distanceParallel, a package to calculate distance matrixes with arbitrary distance functions and parallelized with foreach frontend and the doMC backend

If you do ?dist you'll see that there are only a few (but common) methods for calculating distances. However, if you want to compare between two samples and you need a custom distance function, well you're out of luck.

This package is designed to do just that - calculate arbitrary distances between all pairwise comparisosn of either rows or columns of a matrix. Using foreach and doMC, these calculations are parallized for faster runtimes.

Warning: due to the usage of doMC, this package does not work on windows machines

Main functions


This function is used within create_pairwise_comparisons() to split up the total amount of calculations evenly across all cores, which reduces "overhead" time spent on spawning new processes


This function creates all pairwise combinations with comb, and loops over all of these combinations and applies a custom distance function (defaults to euclidian distance). This returns a data.frame containg the two samples that were matched together and their distance.


Finally, this function converts the data.frame into a distance matrix using tidyr::spread and as.dist()

hui-tony-zk/distanceParallel documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:13 p.m.