
sl.findneighbours <-
  function (elem,maxmaxneigh=12,reverse=TRUE,verbose=FALSE,max.iter=10) {
    # find neighbouring nodes and elements in correct order
    if(any(is.na(elem))) {stop("'elem' must not contain NAs")}
    N = max(elem)
    Ne = nrow(elem)
    neighmat = matrix(nrow=N,ncol=maxmaxneigh)
    Nneigh = rep(0,N)
    barmat = matrix(nrow=N,ncol=maxmaxneigh)
    iscomplete = rep(FALSE,N)
    iekdone = matrix(rep(FALSE,Ne*3),ncol=3)
    niter = 0
    completed = TRUE
    while (sum(iekdone) < Ne*3) {
      niter = niter + 1
      if (niter > max.iter) {
        warning("some elements could not be arranged in order due to multi-domain nodes! returned neighbourhood information is incomplete")
        completed = FALSE
      if (verbose) {print(paste("starting iteration ",niter,sep=""))}
      for (ie in 1:Ne) {
        if (sum(iekdone[ie,]) == 3) { next }
        for (k in 1:3) {
          if (iekdone[ie,k]) { next }
          i = elem[ie,k]
          if (iscomplete[i]) {stop("ups! trying to add neighbors to a node labelled complete!")}
          neigh1 = elem[ie,k%%3+1]
          neigh2 = elem[ie,(k+1)%%3+1]
          if (is.na(neighmat[i,1])) {
            barmat[i,1] = ie
            neighmat[i,1] = neigh1
            neighmat[i,2] = neigh2
            Nneigh[i] = 2
            iekdone[ie,k] = TRUE
          } else {
            found1 = FALSE
            found2 = FALSE
            if (neighmat[i,Nneigh[i]] == neigh1) {found1 = TRUE}
            if (neighmat[i,1] == neigh2) {found2 = TRUE}
            if (found1 && found2) {
              if (verbose) {print("found both, node complete")}
              barmat[i,Nneigh[i]] = ie
              iscomplete[i] = TRUE
              iekdone[ie,k] = TRUE
            } else {
              if (Nneigh[i] == maxmaxneigh) {stop("ups! maxmaxneigh is insufficient!")}
              if (found1) {
                if (verbose) {print("found 1")}
                neighmat[i,(Nneigh[i]+1)] = neigh2
                barmat[i,Nneigh[i]] = ie
                Nneigh[i] = Nneigh[i] + 1
                iekdone[ie,k] = TRUE
              } else {if (found2) {
                if (verbose) {print("found 2")}
                neighmat[i,2:maxmaxneigh] = neighmat[i,1:(maxmaxneigh-1)]
                neighmat[i,1] = neigh1
                barmat[i,2:maxmaxneigh] = barmat[i,1:(maxmaxneigh-1)]
                barmat[i,1] = ie
                Nneigh[i] = Nneigh[i] + 1
                iekdone[ie,k] = TRUE
              } else {
                if (verbose) {print("found none, retry element in next iteration")}
    maxneigh = max(Nneigh)
    neighmat = neighmat[,1:maxneigh]
    barmat = barmat[,1:maxneigh]
    if (reverse) {
      print("reversing order of neighbours")
      for (i in 1:N) {
        if (Nneigh[i] > 1) {
          neighmat[i,1:Nneigh[i]] = neighmat[i,Nneigh[i]:1]
          barmat[i,1:(Nneigh[i]-1)] = barmat[i,(Nneigh[i]-1):1]
    if (completed) {
    } else {
helgegoessling/spheRlab documentation built on April 8, 2024, 8:34 a.m.