
(R Package Template)



Boris Steipe, Department of Biochemistry and Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Canada. <>

If any of this information is ambiguous, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, please check the most recent version of the package on GitHub and file an issue.

  1. About this package:     1.1. What it is ...     1.2. Who needs it ...     1.3. How it works ...
  2. Details ...     2.0. Prerequisites     2.1. A new GitHub project     2.2. A new RStudio project     2.3. Download the rpt files     2.4. Customize       2.4.1 Getting attribution right     2.5. Save, check, commit, and push
  3. Develop
  4. What's in the box ...
  5. FAQ
  6. Notes
  7. Further reading
  8. Acknowledgements

1 About this package:

1.1 What it is ...

rpt is an RStudio project under version control that contains all the assets required in a simple R package. The package loosely follows the principles outlined in Hadley Wickham's R Packages book and is compatible with the CRAN manual on writing R-extensions. This is the architecture I use in my courses and workshops at the University of Toronto and elsewhere, it has been battle-tested by students who are quite new to all of this, but it will also be constantly updated.1 rpt will get you started with a standard setup of:


1.2 Who needs it ...

R scripts, projects and packages serve different purposes. If you are working with R, all your code should be in scripts, all the time. If you are working on a particular project, all of your assets should be coveniently grouped together, in an RStudio project. If you believe in reproducible research - and I really hope you do - your project should be under version control and continuously tested. And if your project is about developing a tool or workflow for your labmates / peers / colleagues, it is most conveniently deployed as an R package and shared via GitHub. But since developing your package is also a project, and coding the project requires scripts, different objectives must all be satisfied at the same time, and that takes a bit of care and forethought. The assets packaged in rpt support R users and developers at all levels in their development needs.


1.3 How it works ...

Create an empty project, linked to an empty GitHub repository. Then fill it with the files from rpt. Then start developing.

This is all it takes, but the details take care. You will go through the following steps:

  1. Define your package name and create a new GithHub project;
  2. Make a new RStudio project on your local machine that is linked to your GitHub project;
  3. Download a ZIP archive of rpt and copy all the files over to your project folder;
  4. Customize your files;
  5. Save, check, commit, and push to GitHub;
  6. Start developing.

That's all. Each step is described in detail below.

2 Details ...


Go through these instructions carefully, step by step.


2.0 Prerequisites

You need a current installation of R and RStudio, git, and a GitHub account that has been set up to connect to your RStudio projects. If any of this is new to you (or if you wish to brush up on the details), head over to Jenny Bryan's superb tutorial Happy Git and GitHub with R. You should also download the devtools and testthat packages from CRAN. In the RStudio console type:

install.packages(c("devtools", "testthat"))


2.1 A new GitHub project

Create a new, empty repository on GitHub and give it your package name.


2.2 A new RStudio project

Create a new RStudio project on your local machine that is linked to your GitHub repository and account.

The project directory will be created, the repository file will be downloaded, a new RStudio session will open in your directory, and R's "working directory" should be set to here.


  1. In the console, type getwd(). This should print the correct directory.
  2. Make a small change to the file, commit it and push it back to the remote repository:
    1. In the files pane, click on to open the file in the editor. Make a small change (e.g. add the word "test"). Save the file.
    2. Click on the Version control icon in the editor window menu and choose Commit..., or choose ToolsVersion ControlCommit... from the menu.
    3. In the version control window, check the box next to to "stage" the file, enter "test" as your "Commit message" and click Commit. This commits your edits to your local repository.
    4. Click the green Push up-arrow. This synchronizes your local repository with your remote repository on GitHub.
    5. Navigate to your GitHub repository, reload the page, and confirm that your edit has arrived in the file in your GitHub repository.

Congratulate yourself if this has all worked. If not - don't continue. You need to fix whatever problem has arisen. In my experience, the most frequent issue is that someone has skipped a step that they thought was not important to them. Check carefully whether you have followed all the steps. In particular, if the problem is associated with git on your machine, or connecting RStudio to your GitHub repository, work through Jenny Bryan's Happy Git... first.


2.3 Download the rpt files

Download a ZIP archive of rpt and copy all the files over to your project folder.


In RStudio, open the ./dev directory. Open the file rptTwee.R and click on Source to load the function. Then type rptTwee() into the console. You should get a directory tree that looks approximately like this.

 -- <your-package-name>/

These are the files and directories for an RStudio project/R package that contains a sample function lseq() defined in ./R/lseq.R, which is tested in ./test/testthat/test_lseq.R using data in ./inst/extdata/test_lseq.dat.

If directories or files are missing, figure out where you went wrong.


2.4 Customize

Open the following rpt files in your script-editor, and edit/save them to customize them for your own package:



Modify the DESCRIPTION file as follows:

Replace rpt with your package name, change the version to 0.1.0 (a first development version number), change the date to today's date, remove the cre role from my Authors@R field, and change aut to ctb, add an author field for yourself, and write a description for your package.

-      Package: rpt
+      Package: <your-package-name>
Type: Package
-      Title: R Package Template
+      Title: <a title for your package>
-      Version: 1.4.0
+      Version: 0.1.0
-      Date: 2019-04-11
+      Date: <today-in-YYYY-MM-DD-format>
Authors@R: c(
-    person("Boris", "Steipe", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1134-6758"))
+     person("Boris", "Steipe", email = "", role = c("ctb"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-1134-6758")),
+     person("<your-given-name>", "<your-family-name>", email = "<your-email-address>", role = c("aut","cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "<your-ORCID-ID>"))
-      Description: A template for an RStudio project of a basic R package ...
+      Description: {A short description of the purpose of your package}
License: file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1


2.4.1 Getting attribution right

Giving credit is the currency of the FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) world which makes all of our work possible, licensing keeps it free. Take the time to get your attributions and licenses right; even if you think you don't really need this immediately it's good practice for good habits. Don't think you don't have to care: you automatically have a copyright to everything you write, and if you don't license it, no one can legally re-use it. Unfortunately, the common practices for attributing R package authorship are not consistent wherever there is more than one author (which is usually the case in academia). rpt adopts a consistent approach that is backward compatible with earlier practice.

Attribution and licensing only appear to be related. They serve distinct requirements and require distinct and specific mechanisms.

Credible attribution needs to identify who authored what in a way that that information is conveniently accessible.

Credible licensing needs to identify who has a copyright to what, and under which license it is released, in a standard document.

Now, having that considered, continue customising your files.



You already have a <your-package-name>.Rproj configuration file for RStudio in the main directory. You can either overwrite that with the options defined in rpt.Rproj, or set the options individually under ToolsProject options... and delete rpt.Rproj. rpt.Rproj sets the following (significant) project options:

To implement these options: - In the Files pane, select <your-package-name>.Rproj and click on Delete. - Select rpt.Rproj and Rename it to <your-package-name>.Rproj. - Choose FileRecent Projects...<your-package-name> and reload your project.


The Environment pane should now have a Build tab.


2.5 Save, check, commit, and push

It's time to complete the first development cycle: save, check, commit, and push to the master branch on GitHub.

  1. Save all modified documents.
  2. Check your package. Click on the Build tab, then click on the Check icon. This runs package checking code that confirms that all required files are present and correctly formatted, and all tests pass. See below.
  3. Once your package check has passed without any errors, warnings or notes, click on the Version control icon in the editor window menu and choose Commit..., or choose ToolsVersion ControlCommit... from the menu.
  4. In the version control window, check the box next to all changed files to "stage" them, enter "Initial Commit" as your "Commit message" and click Commit. 5. Click the green Push up-arrow to synchronize your local repository with GitHub.
  5. Navigate to your GitHub repository, reload the page, and confirm that your edited files have arrived.

Your package check must pass without errors, warnings or notes. rpt passes the checks, and nothing you have done above should have changed this, if it was done correctly. Therefore something is not quite right if the checking code finds anything to complain about. Fix it now. You need a "known-good-state" to revert to, for debugging, in case problems arise later on.


Install your package from github and confirm that it can be loaded. In the console, type:


This should install your package, and load the library. Attaching the library runs the .onAttach() function in ./R/zzz.R and displays the updated package name and authors.5 The citation() function creates a package citation from information it finds in DESCRIPTION. It should include all author's names and the current year. The final command accesses the help page for the lseq() sample function that came with rpt, via R's help system. By confirming that this works, you are exercising functionality that is specific to the way R loads and manages packages and package metadata, none of which would work from information that has merely been left behind in your Workspace during development.


3 Develop

You are done with configuring your baseline. Check your package frequently during development, and fix all errors right away. Package check errors have a way of interacting with each other that makes them hard to debug, it is best to address each one immediately when it occurs. Also, commit frequently and use meaningful commit messages. Your sanity will thank you. If you want to keep template files for reference, move them to the ./dev directory so they will not be included in the package build. Finally, whenever you add new contents, reference it in the LICENSE file. Whenever you remove one of the original files, remove it from the LICENSE file. And whenever you modify a function, add your name to any existing authors.

While developing package functions, NEVER use source() to load them. If you edit a function and then want to load it in the workspace, reload the library instead. That's necessary so that the script you are developing does not get out of sync with the library. If you change code: save, rebuild and re-install, this will make the functions from the ./R directory available. Howev you should use source() for functions that are not built into the package - e.g. everything in the ./dev folder.


Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:


4 What's in the box ...

Here is a list of assets provided with rpt and why they are included. You can delete everything you don't need, but note: you can't push empty directories to your repository. Make sure you keep at least one file in every directory that you want to keep during development.

.gitignore                     <- defines files that should not be committed to the repository
.Rbuildignore                  <- defines files that should not be included in the package
DESCRIPTION                    <- the metadata file for your package
dev                            <- optional: see (Note 1)
dev/functionTemplate.R         <- optional: see (Note 1)
dev/rptTwee.R                  <- optional: see (Note 1)
inst/                          <- optional: see (Note 2)
inst/extdata/                  <- optional: see (Note 3)
inst/extdata/test-lseq.dat     <- optional: see (Note 3)
inst/scripts/                  <- optional: see (Note 4)
inst/scripts/scriptTemplate.R  <- optional: see (Note 4)
LICENSE                        <- License(s)
man/                           <- help files, generated by Roxygen2: don't edit
NAMESPACE                      <- lists exported functions and data. Generated by Roxygen2: don't edit
R/                             <- Contains the code for exported functions
R/lseq.R                       <- a sample function
R/zzz.R                        <- three functions for package management                      <- see (Note 5)
rpt.Rproj                      <- project options. Rename to <your-package-name>.Rproj
tests                          <- see (Note 6)
tests/testthat                 <- contains scripts for tests to be run
tests/testthat/helper-functions.R  <- code runs to set up tests
tests/testthat/test_lseq.R     <- a test script for ./R/lseq.R
tests/testthat.R               <- the script that runs the tests



How can I import Bioconductor packages?

Work with Bioconductor packages is described in the rptPlus package template.


6 Notes

1 A good way to begin your devevlopment journey is to first browse through Hadley Wickham's book to get an idea of the general layout of packages, then build a minimal package yourself, and then use the book, and the CRAN policies to hone and refine what you have done. You need a bit of knowledge to get you started, but after that, learning is most effective if you learn what you need in the context of applying it. .

2 Empty repositories by convention have a .git extension to the repository name, repositories with contents have no extension: the name indicates the repository directory and that directory contains the .git file. Therefore your package should NOT be named <package>.git although links to your repository on GitHub seem to be correctly processed with both versions. For more discussion, see here

3 Among the R development "dogmas" that have been proven again and again by experience are: "Don't work in the console, always work in a script." and "Never restore old Workspace. Recreate your Workspace from a script instead." Therefore my projects don't save history, and don't save (or restore) Workspace either. You don't have to follow this advice, but trust me: it's better practice.

4 A commonly agreed on coding style is to use 80 character lines or shorter. That's often a bit of a challenge when you use spaces around operators, expressive variable names, and 4-space indents. Of those three, the 4-space indents are the most dispensable; using 2-space indents works great and helps keep lines short enough. There seems to be a recent trend towards 2-spaces anyway. As for tabs vs. spaces: I write a lot of code that is meant to be read and studied, thus I need more control over what my users see. Therefore I use spaces, not tabs. YMMV, change your Project Options if you feel differently about this.

5 Displaying the startup message (as of this writing) works only once per session due to a long-standing bug in RStudio. (cf. here). To display the message, choose FileRecent Projects...<your-package-name> to reload your project, then type library(<your-package-name>) into the cosole. For more details on the namespace functions, see here.


7 Further reading


8 Acknowledgements

Thanks to my students, especially the BCB410 (Applied Bioinformatics) class of 2018, whose hard work on building their own R packages revealed the need for this template. Yi Chen's careful proofreading helped make many points more specific.



hyginn/rpt documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:16 p.m.