
Defines functions pno

Documented in pno

## This code is part of the phyloclim package
## © C. Heibl 2009 (last update 2020-01-18)

#' @title Predicted Niche Occupancy Profiles
#' @description Following the approach of
#'   \insertCite{evanssmith2009;textual}{phyloclim}, \code{pno} integrates
#'   species probability (suitability) distributions (e.g. derived with MAXENT)
#'   with respect to single climatic (or other environmental) variable in order
#'   to get predicted niche occupancy (PNO) profiles for each species and
#'   environmental variable.
#' @param path_bioclim A character string, giving the path to an ASCII raster
#'   map with environmental data (bioclimatic layer) and ArcGIS-compatible
#'   header (see Details).
#' @param path_model A character string, giving the path to the
#'   \bold{directory}, where MAXENT probability surfaces are stored as ASCII
#'   raster maps with ArcGIS-compatible header (see Details).
#' @param subset A vector of mode 'character' giving taxon names if only a
#'   subset of the species ENMs in \code{path_model} is to be used
#' @param bin_width A numeric, giving the bin interval.
#' @param bin_number An integer, giving the number of bins used.
#' @details The path argument \code{path_model} points to the directory where
#'   the MAXENT probability distributions must be stored as ASCII maps with an
#'   \bold{ArcGIS-compatible} header (as obtained with MAXENT output filetype:
#'   \bold{asc}). 
#'   An example for an ArcGIS-compatible header: \tabular{rll}{ \tab ncols   \tab 958 \cr
#'   \tab nrows   \tab 376 \cr \tab xllcorner     \tab -73.440304 \cr \tab
#'   yllcorner     \tab -55.27622 \cr \tab cellsize      \tab 0.0166 \cr \tab
#'   NODATA_value  \tab -9999 \cr }
#' @return A data frame of cumulative probalities of suitability for each value
#'   on an environmental gradient (rows) for the a set of studied taxa (rows).
#'   The first column gives the mean of each category.
#' @references \insertRef{evanssmith2009}{phyloclim}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pno.weighted.mean}}, \code{\link{niche.overlap}},
#'   \code{\link{anc.clim}}
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export

pno <- function(path_bioclim, path_model, subset = NULL, 
                bin_width = 1, 	bin_number = NULL){
	# Read and reorganize BIOCLIM layer: slow
	# ---------------------------------------
	hdr <- read.table(path_bioclim, row.names = 1, nrows = 6)
	bc.cells.dim <- hdr[grep("nrows|ncols", rownames(hdr)), ]
	nodata <- hdr[rownames(hdr) == "NODATA_value", ]
	bc <- scan(path_bioclim, what = "i", skip = 6, quiet = TRUE)
	bc <- as.numeric(bc)
	bc.na <- which(bc == nodata)
	bc[bc.na] <- NA
	# Create bins for climate values:
	# -------------------------------
	bc_min <- min(bc, na.rm = TRUE)
	bc_max <- max(bc, na.rm = TRUE)
	if (is.null(bin_number)) {
		by <- bin_width
	}	else {
		by <- ((bc_max - bc_min)/(bin_number - 1))
	cats  <- seq(from = bc_min, to = bc_max, by = by)
	cat("\nBioclimatic data ranges from", bc_min, "to", bc_max, 		
	    "and will be binned into", length(cats), 		
	    "categories with a bin width of", by, "\n")
	# Read species suitability surfaces
	# ---------------------------------
	specs <- list.files(path = path_model, pattern = ".asc",
	    full.names = TRUE)
	if (!length(specs)) 
	    stop("\nNo models found. Please check your path_model argument!")
	# clamping maps:
	clamping <- grep("clamping", specs)
	if (length(clamping))
		specs <- specs[-clamping]
	if (!is.null(subset))
		specs <- specs[grep(paste(subset, collapse = "|"),

	# Get taxon names
	## --------------
	label <- gsub(path_model, "", specs)
	label <- gsub("/|.asc|.asc.txt", "", label)
	# Initialize matrix to store results
	# ----------------------------------
	x <- matrix(nrow = length(cats), ncol = length(specs) + 1)
	colnames(x) <- c("variable", label)
	x[, 1] <- cats
	# DEFINE: calculate cumulative probabilities for each value
	# on the environmental gradient
	# -----------------------------
	cum.prob.bin <- function(x, bc, enm, normalizer, bin){
	    id <- which(bc > x - bin/2 & bc <= x + bin/2)			
		sum(enm[id], na.rm = TRUE) / normalizer
	# loop over MAXENT models (MM)
	# ----------------------------
	for (h in seq(along = specs)) {
		# reading data
		# ------------
		cat("\n\nReading ENM for", specs[h], "...")
		hdr <- read.table(specs[h], row.names = 1, nrows = 6)
		enm.cells.dim <- hdr[grep("nrows|ncols", 
		    rownames(hdr)), ]
	    nodata <- hdr[rownames(hdr) == "NODATA_value", ]
	    enm <- scan(specs[h], what = "i", skip = 6, quiet = TRUE)
	    enm <- as.numeric(enm)
	    enm.na <- which(enm == nodata)
	    enm[enm.na] <- NA
		if (!identical(bc.cells.dim, enm.cells.dim))
			stop("Resolution and/or extent of ENM and", 				            " bioclimatic layer do not match!")
		# check differing coastlines
		# --------------------------
	    px <- abs(length(bc.na) - length(enm.na)) 
	    if (px > 0)
	        cat("\n\nWARNING: Raster maps differ by", 
	            px, "cells",
			    "(perhaps due to differing coastlines.)",
		        "\nThese cells are treated as having zero", 
		        "probability in the MAXENT distribution.")
	    normalizer <- sum(enm, na.rm = TRUE)
	    cat("\n\nBinning probabilities for", specs[h], "...")
	    prob <- sapply(cats, cum.prob.bin, bc = bc, 
	        enm = enm, normalizer = normalizer, bin = by)
	    # remove ENM
	    # ----------------------------
	    # fill data into matrix
	    # ---------------------
	    x[, h + 1] <- prob
	} # end of loop over MAXENT models
    # original scale of Temperature values:
	# -------------------------------------
	if (length(grep("Temperature|Diurnal", path_bioclim)) == 1)
		x[, 1] <- x[, 1] / 10
	if (length(grep("Temperature_Seasonality|Isothermality",
	    path_bioclim)) == 1)
		x[, 1] <- x[, 1] / 100
heibl/phyloclim documentation built on April 23, 2024, 2:39 a.m.