
Defines functions cuminc_ci

Documented in cuminc_ci

#' Calculate cumulative incidence & confidence interval
#' This function can be used to calculated cumulative incidence estimates for
#' survival data with competing risks. Confidence intervals can be specified
#' for a given level.
#' @param ftime failure time variable
#' @param fstatus variable with distinct codes for different causes of failure
#'  and also a distinct code for censored observations
#' @param group estimates will be calculated within groups given by distinct values
#'  of this variable. Tests will compare these groups. If missing then treated
#'   as all one group (no test statistics)
#' @param times timepoint(s) for which cumulative incidence estimates and confidence
#'  intervals are desired
#' @param print_event identifies which event codes should be presented in the
#'  results. "all" can be used to request all event types
#' @param print_var logical indicator for whether or not the variance should be
#'  listed in the results
#' @param strata stratification variable. Has no effect on estimates. Tests will
#'  be stratified on this variable. (all data in 1 stratum, if missing)
#' @param rho Power of the weight function used in the tests.
#' @param cencode value of fstatus variable which indicates the failure time
#' is censored.
#' @param subset a logical vector specifying a subset of cases to include in
#'  the analysis
#' @param na.action a function specifying the action to take for any cases
#'  missing any of ftime, fstatus, group, strata, or subset.
#' @param conf.level the confidence level for confidence intervals. default is
#'  0.95
#' @param digits number of decimal places that the results should be rounded to
#' @return returns a list containing
#'  \item{test}{resulting test statistics and p-values}
#'  \item{time1}{cumulative incidence estimates and ci's for the resquested time}
#'  \item{...}{...}
#'  \item{timeN}{estimates for final time point}
#' @references Scrucca L., Santucci A., Aversa F. (2007) Competing risks analysis using
#   R: an easy guide for clinicians. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 40, 381--387.
#' @examples
#' df <-
#'   data.frame(
#'     fail_time = 12 * rexp(100),
#'     group = paste0('group_', sample(1:3, 100, replace = TRUE)) ,
#'     fail_status = sample(0:2, 100, replace = TRUE)
#'   )
#' cuminc_ci(
#'   ftime = df$fail_time,
#'   fstatus = df$fail_status,
#'   group = df$group,
#'   times = 12
#' )
#' @export cuminc_ci

cuminc_ci<- function(ftime
                     ,times = c(12,24)
                     ,print_event = 1
                     ,print_var = F
                     ,rho = 0
                     ,cencode = 0
                     ,na.action = na.omit
                     ,conf.level = 0.95
                     ,digits = 3

  fit <- cmprsk::cuminc(ftime,fstatus,group,strata,rho,cencode,subset,na.action)
  tfit <- cmprsk::timepoints(fit, times)

  z <- qnorm(1-(1-conf.level)/2)
  lower <- tfit$est ^ exp(-z*sqrt(tfit$var)/(tfit$est*log(tfit$est)))
  upper <- tfit$est ^ exp(z*sqrt(tfit$var)/(tfit$est*log(tfit$est)))


  for(i in 1:length(times)){

                        ," ("

                                ,"estimate (CI)")

    if(print_var==F) results[[i]]$variance<-NULL
    if(missing(group)) results[[i]]$group<-NULL


  # print results to console
    cat("\nTest Results\n")
    if(print_event=="all") print(results$test,row.names=F)
    else print(results$test[results$test$event==print_event, ],row.names=F)

  if(missing(group)) print.cols<-c("event","estimate (CI)")
  else print.cols<-c("group","event","estimate (CI)")

  for (j in 1:length(times)){
    cat(paste("\ntime :",round(sort(times)[j],digits),"\n"))
    if(print_event=="all") print(results[[j]][ ,print.cols],row.names=F)
    else print(results[[j]][results[[j]]$event==print_event,print.cols],row.names=F)
hild0146/hildenp documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:58 p.m.