
Defines functions blop blopi_lpsolve blopi_glpk print.blopmatch_match plot.blopmatch_match

Documented in blop blopi_glpk blopi_lpsolve

#' @title Bilevel Optimization Problem Matching Solvers
#' @description 
#' \code{blop} matches all rows \eqn{i} in \code{X} to \eqn{j \neq i}{j!=i}.
#' This function is a wrapper of both \code{blopi_lpsolve} and \code{blopi_glpk}.
#' @template mat
#' @templateVar X 1
#' @templateVar Treat 1
#' @templateVar W 1
#' @templateVar p 1
#' @templateVar exact 1
#' @param solver A character scalar. Either \code{"glpk"} or \code{"lpsolve"}.
#' @param xi Numeric vector of length \eqn{k}. Ith individual covariates.
#' @param D Numeric vector. Distances vector (internal use only).
#' @author George G. Vega Yon
#' @details Both \code{W} and \code{p} are passed to \code{\link{weighted_norm}}.
#' @return In the case of \code{blop}, a list of class \code{blopmatch_match}:
#' \item{matches}{A list of size \code{N} with the BLOP solutions}
#' \item{status}{An integer vector of length \eqn{N}. A value equal to one indicates
#' that the problem was binded.}
#' \item{X}{Original matrix \code{X} passed to the function.}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(123)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(10*2), ncol=2)
#' ans <- blop(X)
#' plot(ans)
#' data(lalonde, package="MatchIt")
blop <- function(
  Treat  = rep(-1, nrow(X)), 
  exact  = NULL, 
  solver = "glpk",
  W      = diag(ncol(X)),
  p      = 1
  ) {
  # Reducing the dataset to those where we know the problem will be equivalent
  duplicates <- group_duplicates(X, Treat = Treat)
  # Solving the BLOP for each one
  iseq <- 1L:nrow(X)
  # Selecting the matching group
  groups <- matching_group(Treat, exact)
  # Computing Distances
  D <- weighted_norm(X = X, W = W, p = p)
  # Solving the problem
  ans <- if (solver == "glpk")
    parallel::mclapply(iseq, function(i, covars) {
      # Checking if it can be matched or not
      if (!length(groups[[i]])) {
        warning("Row ", i, " couldn't be matched.")
      # Solving the blop
          xi = covars[i,,drop=TRUE],
          X  = covars[groups[[i]],,drop=FALSE],
          D  = D[i, groups[[i]]]
        list(against = groups[[i]])
      }, covars=X, mc.cores = 2)
  else if (solver == "lpsolve")
    lapply(iseq, function(i, covars) {
      # Checking if it can be matched or not
      if (!length(groups[[i]])) {
        warning("Row ", i, " couldn't be matched.")
      # Solving the blop
          xi = covars[i,,drop=TRUE],
          X  = covars[groups[[i]],,drop=FALSE],
          D  = D[i, groups[[i]]]
        list(against = groups[[i]])
      }, covars=X)
  else stop("-solver- should be either 'glpk' or 'lpsolve'.")
  # Checking out which ones were't solved perfectly
  status <- sapply(ans, function(x) {
    if (!length(x)) -1
    else if (any(x$xi != x$xi_feasible)) 1
    # else if (any(x[["slack"]] != 0)) 1
    else 0
      matches = ans,
      status  = status,
      X       = X,
      Treat   = Treat,
      exact   = exact,
      solver  = solver,
      W       = W,
      p       = p
    class = "blopmatch_match"

#' \code{blopi_lpsolve} solves the problem using the \pkg{lpSolverAPI} R package
#' which implements the lp_solver library.
#' @rdname blop
#' @export
blopi_lpsolve <- function(xi, X, D = NULL) {
  # P0: Find the feasible match ------------------------------------------------
  N <- nrow(X)
  K <- ncol(X)
  # Initializing the LP0
  lp_P0 <- lpSolveAPI::make.lp(nrow = K + 1, ncol = N + K*2)
  # on.exit(lpSolveAPI::delete.lp(lprec = lp_P0))
  # Setting columns ------------------------------------------------------------
  # Mu columns
  ones_k <- rbind(diag(K), 0)
  for (j in 1:K)
    lpSolveAPI::set.column(lprec = lp_P0, j, ones_k[,j])
  # Eta columns
  for (j in 1:K)
    lpSolveAPI::set.column(lprec = lp_P0, j + K, -ones_k[,j])
  # Phi columns
  for (j in 1:N)
    lpSolveAPI::set.column(lprec = lp_P0, j + 2*K, c(X[j,], 1))
  # Objective function 
  lpSolveAPI::set.objfn(lprec = lp_P0, c(rep(1, K*2), rep(0, N)))
  # Constraints 
  # Recall: We have 
  # sum(lambda) == 1: 1
  # {1 = "<=", 2 = ">=", 3 = "="}
  lpSolveAPI::set.constr.type(lprec = lp_P0, rep(3, K+1))
  lpSolveAPI::set.rhs(lprec = lp_P0, c(xi, 1))
  lpSolveAPI::set.bounds(lprec = lp_P0, lower = rep(0, N + 2*K))
  # Solving the problem
  ans <- lpSolveAPI::solve.lpExtPtr(a=lp_P0)
  lpSolveAPI::write.lp(lprec = lp_P0, "misc/example0.lp", type = "lp")
  # Generating feasible X
  xi_feasible <- lpSolveAPI::get.variables(lprec = lp_P0)[1:(2*K)]
  xi_feasible <- xi - (xi_feasible[1:K] - xi_feasible[(1 + K):(K + K)])
  basis_sol   <- lpSolveAPI::get.variables(lprec = lp_P0)[1:N + 2*K]
  # lpSolveAPI::delete.lp(lprec = lp_P0)
  # Setting up P1 --------------------------------------------------------------
  # Initialiozing the problem
  lp_P1 <- lpSolveAPI::make.lp(nrow = K + 1, ncol = N)
  # on.exit(lpSolveAPI::delete.lp(lprec = lp_P1))
  # Omega columns
  for (j in 1:N)
    lpSolveAPI::set.column(lprec = lp_P1, j, c(X[j,], 1))
  # Objective function 
  lpSolveAPI::set.objfn(lprec = lp_P1, D)
  # Constraints
  lpSolveAPI::set.constr.type(lprec = lp_P1, rep(3, K + 1))
  lpSolveAPI::set.rhs(lprec = lp_P1, c(xi_feasible, 1))
  lpSolveAPI::set.bounds(lprec = lp_P1, lower = rep(0, N))
  # Solving the problem
  # lpSolveAPI::set.basis(lp_P1, lpSolveAPI::guess.basis(lp_P1, basis_sol))
  lpSolveAPI::write.lp(lprec = lp_P1, "misc/example1.lp", type = "freemps")
  lpSolveAPI::lp.control(lprec = lp_P1, basis.crash="mostfeasible", presolve="impliedslk")
  ans <- lpSolveAPI::solve.lpExtPtr(a = lp_P1)
  ans <- structure(
      obj    = lpSolveAPI::get.objective(lprec = lp_P1),
      lambda = methods::as(
        matrix(lpSolveAPI::get.variables(lprec = lp_P1), nrow=1),
      constr = lpSolveAPI::get.constraints(lprec = lp_P1),
      status = ans,
      xi     = xi,
      xi_feasible = xi_feasible
    ), class = "blopmatch_matchi"
  # lpSolveAPI::delete.lp(lprec = lp_P1)

#' \code{blopi_glpk} solves the problem using the \pkg{Rglpk} R package
#' which implements the GNU Linear Programming Kit.
#' @rdname blop
#' @export
blopi_glpk <- function(xi, X, D = NULL) {
  # Constraints:
  #  sum(lambda) = 1 : 1
  #  lambda*xk' = xk : k 
  #  TOTAL: 1 + k
  # Variables:
  #  lambda: n - 1 
  #  slack variables: in the case of infeasibility: k + 1
  N <- nrow(X)
  K <- ncol(X)
  # P0 ------------------------------------------------------------------
  lp_P0 <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(
    obj = c(rep(1, K*2), rep(0, N)),
    mat = cbind(rbind(diag(K), 0), -rbind(diag(K), 0),rbind(t(X), 1)), 
    dir = rep("==", K + 1),
    rhs = c(as.vector(xi), 1)
  xi_feasible <- xi - with(lp_P0, solution[1:K] - solution[1:K + K])
  # P1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
  lp_P1 <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(
    obj = D,
    mat = rbind(t(X), 1), 
    dir = rep("==", K + 1),
    rhs = c(as.vector(xi_feasible), 1)
      obj    = lp_P1$optimum,
      lambda = methods::as(
        matrix(lp_P1$solution[1L:N], nrow=1),
      # slack  = ans$solution[(N + 1L):(N + K + 1L)],
      constr = lp_P1$auxiliary$primal,
      status = lp_P1$status,
      xi     = xi,
      xi_feasible = xi_feasible
    ), class = "blopmatch_matchi"

#' @export
print.blopmatch_match <- function(x, ...) {
  N      <- nrow(x$X)
  binded <- sum(x$status) 
  K      <- ncol(x$X)
    sprintf("%% of problems solved: %.2f%%\n", (1 - binded/N) *100),
    sprintf("N: %i, K: %i\n", N, K)

#' @export
plot.blopmatch_match <- function(x, y=1:min(2, ncol(x$X)), ...) {
  plot(x$X[,y,drop=FALSE], pch=20, col="lightgray")
  binded <- which(x$status !=0)
  if (length(binded))
    text(x$X[binded,y,drop=FALSE], labels = binded, col="red")
gvegayon/blopmatch documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 6:27 a.m.