res)$type
    avail.treat <- TRUE
    avail.agent <- avail.dose <- FALSE
  else {
    is.pairwise <- FALSE
    if (missing.keep.all.comparisons)
      keep.all.comparisons <- TRUE
    agent <- catch("agent", mc, data, sfsp)
    dose <- catch("dose", mc, data, sfsp)
    studlab <- catch("studlab", mc, data, sfsp)
    event <- catch("event", mc, data, sfsp)
    n <- catch("n", mc, data, sfsp)
    mean <- catch("mean", mc, data, sfsp)
    sd <- catch("sd", mc, data, sfsp)
    TE <- catch("TE", mc, data, sfsp)
    seTE <- catch("seTE", mc, data, sfsp)
    time <- catch("time", mc, data, sfsp)
    avail.treat <- !is.null(treat)
    avail.agent <- !is.null(agent)
    avail.dose <- !is.null(dose)
    #if (!(avail.treat || (avail.agent & avail.dose)))
    #  stop("Mandatory argument(s) are 'treat' or 'agent' and 'dose'.")
    if (avail.treat & avail.agent & avail.dose)
      stop("Either provide argument 'treat' or arguments 'agent' and 'dose'.")
    #if (!avail.treat & (avail.agent + avail.dose != 2))
    #  stop("Mandatory arguments 'agent' and 'dose' for dose-response data.")
    if (avail.treat)
      if (is.list(treat))
    if (avail.agent)
      if (is.list(agent))
    if (avail.dose)
      if (is.list(dose))
    if (!is.null(event))
      if (is.list(event))
    if (!is.null(n))
      if (is.list(n))
    if (!is.null(mean))
      if (is.list(mean))
    if (!is.null(sd))
      if (is.list(sd))
    if (!is.null(TE))
      if (is.list(TE))
    if (!is.null(seTE))
      if (is.list(seTE))
    if (!is.null(time))
      if (is.list(time))
    if (!is.null(TE) & !is.null(seTE))
      type <- "generic"
    else if (!is.null(event) & !is.null(time) &
             is.null(mean) & is.null(sd))
      type <- "count"
    else if (!is.null(event) & !is.null(n) &
             is.null(mean) & is.null(sd))
      type <- "binary"
    else if (!is.null(n) & !is.null(mean) & !is.null(sd))
      type <- "continuous"
    else if (is.null(event) & is.null(mean) & is.null(sd) &
             is.null(TE) & is.null(seTE) & is.null(time))
      type <- "onlytreat"
      stop("Type of outcome unclear. Please provide the necessary ",
           "information:\n  - event, n (binary outcome)\n  - n, ",
           "mean, sd (continuous outcome)\n  - TE, seTE (generic outcome)\n",
           "  - event, time (incidence rates).")
    # Determine whether data is in long, wide or comparison-based format
    if (type == "generic") {
      if (is.list(TE) & is.list(seTE)) {
        if (length(TE) == 1 & length(seTE) == 1 &
            (length(treat) == 1 || (length(agent) == 1 & length(dose) == 1))) {
          data.format <- "long"
          TE <- unlist(TE)
          seTE <- unlist(seTE)
          if (avail.treat)
            treat <- unlist(treat)
          else {
            agent <- unlist(agent)
            dose <- unlist(dose)
            sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
            treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
        else if (length(TE) == 2 & length(seTE) == 2 &
                 (length(treat) == 2 ||
                  (length(agent) == 2 & length(dose) == 2) ||
                  (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose))) {
          data.format <- "comparison"
          if (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose) {
            treat <- list(expand("trt1", TE[[1]]), expand("trt2", TE[[2]]))
            avail.treat <- TRUE
          dat.st <- data.frame(studlab)
          if (avail.treat) {
            dat.st$treat1 <- treat[[1]]
            dat.st$treat2 <- treat[[2]]
          else {
            dat.st$agent1 <- agent[[1]]
            dat.st$dose1 <- dose[[1]]
            dat.st$agent2 <- agent[[2]]
            dat.st$dose2 <- dose[[2]]
            sep.ag <-
              setsep(c(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$agent2), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            dat.st$treat1 <- paste(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$dose1, sep = sep.ag)
            dat.st$treat2 <- paste(dat.st$agent2, dat.st$dose2, sep = sep.ag)
        else {
          data.format <- "wide"
          if (!avail.treat) {
            sep.ag <- setsep(unlist(agent), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            agent.without.NA <- lapply(agent, replaceNA, replace = "")
            dose.without.NA <- lapply(dose, replaceNA, replace = "")
            treat.without.NA <-
                     agent.without.NA, dose.without.NA,
                     MoreArgs = list(sep = sep.ag),
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            treat <- lapply(treat.without.NA, replaceVal,
                            old = sep.ag, new = NA)
      else {
        data.format <- "long"
        if (!avail.treat) {
          sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
          treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
    else if (type == "binary") {
      if (is.list(event) & is.list(n)) {
        if (length(event) == 1 & length(n) == 1 &
            (length(treat) == 1 || (length(agent) == 1 & length(dose) == 1))) {
          data.format <- "long"
          event <- unlist(event)
          n <- unlist(n)
          if (avail.treat)
            treat <- unlist(treat)
          else {
            agent <- unlist(agent)
            dose <- unlist(dose)
            sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
            treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
        else if (length(event) == 2 & length(n) == 2 & 
                 (length(treat) == 2 ||
                  (length(agent) == 2 & length(dose) == 2) ||
                  (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose))) {
          data.format <- "comparison"
          if (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose) {
            treat <- list(expand("trt1", n[[1]]), expand("trt2", n[[2]]))
            avail.treat <- TRUE
          dat.st <- data.frame(studlab)
          if (avail.treat) {
            dat.st$treat1 <- treat[[1]]
            dat.st$treat2 <- treat[[2]]
          else {
            dat.st$agent1 <- agent[[1]]
            dat.st$dose1 <- dose[[1]]
            dat.st$agent2 <- agent[[2]]
            dat.st$dose2 <- dose[[2]]
            sep.ag <-
              setsep(c(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$agent2), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            dat.st$treat1 <- paste(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$dose1, sep = sep.ag)
            dat.st$treat2 <- paste(dat.st$agent2, dat.st$dose2, sep = sep.ag)
        else {
          data.format <- "wide"
          if (!avail.treat) {
            sep.ag <- setsep(unlist(agent), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            agent.without.NA <- lapply(agent, replaceNA, replace = "")
            dose.without.NA <- lapply(dose, replaceNA, replace = "")
            treat.without.NA <-
                     agent.without.NA, dose.without.NA,
                     MoreArgs = list(sep = sep.ag),
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            treat <- lapply(treat.without.NA, replaceVal,
                            old = sep.ag, new = NA)
      else {
        data.format <- "long"
        if (!avail.treat) {
          sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
          treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
    else if (type == "continuous") {
      if (is.list(n) & is.list(mean) & is.list(sd)) {
        if (length(n) == 1 & length(mean) == 1 & length(sd) == 1 &
            (length(treat) == 1 || (length(agent) == 1 & length(dose) == 1))) {
          data.format <- "long"
          n <- unlist(n)
          mean <- unlist(mean)
          sd <- unlist(sd)
          if (avail.treat)
            treat <- unlist(treat)
          else {
            agent <- unlist(agent)
            dose <- unlist(dose)
            sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
            treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
        else if (length(n) == 2 & length(mean) == 2 & length(sd) == 2 &
                 (length(treat) == 2 ||
                  (length(agent) == 2 & length(dose) == 2) ||
                  (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose))) {
          data.format <- "comparison"
          if (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose) {
            treat <- list(expand("trt1", n[[1]]), expand("trt2", n[[2]]))
            avail.treat <- TRUE
          dat.st <- data.frame(studlab)
          if (avail.treat) {
            dat.st$treat1 <- treat[[1]]
            dat.st$treat2 <- treat[[2]]
          else {
            dat.st$agent1 <- agent[[1]]
            dat.st$dose1 <- dose[[1]]
            dat.st$agent2 <- agent[[2]]
            dat.st$dose2 <- dose[[2]]
            sep.ag <-
              setsep(c(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$agent2), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            dat.st$treat1 <- paste(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$dose1, sep = sep.ag)
            dat.st$treat2 <- paste(dat.st$agent2, dat.st$dose2, sep = sep.ag)
        else {
          data.format <- "wide"
          if (!avail.treat) {
            sep.ag <- setsep(unlist(agent), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            agent.without.NA <- lapply(agent, replaceNA, replace = "")
            dose.without.NA <- lapply(dose, replaceNA, replace = "")
            treat.without.NA <-
                     agent.without.NA, dose.without.NA,
                     MoreArgs = list(sep = sep.ag),
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            treat <- lapply(treat.without.NA, replaceVal,
                            old = sep.ag, new = NA)
      else {
        data.format <- "long"
        if (!avail.treat) {
          sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
          treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
    else if (type == "count") {
      if (is.list(event) & is.list(time)) {
        if (length(event) == 1 & length(time) == 1 &
            (length(treat) == 1 || (length(agent) == 1 & length(dose) == 1))) {
          data.format <- "long"
          event <- unlist(event)
          time <- unlist(time)
          if (avail.treat)
            treat <- unlist(treat)
          else {
            agent <- unlist(agent)
            dose <- unlist(dose)
            sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
            treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
        else if (length(event) == 2 & length(time) == 2 &
                 (length(treat) == 2 ||
                  (length(agent) == 2 & length(dose) == 2) ||
                  (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose))) {
          data.format <- "comparison"
          if (!avail.treat & !avail.agent & !avail.dose) {
            treat <- list(expand("trt1", time[[1]]), expand("trt2", time[[2]]))
            avail.treat <- TRUE
          dat.st <- data.frame(studlab)
          if (avail.treat) {
            dat.st$treat1 <- treat[[1]]
            dat.st$treat2 <- treat[[2]]
          else {
            dat.st$agent1 <- agent[[1]]
            dat.st$dose1 <- dose[[1]]
            dat.st$agent2 <- agent[[2]]
            dat.st$dose2 <- dose[[2]]
            sep.ag <-
              setsep(c(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$agent2), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            dat.st$treat1 <- paste(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$dose1, sep = sep.ag)
            dat.st$treat2 <- paste(dat.st$agent2, dat.st$dose2, sep = sep.ag)
        else {
          data.format <- "wide"
          if (!avail.treat) {
            sep.ag <- setsep(unlist(agent), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            agent.without.NA <- lapply(agent, replaceNA, replace = "")
            dose.without.NA <- lapply(dose, replaceNA, replace = "")
            treat.without.NA <-
                     agent.without.NA, dose.without.NA,
                     MoreArgs = list(sep = sep.ag),
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            treat <- lapply(treat.without.NA, replaceVal,
                            old = sep.ag, new = NA)
      else {
        data.format <- "long"
        if (!avail.treat) {
          sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
          treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
    else if (type == "onlytreat") {
      if (is.list(treat)) {
        if ((length(treat) == 1 || (length(agent) == 1 & length(dose) == 1))) {
          data.format <- "long"
          if (avail.treat)
            treat <- unlist(treat)
          else {
            agent <- unlist(agent)
            dose <- unlist(dose)
            sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
            treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
        else if (length(treat) == 2 ||
                 (length(agent) == 2 & length(dose) == 2)) {
          data.format <- "comparison"
          dat.st <- data.frame(studlab)
          if (avail.treat) {
            dat.st$treat1 <- treat[[1]]
            dat.st$treat2 <- treat[[2]]
          else {
            dat.st$agent1 <- agent[[1]]
            dat.st$dose1 <- dose[[1]]
            dat.st$agent2 <- agent[[2]]
            dat.st$dose2 <- dose[[2]]
            sep.ag <-
              setsep(c(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$agent2), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            dat.st$treat1 <- paste(dat.st$agent1, dat.st$dose1, sep = sep.ag)
            dat.st$treat2 <- paste(dat.st$agent2, dat.st$dose2, sep = sep.ag)
        else {
          data.format <- "wide"
          if (!avail.treat) {
            sep.ag <- setsep(unlist(agent), sep.ag, type = "agent")
            agent.without.NA <- lapply(agent, replaceNA, replace = "")
            dose.without.NA <- lapply(dose, replaceNA, replace = "")
            treat.without.NA <-
                     agent.without.NA, dose.without.NA,
                     MoreArgs = list(sep = sep.ag),
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            treat <- lapply(treat.without.NA, replaceVal,
                            old = sep.ag, new = NA)
      else {
        data.format <- "long"
        if (!avail.treat) {
          sep.ag <- setsep(agent, sep.ag, type = "agent")
          treat <- paste(agent, dose, sep = sep.ag)
    # Use longarm() to transform outcome variables from comparison-based
    # to long arm-based format
    if (data.format == "comparison") {
      if (is.null(studlab))
        stop("Argument 'studlab' mandatory for comparison-based format.")
      if (type == "binary") {
        ldat <- longarm(studlab = unlist(studlab),
                        treat1 = expand(treat[[1]], n[[1]]),
                        treat2 = expand(treat[[2]], n[[2]]),
                        event1 = event[[1]], event2 = event[[2]],
                        n1 = n[[1]], n2 = n[[2]])
        studlab <- ldat$studlab
        treat <- ldat$treat
        event <- ldat$event
        n <- ldat$n
      else if (type == "continuous") {
        ldat <- longarm(studlab = unlist(studlab),
                        treat1 = expand(treat[[1]], n[[1]]),
                        treat2 = expand(treat[[2]], n[[2]]),
                        n1 = n[[1]], n2 = n[[2]],
                        mean1 = mean[[1]], mean2 = mean[[2]],
                        sd1 = sd[[1]], sd2 = sd[[2]])
        studlab <- ldat$studlab
        treat <- ldat$treat
        n <- ldat$n
        mean <- ldat$mean
        sd <- ldat$sd
      else if (type == "count") {
        ldat <- longarm(studlab = unlist(studlab),
                        treat1 = expand(treat[[1]], time[[1]]),
                        treat2 = expand(treat[[2]], time[[2]]),
                        event1 = event[[1]], event2 = event[[2]],
                        time1 = time[[1]], time2 = time[[2]])
        studlab <- ldat$studlab
        treat <- ldat$treat
        event <- ldat$event
        time <- ldat$time
    # Transform outcome variables from long arm-based to list format
    nulldata <- !(!nulldata & append.logical)
    if (data.format %in% c("comparison", "long")) {
      if (is.null(studlab))
        stop("Argument 'studlab' mandatory for long arm-based format.")
      studlab <- as.character(studlab)
      treat <- as.character(treat)
      ttab <- table(studlab, treat)
      n.arms <- apply(ttab, 1, sum)
      max.arms <- max(n.arms)
      treat.list <- vector("list", max.arms)
      event.list <- vector("list", max.arms)
      n.list     <- vector("list", max.arms)
      mean.list  <- vector("list", max.arms)
      sd.list    <- vector("list", max.arms)
      TE.list    <- vector("list", max.arms)
      seTE.list  <- vector("list", max.arms)
      time.list  <- vector("list", max.arms)
      if (!nulldata)
        adddata <- vector("list", max.arms)
      if (type == "binary") {
        ## Generate lists
        tdat <- data.frame(studlab, treat, event, n,
                           .order = seq_along(treat),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!nulldata & data.format == "long") {
          tdat <- cbind(tdat, data)
          dupl <- duplicated(names(tdat))
          if (any(dupl))
            names(tdat)[dupl] <- paste(names(tdat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
        studlab <- names(n.arms)
        dat.studlab <- data.frame(studlab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        for (i in 1:max.arms) {
          sel.i <- !duplicated(tdat$studlab)
          tdat.i <- merge(dat.studlab, tdat[sel.i, ],
                          by = "studlab", all.x = TRUE)
          treat.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$treat
          event.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$event
          n.list[[i]]     <- tdat.i$n
          tdat.i$event <- NULL
          tdat.i$n     <- NULL
          if (!nulldata)
            adddata[[i]] <- tdat.i
          tdat <- tdat[!sel.i, ]
        treat <- treat.list
        event <- event.list
        n     <- n.list
      else if (type == "continuous") {
        ## Generate lists
        tdat <- data.frame(studlab, treat, n, mean, sd,
                           .order = seq_along(treat),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!nulldata & data.format == "long") {
          tdat <- cbind(tdat, data)
          dupl <- duplicated(names(tdat))
          if (any(dupl))
            names(tdat)[dupl] <- paste(names(tdat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
        studlab <- names(n.arms)
        dat.studlab <- data.frame(studlab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        for (i in 1:max.arms) {
          sel.i <- !duplicated(tdat$studlab)
          tdat.i <- merge(dat.studlab, tdat[sel.i, ],
                          by = "studlab", all.x = TRUE)
          treat.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$treat
          n.list[[i]]     <- tdat.i$n
          mean.list[[i]]  <- tdat.i$mean
          sd.list[[i]]    <- tdat.i$sd
          tdat.i$n    <- NULL
          tdat.i$mean <- NULL
          tdat.i$sd   <- NULL
          if (!nulldata)
            adddata[[i]] <- tdat.i
          tdat <- tdat[!sel.i, ]
        treat <- treat.list
        n     <- n.list
        mean  <- mean.list
        sd    <- sd.list
      else if (type == "count") {
        ## Generate lists
        tdat <- data.frame(studlab, treat, event, time,
                           .order = seq_along(treat),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(n))
          tdat$n <- n
        if (!nulldata & data.format == "long") {
          tdat <- cbind(tdat, data)
          dupl <- duplicated(names(tdat))
          if (any(dupl))
            names(tdat)[dupl] <- paste(names(tdat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
        studlab <- names(n.arms)
        dat.studlab <- data.frame(studlab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        for (i in 1:max.arms) {
          sel.i <- !duplicated(tdat$studlab)
          tdat.i <- merge(dat.studlab, tdat[sel.i, ],
                          by = "studlab", all.x = TRUE)
          treat.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$treat
          event.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$event
          time.list[[i]]  <- tdat.i$time
          tdat.i$event <- NULL
          tdat.i$time  <- NULL
          if (!nulldata)
            adddata[[i]] <- tdat.i
          tdat <- tdat[!sel.i, ]
        treat <- treat.list
        event <- event.list
        time  <- time.list
      else if (type == "generic") {
        ## Generate lists
        tdat <- data.frame(studlab, treat, TE, seTE,
                           .order = seq_along(treat),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(n))
          tdat$n <- n
        if (!is.null(event))
          tdat$event <- event
        if (!nulldata & data.format == "long") {
          tdat <- cbind(tdat, data)
          dupl <- duplicated(names(tdat))
          if (any(dupl))
            names(tdat)[dupl] <- paste(names(tdat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
        studlab <- names(n.arms)
        dat.studlab <- data.frame(studlab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        for (i in 1:max.arms) {
          sel.i <- !duplicated(tdat$studlab)
          tdat.i <- merge(dat.studlab, tdat[sel.i, ],
                          by = "studlab", all.x = TRUE)
          treat.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$treat
          TE.list[[i]]    <- tdat.i$TE
          seTE.list[[i]]  <- tdat.i$seTE
          tdat.i$TE   <- NULL
          tdat.i$seTE <- NULL
          if (!nulldata)
            adddata[[i]] <- tdat.i
          tdat <- tdat[!sel.i, ]
        treat <- treat.list
        TE    <- TE.list
        seTE  <- seTE.list
      else if (type == "onlytreat") {
        ## Generate lists
        tdat <- data.frame(studlab, treat,
                           .order = seq_along(treat),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(n))
          tdat$n <- n
        if (!nulldata) {
          if (data.format == "long")
            tdat <- cbind(tdat, data)
          dupl <- duplicated(names(tdat))
          if (any(dupl))
            names(tdat)[dupl] <- paste(names(tdat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
        studlab <- names(n.arms)
        dat.studlab <- data.frame(studlab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        for (i in 1:max.arms) {
          sel.i <- !duplicated(tdat$studlab)
          tdat.i <- merge(dat.studlab, tdat[sel.i, ],
                          by = "studlab", all.x = TRUE)
          treat.list[[i]] <- tdat.i$treat
          if (!nulldata)
            adddata[[i]] <- tdat.i
          tdat <- tdat[!sel.i, ]
        treat <- treat.list

    ## Check and set study labels
    if (is.null(studlab))
      studlab <- seq(along = treat[[1]])
    if (length(treat) != 2 && length(studlab) != length(unique(studlab)))
      stop("Study labels must all be distinct.")
    levs <- unique(studlab)

    narms <- length(unique(treat))
    nstud <- length(unique(studlab))

    ## Generate dataset with variables from original dataset
    if (!nulldata & data.format == "long") {
      names.adddata <- names(adddata[[1]])
      notunique <- matrix(NA,
                          ncol = length(names.adddata),
                          nrow = narms * (narms - 1) / 2)
      colnames(notunique) <- names.adddata
      oneNA <- matrix(NA,
                      ncol = length(names.adddata),
                      nrow = narms * (narms - 1) / 2)
      allNA <- matrix(NA,
                      ncol = length(names.adddata),
                      nrow = narms * (narms - 1) / 2)
      colnames(oneNA) <- names.adddata
      n.ij <- 0
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          n.ij <- n.ij + 1
          notunique[n.ij, ] <-
            apply(adddata[[i]] != adddata[[j]], 2, anytrue)
          allNA[n.ij, ] <- apply(is.na(adddata[[j]]), 2, all)
          oneNA[n.ij, ] <-
            apply(is.na(adddata[[i]]) & !is.na(adddata[[j]]), 2, anytrue)
      notunique <- apply(notunique, 2, anytrue)
      oneNA <- apply(oneNA, 2, anytrue)
      allNA <- apply(allNA, 2, anytrue)
      notunique <- apply(rbind(notunique, oneNA, allNA), 2, anytrue)
      ## print(notunique)
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          dat.i <- adddata[[i]]
          dat.j <- adddata[[j]]
          if (any(!notunique))
            dat.ij <- dat.i[, names.adddata[!notunique], drop = FALSE]
            stop("Study label must be unique for single treatment arm.")
          for (nam in names.adddata[notunique]) {
            dat.ij[, paste0(nam, 1)] <- adddata[[i]][nam]
            dat.ij[, paste0(nam, 2)] <- adddata[[j]][nam]
          if (i == 1 & j == 2)
            newdata <- dat.ij
            newdata <- rbind(newdata, dat.ij)
      names.basic <- c("studlab", "treat1", "treat2")
      names.newdata <- names(newdata)
      newdata <- newdata[, c(names.basic,
                             names.newdata[!(names.newdata %in% names.basic)])]
      newdata <- newdata[!is.na(newdata$treat1) & !is.na(newdata$treat2), ]
    if (type == "binary") {
      if (length(event) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'event'.")
      if (length(n) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'n'.")
      ## Determine increment for individual studies
      n.zeros <- apply(matrix(unlist(event), ncol = length(event)), 1, sumzero)
      n.all   <- apply(matrix(unlist(n), ncol = length(event)) -
                       matrix(unlist(event), ncol = length(event)),
                       1, sumzero)
      incr.study <- rep(0, length(n.zeros))
      if ("sm" %in% nam.args)
        sm <- args$sm
        sm <- gs("smbin")
      sm <- setchar(sm, c("OR", "RD", "RR", "ASD"))
      addincr <- allincr <- FALSE
      if (!(sm == "ASD" | method == "Peto")) {
        if (method.incr == "all")
          addincr <- TRUE
        else if (method.incr == "if0all")
          allincr <- TRUE
      sparse <- switch(sm,
                       OR = (n.zeros > 0) | (n.all > 0),
                       RD = (n.zeros > 0) | (n.all > 0),
                       RR = (n.zeros > 0) | (n.all > 0),
                       ASD = rep(FALSE, length(n.zeros)))
      if (!allincr & !addincr)
        incr.study[sparse] <- incr
      else if (addincr)
        incr.study[] <- incr
      else {
        if (any(n.zeros > 0))
          incr.study[] <- incr
          incr.study[] <- 0
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        if (i == 1 & (length(treat[[i]]) != length(event[[i]])))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'event'.")
        if (i == 1 & (length(event[[i]]) != length(n[[i]])))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'event' and 'n'.")
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          if (length(treat[[j]]) != length(event[[j]]))
            stop("Different length of element ", j, " of ",
                 "lists 'treat' and 'event'.")
          if (length(event[[j]]) != length(n[[j]]))
            stop("Different length of element ", j, " of ",
                 "lists 'event' and 'n'.")
          dat <- data.frame(TE = NA, seTE = NA,
                            treat1 = treat[[i]], treat2 = treat[[j]],
                            event1 = event[[i]], n1 = n[[i]],
                            event2 = event[[j]], n2 = n[[j]],
                            .order = seq_along(studlab),
                            incr = incr.study,
                            allstudies = allstudies,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            row.names = NULL)
          if (!nulldata & data.format == "wide") {
            dat <- cbind(dat, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            dupl <- duplicated(names(dat))
            if (any(dupl))
              names(dat)[dupl] <- paste(names(dat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$event1) & is.na(dat$n1)), ]
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$event2) & is.na(dat$n2)), ]
          if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
            m1 <- metabin(dat$event1, dat$n1,
                          dat$event2, dat$n2,
                          method = method,
                          incr = dat$incr, 
                          method.incr = "all",
                          allstudies = allstudies,
                          method.tau = "DL", method.tau.ci = "",
                          warn = warn,
                          warn.deprecated = FALSE, ...)
            dat$TE   <- m1$TE
            dat$seTE <- m1$seTE
            dat$TE[is.infinite(dat$TE)] <- NA
            dat$seTE[is.infinite(dat$seTE)] <- NA
            dat.NAs <- dat[is.na(dat$TE) | is.na(dat$seTE) | dat$seTE <= 0, ]
            if (i == 1 & j == 2) {
              res <- dat
              res.NAs <- dat.NAs
            else {
              res <- rbind(res, dat)
              res.NAs <- rbind(res.NAs, dat.NAs)
            if (i == 1 & j == 2)
              stop("No studies available for comparison of ",
                   "first and second treatment.")
    else if (type == "continuous") {
      if (length(n) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'n'.")
      if (length(mean) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'mean'.")
      if (length(sd) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'sd'.")
      if ("sm" %in% nam.args)
        sm <- args$sm
        sm <- gs("smcont")
      for (i in seq_len(narms)) {
        if (length(treat[[i]]) != length(n[[i]]))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'n'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (length(treat[[i]]) != length(mean[[i]]))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'mean'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (length(treat[[i]]) != length(sd[[i]]))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'sd'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (length(treat[[i]]) != nstud)
          stop("Different length of study labels and ",
               "element ", i, " of list 'treat'.",
               call. = FALSE)
      ## For standardized mean difference, calculate pooled standard
      ## deviation for multi-arm studies
      if ("sm" %in% nam.args && (tolower(args$sm) == "smd" & narms > 2)) {
        pooled.sd <- function(sd, n) {
          sel <- !is.na(sd) & !is.na(n)
          if (any(sel))
            res <- sqrt(sum((n[sel] - 1) * sd[sel]^2) / sum(n[sel] - 1))
            res <- NA
        N <- matrix(unlist(n), ncol = narms, nrow = nstud, byrow = FALSE)
        M <- matrix(unlist(mean), ncol = narms, nrow = nstud, byrow = FALSE)
        S <- matrix(unlist(sd), ncol = narms, nrow = nstud, byrow = FALSE)
        sel.n <- apply(!is.na(N) & N > 0, 1, sum) > 2
        sel.mean <- apply(!is.na(M), 1, sum) > 2
        sel.sd <- apply(!is.na(S) & S > 0, 1, sum) > 2
        sel <- sel.n & sel.mean & sel.sd
        if (any(sel)) {
          N <- N[sel, , drop = FALSE]
          S <- S[sel, , drop = FALSE]
          sd.p <- rep_len(NA, nrow(N))
          for (i in seq_len(nrow(N)))
            sd.p[i] <- pooled.sd(S[i, ], N[i, ])
        for (i in seq_len(narms))
          sd[[i]][sel] <- ifelse(is.na(sd[[i]][sel]), NA, sd.p)
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          dat <- data.frame(TE = NA, seTE = NA,
                            treat1 = treat[[i]],
                            treat2 = treat[[j]],
                            n1 = n[[i]], mean1 = mean[[i]], sd1 = sd[[i]],
                            n2 = n[[j]], mean2 = mean[[j]], sd2 = sd[[j]],
                            .order = seq_along(studlab),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            row.names = NULL)
          if (data.format == "wide") {
            dat <- cbind(dat, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            dupl <- duplicated(names(dat))
            if (any(dupl))
              names(dat)[dupl] <- paste(names(dat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$n1) & is.na(dat$mean1) & is.na(dat$sd1)), ]
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$n2) & is.na(dat$mean2) & is.na(dat$sd2)), ]
          if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
            m1 <- metacont(dat$n1, dat$mean1, dat$sd1,
                           dat$n2, dat$mean2, dat$sd2,
                           method.tau = "DL", method.tau.ci = "",
                           method.smd = "Cohen",
                           warn = warn,
                           warn.deprecated = FALSE, ...)
            dat$TE   <- m1$TE
            dat$seTE <- m1$seTE
            dat$TE[is.infinite(dat$TE)] <- NA
            dat$seTE[is.infinite(dat$seTE)] <- NA
            dat.NAs <- dat[is.na(dat$TE) | is.na(dat$seTE) | dat$seTE <= 0, ]
            if (i == 1 & j == 2) {
              res <- dat
              res.NAs <- dat.NAs
            else {
              res <- rbind(res, dat)
              res.NAs <- rbind(res.NAs, dat.NAs)
            if (i == 1 & j == 2)
              stop("No studies available for comparison of ",
                   "first and second treatment.",
                   call. = FALSE)
    else if (type == "generic") {
      if (length(TE) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'TE'.",
             call. = FALSE)
      if (length(seTE) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'seTE'.",
             call. = FALSE)
      if ("sm" %in% nam.args)
        sm <- args$sm
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        if (i == 1 & (length(treat[[i]]) != length(TE[[i]])))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'TE'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (i == 1 & (length(treat[[i]]) != length(seTE[[i]])))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'seTE'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          if (length(treat[[j]]) != length(TE[[j]]))
            stop("Different length of element ", j, " of ",
                 "lists 'treat' and 'TE'.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          if (length(treat[[j]]) != length(seTE[[j]]))
            stop("Different length of element ", j, " of ",
                 "lists 'treat' and 'seTE'.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          dat <- data.frame(TE = NA, seTE = NA,
                            treat1 = treat[[i]],
                            treat2 = treat[[j]],
                            TE1 = TE[[i]], seTE1 = seTE[[i]],
                            TE2 = TE[[j]], seTE2 = seTE[[j]],
                            .order = seq_along(studlab),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            row.names = NULL)
          if (!is.null(event)) {
            dat$event1 <- event[[i]]
            dat$event2 <- event[[j]]
          if (!is.null(n)) {
            dat$n1 <- n[[i]]
            dat$n2 <- n[[j]]
          if (!is.null(mean)) {
            dat$mean1 <- mean[[i]]
            dat$mean2 <- mean[[j]]
          if (!is.null(sd)) {
            dat$sd1 <- sd[[i]]
            dat$sd2 <- sd[[j]]
          if (!is.null(time)) {
            dat$time1 <- time[[i]]
            dat$time2 <- time[[j]]
          if (data.format == "wide") {
            dat <- cbind(dat, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            dupl <- duplicated(names(dat))
            if (any(dupl))
              names(dat)[dupl] <- paste(names(dat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$TE1) & is.na(dat$seTE1)), ]
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$TE2) & is.na(dat$seTE2)), ]
          if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
            m1 <- metagen(dat$TE1 - dat$TE2,
                          sqrt(dat$seTE1^2 + dat$seTE2^2),
                          method.tau = "DL", method.tau.ci = "",
                          warn = warn,
                          warn.deprecated = FALSE, ...)
            dat$TE <- m1$TE
            dat$seTE <- m1$seTE
            dat$TE[is.infinite(dat$TE)] <- NA
            dat$seTE[is.infinite(dat$seTE)] <- NA
            dat.NAs <- dat[is.na(dat$TE) | is.na(dat$seTE) | dat$seTE <= 0, ]
            if (i == 1 & j == 2) {
              res <- dat
              res.NAs <- dat.NAs
            else {
              res <- rbind(res, dat)
              res.NAs <- rbind(res.NAs, dat.NAs)
            if (i == 1 & j == 2)
              stop("No studies available for comparison of ",
                   "first and second treatment.",
                   call. = FALSE)
    else if (type == "count") {
      if (length(event) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'event'.",
             call. = FALSE)
      if (length(time) != narms)
        stop("Different length of lists 'treat' and 'time'.",
             call. = FALSE)
      if ("sm" %in% nam.args)
        sm <- args$sm
        sm <- gs("sminc")
      addincr <- allincr <- FALSE
      if (method.incr == "all")
        addincr <- TRUE
      else if (method.incr == "if0all")
        allincr <- TRUE
      ## Determine increment for individual studies
      n.zeros <- apply(matrix(unlist(event), ncol = length(event)), 1, sumzero)
      incr.study <- rep(0, length(n.zeros))
      sparse <- n.zeros > 0
      if (!allincr & !addincr)
        incr.study[sparse] <- incr
      else if (addincr)
        incr.study[] <- incr
      else {
        if (any(n.zeros > 0))
          incr.study[] <- incr
          incr.study[] <- 0
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        if (i == 1 & (length(treat[[i]]) != length(event[[i]])))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'event'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (i == 1 & (length(treat[[i]]) != length(time[[i]])))
          stop("Different length of element ", i, " of ",
               "lists 'treat' and 'time'.",
               call. = FALSE)
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          if (length(treat[[j]]) != length(event[[j]]))
            stop("Different length of element ", j, " of ",
                 "lists 'treat' and 'event'.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          if (length(treat[[j]]) != length(time[[j]]))
            stop("Different length of element ", j, " of ",
                 "lists 'treat' and 'time'.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          dat <- data.frame(TE = NA, seTE = NA,
                            treat1 = treat[[i]],
                            treat2 = treat[[j]],
                            event1 = event[[i]], time1 = time[[i]],
                            event2 = event[[j]], time2 = time[[j]],
                            incr = incr.study,
                            .order = seq_along(studlab),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            row.names = NULL)
          if (data.format == "wide") {
            dat <- cbind(dat, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            dupl <- duplicated(names(dat))
            if (any(dupl))
              names(dat)[dupl] <- paste(names(dat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$event1) & is.na(dat$time1)), ]
          dat <- dat[!(is.na(dat$event2) & is.na(dat$time2)), ]
          if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
            m1 <- metainc(dat$event1, dat$time1,
                          dat$event2, dat$time2,
                          incr = dat$incr,
                          method.incr = "all",
                          allstudies = allstudies,
                          method.tau = "DL", method.tau.ci = "",
                          warn = warn,
                          warn.deprecated = FALSE, ...)
            dat$TE <- m1$TE
            dat$seTE <- m1$seTE
            dat$TE[is.infinite(dat$TE)] <- NA
            dat$seTE[is.infinite(dat$seTE)] <- NA
            dat.NAs <- dat[is.na(dat$TE) | is.na(dat$seTE) | dat$seTE <= 0, ]
            if (i == 1 & j == 2) {
              res <- dat
              res.NAs <- dat.NAs
            else {
              res <- rbind(res, dat)
              res.NAs <- rbind(res.NAs, dat.NAs)
            if (i == 1 & j == 2)
              stop("No studies available for comparison of ",
                   "first and second treatment.",
                   call. = FALSE)
    else if (type == "onlytreat") {
      for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):narms) {
          dat <- data.frame(studlab,
                            treat1 = treat[[i]],
                            treat2 = treat[[j]],
                            .order = seq_along(studlab),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            row.names = NULL)
          if (!is.null(n)) {
            dat$n1 <- n[[i]]
            dat$n2 <- n[[j]]
          if (data.format == "wide") {
            dat <- cbind(dat, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            dupl <- duplicated(names(dat))
            if (any(dupl))
              names(dat)[dupl] <- paste(names(dat)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
          dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$treat2), ]
          if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
            dat.NAs <- data.frame()
            if (i == 1 & j == 2) {
              res <- dat
              res.NAs <- dat.NAs
            else {
              res <- rbind(res, dat)
              res.NAs <- rbind(res.NAs, dat.NAs)
            if (i == 1 & j == 2)
              stop("No studies available for comparison of ",
                   "first and second treatment.",
                   call. = FALSE)
    method <- if (type == "onlytreat") "" else m1$method
    if (!nulldata & data.format == "long")
      res <- merge(res, newdata,
                   by = c("studlab", "treat1", "treat2"),
                   suffixes = c("",".orig"),
                   all.x = TRUE)
    if (!nulldata & data.format == "comparison") {
      res$.order <- NULL
      res2 <- data.frame()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(dat.st))) {
        sel.i <-
          res$studlab == dat.st$studlab[i] &
          res$treat1 == dat.st$treat1[i] &
          res$treat2 == dat.st$treat2[i]
        sel.wo.i <-
          res$studlab == dat.st$studlab[i] &
          res$treat1 == dat.st$treat2[i] &
          res$treat2 == dat.st$treat1[i]
        if (any(sel.i))
          res2 <- rbind(res2, res[sel.i, ])
        else if (any(sel.wo.i)) {
          res2.i <- res[sel.wo.i, ]
          res2.i$TE <- -res2.i$TE
          t1 <- res2.i$treat1
          res2.i$treat1 <- res2.i$treat2
          res2.i$treat2 <- t1
          if (type == "binary") {
            ev1 <- res2.i$event1
            res2.i$event1 <- res2.i$event2
            res2.i$event2 <- ev1
            tn1 <- res2.i$n1
            res2.i$n1 <- res2.i$n2
            res2.i$n2 <- tn1
          else if (type == "continuous") {
            tn1 <- res2.i$n1
            res2.i$n1 <- res2.i$n2
            res2.i$n2 <- tn1
            me1 <- res2.i$mean1
            res2.i$mean1 <- res2.i$mean2
            res2.i$mean2 <- me1
            ts1 <- res2.i$sd1
            res2.i$sd1 <- res2.i$sd2
            res2.i$sd2 <- ts1
          else if (type == "count") {
            ev1 <- res2.i$event1
            res2.i$event1 <- res2.i$event2
            res2.i$event2 <- ev1
            tt1 <- res2.i$time1
            res2.i$time1 <- res2.i$time2
            res2.i$time2 <- tt1
          res2 <- rbind(res2, res2.i)
      res <- res2
      if (!nulldata) {
        res <- cbind(res, data)
        dupl <- duplicated(names(res))
        if (any(dupl))
          names(res)[dupl] <- paste(names(res)[dupl], "orig", sep = ".")
    ## Additional checks
    ## a) Duplicate treatments ?
    sel.treat <- as.character(res$treat1) == as.character(res$treat2)
    if (any(sel.treat)) {
      sel.stud <- unique(sort(res$studlab[sel.treat]))
      stop(paste0("Identical treatments for the following stud",
                  if (length(sel.stud) == 1) "y: " else "ies:\n  ",
                  paste0(paste0("'", sel.stud, "'"),
                         collapse = " - "),
                  "\n  Please check dataset."),
           call. = FALSE)
    ## b) Studies missing ?
    sel.study <- !(studlab %in% unique(as.character(res$studlab)))
    if (any(sel.study) & warn)
      warning(paste0("The following stud",
                     if (sum(sel.study) == 1) "y is " else "ies are ",
                     "excluded from the analysis\n  ",
                     "(due to a single study arm or missing values):",
                     if (sum(sel.study) == 1) " " else "\n  ",
                     paste0(paste0("'", studlab[sel.study], "'"),
                            collapse = " - ")),
              call. = FALSE)
    ## c) Missing treatment estimates or standard errors?
    if (type != "onlytreat" && nrow(res.NAs) > 0 & warn) {
              if (nrow(res.NAs) > 1) "s",
              " with missing TE / seTE or zero seTE",
              " will not be considered in network meta-analysis.",
              call. = FALSE)
          if (nrow(res.NAs) > 1) "s",
          " will not be considered in network meta-analysis:\n",
          sep = "")
      res.NAs$.order <- NULL
      res.NAs$.order1 <- NULL
      res.NAs$.order2 <- NULL
               quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, na.print = "NA",
               rowlab = rep("", nrow(res.NAs)))
    ## Calculate standard error for SMDs
    if (type == "continuous" && m1$sm == "SMD") {
      res$.seTE <- res$seTE
      for (i in unique(res$studlab)) {
        sel.i <- res$studlab == i
        dat.i <- res[sel.i, ]
        ## Calculate total sample size in study i
        ndat.i <- rbind(data.frame(treat = dat.i$treat1, n = dat.i$n1),
                        data.frame(treat = dat.i$treat2, n = dat.i$n2))
        n.i <- sum(ndat.i[!duplicated(ndat.i), ]$n)
        ## Crippa & Orsini (2016), BMC Med Res Meth, equation (5)
        varTE.i <-
          1 / res$n1[sel.i] + 1 / res$n2[sel.i] + res$TE[sel.i]^2 / (2 * n.i)
        res$seTE[sel.i] <- sqrt(varTE.i)
    if (data.format != "comparison") {
      if (!is.null(res$.order1)) {
        res <- res[order(res$.order1), ]
        res$.order1 <- NULL
        res$.order2 <- NULL
        res$.order <- NULL
        res <- unique(res)
      else if (!is.null(res$.order)) {
        res <- res[order(res$.order), ]
        res$.order <- NULL
        res$.order.orig <- NULL
        res <- unique(res)
      else {
        res <- res[order(factor(res$studlab, levels = levs),
                         res$treat1, res$treat2), ]
    rownames(res) <- 1:nrow(res)
  # Only keep core variables
  corevars <- c("TE", "seTE", "studlab", "treat1", "treat2",
                "event1", "event2", "n1", "n2",
                "mean1", "mean2", "sd1", "sd2",
                "TE1", "TE2", "seTE1", "seTE2",
                "time1", "time2",
  if (!append.logical)
    res <- res[, names(res) %in% corevars]
  else if (is.character(append))
    res <- res[, names(res) %in% c(corevars, append)]
  ## Use first treatment with estimable effect as reference if
  ## argument is missing
  labels <- unique(sort(c(res$treat1, res$treat2)))
  if (missing.reference.group) {
    if (type == "onlytreat")
      reference.group <- ""
    else {
      go.on <- TRUE
      i <- 0
      while (go.on) {
        i <- i + 1
        sel.i <-
          !is.na(res$TE) & !is.na(res$seTE) &
          (res$treat1 == labels[i] | res$treat2 == labels[i])
        if (sum(sel.i) > 0) {
          go.on <- FALSE
          reference.group <- labels[i]
        else if (i == length(labels)) {
          go.on <- FALSE
          reference.group <- ""
  if (is.factor(reference.group))
    reference.group <- as.character(reference.group)
  if (is.numeric(reference.group))
    chknumeric(reference.group, length = 1)
    chkchar(reference.group, length = 1)
  reference.group <- setchar(reference.group, c(labels, ""))
  if (!keep.all.comparisons) {
    drop <- logical(0)
    for (i in unique(res$studlab)) {
      d.i <- res[res$studlab == i, , drop = FALSE]
      trts.i <- unique(sort(c(d.i$treat1, d.i$treat2)))
      ## Keep comparisons with reference group or first treatment if
      ## reference treatment is missing in study
      if (reference.group %in% trts.i)
        ref.i <- reference.group
        ref.i <- rev(trts.i)[1]
      drop.i <- d.i$treat1 != ref.i & d.i$treat2 != ref.i
      drop <- c(drop, drop.i)
    if (!keep.all.comparisons)
      res <- res[!drop, , drop = FALSE]
  if (!avail.treat) {
    if (isCol(res, "agent1"))
      names(res)[names(res) == "agent1"] <- "agent1.orig"
    if (isCol(res, "dose1"))
      names(res)[names(res) == "dose1"] <- "dose1.orig"
    if (isCol(res, "agent2"))
      names(res)[names(res) == "agent2"] <- "agent2.orig"
    if (isCol(res, "dose2"))
      names(res)[names(res) == "dose2"] <- "dose2.orig"
    res$agent1 <- sapply(compsplit(res$treat1, sep.ag), first)
    res$dose1 <- sapply(compsplit(res$treat1, sep.ag), second)
    res$agent2 <- sapply(compsplit(res$treat2, sep.ag), first)
    res$dose2 <- sapply(compsplit(res$treat2, sep.ag), second)
    res$dose1 <- as.numeric(res$dose1)
    res$dose2 <- as.numeric(res$dose2)
    nam.res <- names(res)
    nam1 <- c("TE", "seTE", "studlab")
    nam2 <- c("agent1", "dose1", "agent2", "dose2")
    res <- res[, c(nam1, nam2, nam.res[!nam.res %in% c(nam1, nam2)])]
  if (any(varnames != c("TE", "seTE"))) {
    names(res)[names(res) == "TE"] <- varnames[1]
    names(res)[names(res) == "seTE"] <- varnames[2]
  attr(res, "pairwise") <- TRUE
  attr(res, "reference.group") <- reference.group
  attr(res, "keep.all.comparisons") <- keep.all.comparisons
  attr(res, "type") <- type
  if (is.pairwise) {
    attr(res, "sm") <- res.attr$sm
    attr(res, "method") <- res.attr$method
    attr(res, "incr") <- res.attr$incr
    attr(res, "method.incr") <- res.attr$method.incr
    attr(res, "allstudies") <- res.attr$allstudies
  else {
    attr(res, "sm") <- if (type != "onlytreat") replaceNULL(sm, "") else ""
    attr(res, "method") <- if (type != "onlytreat") method else ""
    attr(res, "incr") <- incr
    attr(res, "method.incr") <- method.incr
    attr(res, "allstudies") <- allstudies
  attr(res, "varnames") <- varnames
  attr(res, "append") <- append
  attr(res, "append.logical") <- append.logical
  attr(res, "version") <- packageDescription("netmeta")$Version
  class(res) <- unique(c("pairwise", class(res)))
guido-s/meta documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 2:17 a.m.