
Defines functions nriskReport

Documented in nriskReport

#' Number at Risk Report
#' Graph number of subjects at risk
#' \code{nriskReport} generates multi-panel charts, separately for categorical analysis variables.  Each panel depicts the number at risk as a function of follow-up time.  The Hmisc \code{Ecdf} function is used.  Stratification is by treatment or other variables.  It is assumed that this function is only run on randomized subjects.  If an \code{id} variable is present but \code{groups} and stratification variables are not, other plots are also produced: a histogram of the number of visits per subject, a histogram of times at which subjects have visits, the average number of contacts as a function of elapsed time, and a histogram showing the distribution of the longest gap between visits over subjects.
#' @param formula a formula with time and the left hand side, and with variables on the right side being possible stratification variables.  If no stratification put \code{1} as the right hand side.  Specify unique subject IDs by including a term \code{id()} if subjects have more than one observation.
#' @param groups a character string naming a superpositioning variable.  Must also be included in \code{formula}.
#' @param time0 a character string defining the meaning of time zero in follow-up.  Default is \code{"randomization"}.
#' @param data data frame
#' @param subset a subsetting epression for the entire analysis
#' @param na.action a NA handling function for data frames, default is \code{na.retain}
#' @param ylab character string if you want to override \code{"Number Followed"}
#' @param panel character string.  Name of panel, which goes into file base names and figure labels for cross-referencing.  The default is \code{'nrisk'}.
#' @param head character string.  Specifies initial text in the figure caption, otherwise a default is used
#' @param tail optional character string.  Specifies final text in the figure caption, e.g., what might have been put in a footnote in an ordinary text page.  This appears just before any needles.
#' @param h numeric.  Height of plot, in inches
#' @param w numeric.  Width of plot
#' @param outerlabels logical that if \code{TRUE}, pass \code{lattice} graphics through the \code{latticeExtra} package's \code{useOuterStrips}function if there are two conditioning (paneling) variables, to put panel labels in outer margins.
#' @param append logical.  Set to \code{FALSE} to start a new panel
#' @param popts list specifying extra arguments to pass to \code{Ecdf}.  A common use is for example \code{popts=list(layout=c(columns,rows))} to be used in rendering \code{lattice} plots.  \code{key} and \code{panel} are also frequently used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # See test.Rnw in tests directory

nriskReport <-
  function(formula, groups=NULL, time0='randomization',
           data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=na.retain,
           ylab='Number Followed', panel = 'nrisk', head=NULL, tail=NULL,
           h=5.5, w=5.5, outerlabels=TRUE, append=FALSE,
  if(grepl('[^a-zA-Z-]', panel))
    stop('panel must contain only A-Z a-z -')

  ohead <- head

  gro  <- getgreportOption()
  tvar <- gro$tx.var
  Nobs <- nobsY(formula, group=tvar,
                data=data, subset=subset, na.action=na.action)
  formula <- Nobs$formula   # removes id()
  X <- if(length(subset)) model.frame(formula, data=data, subset=subset,
   else model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.action)
  xnam    <- names(X)
  tx.used <- tvar %in% xnam
  tx      <- if(tx.used) X[[tvar]]
  labs    <- sapply(X, label)
  labs    <- ifelse(labs == '', xnam, labs)
  id <- Nobs$id
  sl <- if(ncol(X) > 1) upFirst(labs[-1], lower=TRUE)

  if(length(id) && anyDuplicated(id)) {
    ## Reduce data matrix to one row per subject per stratum with
    ## maximum follow-up time
    X <- data.table(X, .id.=id)
    setnames(X, xnam[1], '.y.')
    X <- subset(X, ! is.na(.y.))
    by <- if(length(xnam) > 1) paste(xnam[-1], '.id.', sep=',') else '.id.'
    mx <- function(w) as.double(if(any(! is.na(w))) max(w, na.rm=TRUE) else NA)
    X <- X[, list(.maxy.= max(.y.),
                  .n.   = length(.y.),
                  .gap. = max(diff(sort(c(0, .y.))))), by=by]
    X <- X[, c('.maxy.', '.n.', '.gap.', xnam[-1]), with=FALSE]
    setnames(X, '.maxy.', xnam[1])

  x1      <- X[[1]]
  xunits  <- units(x1)
  if(xunits == '') xunits <- 'days'

  file <- sprintf('%s/%s.tex', getgreportOption('texdir'), panel)
  if(getgreportOption('texwhere') == '') file <- ''
   else if(!append) cat('', file=file)
  lb <- gsub('\\.', '', gsub('-', '', panel))
  lbt <- lb
  if(! grepl('nrisk', lb)) {
    lb  <- paste(lb,  'nrisk', sep='-')
    lbt <- paste(lbt, 'nrisk', sep='')
  lttpop <- paste('ltt', lbt, sep='')

  if(! length(head))
    head <- sprintf('Number of subjects followed at least $x$ %s from %s',
                    xunits, time0)
  cap <- if(! length(sl)) head
  else sprintf('%s stratified by %s', head, sl)

  shortcap <- cap

  form <- paste('~', xnam[1])
  cvar <- xnam %nin% c(xnam[1], groups)
    form <- paste(form, '|', paste(xnam[cvar], collapse='*'))
  form <- as.formula(form)
  if(tx.used) {
    col <- gro$tx.linecol
    lwd <- gro$tx.lwd
  } else {
    col <- rep(c(gray(c(0, .7)), 'blue', 'red', 'green'), 10)
    lwd <- rep(c(1, 3), length=10)
  dl <- list(x=form,
             data=X, na.action=na.action,
             what='1-f', col=col, lwd=lwd)
  if(length(subset)) dl$subset <- subset
  if(length(ylab))   dl$ylab   <- ylab
  key <- popts$key
  if(! length(key) && length(groups)) {
    glevels <- levels(X[[groups]])
    popts$key <- list(x=.6, y=-.07, cex=.8,
                      columns=length(glevels), lines=TRUE, points=FALSE)

  www <- c(dl, popts)
  p <- if(! length(groups)) do.call('Ecdf', c(dl, popts))
  else {
    a <- sprintf("Ecdf(form, groups=%s, data=X, na.action=na.action, what='1-f', col=col, lwd=lwd", groups)
    if(length(subset)) a <- paste(a, ', subset=subset')
    if(length(ylab))   a <- paste(a, ', ylab=ylab')
    a <- paste(a, ')')
    p <- eval(parse(text=a))
  if(outerlabels && length(dim(p)) == 2) {
#    strip <- function(which.given, which.panel, var.name,
#                      factor.levels, ...) {
#      current.var <- var.name[which.given]
#      levs <- if(current.var == 'time') lev else factor.levels
#      strip.default(which.given, which.panel, var.name, factor.levels=levs, ...#)
#    }
    p <- latticeExtra::useOuterStrips(p) #, strip=strip, strip.left=strip)

  startPlot(lb, h=h, w=w)
  if(length(tail)) cap <- paste(cap, tail, sep='. ')
  no <- c(Nobs$nobs, Nobs$nobs, Nobs$nobsg)
  names(no) <- c('enrolled', 'randomized', rownames(Nobs$nobsg))
  dNeedle(sampleFrac(no, Nobs), name=lttpop, file=file)
  cap <- sprintf('%s~\\hfill\\%s', cap, lttpop)
  putFig(panel = panel, name = lb, caption = shortcap,
         longcaption = cap)

  if(length(id) && anyDuplicated(id) && ! length(groups) &&
     length(xnam) == 1) {
    lb  <- paste0(lb, '-details')
    lbt <- paste0(lbt, 'details')
    head <- ohead
    if(! length(head))
      head <- sprintf('Distributions of follow-up visits, with times in %s', xunits)
    cap <- head
    shortcap <- cap

    startPlot(lb, h=5, w=6, mfrow=c(2,2), ps=7)
    cap <- paste0(cap, '. Top left panel is a histogram showing the distribution of the number of contacts per participant.  Top right panel is a histogram showing the distribution of time from ', time0, ' to all contacts.  Bottom left panel is a histogram showing the distribution of the longest time gap between visits per participant.  Bottom right panel shows the relationship between the time of last contact per subject and the average number of contacts per subject.')
    if(length(tail)) cap <- paste(cap, tail, sep='. ')
    cap <- sprintf('%s\\hfill\\%s', cap, lttpop, longcaption=cap)
    x1 <- X[[xnam[1]]]
    with(X, {
      hist(.n., nclass=15, main='',
           xlab='Number of Contacts Per Participant',
           ylab='Number of Participants')
      hist(x1, nclass=40, main='',
           xlab=paste0(upFirst(xunits), ' From ', time0, ', All Contacts'),
           ylab='Number of Contacts')
      hist(.gap., nclass=40, main='',
           xlab=labelPlotmath('Longest Gap Between Visits Per Participant',
           ylab='Number of Participants')
      plot(supsmu(x1, .n.), type='l',
           xlab=paste(upFirst(xunits), 'From', time0, 'to Last Contact'),
           ylab='Number of Contacts Per Participant')
    putFig(panel=panel, name=lb, caption=shortcap, longcaption=cap)

harrelfe/greport documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 8:08 a.m.