
Defines functions propTestVect1 plotVect easyRect plotEvents displayFreq dummySAEFreqExample

#' Dummy SAE Frequency Example
#' summary
#' details
#' @return return something

dummySAEFreqExample <- function(){
  pts = c("Myocardial infarction", "Coronary artery disease", "Arrhythmia", "Cardiac arrest", "Myocardial ischaemia", "Cardio-respiratory arrest", "Cardiogenic shock", "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy", "Pericarditis", "Sinus bradycardia", "Tachycardia", "Pneumonia", "Sepsis", "Abscess", "Cellulitis", "Post procedural sepsis", "Sinusitis", "Dyspnoea", "Pulmonary hypertension", "Respiratory distress", "Sleep apnoea syndrome", "Pleural effusion", "Joint dislocation", "Post procedural complication", "Road traffic accident", "Tibia fracture", "Gastritis", "Abdominal pain","Inguinal hernia", "Haemorrhoids","Ileus","Pancreatitis","Rectal polyp")
  socs = c(rep("Cardiac disorders", 11), rep("Infections and infestations", 6), rep("Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders", 5), rep("Injury, poisoning and procedural complications", 4), rep("Gastrointestinal disorders", 7))
  socdict = socs
  names(socdict) = pts
  numA = c(41, 23, 13, 5, 8, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1,
           29, 11, 14, 14, 6, 7,
           6, 1, 4, 2, 3,
           12, 8, 5, 2,
           11, 7, 8, 3, 2, 6, 3)
  numB = c(35, 20, 27, 5, 9, 3, 7, 3, 2, 3, 0,
           26, 6, 5, 7, 4, 3,
           11, 14, 3, 10, 4,
           8, 7, 3, 3,
           15, 6, 13, 2, 2, 7, 5)
  dummysae = rbind(
             data.frame(pt = rep(pts, numA), txcode=rep("A", sum(numA))),
             data.frame(pt = rep(pts, numB), txcode=rep("B", sum(numB))))
  dummysae$subject = 1:(sum(numA)+sum(numB))
  dummysae$soc = socdict[as.character(dummysae$pt)]
  dummysae$occ = 1
  pValue1 = 0.05
  pValue2 = 1
  minSAENum = 0
  denomSub = c(2005, 2032)
  names(denomSub) = levels(dummysae$txcode)
  titles = paste(paste("    Treatment", names(denomSub), sep=" "), paste(" (N=", denomSub, sep=""), ")", sep="")
  names(titles) = levels(dummysae$txcode)
  startPlot("saeDummySAEFreqDispl1", h=5, w=7)
  displayFreq(dummysae, "subject", "pt", "soc", "occ", "txcode", denomSub=denomSub, fileName=NULL, pvalue=pValue1, keepPvalue=pValue2, minDisplayNum=minSAENum, titleOffsetKoef=4, titleOffsetX=1.5, sparseKoef=2, gridCex=0.5, labelCex=0.5, labelLen=35, majorGrid=c(20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120), minorGrid=c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40), titles = titles)
        "Nonserious AE frequency display.",
        paste("Nonserious AE frequency display by body system and preferred term. The horizontal dimension of the body system rectangles is proportional to the number of subject who had an event in that body system. The bar charts give the number of subjects who had a particular event within that body system. If the difference in proportions of subjects who had events in two treatment groups is significant (P-value is less than ",pValue1,"), the corresponding rectangles/bar charts in both treatment groups are pink/red.", sep=""), append=FALSE)

#' Display Adverse Event Frequencies
#' summary
#' @param dataframe data.frame. Data with adverse events.
#' @param subjectVar character. Variable classified to major and minor
#' category (subject ID).
#' @param minorVar character. Name of minor category variable within dataset.
#' (i.e. specific adverse event)
#' @param majorVar character. Name of major category variable within dataset.
#' (i.e. body system adverse event belongs to)
#' @param occurrenceVar character. Name of occurrence variable within dataset.
#' It indicates the different occurrences of a minor category for a given
#' \code{subjectVar} (date or order in which event happened). This variable
#' is assumed to be unique for given subject and given \code{minorVar}.
#' @param stratVar character. Name of stratification variable within dataset.
#' (i.e. treatment)
#' @param denomSub numeric vector. Contains the number of unique subjects in
#' each \code{stratVar} level. It should have the same names and length as
#' \code{levels(stratVar)}. Defaults to \sQuote{NULL}, where values will be
#' calculated accordingly from the dataset.
#' @param fileName character. Name of output file, defaults to \sQuote{NULL}.
#' @param labelLen numeric. Maximum length of grid labels.
#' @param pvalue numeric. If for a given major and minor category, the
#' proportion test gives a p-value less than \code{pvalue}, then this category
#' will be highlighted. Defaults to \sQuote{0.5}.
#' @param keepPvalue numeric. Only categories with a p-value (according to the
#' proportion test) less than \code{keepPvalue} will be displayed.
#' @param minDisplayNum numeric. Only categories with a total frequency more
#' than \code{minDisplayNum} will be displayed. Defaults to \sQuote{2}.
#' @param majorGrid numeric vector. Grid of major category.
#' @param minorGrid numeric vector. Grid of minor category.
#' @param plotGrid logical. Set to \sQuote{TRUE} to plot grid lines.
#' @param gridDig numeric. Set the number of digits used to round the grid
#' digits.
#' @param titleOffsetKoef numeric. The vertical distance the title should stay
#' from the graph.
#' @param titleOffsetX numeric. The horizontal distance the title should stay
#' from the graph.
#' @param minorToMajorKoef numeric. The distance the bars for the minor
#' category should be longer than the bars for the major category.
#' @param sparseKoef numeric. How farther away the graphs for different
#' \code{stratVar} values should be located on the diagram.
#' @param graphWidth numeric. Width of plot, the default is \sQuote{8}.
#' @param graphHeight numeric. Height of plot, the default is \sQuote{11}.
#' @param gridCex numeric. Relative size of the grid digits.
#' @param labelCex numeric. Relative size of the labels.
#' @param titles named character vector. Titles for each frequency display.
#' It's names should be levels of treatment.
#' @export

displayFreq = function(dataframe, subjectVar, minorVar, majorVar, occurrenceVar, stratVar,
                       fileName=NULL, labelLen=10, pvalue=0.05, keepPvalue=0.5,
                       minDisplayNum=2, majorGrid=NULL, minorGrid=NULL, plotGrid=TRUE, gridDig = 0,
                       titleOffsetKoef=10, titleOffsetX=0, minorToMajorKoef=5, sparseKoef=1.5,
                       graphWidth=8, graphHeight=11, gridCex=0.5, labelCex=0.5, titles=NULL){
  ###----------------------make sure that levels(stratVar) are different from names(dataframe)
  if (any(levels(dataframe[[stratVar]]) %in% names(dataframe))){
    stop("Make sure that levels(stratVar) are different from names(dataframe)")
  ###----------------------calculate the number of subjects in each "strat" category
  if (is.null(denomSub)){
    denomSub = tapply(dataframe[[subjectVar]], dataframe[[stratVar]], function(x){length(unique(x))})
    if (!setequal(names(denomSub), levels(dataframe[[stratVar]]))) stop("Names of 'denomSub' have to be the same as levels of dataframe[[stratVar]].")
  ###----------------------make sure the titles are correct
  if (is.null(titles)){
    titles = paste("Treatment", levels(dataframe[[stratVar]]), sep=" ")
    names(titles) = levels(dataframe[[stratVar]])
    if (!setequal(names(titles), levels(dataframe[[stratVar]]))) stop("Names of 'titles' have to be the same as levels of dataframe[[stratVar]].")
  ###----------------------choosing colors for the diagram
  ### ---------------------filling in NA major and minor category
  codeNA = "Not Available"
  for (v in c(majorVar, minorVar)){
    if (class(dataframe[[v]]) != "factor")
      dataframe[[v]] = factor(dataframe[[v]])
  majorLevels = levels(dataframe[[majorVar]])
  minorLevels = levels(dataframe[[minorVar]])
  dataframe[[majorVar]] = as.character(dataframe[[majorVar]])
  dataframe[[minorVar]] = as.character(dataframe[[minorVar]])
  dataframe[[majorVar]][is.na(dataframe[[majorVar]])] = codeNA
  dataframe[[minorVar]][is.na(dataframe[[minorVar]])] = codeNA
  dataframe[[majorVar]]=factor(dataframe[[majorVar]], levels=c(majorLevels, codeNA))
  dataframe[[minorVar]]=factor(dataframe[[minorVar]], levels=c(minorLevels, codeNA))
  ### ---------------------prepare minor/major look-up table
  majorMinor = unique(subset(dataframe, select=c(majorVar, minorVar)))
  majorByMinor = majorMinor[[majorVar]]
  names(majorByMinor) = majorMinor[[minorVar]]
  ### ---------------------prepare some general data
  uniqueEv = unique(subset(dataframe, select=c(subjectVar, minorVar, majorVar, occurrenceVar, stratVar)))
  uniqueSub = unique(subset(dataframe, select=c(subjectVar, minorVar, majorVar, stratVar)))
  ###----------------------prepare major data
  majorSub = as.data.frame(tapply(uniqueSub[[subjectVar]], list(uniqueSub[[majorVar]],
                           uniqueSub[[stratVar]]), function(x){length(unique(x))}))
  ###----------------------changing names to make sure that new names are not in levels(stratVar)
  names(majorSub) = paste("strat", names(majorSub), sep="")
  stratNames = names(majorSub)
  majorSub$label = row.names(majorSub)
  row.names(majorSub) = NULL
  ###----------------------substitute NA occurrences with 0
  for (n in stratNames) {
    majorSub[is.na(majorSub[[n]]),n] = 0
  majorSub$all = apply(majorSub[,stratNames], MARGIN=1, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  majorSub$pvalue = propTestVect1(as.matrix(majorSub[,stratNames]), matrix(denomSub, nrow=length(majorSub$label), ncol=length(stratNames), byrow=TRUE))
  majorSub = subset(majorSub, subset=!is.na(all)&(all>0))
  majorSub$col = colAllMajor
  majorSub$col[majorSub$pvalue<pvalue] = colBadMajor
  ###----------------------prepare minor data
  minorSub = as.data.frame(tapply(uniqueSub[[minorVar]], list(uniqueSub[[minorVar]],
                           uniqueSub[[stratVar]]), length))
  ### changing names to make sure that new names are not in levels(stratVar)
  names(minorSub) = stratNames
  minorSub$label = row.names(minorSub)
  row.names(minorSub) = NULL
  ### substitute NA occurrences with 0
  for (n in stratNames) {
    minorSub[is.na(minorSub[[n]]),n] = 0
  minorSub$major = majorByMinor[minorSub$label]
  minorSub$all = apply(minorSub[,stratNames], MARGIN=1, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  minorSub$pvalue = propTestVect1(as.matrix(minorSub[,stratNames]), matrix(denomSub, nrow=length(minorSub$label), ncol=length(stratNames), byrow=TRUE))
  minorSub = subset(minorSub, subset=!is.na(all)&(all>0))
  minorSub$major = as.character(minorSub$major)
  minorSub = merge(minorSub, data.frame(major=majorSub$label, majorAll=majorSub$all), by="major", all.x=TRUE)
  minorSub$col = colAllMinor
  minorSub$col[minorSub$pvalue<pvalue] = colBadMinor
  ### get rid of non-informative categories
  minorSub = minorSub[minorSub$pvalue<keepPvalue & minorSub$all>minDisplayNum,]
  if (length(minorSub$all)==0) {stop("No data to display. Posible problems: empty 'dataframe', low 'keepPvalue', low minDisplayNum.\n ")}
  majorSub = subset(majorSub, majorSub$label %in% minorSub$major)  
  ### prepare the grid
  gridDens = 5
  if (is.null(majorGrid)){majorGrid=seq(min(majorSub[stratNames]),max(majorSub[stratNames]),
  if (is.null(minorGrid)){minorGrid=seq(min(minorSub[stratNames]),max(minorSub[stratNames]),
  #major = majorSub; minor = minorSub;stratLevels=levels(dataframe[[stratVar]]); width=0.5; breakWidth=0.5; sparseKoef=1.5; majorGrid=NULL; minorGrid=NULL; title=""
  plotEvents(majorSub, minorSub, levels(dataframe[[stratVar]]), width=0.5, breakWidth=0.5, sparseKoef=sparseKoef, minorToMajorKoef=minorToMajorKoef, plotGrid=plotGrid, majorGrid=round(majorGrid,gridDig), minorGrid=round(minorGrid,gridDig), title=titles, fileName=fileName, titleOffsetKoef=titleOffsetKoef, titleOffsetX=titleOffsetX, graphWidth=graphWidth, graphHeight=graphHeight, gridCex=gridCex, labelCex=labelCex, labelLen=labelLen)

#' Plot Events
#' summary
#' @param major data.frame. Subset of data by major variable.
#' @param minor data.frame. Subset of data by minor variable.
#' @param stratLevels character vector. Vector of stratification levels.
#' @param width numeric.
#' @param breakWidth numeric.
#' @param sparseKoef numeric. How farther away the graphs for different
#' \code{stratLevels} values should be located on the diagram.
#' @param minorToMajorKoef numeric. The distance the bars for the minor
#' category should be longer than the bars for the major category.
#' @param plotGrid logical. Set to \sQuote{TRUE} to plot grid lines.
#' @param majorGrid numeric vector. Grid of major category.
#' @param minorGrid numeric vector. Grid of minor category.
#' @param title named character vector. Titles for each frequency display.
#' @param fileName character. Name of output file, defaults to \sQuote{NULL}.
#' @param titleOffsetKoef numeric. The vertical distance the title should stay
#' from the graph.
#' @param titleOffsetX numeric. The horizontal distance the title should stay
#' from the graph.
#' @param graphWidth numeric. Width of plot, the default is \sQuote{8}.
#' @param graphHeight numeric. Height of plot, the default is \sQuote{11}.
#' @param gridCex numeric. Relative size of the grid digits.
#' @param labelCex numeric. Relative size of the labels.
#' @param labelLen numeric. Maximum length of grid labels.

plotEvents = function(major, minor, stratLevels, width=0.5, breakWidth=0.5, sparseKoef=1.5, minorToMajorKoef=5, plotGrid=TRUE, majorGrid=NULL, minorGrid=NULL, title="", fileName=NULL, titleOffsetKoef=3, titleOffsetX=0, graphWidth=8, graphHeight=11, gridCex=0.5, labelCex=0.5, labelLen=10){
  labelMaker = function(str1, str2, cut1=15, cut2=15){
    len1 = nchar(str1)
    len2 = nchar(str2)
    label1 = substr(str1, 1, cut1)
    label1 = ifelse(nchar(label1)<len1, paste(label1,dots, sep=""), label1)
    label2 = substr(str2, 1, cut2)
    label2 = ifelse(nchar(label2)<len2, paste(label2,dots, sep=""), label2)
    paste(label1, label2)
  recPerSheet = 100
  stratN = length(stratLevels)
  varNames = paste(strat,stratLevels, sep="")
  ### define how scale the length (y-axes dimention) of the rectangles)
  globalMajorMaxLen = max(major[,varNames])
  majorMaxLen = rep(NA, stratN)
  for (i in 1:length(varNames)){majorMaxLen[i]=max(major[[varNames[i]]])/globalMajorMaxLen}
  globalMinorMaxLen = max(minor[,varNames])
  minorMaxLenKoef = minorToMajorKoef*globalMinorMaxLen/globalMajorMaxLen
  minorMaxLen = rep(NA, stratN)
  for (i in 1:length(varNames)){minorMaxLen[i]=minorMaxLenKoef*max(minor[[varNames[i]]])/globalMinorMaxLen}
  partition = (c(majorMaxLen, 0)+c(0,minorMaxLen))*sparseKoef
  ### define start coordinates and xlim, ylim coord.
  ### assumption: the very first graph starts at (0,0)
  startXY = matrix(0, nrow=stratN, ncol=2)
  for (i in 2:stratN){ startXY[i,1] = sum(partition[2:i]) }
  ### ordering major and minor
  ### note: the line majorOrder = match(minor$major, major$label) is necessary
  ### if major$all has a duplicated value than it won't be sorted the same way in minor
  major = major[order(-major$all),]
  majorOrder = match(minor$major, major$label)
  minor = minor[order(majorOrder, -minor$all),]
  ### choosing x limits for the layout
  #xlim = c(startXY[1,1]-partition[1], startXY[stratN,1]+partition[length(partition)])
  xlim = c(startXY[1,1], startXY[stratN,1])+c(-1,1)*sum(partition[c(1,length(partition))])/2
  #xlim = c(startXY[1,1], startXY[stratN,1])+c(-1,1)*min(partition[c(1,length(partition))])
  titleXY = startXY
  titleXY[,2] = min(startXY[,2])+titleOffsetY
  titleXY[,1] = startXY[,1]+titleOffsetX
  if (!is.null(fileName)){
    pdf(fileName, width=graphWidth, height=graphHeight)
  ### if the graph is too long it can be layed out on several pages
  ### the following code does that
  for (p in 1:ceiling(length(minor$all)/recPerSheet)){
    rowRange = ((p-1)*recPerSheet+1) : (p*recPerSheet)
    if (p>1){
      printMinor = minor[rowRange,]
      printMinor = subset(minor[rowRange,], !is.na(minor$all[rowRange]))
    printMajor = subset(major, major$label %in% printMinor$major)

    width = rep(width, length(printMinor$all), length.out=length(printMinor$all))
    breakWidth = rep(breakWidth, length(printMinor$all), length.out=length(printMinor$all))
    majorWidth = tapply(printMinor$label, printMinor$major, function(x){length(unique(x))})*(width[1]+breakWidth[1])-breakWidth[1]
    majorWidth = majorWidth[printMajor$label]
    majorBreakWidth = breakWidth[1]
    ylim = min(startXY[,2])+c(titleOffsetY,-sum(width+breakWidth)-titleOffsetY/2)
    majorMaxLen = rep(NA, stratN)
    for (i in 1:length(varNames)){majorMaxLen[i]=max(printMajor[[varNames[i]]])/globalMajorMaxLen}
    minorMaxLen = rep(NA, stratN)
    for (i in 1:length(varNames)){minorMaxLen[i]=minorMaxLenKoef*max(printMinor[[varNames[i]]])/globalMinorMaxLen}
    for (i in 1:stratN){
      plotDataMaj = printMajor[[varNames[i]]]
      plotDataMin = printMinor[[varNames[i]]]
      plotVect(plotDataMaj, newGraph=newGraph, plotGrid = plotGrid, gridVal=majorGrid, startXYCoor = startXY[i,], alignment = 2, maxLen = majorMaxLen[i], minLen = majorMaxLen[i]*min(plotDataMaj)/max(plotDataMaj), width = majorWidth, breakLen = majorBreakWidth, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=title[stratLevels[i]], titleXY=titleXY[i,], col=printMajor$col, labels=labelMaker(printMajor$label, plotDataMaj, cutMajor), gridCex=gridCex, labelCex=labelCex)
      minorLabels = labelMaker(plotDataMin, printMinor$label, labelLen, labelLen)
      minorLabels[minorLabels=="NA NA"] = ""
      plotVect(plotDataMin, newGraph=FALSE, plotGrid = plotGrid, gridVal=minorGrid, startXYCoor = startXY[i,], alignment = 1, maxLen = minorMaxLen[i], minLen = minorMaxLen[i]*min(plotDataMin)/max(plotDataMin), width = width, breakLen = breakWidth, labels=minorLabels, col = printMinor$col, gridCex=gridCex, labelCex=labelCex)
  if (!is.null(fileName)){

#' Plot Rectangle
#' Plots a rectangle.
#' Call \code{plot.new} prior to usage.
#' @param startXY numeric vector. X- and Y-coordinates to start plot.
#' @param xLen numeric. Horizontal length of rectangle.
#' @param yLen numeric. Vertical length of rectangle.
#' @param corner logical. When \sQuote{TRUE}, \code{startXY} refers to the top
#' left corner of the plot, otherwise the center.
#' @param \dots additional arguments, passed to \code{lines} and
#' \code{polygon}.

easyRect = function(startXY, xLen, yLen, corner=TRUE, ...){
  if (corner){
    if(xLen==0){lines(x = startXY[1] + c(0, 0),
                      y = startXY[2] + c(0, -1)*yLen, ...)
          lines(x = startXY[1] + c(0, 1)*xLen,
                  y = startXY[2] + c(0, 0), ...)
        polygon(x = startXY[1] + c(0, 1, 1, 0)*xLen,
                y = startXY[2] + c(0, 0, -1, -1)*yLen, ...)
    if(xLen==0){lines(x = startXY[1] + c(-1, -1),
                      y = startXY[2] + c(1, -1)*yLen, ...)
          lines(x = startXY[1] + c(-1, 1)*xLen,
                  y = startXY[2] + c(1, 1), ...)
        polygon(x = startXY[1] + c(-1, 1, 1, -1)*xLen/2,
                y = startXY[2] + c(1, 1, -1, -1)*yLen/2, ...)

#' Vector Plot
#' This function plots a (positive) vector with non-zero elements displayed
#' as rectangles aligned to either left or right. The length of a rectangle
#' is proportional to the value of the vector.
#' @param vect numeric vector. Data points to plot.
#' @param xlim numeric vector. x-axis limits.
#' @param ylim numeric vector. y-axis limits.
#' @param newGraph logical. Defaults to \sQuote{TRUE}, which creates a new
#' graph.
#' @param plotGrid logical. Set to \sQuote{TRUE} to plot grid lines.
#' @param gridVal numeric vector. Location of grid lines.
#' @param gridCex numeric. Grid label text magnification.
#' @param startXYCoor numeric vector. Starting points for X- and Y-coordinates.
#' Defaults to \code{c(0,0)}.
#' @param vertical logical. Defaults to \sQuote{TRUE}, grid lines are vertical.
#' @param alignment numeric vector. Set alignment.  If \code{vertical} is
#' \sQuote{TRUE}, \sQuote{1} = \sQuote{left} and \sQuote{2} = \sQuote{right}.
#' Otherwise \sQuote{1} = \sQuote{upper} and \sQuote{2} = \sQuote{lower}.
#' @param maxLen numeric. Defaults to \sQuote{1}.
#' @param minLen numeric. Defaults to \sQuote{0.1}.
#' @param width numeric. Set rectangle width, defaults to \sQuote{0.1}.
#' @param breakLen numeric. Defaults to \sQuote{0.5}.
#' @param labels character vector. Labels for each data point.
#' @param labelMaxLen numeric. Maximum character length for labels.
#' @param labelCex numeric. Label text magnification.
#' @param col character vector. Specify colors for rectangles.
#' @param lwd numeric. Specify line width.
#' @param title character. Title for plot.
#' @param titleCex numeric. Title text magnification.
#' @param titleXY numeric vector. Set X- and Y-coordinates for the title.

plotVect <- function(vect,
                     plotGrid = TRUE,
                     gridVal = NULL,
                     gridCex = 0.5,
                     startXYCoor = c(0,0),
                     vertical = TRUE,
                     alignment = c(1, 2), ### 1 - left or upper, 2 - right or lower, depends on vertical==TRUE or FALSE
                     maxLen = 1,
                     minLen = 0.1,
                     width = 0.1,  # is a positive vector
                     breakLen = 0.5,   #is a positive vector
                     labels = as.character(vect),
                     labelMaxLen = 15,
                     labelCex = 0.5,
                     col = gray(0.8),  # is a vector
                     lwd = NULL,
                     title = "",
                     titleCex = 1,
### This function plots a vector (positive vector)
### non-zero elements are displayed as a rectangles
### aligned to either left or right.
### The length a rectangle is proportional to the value of the vector.

### !!! CHECK that vect and gridVal are non-negative and non NA
### !!! WARN if xlim and ylim are small
### !!! CHECK that width is non-negative and not NA
  if (length(vect)==0) {stop("'vect' is empty.\n")}
  if (length(vect)==1) {
    absMin = 0
    absMin = min(vect, na.rm=TRUE)
  lineWidth = 0.5
  vectMax = max(vect, na.rm=TRUE)
  nonZeroMin = min(vect[vect>0], na.rm=TRUE)
  vecLen = length(vect)
  width = rep(width, ceiling(vecLen/length(width)), length.out=vecLen)
  breakLen = rep(breakLen, ceiling(vecLen/length(breakLen)), length.out=vecLen)
  col = rep(col, ceiling(vecLen/length(col)), length.out=vecLen)
  triagMatr = matrix(0, nrow=vecLen, ncol=vecLen)
  for (i in 1:vecLen) {triagMatr[i,1:i] = 1}
  step = triagMatr %*% (width + breakLen)
  ###--------old way of defining scaling koef.
  #if (vectMax==nonZeroMin){
  #  scaleKoef = 0
  #  scaleKoef = (maxLen-minLen)/(vectMax-nonZeroMin)
  ###--------old way of defining scaling koef.
  scaleKoef = (maxLen-minLen)/(vectMax-absMin)
  scaleInter = maxLen - scaleKoef*vectMax
  recLen = vect*scaleKoef + scaleInter
  recLen[is.na(recLen) | recLen<0]=0
  wholeWidth = sum(width) + sum(breakLen[1:(vecLen-1)])
  if (is.null(gridVal) & plotGrid){
    gridSet = 0:4
    gridVal = nonZeroMin + gridSet*(vectMax-nonZeroMin)/(length(gridSet)-1)
  gridLen = gridVal*scaleKoef + scaleInter 
  if (vertical){
    recCornerX = startXYCoor[1] - (alignment-1)*recLen
    recCornerY = startXYCoor[2] - c(0, step[1:(length(step)-1)])
    len = recLen
    wid = width
    xRange = min(recCornerX, na.rm=TRUE)+c(0, max(recLen, na.rm=TRUE))
    #yRange = startXYCoor[2] + c(-wholeWidth-max(width), max(width))
    yRange = startXYCoor[2] + (wholeWidth*c(-1,0)+2*c(-1,1)*min(breakLen, na.rm=TRUE))
    x0Grid = x1Grid = startXYCoor[1] - (2*alignment-3)*gridLen
    #y0Grid = rep(yRange[2], 2)
    y0Grid = rep(yRange[2], 2)-breakLen[1]
    #y1Grid = rep(yRange[1], 2)
    y1Grid = rep(yRange[1], 2)+2*breakLen[1]
    gridLabelRot = 90
    gridLabelPos = 3 #to the right
    #labelsX = startXYCoor[1] - (2*alignment-3)*recLen
    labelsX = startXYCoor[1] - (2*alignment-3)*(max(recLen)+min(recLen))*labelLocKoef
    labelsY = (recCornerY - wid/2)[1:length(vect)]
    labelsRot = 0
    labelsPos = -2*alignment+6
    recCornerX = startXYCoor[1] + c(0, step[1:(length(step)-1)])
    recCornerY = startXYCoor[2] + (alignment-1)*recLen
    len = width
    wid = recLen
    xRange = startXYCoor[1] + c(0-max(width), wholeWidth+max(width))
    yRange = c(min(recCornerY-recLen, na.rm=TRUE), max(recCornerY, na.rm=TRUE))
    x0Grid = rep(xRange[2], 2)
    x1Grid = rep(xRange[1], 2)
    y0Grid = y1Grid = startXYCoor[2] - (-2*alignment+3)*gridLen
    gridLabelRot = 0
    gridLabelPos = 4 #to the right
    labelsX = recCornerX + len*(-1*alignment+2)
    #labelsY = startXYCoor[2] - (-2*alignment+3)*recLen
    labelsY = startXYCoor[2] - (-2*alignment+3)*(max(recLen)+min(recLen))*labelLocKoef
    labelsRot = 90
    labelsPos = 2*alignment #to the left

  gridCol = gray(0.8)
  ### Setting graph if necessary (newGraph=TRUE)
  if (newGraph){
    ### FIX THE BUG: xlim and ylim should depend on the alignment
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim=xRange + c(-1,1)*(diff(xRange))*0.2
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim=yRange + c(-1,1)*(diff(yRange))*0.2
    #plot(xlim, ylim, type="n", axes = TRUE, ann=FALSE)
    plot(xlim, ylim, type="n", axes = FALSE, ann=FALSE)
  ### Plotting grid if necessary (plotGrid=TRUE)
  if (plotGrid){
    segments(x0=x0Grid, y0=y0Grid, x1=x1Grid, y1=y1Grid, col=gridCol, lwd=lineWidth)
    text(x=x0Grid, y=y0Grid, labels=as.character(round(gridVal,5)), srt=gridLabelRot, pos=gridLabelPos, cex=gridCex, family="Times")
    text(x=x1Grid, y=y1Grid, labels=as.character(round(gridVal,5)), srt=gridLabelRot, pos=1, cex=gridCex, family="Times")
  for (i in 1:vecLen){
    easyRect(c(recCornerX[i], recCornerY[i]), len[i], wid[i], col=col[i], border=FALSE)
  if (TRUE){  ### labels
    text(x=labelsX, y=labelsY, labels=labels, srt=labelsRot, pos=labelsPos, cex=labelCex, col="black",
  if (title!=""){
    text(x=titleXY[1], y=titleXY[2], labels=title, pos=2, cex=titleCex)

#' Propensity Test
#' Perform a propensity test for each row of data.
#' @param vMatr matrix.
#' @param vNMatr matrix.
#' @return Returns a vector of p-values.

propTestVect1 <- function(vMatr, vNMatr){
  if (any(dim(vMatr)!=dim(vNMatr))) stop("vMatr, vNMatr should have the same dimentions.")
  res = rep(NA, dim(vMatr)[1])
  for (i in 1:dim(vMatr)[1]){
    res[i] = prop.test(vMatr[i,], vNMatr[i,])$p.value
harrelfe/greport documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 8:08 a.m.