
#' Territoriality in Pay-Phones
#' @description Will people using a public pay-phone talk longer if someone is
#' waiting to use their phone? In this experiment, conducted in 1989, "the
#' investigators
#' measured the length of time (in seconds) that subjects spent on the telephone
#' under one of three conditions: when alone (A), when one person was using an
#' adjacent telphone (B), or when one person was using an adjacent telephone
#' and another person was waiting to use one of the two telephones. The study
#' was conducted in an alcove of a shopping mall, an area that contained
#' only the two adjacent telphones." (Quotation from Business Statistics,
#' 6th. ed. 1992, by W. Daniel and J. Terrell.)
#' @name payphones
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 56 observations on the following 3 variables.
#' \describe{ \item{sex}{Sex of the subject.}
#' \item{treatment}{Which condition the subject was put into (A, B
#' or C as described above) by the researchers.}
#' \item{time}{Time in seconds that the subject spent on the
#' phone.}
#' }
#' @source R.B. Ruback, K.D. Poe, and P.Doriat, "Waiting on a Phone:
#' Intrusion on Callers Leads to Territorial Defense" Social Psychology
#' Quarterly, 52:232-241. Gender data provided by R.B. Ruback (personal
#' communication).
#' @keywords datasets
homerhanumat/tigerData documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:30 p.m.